Licensing Notes ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The license agreement may sound a bit different than a standard one might as we'd like to help any freeware authors if we can because of all the unselfish things they have done and are doing for OS/2. It seems to us that this is a fair and just way of doing that and yet still staying on level ground with a commercial or shareware developer. For purposes of this License agreement the following terms shall apply. Commercial software - Software distributed through retail outlets, commercial vendors, commercial catalog sales. "Boxed" software is generally considered commercial. Shareware - Software not falling under the category of Commercial software that is distributed with a suggested, expected or required value that is paid for it's use. Shareware is considered electronically distributed with allowances made for distribution on disk or CD when required by the user or distributed on a publicly recognized and publicly available collection of shareware. Shareware does not include software that is "packaged in and packaged for" a commercial or government environment. Freeware - Software distributed at no cost to the end user. No renumeration is asked for, no renumeration is expected and no donations are suggested for it's use. Freeware does not include software that is "packaged in and packaged for" a commercial or government environment. Software generally considered to be "Postcardware" or "Emailware" will fall under this category. Program status - The determination of whether a program is in the Commercial, Shareware or Freeware categories. Developer - The author, developer, publisher or authorized agent for the program in question. License Agreement ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ  The SFX Installer is not free. It is a publicly marketed program that allows any user to freely test and decide if it fits their needs before they make a purchase decision. PillarSoft also offers this program to FreeWare authors under strict guidelines for their personal use at no cost and at the pleasure of PillarSoft.  Freeware authors may seek a license from PillarSoft for the use of SFX, the distribution of archives packaged with SFX and distribution of self-extracting installers built with SFX at no cost when their product qualifies as a product that is distributed as Freeware and until such time that the program has a monetary value attached to it's usage.  For FreeWare licensees, the license will be rendered null and void upon the first distribution of a package that calls for a registration fee, donation or any other form of financial renumeration.  No archive or self-extracting archive packaged with, or from parts of, the SFX Installer and it's packaged contents may be used to distribute or package software or data for profit without prior licensing and the expressed written consent of PillarSoft.  The SFX Installer may not be used by any commercial or governmental agency without prior licensing and expressed written consent of PillarSoft.  The copyright notice (or banner) on the splash page must remain plainly visible at all times. (It is is not presently configurable)  The SFX Installer may not be used or distributed as part of any other program other than to perform the archiving or assist in the installation of said program as was intended by PillarSoft.  PillarSoft reserves the right to withdraw this program, the use of the program or a particular license for this program at any time and at the disgression of PillarSoft.  Determination of program status for the purposes of this license will be at the sole disgression of Pillarsoft.  Disagreements concerning PillarSoft's determination of the program status and the status represented by it's developer automatically void the program license.  Site licensing will be determined on a case by case basis.  Do not bend, fold or mutilate.  Objects may be closer than they appear. The long and short of it... The reason the license agreement gets a bit detailed is to prevent someone (there's always a rotten apple) from obtaining a license for his (or her) program claiming it is freeware or dirt cheap just to get a free or an unrealistically cheap license and then decide that it is worth $30 when it is actually released. This may seem like no big deal to most but personally, I have a hard time being nice to people that try to take advantage of others. I'd rather spell everything out ahead of time and avoid any problems in the future. We would like to be as helpful as possible to freeware authors. There are people that give so much to the OS/2 community in the way of free software (some of it is Great software) and never ask for anything in return. In some small way, PillarSoft would like to say "Thanks" and to see them receive the same treatment they have given to everyone else. For Shareware, authors may contact BMT Micro for licensing. Commercial and governmental agencies may contact us directly at: