═══ 1. What is Process Manager ═══ Process Manager version 1.0 Process Manager is an OS/2 2.x 32 bit presentation manager program that can show the properties of running processes. Processes (the programs) can be switched to, manipulated (maximize, minimize, restore, hide), closed or killed. ═══ 2. How to install Process Manager ═══ You can put the Process Manager program file (PROCMAN.EXE) anywhere you like on your system. PROCMAN.EXE is the only file you need to work with it. Simply start it from the command line or start it from an object on the Workplace Shell desktop. ═══ 3. Process Manager's features ═══ * refresh Refreshes the list of running processes instantly. You must use this button when the system has managed to close and start a program within 100 ms (see also auto refresh). * switch to A process can be activated by pressing this button, or double clicking the process name in the list. * restore This button will send an SWP_RESTORE message to the selected processes using WinSetWindowPos. The result is the same as if the restore button (one of the two buttons in the upper right corner of a window) was pressed. * hide This button will send an SWP_HIDE message to the selected processes using WinSetWindowPos. The result is the same as if the hide button (one of the two buttons in the upper right corner of a window) was pressed. * maximize This button will send an SWP_MAXIMIZE message to the selected processes using WinSetWindowPos. The result is the same as if the maximize button (one of the two buttons in the upper right corner of a window) was pressed. * minimize This button will send an SWP_MINIMIZE message to the selected processes using WinSetWindowPos. The result is the same as if the minimize button (one of the two buttons in the upper right corner of a window) was pressed. * close process This button will send an WM_CLOSE message to the selected processes using WinSendMsg. The result is the same as if 'close' was selected from the system menu of that process's window. * kill process Kill process will terminate a process without notifying it. This may result in a loss of unsaved data (i.e. a text in a wordprocessor). When using 'close process', the process will be asked to close. Processes will be terminated using the OS/2 API call DosKillProcess. * auto refresh When 'auto refresh' is checked, Process Manager will check every 100 ms if the number of running processes has changed. If the number has changed, the list will be refreshed. Of course, if the operating system manages to terminate and start a program within 100 ms, Process Manager will not notice and the list will have to be refreshed by pressing 'refresh'. * process list This list contains the names of all the processes currently running in the system. Processes can be switched to by double clicking the name or by pressing the 'switch to' button. Characteristics of the selected process are displayed on the right of Process Manager. * help This will give you a short description of Process Manager. * about 'About' will show a bit of product information. * exit To close Process Manager press this button. * pulse This shows the program is monitoring the running processes, it can be stopped by unchecking 'auto refresh'. ═══ 4. Copyright notices ═══ Process Manager version 1.0 was programmed in C (and a wee tiny bit of C++). This program is freeware. The programmer can not guarantee anything about this program. If you want to direct any remarks about this program (when you want some enhancements, or you've discovered a serious error) to me, please do so on the internet: piek@chem.vu.nl. Cheers. Process Manager version 1.0 -- Copyright (C) October 1995 by Gerard J. Piek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands