TRunOnce Component ****************** The TRunOnce component allows a program to determine if a previous instance of the program is already running and to possibly quit if a previous instance is determined to be running. TRunOnce determines if a previous instance is running by allocating some named shared memory. The name of the memory allocated is the name of the EXE running with all '.' replaced by 'x' (for instance: TEST.EXE would equal \SHAREMEM\TEXTxEXE). Subsequent runs while the original is still running return a valid value from checking the named memory. The original program stores window handle of its main form in the shared memory location so the subsequent programs can refocus the window. Due to where window handles are allocated and available, the component does not automatically halt the current instance if a previous instance is running. To install: ----------- Unzip the component source in your component source directory (my directory is "drv:\sibyl\Components\...". Compile the source, then move the 'RunOnce.SPU' to the Sibyl COMPNT directory. In Sibyl, choose 'Component', then 'install'. Go to the COMPNT directory and select 'RunOnce.SPU'. Select the TRunOnce component and click OK. The TRunOnce component/dialog will appear in a tab labeled 'Custom'. To change the component location, edit the EXPORTS line in the source. TRunOnce Methods: ----------------- CheckOnly - Procedure called in the main forms 'OnShow' event to check if it is the only copy of the program running. This routine does not have to be called if only the knowledge is wanted that the program has a previous instance running. TRunOnce Properties: -------------------- FirstInst - Read only, BOOLEAN. Property returns TRUE for first instance of program, FALSE for subsequent while first is running. Property is not available during the design stage. UseNotifyMsg - R/W, BOOLEAN. Property determines if the 'CheckOnly' method displays a dialog with a message to the effect that another copy of the program is running. Default is FALSE and the property is available during design. NotifyMsg - R/W, STRING. Property contains the message displayed if the UseNotifyMsg property is set to TRUE. The default message is: 'Application already running!' and the property is available during design. Version - Read only (not stored) STRING. Property is available during design. Property returns the current version of the TRunOnce component. To use: ------- Drop TRunOnce on form during design stage. Call the CheckOnly method from the main forms 'OnShow' event. Note, a message dialog is displayed if the RunOnce property 'UseNotifyMsg' is set to TRUE. For example- Procedure TForm1.OnShow(Sender: TObject); Begin IF RunOnce1.FirstInst THEN Caption := Caption + ' - Original'; RunOnce1.CheckOnly; {keep other instances from running} End; Any comments, suggestions, bug fixes, feel free to contact me. - Michael G. Slack (, 1998/02/21