Utilis Advanced P.O. Box 367 Tools Redmond, WA 98073 Now Ph (206) 467-4025 Fax (206) 869-4981 5 Minute Tutorial Take this brief tutorial to learn how to effectively use PM Assistant. =====Hot-keys & applications We first load the sample macros file and find out how hot- keys work: 1. Execute PM Assistant by double clicking on its icon. PM Assistant's program icon is placed on your desktop by the installation program. 2. Choose the File Open menu command and load the file A_SAMPLE.PMA. 3. Dismiss the Welcome message macro by pressing the Done button. 4. PM Assistant will display a list of macros. 5. Notice that Ctrl+- (Control + hyphen) is the hot-key for the PM Assistant macro. To use this hot-key you would press the Control key, hold it down, and then press the hyphen key. 6. The PM Assistant macro is a Position Window macro which brings PM Assistant to the foreground. The PM Assistant macro can be executed by typing "Ctrl+-" -its hot- key- from any Presentation Manager application. 7. Click on another applications window and drag the window to obscure the PM Assistant window. 8. Type Ctrl+-, the hot-key for the PM Assistant macro. 9. Notice that the PM Assistant window is now in the foreground ready for use. =====Creating Position Window macros We now create a list of macros to move your applications windows: 1. Choose the Macro Build Arrangement menu command in PM Assistant. To do this click the Macro menu, then click on the Build Arrangement menu command. 2. Enter a macro name into the Name field, such as 'My Desktop'. 3. Click the Done button. 4. Notice the Compound Macro you just created, named My Desktop, is now selected in the macro list. Just below this macro, within the brackets, is a list of Position Window macros which were automatically created. Each macro moves one of your applications windows to their current position on the desktop. Executing the 'My Desktop' Compound Macro executes all the contained macros, thereby restoring all applications to their current position. You can also execute each Position Window macro individually to move a single applications window. 5. Click with the right mouse button on one of the created Position Window macros to bring up the Macro Information dialog box. 6. Enter a hot-key in the Hot-key field, perhaps Ctrl+Space. Hot-keys can be any combination of Ctrl+Alt+Shift with any key, and can be more than one keystroke long. 7. Click the Done button. 8. Notice the hot-key you entered is now displayed in the leftmost column. 9. Position Window macros can also be created with the Create Position Window Macro menu command. =====Minimizing all your windows We now create a Compound Macro to minimize all your windows: 1. Select the 'My Desktop' Compound Macro you just created by clicking on it. 2. Choose Edit Copy to copy the entire macro (i.e., both the Compound macro and the contained Position Window macros) to PM Assistants macro clipboard. 3. Select the last macro in the macro list by scrolling down to it and clicking on it. 4. Choose Edit Paste to paste a copy of the My Desktop macro at the end of the list. Notice this new macro is automatically renamed 'My Desktop2'. 5. Click with the right mouse button on the first Position Window (PW) macro listed in the compound macro My Desktop2. It is the macro just below My Desktop2, and will be named mov or min. 6. You now see the Macro Information dialog box describing the PW macro. Click the Settings... button. 7. You now see the Position Window dialog box. Clear the Size window and Move window check boxes. Set the Minimize window check box. (Note: if that window was minimized when you created the 'MyDesktop' macro, you need not change the check boxes - they will be configured to minimize the window already). 8. Click the OK button. 9. Repeat this process for all the macros within the My Desktop2 macro. You will want to use the supplied macro Make It Min, whose hot-key is Control+m. This macro takes you directly to the Position Window dialog box and changes the settings for you. The Make It Min macro is an example of a Keyboard Input macro automating PM Assistant itself. 10. Execute the My Desktop2 macro. Notice that all your applications have been minimized. =====Executing menu commands with Keyboard Input macros We now create a Keyboard Input macro to execute any menu command: 1. Type Ctrl+- to bring PM Assistants window to the foreground. 2. Double click on the supplied Start Sys Editor macro to execute this Start Program macro. This macro starts the OS/2 system editor application. 3. Notice that the System Editor has no accelerator key for the File Open menu command. Suppose you open different files frequently and would prefer not to click and drag the menus with the mouse every time you wish to open a new file. We will therefore create a macro to choose the File Open menu command for you. 4. Choose the Create Keyboard Input Macro menu command in PM Assistant. 5. Fill in a name for the macro, say "FileOpen", and a hot- key, perhaps "Control+o 1". This is a two keystroke hot- key, the first keystroke is Control+o, the second keystroke is the number 1. 6. Click the Settings button. 7. Type "F10 fo" into the Keystrokes edit field. The function key F10 is the menu activation keystroke. The "fo" keys then select the File menu and the Open menu command. 8. Click the OK button. Notice your new macro FileOpen with the hot-key Ctrl+o 1 is displayed in the macro list. 9. Bring the System Editor application to the foreground (use the provided System Editor macro whose hot-key is "Ctrl+; s" if you wish). Type "Ctrl+O 1". Take care to hold the Control key down while pressing the O key, and release the Control key before pressing the 1 key. Notice that by executing our FileOpen macro with its hot-key, the File Open menu command has been executed. 10. Click the Cancel button in the File Open dialog box. =====Manipulating dialog boxes with Keyboard Input macros You can change any dialog box settings with Keyboard Input macros. Suppose you often switch to the file “mytext.txt” while browsing files with the System Editor. We now create a macro to do that: 1. Type Ctrl+- to bring PM Assistant to the foreground. 2. We will now drag-n-drop a macro to copy it. This is the same as a Edit Copy /Edit Paste menu command, but is much quicker. 3. Click down on the macro 'FileOpen' with the Left mouse button, and drag downward with the button still depressed. Notice a small horizontal line appears below the macro name. This line indicates where the macro will be inserted. 4. Press and hold the control key while dragging the mouse. This signals PM Assistant to copy the macro rather than just moving it. 5. Release the mouse button and notice the new macro 'FileOpen2' is inserted in the list. 6. Click on the new 'FileOpen2' macro with the right mouse button to bring up the Macro Information dialog box.. 7. Enter "Ctrl+o 2" as the hot-key. 8. Click the Settings button. 9. Type the keystrokes "Home Shft+End mytext.txt Enter" at the end of the Keystrokes edit field (do not erase the "F10 fo" keystrokes already there). When this macro is executed and the keystrokes played to the File Open dialog box, these keystrokes select the contents of the Open filename edit field and type in mytext.txt. 10. Click the OK button. 11. Bring the System Editor application to the foreground and execute the FileOpen2 macro by typing "Ctrl+O 2". Notice the File Open menu command is executed and "mytext.txt" is entered into the dialog box. To learn more about PM Assistant experiment with the macros provided in the A_SAMPLE.PMA file.