PID Server v1.00 July 5 ,1996 With the combination of the two included REXX programs PID Server (PIDSRV.CMD) and PID Client (PIDCLNT.CMD) you can monitor running programs on a remote computer connected through a LAN using names pipes. After the client program gets the list of running programs you are given the option to remotly send a kill command to that system for the process ID number you specify. This is useful in recovering from a locked que. ****************************************************** SET-UP for PID Server For the machine you wish to protect you need to have it always run PID Server. To do this copy the included *.DLL files into x:\os2\DLL so that OS/2 can find them. NOTE: This needs to be done on every machine you intend to run either (or both) programs on. Copy the PIDSRV.CMD file where ever you want it to go. Then simply open up an OS/2 FULLSCREEN session and change to the directory containing the PIDSRV.CMD file and run it by entering it's name. That's it. Now if that machine locks up (or you just want to see what is running on it) goto another machine and run the PID Client. ****************************************************** SET-UP for PID Client Make sure to copy the *.DLL files into x:\os2\dll directory. Put the PIDCLNT.CMD file where ever you want to keep it then just run it by typing it's name. ****************************************************** USING PID CLIENT When you run PIDCLNT.CMD: It will ask you for the machine name of the Server that is running PID Server that you wish to connect to. NOTE: This is the network name of the machine...not anything that needs to be setup in these programs. After you enter the name the PID Client will request a Task List from the PID Server. Each process running on the machine (including hidden stuff) will be displayed along with the PID number. Each process will have a '****' at the end to help keep them seperate. You then have the option of pressing 'L', a PID # or just enter to quit. If you press 'L' then enter the PID Client will request another Task List from the Server. If you enter the PID number of a process then hit enter you will send a request for the PID Server to kill that process. PID Server will then report back to you the status of that process. NOTE: Even if it reports back KILLED it can take a minute or two for the process to go away. Keep in mind that any process you kill will NOT save any work in progress so use with care. If you kill the DESKTOP it should restart itself. ******************************************************* PROBLEMS and UNKNOWNS The only problem I have seen is sometimes the PID Server won't exit when you press Ctrl+C if it is trying to reset the pipe. Try hitting Ctrl+C a couple of times and it should exit. If it doesn't you have two choices you can reboot the machine or you can just run PID Client on another machine and use it to kill the PID Server. NOTE: When the PID Server refuses to shut down it doesn't lock the just won't go away. This doesn't happen much anyway but I thought I would mention it. The unknowns are what LANs this will work on. I can only test it on a Lantastic for OS/2 peer to peer network with both machines being Servers. If it works on other networks please let me know. The other being I thought I had a little bit of weirdness on this program running it under OBJECT REXX but I changed something slightly and it seemed to fix it. If you can only connect to a PID Server once without resetting the PID Server please let me know. ******************************************************** End Remarks Hopefully these programs will come in handy to someone somewhere. For personal use this package is freeware with the added clause that if you want to send me any contributions I would gladly take them. ;) As a bonus if you do send me a contribution I will keep you notified of any updates to this program via e-mail as well as others I wrote. (If you want them that is) For Corporate use I am asking for $10 per machine that runs PID Server. Keep in mind that if you do register you will still be running the same code you are currently running. I didn't bother to put any timeouts into the code and I kept from making it an *.exe file so it could perhaps help someone to learn REXX. All registering is going to give you is peace of mind, notification via e-mail of updates and help me to continue to produce new programs. If you have any problems or questions with these programs send me e-mail at SFOGG@IBM.NET and if you do decide to register (THANK YOU!!!) you can sent that to me at Shawn Fogg P.O. Box 89 Slocum, RI 02877 Feel free to distribute this package in it's original form including this readme.txt as you like. *************************************************** Potential changes: GUI for PID Client Process accounting for PID Client in that it keeps a record of what programs were running when on a certain machine at a given interval. (This is a pretty massive change so it might become a seperate program that also works with the PID Server) Hooks to control upcoming Process Commander by SDS Ability to start programs running on a remote machine. Let me know what else you might want and I will see what I can do.