Readme for Reaclock! (Pardom by the document, but I am Spanish) Thank you for rely on Reaclock! This is my first attempt to realize an OS/2 program. I was wanting to readjust the internal clock constantly, since the delay that I was being enough excessive, and besides I checked that the variation was being poorly constant, and every time with the tendency to the delay. I thought about that if it was advancing for its just proportion whenever shutdown the system, the delay would reduce to it on large proportion, and so I did it. THIS PROGRAMA IS NOT OF PUBLIC DOMAIN!! But I'm not obliging to that you pay me by the program. If you want to make a contribution because you seems that the program or by any other reason, you can make to the address below showed. The contribution maybe monetary, otherwise you can write a letter informing me from the usefulness or use that has and the others suggestions. The running of the program is very easy, and it suffices with to add to the file startup.cmd of the root directory of the system, the next lines depending of the language selected. Spanish______________ D: *** Drive where you find the program Reaclock cd \reaclock *** Directory where you find Reaclock reclockE 15 *** 15 Is the adjust of the clock. English_______________ D: *** Drive where you find the program Reaclock cd \reaclock *** Directory where you find Reaclock reclockI 15 *** 15 Is the adjust of the clock. For the adjust of the clock, you due to realize before a proof that consists of to measure with a reliable watch, the variation that suffers the internal clock during 24 hours. If the clock delays to it X second, the parameter will owe being X (the example is 15), but if it advances X second, the parameter will be -X. This value can it to go tuning with the pass of the time, until to come to have a precision sufficient , keeping in mind that the variation which suffers the clock depending of the temperatures, humidity, etc... If you prefers, the program can being thrown from the group Startup, of the system, at place to make into bend of the file startup.cmd, creating a program icon that you we'll give the completes route of the program reagrelojE for the Spanish, reagrelojI for the English, as parameters, the number before indicated, and like directory of work, of the program Reaclock. The file whose language no interests us maybe eliminated for save from disk. THE AUTHOR NOT MAKES RESPONSIBLE OF THE PROBLEMS THAT YOU CAN HAVE WITH THE USE OF THE PROGRAM. Author_________ David RodrĄguez GarcĄa C/ EMILIO GIMENO N§ 18 - 2§ 50300 CALATAYUD (ZARAGOZA) SPAIN I wait that you find the program of large usefulness.