Resource DLL Browser As you may know there are possible to have resources like icons, bitmaps, pointers, menus etc. in a data-only .DLL that thereby may be shared between applications. Although not yet widespread I believe that this is a nice thing. Also, in VACPP it is beginning to be more used (in the builder, also check out ABTICONS.DLL) and there are also smarties for it. I wanted to be able to see the icons and bitmaps inside such a DLL and to find out the id's by which they are known. To my knowledge there are none available so, I made my own. To, in some way, promote OS/2 programming I want to share it with you guys. So, here you have, it's free for the usage. Comments are welcome at my adresses. Internet: Compuserve: 73572,3022 As usual, I am not responsible for anything that eventualy could go wrong by using this program. If you use it, it's your own risk. Also, I have included some test source to create a resource DLL. To get at it inside a program You should do like: if( (rc = DosLoadModule( NULL, 0, szModuleName, &hModule))) { return 0; } hptrIcon = WinLoadPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, hModule, id); // and for bitmaps. hps = WinGetPS( hwnd); hbm = GpiLoadBitmap( hps, hModule, someotherid, 0, 0); WinReleasePS( hps); DosFreeModule( module); Hope you have use for it. Best regards Bjorn Pettersson