QwikSwitch : Notes about speech recognition component To use QwikSwitch in a speech enabled manner, you must have the IBM ICSS runtime environment installed. Note: To obtain the best results using QwikSwitch with ICSS, you will want to spend a little time setting up the optimal michrophone sensitivity. This will avoid inadvertent hot-keying due to music, keyboard banging, or spoken text picked up by the michrophone. QwikSwitch has is written to recognize the follow hard coded key words/phrases, and act appropriatly: LOCKUP (lock up the machine) STOP_LISTENING (turn off the mike & unload the speech files) TURN_MIKE_OFF (turn off the mike) COMPUTER (start a cute demo) The following words/phrases can be assigned, by the user, to any application the user wants. When that word is spoken, if the application is already running, the focus is switched to that application, if it is not already running, that application is started. The word list consists of many generic and specific applications: * : indicates an application is pre-assigned for your convenience * Activities List * Alarms Application Application 2 Backup * Calculator * Calendar * CD Player * Chess * Clipboard Viewer * Clock Communications * Daily Planner * Database Data Converter Demo * Desktop * Digital Audio * Digital Video * DOS Full Screen * DOS Window Draw * Drives * Editor Enhanced Editor Fax * Full Screen * Game Game 2 Game 3 Graphics Help * Icon Editor ICSS * Information * Mahjongg Mail Maintenance Master Help Index * Midi Mixer Monitor * Monthly Planner News * Notepad * OS/2 Full Screen * OS/2 Window * Paint * Picture Viewer PIM * PM Chart * PM Terminal Presentation Print Control Pulse * QwikSwitch * Reversi * Rolodex Scheduler * Seek And Scan Files Setup * Solitaire * Spreadsheet * Start Here * Startup Status * Sticky Pad * System Setup * Terminal Emulator * To-Do List Tune Editor Utility Utility 2 Volume Control * WIN-OS2 * Window Word Processor Workbench QwikTalk includes a 'silly' demo based on HAL in "2001" to impress your friends with: TRY THE FOLLOWING: 1) say 'COMPUTER' 2) then say 'TURN MIKE OFF' 3) perform step 2 again. HOW TO ASSIGN APPLICATIONS TO HOT-KEY WORDS Users assign applications to words by: 1) selecting the 'QwikTalk' radio button, 2) selecting the word to be recognised from the 'Hot-key assignment' drop-down box, 3) selecting the application from the QwikSwitch Task List, 4) press the 'copy task list button' 5) if the application needs the use of speech/sound hardware, there is a switch in the 'custom program startup settings' window that will automatically 'turn the QwikSwitch mike off' when QwikSwitch starts that application. This might be needed to support digital audio recording/playback for persons with only 1 sound board. CAN WE ADD NEW WORDS THAT QWIKSWITCH WILL RECOGNIZE? If you have the ICSS development environment, you can change the list of recognised words. If you do not have the ICSS development tools, we can supply you with the necessary files to meet your needs, for a nominal charge to cover time & expenses. Please contact us at our support address, or drop us a line on Compuserve. (72303,412) HOW TO CHANGE THE LIST OF WORDS SUPPORTED BY QWIKSWITCH 1) Read all these instructions before starting, and make a backup of all files that you change. 2) Make the desired changes to the QWIKTALK.BNF file. Make the same changes to the QWIKTALK.LST file. Be sure to keep the list in alphabetic order. 3) Compile the QWIKTALK.BMF grammer file into QWIKTALK.CTX using the ICSS development environment. We supply our initial dictionary, QWIKTALK.DIC, but you may need to add words. 4) If you made sufficient changes to the order of the QwikTalk word list, ie: inserted or deleted words from the middle of the list, you will need to delete the QWIKTALK.INI file and re-initialize all the QwikTalk settings. If you either add to the end of the list, or replace words, no setting need be lost. Failing to maintain the alphabetic order of the QWIKTALK.LST file could cause confusion in the operation of QwikSwitch. 5) Copy the QWIKTALK.LST and QWIKTALK.CTX files to your QwikSwitch directory. 6) Stop & start QwikSwitch.