PM Assistant 2.0 Demonstration Version Notes, August 15, 1994 >> Thank you for evaluating PM Assistant! << There is currently no last-minute information about PM Assistant. The text file TUTORIAL.TXT contains a 5 minute tutorial to quickly introduce you to PM Assistant. The text file a_sample.txt documents the sample macros file a_sample.pma. (These files are the same as the printed versions, in case you received the printed versions). Should you have trouble accomplishing any tasks with PM Assistant, or if you have comments or suggestions to improve PM Assistant, please call or write. Our only reason for existence is to help you work easier and faster. Technical support is available from Utilis Inc. Call (206) 467-4025, or write: Utilis Inc. P.O. Box 367 Redmond, WA 98052 CompuServe: 73552,2367 Internet: