═══ 1. About QikView/2 ═══ QikView/2 ' How It Works ' QikView/2 is the latest GUI for RMVIEW command found in OS/2, (OS/2 is a tradmark of IBM). With QikView/2, you can look at IRQ, DMA, MEMORY, and I/O while on your desktop. You can even print out what you need to see. QikView/2 also gives you the ability to look at your systems CSD LEVEL (corrective service level), and VERSION LEVEL of OS/2 installed on your computer. This information can also be printed. Below are screen shots of QikView/2 QikView/2 Opening Screen QikView/2 Print Utility Screen QikView/2 is easy to use and is almost self explanatory, just read the options and press the button for the action you wish. With this tool and your manual or program book, you should be able to find and correct more of your I/O, IRQ, and DMA conflicts. Who Did What ? Created/Developed Programmer: Daniel Goggia, P. O. Box 1564 Magalia CA. 95954 Date: started 2/3/99 finished 9/1/99 QikBac/3 with QikView/2 A Danny=G AbbieProduction by Molly Please send comments, suggestions, or your review of QikBac/3 to address above You may e-mail at dannygo2@aol.com if you like Thank you.........Danny=G ( Registered Team OS/2 ) ( POSSI ). The VisProRexx by HockWare, a visual programming tool was used to create this software. Any DLLs used with this software are from HockWare, and can not be used by you for other purposes than running the program, or making backup copies, or transferring to disk to run QikBac/3 & QikView/2. This program QikView/2 is part of QikBac/3 Utilities a shareware program, the program can be given to others but must also contain all ReadMe.txt, INF files, all cmd files, all exe, and every file that was created for this program. You do not have the right to reverse engineer any portion of the program, unless you have my written approval before hand (and then only my creative works). I think that covers the what you need to know.................