═══ 1. Help For File Monitor ═══ File Monitor General Help The C.O.L. Systems Inc. File Monitor (FileMon) is one of the Pegasus Tools utilities. With FileMon you can monitor all open file activity on your system, including read/write events with response time and data bytes in the operation. With FileMon you can monitor each file as well as each physical disk. You can also monitor the system CPU during collection. FileMon collects all measurements and stores them to a log file of your naming choice. This log file can then be processed by PegLog, the post processing log utility. ═══ 2. Help For File Monitor Main Window ═══ File Monitor Main Window Monitoring active files is now a simple process: 1. Enter the name of the log where measurements should be written to. 2. Set which measurement you want to collect. 3. Optionally, change the default frequency and duration for the monitor session. 4. Click Start! 5. When complete, run PegLog against the log to produce output in report or table format. For detailed help on each of the options in this screen, click on the option then press the F1 key. ═══ 2.1. Help For Use Log File ═══ Use Log File If this option is set (checked), then the log file you have identified using the Set Log option will be used to collect data measurements to. ═══ 2.2. Help For Set Log ═══ Set Log Use this control to setup the name of the log file where you want to collect measurements to. ═══ 2.3. Help For Frequency Minutes ═══ Frequency Minutes Set the number of minutes between samples for the monitored system. Valid minutes range is 0-59. ═══ 2.4. Help For Frequency Seconds ═══ Frequency Seconds Set the number of seconds between samples for the monitored system. Valid seconds range is 1-59. ═══ 2.5. Help For Duration Hours ═══ Duration Hours Set the number of hours that the monitored system should collect data for. Valid hours range is 0-23. Pegasus File Monitor allows you to set a watchdog timer that, when elapsed time is completed, will stop monitoring the file activity. ═══ 2.6. Help For Duration Minutes ═══ Duration Minutes Set the number of minutes that the monitored system should collect data for. Valid range is from 1-59. Pegasus File Monitor allows you to set a watchdog timer that, when elapsed time is completed, will stop monitoring file activity. ═══ 2.7. Help For File Tracking ═══ File Tracking Every file that is accessed by the system and running processes can be tracked. This option indicates that Pegasus File Monitor should collect logical file activity for the system being monitored. Note: You can select either Physical Disk or File, or both, for monitoring. ═══ 2.8. Help For Physical Disk Tracking ═══ Physical Disk Tracking This option indicates that Pegasus File Monitor should collect activity for each physical disk in the system. Note: You can select either Physical Disk or File, or both, for monitoring. ═══ 2.9. Help For System CPU ═══ System CPU In addition to tracking application thread percent busy, the overall System percent busy can be collected. With this option, System CPU statistics will be written to the log (if activated) as well as displayed in the CPU % indicator during monitoring. ═══ 2.10. Help For File Monitor Start ═══ File Monitor Start This button, when clicked, will start the file monitor if settings fields are properly set. Once the files have started being monitored, the Stop button will be available to cancel the operation. ═══ 2.11. Help For Disk List ═══ Physical Disk List Once the file monitor begins, this list box will fill with each physical disk found to monitor. Note: This list will only fill if you have selected the Physical Disk option. ═══ 2.12. Help For File List ═══ File List Once the monitor begins, this list box will fill with the fully qualified name of files that are opened and have activity. Note: This box will only be filled if you have selected the File Tracking option. ═══ 2.13. Help For CPU Activity ═══ CPU Activity This gauge control displays the total system CPU percent busy. Note: This is only active if the System Cpu option is set.