═══ 1. About SwapMon ═══ Developer: BMT Micro Inc., 1997 SwapMonitor is not a free program, but rather it is distributed as a shareware for purposes of evaluation. You have the opportunity to evaluate this product for up to 15 days before you are required to purchase a license. (see How to register) A license of SwapMonitor can be purchased for $15. Multiple copy purchases and site licenses are available and described in the order form. SwapMonitor is a small program that will allow you to monitor SWAPPER.DAT size and free space on all your drives (local and remote). SwapMonitor can also be used to setup alarms either one time or on a repetitive basis. SwapMonitor can display the list of active processes and allows you to switch to one of them or to kill any of them. Be carefull when using this last feature, because you might loose work unintentionnally by forgetting to save it. You will also be able to display various informations:  Date and time.  Elapsed time since the computer was booted.  Number of active processes and threads.  Percentage of usage for each drive.  Type of File System (fat, hpfs, lan, netware). If you have Theseus2 (available in THESEUS2 PACKAGE on OS2TOOLS or System Performance Monitor/2 IBM product), you will also be able to display the following information:  SWAPPER.DAT analysis (how much of SWAPPER.DAT is actually used): see SWAPPER.DATA analysis  Memory analysis (how much memory is free, locked, ...): see Memory analysis  Process analysis (how much memory is used by each process): see Process analysis In order to have Theseus2 support in SwapMonitor, you must put THESEUS0.DLL in a directory from LIBPATH and add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=x:\path\THESEUS2.SYS SwapMonitor uses a Logging window to display Theseus2 information. If you don't want to use the Logging window (nor Theseus2), erase SWAPDLL.DLL The following picture shows a sample SwapMonitor window where most options are active. The red line displays the status for the drive containing SWAPPER.DAT file. Note also, the error message because the network server for drive Q: is down. SWAPPER.DAT path is determined from the SWAPPATH= statement in CONFIG.SYS. Normally CONFIG.SYS is located in the root of the boot drive. However in case you use Warp boot selection menu by pressing ALT-F1 you may end up using a copy of CONFIG.SYS elsewhere. If you want to look for CONFIG.SYS in another path, you simply have to specify this new path as first command line parameter, for example: SwapMon H:\CONFIG.SYS You can customize SwapMonitor by opening its pop-up menu by clicking on mouse button 2 or pressing ALT, CTLR or F10 when SwapMonitor has focus: Options This will open a child pull-down menu where you can change many options to customize SwapMonitor. (see: Options.) Alarm This will display a dialog box where you can setup an alarm. You can choose to have the alarm lauched only one time or every time ( hour, day, week, month, ...) Process list This will display a window with active process. You can select any of them and switch ot to foreground or kill it. Logging This menu item is displayed if you keep SwapMon.dll. It controls access to the Logging window. (see: Logging window.) Refresh all drives This will force a test on all network drives. It is useful if you have any drive still showing 'net error' messsage and the server is up again. (see: Refresh all drives.) Minimize or Maximize This option allows you to minimize SwapMonitor window if it was in maximized state and vice-versa. It has the same effect as double-clicking on SwapMonitor window. Help This will give you some help through Help Manager window. You could as well press key F1 when SwapMonitor has focus. Exit SwapMon Click there to immediately exit SwapMonitor. Options are automatically saved in SwapMon.ini file and will be restored the next time you start SwapMonitor. SwapMonitor options menus are not dismissed like usual menus when you click on them. You have to click on 'Close menus' selection in main pop-up menu or in SwapMonitor window to validate your choices and dismiss all pull-down menus. You can easily change the font by dragging a new font from Font palette and change the backgound color by dragging a new color from Color Palette located in System Configuration folder You can start Font and Palette Managers directly by clicking on an option from the options menu. (see Options) All your selections will be automatically saved in SwapMon.ini file when exiting SwapMonitor. If this file doesn't exist:  if SwapMon.exe is located on a local drive, then SwapMon.ini will be created in the same directory as SwapMon.exe.  if SwapMon.exe is located on a remote drive, then SwapMon.ini will be created in the root directory of OS/2 boot drive. This will allow network administrator to put SwapMon.exe on a shared network drive, and all users will keep a personal copy of their settings in SwapMon.ini on a local disk. Once it has been created, you can then move SwapMon.ini to any directory listed in DPATH line of CONFIG.SYS. You can easily switch between maximized display (see first picture above) and minimized display (see following picture) by double-clicking on SwapMonitor first line or by pressing any key but ESC when SwapMonitor has focus. You can move SwapMonitor window anywhere within your desktop boundaries. If you prefer to move it to the upper screen area, it is a good idea to select option 'Title bar fixed' so that SwapMonitor window will expand toward the bottom of the screen when you double-click on the first line. SwapMonitor was carefully tested but if you find any bug, please send a description of the problem to one of these E-Mail address: INTERNET bmt@wilmington.net COMPUSERVE 74031,307 ═══ 2. What's new in release 2.0? ═══  SwapMonitor Fixed bug in alarm text display  SwapMonitor Program display resized and modified. ═══ 3. Suggestions? ═══ We welcome your suggestions for future enhancements to SwapMonitor. Please send your feature requests to bmt@wilmington.net and we will give them our utmost consideration as we develop the next release. ═══ 4. How to register ═══ SwapMonitor is not a free program, but rather it is distributed as a shareware for purposes of evaluation. You have the opportunity to evaluate this product for up to 15 days before you are required to purchase a license. A license of SwapMonitor can be purchased for $15. Multiple copy discounts and site licenses are available and described in the order form. You can register via BMT Micro Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 9:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 28.8 Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com or bmt@wilmington.net On the WEB, check http://www.bmtmicro.com "BMT Micro" accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Eurochecks in DM are welcome. DM, Sterling, and US Currency is welcome but send only by registered mail, return receipt requested. (see Order form for other details.) We are automatically notified of your on-line registration and you will receive an E-Mail acknoledgment of your order within two business day with your personal license number. Entering this license number in SwapMonitor will immediately convert your copy into a registered copy of SwapMonitor DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT ═══ 4.1. Definition of Shareware ═══ Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware developers are accomplished programmers, just like commercial developers, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones !). The main difference is in the method of distribution. The developer specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. ═══ 4.2. Disclaimer - Agreement ═══ Users of SwapMonitor must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "SwapMonitor is supplied AS IS. The developer disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The developer assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of SwapMonitor". SwapMonitor is a shareware program and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but you are not allowed to give it away altered or as part of another system. If you continue using SwapMonitor after the 15 days evaluation period, you must purchase a license by registering (see how to register) ═══ 4.3. Entering the registration code ═══ Once your registration is received and validated, you will get a license code by E-Mail within 48 hours or by regular mail if didn't specify any E-Mail address (please, allow one week for US / 2 weeks for non-US order processing in this later case). You must enter your name and registration code exactly has stated in your license acceptation (upper and lower case). This license code will allow you to convert you shareware version into a full-function registered version. Keep this license code in a safe place for further reference if you reinstall all your system. This license code is your proof of purchase. You must not give nor transfer it to anybody else under any condition. ═══ 5. Order form ═══ _____________________________________________________________________ S w a p M o n i t o r _____________________________________________________________________ Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 9:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 28.8 (910) 799-0923 Internet Orders: www.bmtmicro.com Telnet: bmtmicro.com Email: orders@bmtmicro.com Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro via Compuserve: 74031,307 We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Eurochecks in DM are welcome. DM, Sterling, and US Currency is welcome but send only by registered mail, return receipt requested. We cannot be liable for lost cash sent through the mail. German customers can purchase by making a transfer into our Deutsche Bank and sending the order form to us via email with "PAID VIA DEUTSCHE BANK" in the credit card field. Deutsche Bank / Frankfurt Branch EmpfДnger: Thomas Bradford Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 If you reside in a country with an unconvertible currency please contact us for alternatives. Purchase orders are welcome, subject to approval. The minimum amount is $250.00 for purchase orders. Each copy of the package includes the latest version of SwapMonitor. _____________________________________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________________________________ Product Quantity Price Number of copies _________________________ ______________ ________________ SwapMonitor 1-4 copies each $15 x ____________ = + $ _______ SwapMonitor 5-Pack each $50 x ____________ = + $ _______ Site License (1 Location) each $199 x ____________ = + $ _______ Site License (Unlimited) each $399 x ____________ = + $ _______ NOTE: 5 Packs and Site licenses include diskette with latest version, license certificate and invoice. Shipping and Handling (no quantity limit): + $ _______ Email - Subject to Credit Card Verification Free Fax - Subject to Credit Card Verification.. Free Worldwide 1st Class ....................... Free 2nd Day Priority, USA Only ................ $ 3.00 US Airborne Select Delivery (USA Only) $ 8.00 US FedEx Overnight, USA Only (delivery by 3:00 pm the following day) .............. $ 15.00 US FedEx Europe/Japan (guaranteed delivery within 3 days) .......................... $ 35.00 US Worldwide, any business with a valid FedEx account can charge shipping to their FedEx account and pay no shipping charges to us. Total: $ _______ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ For credit card payment only │ │ │ │ Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / AMEX / Diners │ │ │ │ Credit card number: _____________________________________________ │ │ │ │ Expiration date: ________________________________________________ │ │ │ │ Authorization signature: ________________________________________ │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 6. Options ═══ This will show the main option pop-up menu. You get this pull-down by clicking with mouse button 2 on SwapMonitor and then on 'Options'.  Close menus  Position  Beep  Refresh time  Number format  Thousand separator  Clock  Minimized display  Maximized display  Swap color  Text color  Background color  Font  Exclude drives  Include drives  Confirm on exit ═══ 6.1. Close menus ═══ Click on this item when you have finished selecting your options to dismiss all menus. ═══ 6.2. Position ═══ This open a sub-menu where you can setup SwapMonitor position:  Float on top  Keep visible  Title bar fixed  Right border fixed  Attached to corner ═══ 6.2.1. Float on top ═══ Select this option to allow SwapMonitor to float over any window at refresh time. ═══ 6.2.2. Keep Visible ═══ SwapMonitor will keep always visible, i.e. it will move to top only if it is completely covered by another window. Otherwise, if a small part of it is uncovered, nothing happens. ═══ 6.2.3. Title bar fixed ═══ This allows you to place SwapMonitor near the upper screen, so that SwapMonitor's first line will be fixed and the window will expand downwards when double clicking on it. ═══ 6.2.4. Right border fixed ═══ If you place SwapMonitor close to the right border of the screen, this will enforce the window to keep its right border fixed when switching between maximized and minimized state or when its width changes. ═══ 6.2.5. Attached to corner ═══ If you select this action, SwapMonitor window will always keep attached to the nearest screen corner. This disables 'Title bar fixed' and 'Right border fixed' options. ═══ 6.3. Beep ═══ With this option active, SwapMonitor will make a ascending 2 tones beep when SWAPPER.DAT is growing and a descending beep when decreasing. ═══ 6.4. Refresh time ═══ Select wich refresh time SwapMonitor will use to update its infos. ═══ 6.5. Number format ═══ This allows you to select: byte, Kilobyte or Megabyte to display numbers. Kilobytes means 1024 bytes and Megabyte means 1024 Kilobytes. ═══ 6.5.1. Byte ═══ There is no conversion. ═══ 6.5.2. KB ═══ Numbers are divided by 1024. ═══ 6.5.3. MB ═══ Numbers are divided by 1024*1024. ═══ 6.5.4. Round numbers ═══ When display as KB or MB, this will round numbers to the closest value. ═══ 6.6. Thousands separator ═══ Select the character you want to use as a decimal separator. ═══ 6.7. Clock ═══ This pull-down menu allows you to select time and date options.  Date  Long Date  Date on 2nd line  Date Format  Time  Time on 2nd line  Seconds  Time Format ═══ 6.7.1. Date ═══ Display current date. ═══ 6.7.2. Long Date ═══ The date will be displayed using the following format: Mon Jan 16 1995 ═══ 6.7.3. Date on 2nd line ═══ The date will be moved to the second line. ═══ 6.7.4. Date Format ═══ You can select date format: mm/dd January 27th will be displayed: 1/27 dd/mm January 27th will be displayed: 27/1 Default Date format will be as derived from Country Settings. ═══ 6.7.5. Time ═══ Display current time. ═══ 6.7.6. Time on 2nd line ═══ Time will be moved to second line. ═══ 6.7.7. Seconds ═══ Add seconds to time display. ═══ 6.7.8. Time Format ═══ You can select time format: AA-PM 13:36:20 will be displayed: 01:36:20p 24 hours 13:36:20 will be displayed: 13:36:20 Default Time format will be as derived from Country Settings. ═══ 6.8. Minimized Display ═══ This options allow to setup the display while SwapMonitor is in minimized state, i.e. while only one line is displayed.  Swap  Free Space  Swap/Free  Alternate ═══ 6.8.1. Swap ═══ Display SWAPPER.DAT size in SwapMonitor 1st line. ═══ 6.8.2. Free ═══ Display free space remaining on drive with SWAPPER.DAT in SwapMonitor 1st line. ═══ 6.8.3. Swap/Free ═══ Display SWAPPER.DAT size and free space remaining on drive with SWAPPER.DAT in SwapMonitor 1st line. ═══ 6.8.4. Alternate ═══ If you select this option, SwapMonitor will display SWAPPER.DAT size and free space on this drive alternating. ═══ 6.9. Maximized Display ═══ This will open another pop-up menu where you can control many options that can be displayed by SwapMonitor while in maximized state:  Swap size  Show elapsed time  Reset elapsed time  Booted elapsed time  Processes and Threads  Free space  Drive size  Drive size in Mb  Percentage  File system  Volume label  Volume label lower case  Local drives only  Remote drives only ═══ 6.9.1. Swap size ═══ This allows you to display SWAPPER.DAT size within SwapMonitor maximized window. This can be useful if you decide to display only the time in the first line and when SwapMonitor window is minimized. By double-clicking on the minimized window, you can check SWAPPER.DAT size easily. ═══ 6.9.2. Show elapsed time ═══ Displays the time since computer was last booted or elapsed time was reset. ═══ 6.9.3. Reset elapsed time ═══ This will reset 'Elapsed time' counter so that elapsed time will be counted from now. ═══ 6.9.4. Booted elapsed time ═══ Elapsed time will be counted since computer was last booted. ═══ 6.9.5. Process and Threads ═══ Displays the number of active processes and threads. ═══ 6.9.6. Free space ═══ This options allows you to display how much free space is available on each drive. ═══ 6.9.7. Drive size ═══ This options allows you to display the size of each drive. ═══ 6.9.8. Drive size in Mb ═══ This options allows you to display the size of each drive in Mb even if you have selected a different format to display other numbers. ═══ 6.9.9. Percentage ═══ If you select this options, SwapMonitor will show the percentage of used space for each drive displayed. ═══ 6.9.10. File System ═══ Selecting this option will make SwapMonitor display the type of file system for each displayed drive:  fat  hpfs  lan (OS/2 LAN Server)  netware ═══ 6.9.11. Volume label ═══ This will display volume label for each drive. ═══ 6.9.12. Volume label lower case ═══ This will display volume label for each drive with lower case. ═══ 6.9.13. Local drives ═══ This will exclude any LAN drive from the list. ═══ 6.9.14. Remote drives ═══ Only LAN drives will be monitored. ═══ 6.10. Swap color ═══ This options allows you to choose a specific color when displaying free space for the drive containing SWAPPER.DAT file. ═══ 6.10.1. Invert ═══ The color will be the inverse of background color. ═══ 6.11. Text color ═══ This will open a pull down menu where you can directly start Color Palette Manager by clicking on 'Start Color Palette' option. Drag a color from Color Palette Manager while pressing CTRL key over SwapMonitor window. ═══ 6.12. Background color ═══ This will open a pull down menu where you can directly start Color Palette Manager by clicking on 'Start Color Palette' option. Drag a color from Color Palette Manager over SwapMonitor window. ═══ 6.13. Font ═══ This will open a pull down menu where you can directly start Font Palette Manager by clicking on 'Start Font Palette' option. When dragging a font over Logging window, you must choose a non-proportional font. Any proportional font will be rejected by SwapMonitor. Drag a font from Font Palette Manager over SwapMonitor window. ═══ 6.14. Exclude drives ═══ Select the drives you want to exclude from the list of displayed drives. Some lan drive may be disabled in the list. This means that a lan timeout occurred when SwapMonitor requested data from the server. Most likely this happens because the server is down or the network session is disconnected. In order not to fall in this timeout error condition at each timer refresh, this drive is disabled. If the server is up again, close SwapMonitor and start it again so that all network drives are checked again. If a server is still down, SwapMonitor will block on a network timeout the first time it checks that drive, and then it will disable it. ═══ 6.15. Include drives ═══ By selecting a drive to include, you will force SwapMonitor to display this drive even if SwapMonitor has detected that this drive has removeable media and should not be displayed. Note, however, that if you do include such a drive, you must ensure that a media is inserted, otherwise you'll get a pop-up error message box. ═══ 6.16. Confirm on exit ═══ By selecting this option, you will have a message box prompting you if you really want to exit when closing SwapMonitor. Otherwise SwapMonitor will be closed without confirmation. ═══ 7. Logging window ═══ The Logging window is used to display SWAPPER.DAT various size and also information about processes. If you don't need the Logging window, you can simply erase Swapdll.dll file.  Close window  Open window  Show window  Process Status ═══ 7.1. Close window ═══ This will close Logging window and unload SWAPDLL3.DLL from memory. ═══ 7.2. Open window ═══ This will load SWAPDLL3.DLL into memory and open Logging window. ═══ 7.3. Show window ═══ This will restore and display Logging window. ═══ 7.4. File ═══  Save  Close ═══ 7.4.1. Save ═══ Allows saving logging window's contents to file. ═══ 7.4.2. Close ═══ This will close logging window and unload SwapDll3.DLL from memory. ═══ 7.5. Edit ═══  Copy  Clear  Move to top  Move to bottom ═══ 7.5.1. Clear ═══ This will erase logging window's contents. ═══ 7.5.2. Copy ═══ This will copy logging window's contents to clipboard. ═══ 7.5.3. Move to top ═══ Select this menu to display Logging windows's first line. ═══ 7.5.4. Move to bottom ═══ Select this menu to display Logging windows's last line. ═══ 7.6. Options ═══  Show Extrema  Auto Scroll  Number format  Text color  Background color  Font ═══ 7.6.1. Show Extrema ═══ This will display SWAPPER.DAT maximum and minimum size. SwapMax = 7.168 Kb at 18:46:04 - SwapMin = 4.096 Kb at 18:19:58 ═══ 7.6.2. Auto Scroll ═══ Logging window's contents will be scrolled automatically when lines are added. ═══ 7.7. System ═══ This pull-down menu presents some system functions:  Process status  Theseus2 ═══ 7.7.1. Process status ═══ This option displays the list of all running processes in the same way as the PSTAT OS/2 command: Sun Feb 26 1995 22:09:29 Process Status: ----------------------------------------- PID=283 Parent-PID=278 D:\IBMCPP\BIN\DDE4BE0.EXE Type=4 Status=0x10 Screen group=21 16b-Semaphore=0 Shared Mem Segments=0 Thread list (count=1): TID=1 Priority=512 State=9(Frozen) System Time=0 User Time=0 Total time for Process (PID=283): System=0 User=0 PID=3 Parent-PID=0 D:\OS2\EPWROUT.EXE Type=4 Status=0x00 Screen group=0 16b-Semaphore=4 Shared Mem Segments=1 Module list (count=5): D:\OS2\DLL\PMSPL.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\DSPRES.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\IBMS332.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\PMATM.DLL Thread list (count=2): TID=1 Priority=512 State=2(Blocked) System Time=9 User Time=0 TID=2 Priority=512 State=2(Blocked) System Time=1 User Time=0 Total time for Process (PID=3): System=10 User=0 PID=18 Parent-PID=10 D:\OS2\APPS\PULSE.EXE Type=3 Status=0x10 Screen group=18 16b-Semaphore=2 Shared Mem Segments=3 Module list (count=8): D:\OS2\DLL\PMSDMRI.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\PMCTLS.DLL D:\MMOS2\DLL\SND.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\PMSPL.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\DSPRES.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\IBMS332.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL D:\OS2\DLL\PMATM.DLL Thread list (count=3): TID=1 Priority=512 State=2(Blocked) System Time=20 User Time=142 TID=2 Priority=256 State=1(Ready to run) System Time=860 User Time=292836 TID=3 Priority=799 State=2(Blocked) System Time=2 User Time=1 Total time for Process (PID=18): System=882 User=292979 [............................] Total System Time :8103 Total User Time :297618 Total number of processes:25 Total number of threads :82 ═══ 7.7.2. Theseus2 ═══ If you have THESEUS2 product (available from OS2TOOLS or from the IBM product System Performance Monitor/2), you can display the following information.  SWAPPER.DAT analysis  Memory analysis  Process analysis You must put THESEUS0.DLL in a directory from LIBPATH and add the following line in CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=x:\path\THESEUS2.SYS ═══ 7.7.3. SWAPPER.DAT analysis ═══ This will show SWAPPER.DAT usage: Sun Feb 19 1995 18:30:44 SWAPPER.DAT analysis: ----------------------------------------------- SWAPPER.DAT size: 21.504 Kb (72% is used) There are 4072 frames used: 16.288 Kb There are 1560 frames free: 6.240 Kb There are 5632 frames total: 22.528 Kb ═══ 7.7.4. Memory analysis ═══ This will display Memory usage analysis: Sun Feb 19 1995 18:30:57 Free, Idle and Locked memory: ------------------------------------------------------ Free RAM : 0 Kb Idle RAM : 144 Kb Dirty RAM : 136 Kb Long Term Locked RAM : 980 Kb Short Term Locked RAM : 0 Kb Short+Long Term Locked RAM : 0 Kb ═══ 7.7.5. Process analysis ═══ This will display Process analysis: Sun Feb 19 1995 18:43:28 Process List (count 12): ------------------------------------------------- PID Parent Threads Process Private Shared PID Name RAM RAM ----- ------ ------- -------- --------- --------- 0 6.756 Kb 1.492 Kb 1 0 5 sysinit 0 Kb 0 Kb 3 0 1 LANMSGEX 0 Kb 0 Kb 4 0 1 LANDLL 0 Kb 0 Kb 5 0 4 CNTRL 0 Kb 0 Kb 6 0 1 DOSCTL 0 Kb 0 Kb 7 1 19 PMSHL32 72 Kb 840 Kb 8 7 3 HARDERR 0 Kb 0 Kb 9 7 5 PMSPOOL 0 Kb 0 Kb 10 7 13 PMSHL32 1.252 Kb 920 Kb 11 7 3 PULSE 44 Kb 8 Kb 12 7 1 CMD 116 Kb 20 Kb 13 7 1 SWAPMON 416 Kb 148 Kb ----- ------ ------- -------- --------- --------- Total: 8.656 Kb 3.428 Kb Free RAM: 0 Kb ═══ 8. Refresh all drives ═══ This action is mainly useful when you are displaying remote drives and a server had a failure. In this case SwapMonitor displays an error message instead of the normal drive information. Even if the server is up again, this message will still be displayed because network errors usually imply long timeout delays. Therefore, once an error has occurred SwapMonitor won't test this drive anymore to prevent falling again in a long timeout waiting for the error. When you know that the server is running again, you can select this action to force SwapMonitor to refresh all drive information, thus removing the net error message. ═══ 9. Minimize or Maximize ═══ This option allows you to change the window state. It has the same effect as double-clicking on the SwapMonitor window. ═══ 10. Keys help ═══ When SwapMonitor has focus:  pressing ALT, or F10 key will bring up pop-up menu:  F5, Ctrl-M, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-P are transmitted to the Logging window (it will be automatically opened, if necessary) for immediate execution.  pressing any other key but ESC or CTLR will switch between minimized and maximized state of SwapMonitor. In Logging window available keys are: F2 Display or hide SWAPPER.DAT extrema. F3 Close Logging window. F4 Save window contents to file. F5 Display process status. F8 Enables or disables auto-scrolling. Ctrl-Home Move to first line. Ctrl-End Move to last line. Ctrl-Insert Copy logging window contents to clipboard. Shift-Delete Erases logging window contents. Ctrl-S If Theseus2 active, displays SWAPPER.DAT analysis. Ctrl-M If Theseus2 active, displays memory analysis. Ctrl-P If Theseus2 active, displays process analysis. ═══ 11. Working Set Parameters ═══ This dialog box allows you to setup the parameters for working set measurement. The working set is the memory that is actually used over a period of time. You can measure the working set of the entire system or of a single process. ═══ 11.1. Number of seconds per interval ═══ Enter the number of seconds per interval of measurement. This value must be greater than 1 and smaller than 65. If you select a too small value ( less than 5) the results won't be very reliable because sampling process itself will increase its overhead. ═══ 11.2. Number of intervals in Working Set ═══ The Working Set is the amount of memory that has been referenced by all active processes during the period defined by the number of intervals you enter in the field. (Minimum is one interval, maximum is 254 intervals). It is recommended to enter a value so that the Working Set period is bigger than 60s. ═══ 11.3. Process PID ═══ Enter 0 (zero) if you wish to measure the Working Set for the entire system, that is all active processes. If you wish to measure a specific process, find its PID (Process IDentity) by running 'Process Analysis' first. ═══ 11.4. Start immediately ═══ If you select this check-box, Working Set measurement will start as soon as you close the dialog box by clicking 'Ok' push button. Otherwise, you will have to start WS measurement manually by select 'Start' sub-menu from 'Working Set' pull-down menu.