Simple Shutdown for OS/2 This program was designed primarly for touchscreen operated OS/2 systems and to help ease technology shock to new OS/2 users on these systems. You don't need a touchscreen to operate Simple Shutdown, it will also work with a mouse, keyboard or voice navigation. What does this program do? It provides a simple, graphical selection of shutdown and reboot of OS/2 to the operator and, primarly, new OS/2 users. Installation: Unzip the archive into a directory of your choice. Open an OS/2 window, change to the directory where Simple Shutdown is located at and enter INSTALL. This will put the Simple Shutdown icon in the center of the desktop. Drag it to a place where you can easily access it, if you want to shutdown or reboot your computer. Program Operation: When you start the program you will see three buttons. The SHUTDOWN button will shutdown the system immediately. There is NO prompting for confirmation. This button uses the REXX SHUTDOWN command to shutdown the system. The REBOOT button will reboot the OS/2 system using the REXX command SETBOOT /B. NO prompting for confirmation will take place. The CANCEL button will cancel and close Simple Shutdown. Simple Shutdown will work with a touchscreen (simply touch the buttons), keyboard (use TAB to select the buttons, then press enter), mouse and speech commands! Choose whichever works best for you. Uninstalling Simple Shutdown. To uninstall and remove Simple Shutdown, simply delete the icon on the desktop and delete all files listed below. List of files: SIMSD.EXE README.TXT INSTALL.CMD FILE_ID.DIZ Simple Shutdown for OS/2 is free. I have tested this program and found it to work without problems; however, use it "AS IS". No warranty is given and I will not be held responsible for any damage this program may cause on your equipment. This is a simple little utility and if you find it useful, let me know. If you have any questions about this program, e-mail me: or visit my website at: