MKMSGF DCMDNwN lznKoDp6r CLUH.msg HThe letter that you used does not represent a valid attribute. Use D, R, A, S, or H for "Directory", "Read-Only", "Archive", "System", and "Hidden", respectively. HThe option letter is not recognised. You can obtain a synopsis of the option letters by using /? on its own as the command tail for the command. HThe command doesn't know what to do with the argument. You can obtain a synopsis of the arguments by using /? on its own as the command tail for the command. HOne or more wildcard filename arguments are required. Re-try the command with some more arguments. HThe letter that you used does not represent a valid datestamp. Use A, C, or W for "Last Access", "Creation", and "Last Write", respectively. HThis option must be followed by a string that specifies the date. The date string must be in your national language format, as specified by the COUNTRY directive in CONFIG.SYS. HThis option must be followed by a string that specifies the time. The time string must be in your national language format, as specified by the COUNTRY directive in CONFIG.SYS. HFollow the option with a string that specifies the I/O format. HThe string that you used does not represent a valid date. The date string must be in your national language format, as specified by the COUNTRY directive in CONFIG.SYS. HThe string that you used does not represent a valid time. The time string must be in your national language format, as specified by the COUNTRY directive in CONFIG.SYS. HThe letter that you used does not represent a valid sort order. Use N, E, D, S, or G for "Name", "Extension", "Date/Time", "Size", and "Type", respectively. HThe string that you used does not represent a valid I/O format. Use CR for carriage return alone, CRLF for carriage return+linefeed, and LF for linefeed alone. HAn internal library error occurred when the program attempted to convert the time into broken-down form. HThe time that you specified was in a format that the program could not recognise. Please specify the time in a recognisable format. HThe text file contains a line that is too long for the command to process. If you see this error, you either are exceedingly low on available virtual memory, or your text file contains improbably long lines. ( Perhaps it is a binary file? ) HThe string that you used does not represent a valid output specifier. Use L, W, A, C, or B for "Lines", "Words", "Letters", "Characters" and "Bytes", respectively. HThe first argument to the command must specify what pattern you want to match against. Re-try the command, specifying a pattern this time. HThe string that you used does not represent a valid output specifier. Valid output specifier strings are HEX, EXE, ARC, ARJ, RAR, LZH, ZIP, ZOO, OMF, and PKT. HAt least one of the case conversion specifiers must be specified, otherwise the command doesn't know what to do! HIf you don't specify a tune, the command won't play a tune. HThe tune contains an unrecognised character. Consult the on-line documentation for more details of the syntax of tunes. HYou need to specify a date and time for this command. Re-try the command supplying a date and time. HThe CPUID instruction is only supported on some CPUs. Your CPU isn't one of them. The on-line documentation lists the relevant datasheets from Intel, AMD, and Cyrix that specify which CPUs support the CPUID instruction. HThe target size specified by the /MAX option must be non-zero. HUse the DUMP utility to display more information about the archive. HThis option must be followed by a string that specifies the timezone and DST rules. The string must be in the format defined by the ISO/IEC 9445-1:1990 standard ("POSIX 1003.1"). HThis option requires the name of an existing environment variable. HThe environment variable that you named does not exist. Ensure that you have spelled the name of the environment variable correctly, or that the environment variable is actually set. HFollow the option with a string that specifies a number. HFollow the option with a string. HAn internal error prevented the application from starting a secondary thread. HOne or more arguments are required. Re-try the command with some more arguments. You can obtain a synopsis of the arguments by using /? on its own as the command tail for the command. HEnsure that the disc really is a partitionable disc. HThe input contains an unrecognised character. Valid Morse code characters are '.', '-', '|', whitespace, and newlines. HNumbers are in decimal. HConsult the system reference documentation for the arguments accepted by the directive. HConsult the system reference documentation for proper use of the directive. HConsult the system reference documentation for a list of available directives. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HThese are the overall totals for the operation. HAn internal error prevented the application's main window from loading. HThe on-line help system could not be initialised by Presentation Manager. Check the value of the HELP environment variable and the location of the OS2CLU22.HLP file. IThe path and filespec for deletion HYou have specified the /S option. HYou have specified the /Z option. HYou have specified the /W option. HYou have specified the /X option. HYou have specified the /F option. HEnter "Y" if you want to delete the files, "N" otherwise. HEnter "Y" if you want to wipe the files, "N" otherwise. HAn I/O error occurred whilst trying to access the MBR. HThe final two bytes of the MBR should contain a particular signature value. Ensure that you are accessing a valid disc. Use a disc repair utility to correct the error. HThe operation has completed successfully. The MBR of the disc now contains the new-style MBR code and partition table. HThere was an error building the program causing it to be built incorrectly. Contact the author of the program and ask for it to be re-built. HHELP Obtain on-line help Usage: %2 HDELTREE Delete entire subdirectories. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without modifying files. /Q Operate quietly. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /W Zero the contents of each file before deleting it. /F Do not save undelete information. /U Do not display summary information. HFIND Search files for a specific string. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /Q Operate quietly, without displaying matching lines. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /I Ignore case in comparisons. /B Brief display format (no file/line). /C Display count of matching lines for each file. /O Specify the amount of context to output. /V Invert the sense of the match. HARCDIR Display archive directory. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in the Archive name. Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /B Brief display format (just the name, no size/attr/date). /F Display the full name including path (default:on). /C Do not display the name of the containing archive. /O Sort files by lexical order (a), Name, Extension, Date, Size, or type (g). /T Specify a particular archive type. HATTRIB Change file attributes. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. The attributes are R(eadonly), A(rchived), S(ystem), and H(idden). + turns the named attributes on. - turns the named attributes off. ~ toggles the named attributes between on and off. = sets the named attributes on and all others off. /A Select files to change by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without modifying files. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. HBCOMP Binary comparison of two files. Usage: %2 /U Do not display summary information. HCOMP Binary comparison of two files or sets of files. Usage: %2 /A Select files to change by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /M Display no more than n differences for each file. HCONVCASE Convert the case of file and directory names. Usage: %2 /A Select files to change by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without modifying files. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /UPPER Convert names to all upper case. /LOWER Convert names to all lower case. /MIXED Convert names to mixed case. HCPUIDT Display the CPU ID information. Usage: %2 HCYCLOG Cyclic logger. Usage: %2 Arguments comprising just a directory prefix cause logging to a cycled set of *.LOG files in the named directory. Arguments that have a basename cause each logged line to overwrite the named file. /FILESIZE Specify the maximum size of each individual file (optionally appending K, M, G, Ki, Me, or Gi). /TOTALSIZE Specify the maximum size of each group of files (optionally appending K, M, G, Ki, Me, or Gi). /SHORTNAMES Use cryptic filenames for the *.LOG logfiles that fit into 8 characters. HDELLNAME Delete the EA longnames from files and directories. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without modifying files. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. HDELTHUMB Delete the EA thumbnails from files and directories. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without modifying files. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. HDIRSIZE Display the sizes of directories. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /X Don't display directories where no files match. /C Don't display column headings. /B Brief display format (no size/allocation information). HDUMP Decode executable, object, archive, and library files. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /T Specify a particular file format. HDUPDIR Duplicate an entire directory. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without copying or deleting files. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /Z Override read-only protection. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. HFF Find files in directories and archives. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /Q Operate quietly, without displaying names that are found. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /B Brief display format (just the name, no size/attr/date). /F Display the full name including path (default:on). /C Do not display the name of the containing archive. /T Display last access (a), last write (w), or creation (c) dates. /ARC Search within ARC archives. /ARJ Search within ARJ archives. /DIR Search directories. /LZH Search within LZH archives. /PAK Search within PAK archives. /RAR Search within RAR archives. /ZIP Search within ZIP archives. /ZOO Search within ZOO archives. HFINDDUPS Find duplicate files. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /Q Operate quietly. /U Do not display summary information. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /B Brief display format (no size/attr/date). /F Display the full name including path. /C Do not display the name of the original file, only the name of the copy. /T Display last access (a), last write (w), or creation (c) dates. /NZ Skip any files that have zero length. HFITSIZE Order a set of files into groups of a given size. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /B Brief display format (no attr/date). /F Display the full name including path. /T Display last access (a), last write (w), or creation (c) dates. /MAX Specify the maximum size of each group of files (optionally appending K, M, G, Ki, Me, or Gi). HGOVWIPE Wipe files to U.S. Government specifications. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without modifying files. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /Z Override read-only protection. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. HGREP Global Regular Expression Print. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /R Disable regular expressions. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /L List the filename of each file containing matches. /I Ignore case in comparisons. /C Display count of matching lines for each file. /Q Operate quietly, without displaying matching lines. /B Brief display format (no file/line). /U Do not display summary information. /O Specify the amount of context to output. /V Invert the sense of the match. /Z List the filename of each file containing zero matches. Regular Expressions: Summary: . Any character * Zero or more repetitions ? Zero or one repetitions + One or more repetitions [] Encloses a character set () Encloses a subexpression | Separates alternatives \ Quote literal next char ^ Match beginning of line $ Match end of line \< Match beginning of word \> Match end of word Syntax: [], (), . and single literal characters are "atoms". Atoms may be followed by ?, *, or + to form "pieces". $, ^, \<, and \> are also pieces. Pieces are concatenated together to form "branches". A branch must match a continuous piece of text. Multiple alternate branches can be separated by using | . Character sets: [abcdef] Match characters in the set [^abcdef] Match characters not in the set [a-q0-7] Specify ranges of characters to match Character classes (used within character sets): [:alpha:] Alphabetic characters [:digit:] Digit characters [:alnum:] Alphanumeric characters [:xdigit:] Hexadecimal digiti characters [:graph:] Graphic characters [:space:] Whitespace characters [:print:] Printable characters [:upper:] Uppercase characters [:lower:] Lowercase characters [:cntrl:] Control characters [:punct:] Punctuation characters HHEAD Output the head end of the input. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. HMEM Display memory information. Usage: %2 HNEWMBR Write a new-style MBR to a disc. Usage: %2 HPARTLIST List and fix partition tables. Usage: %2 /FIXCHS Fix CHS geometry mismatch errors. /FIXTYPES Fix non-standard Windows partition types. /BYTES Display "cooked" partition sizes in KiB/MiB/GiB. /CHS Display "CHS" partition locations. /SECTORS Display "LBA" partition locations. /NAMES Display partition names. HPLAYMORSE Play morse code through the PC speaker. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /V Display the dots and dashes as they are made. /FREQ The frequency of beeps in Hertz. /SPEED The length of a single dot in milliseconds. HPLAYTUNE Play simple tunes. Usage: %2 /I Ignore illegal characters. HPSTAT Display process status and other system snapshots. Usage: %2 /C Display thread information. /S Display semaphore information. /L Display dynamic link library information. /M Display shared memory object information. /F Display file information. /P Display information about the given process only. HRESETINI Reset INI files to a manageable state. Usage: %2 /Q Operate quietly. HRUNSVC Service Manager. Usage: %2 /BEGINDOWN Start with the service in the "down" state. /BEGINONCE Start with the service in the "once" state. /BEGINUP Start with the service in the "up" state. HSAYDATE Display the current date or a specified date. Usage: %2 /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /F Specify a format string to use when displaying the date. /UTC Force UTC time rather than local time. /TZ Specify a timezone string to use. HSERVICE Control processes that are running under a Service Manager. Usage: %2 Actions: START Start the service and enable respawning. RESTART Kill the service and then restart it. ONCE Start the service but disable respawning. STOP Stop the service. STATUS Display the status of the service. TERMINATE Send the service process a TERMINATE signal. INTERRUPT Send the service process a CTRL-C signal. BREAK Send the service process a CTRL-BREAK signal. RELOAD Send the service process a FLAG A signal. FORCERELOAD Force a reload, restarting the service if necessary. UP Synonym for START. DOWN Synonym for STOP. HSETDATE Alter the date or time. Usage: %2 /Q Operate quietly. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /UTC Assume UTC time rather than local time (if no offset is used). /TZ Specify a timezone string to use. HSIGNAL Send a signal exception to one or more processes. Usage: %2 /INT Send the XCPT_SIGNAL_INTR signal exception. /TERM Send the XCPT_SIGNAL_KILLPROC signal exception. /BREAK Send the XCPT_SIGNAL_BREAK signal exception. HSORT Sort lines of text. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /R Reverse sort order. /I Ignore case in comparisons. /+ Specify the starting column to use when sorting. HSTRINGS Display embedded strings from files. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /B Brief display format (no file/line). /M Specify the minimum length for a string. HSTRIP Strip debugging information. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /Z Override read-only protection. HSUM Checksum and CRC file contents. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /B Brief display format (no header/footer). /F Display the full name including path. /CRC16 Control the display of CRC-16 values. /CRC32 Control the display of CRC-32 values. /SUM1 Control the display of checksum type 1. /SUM2 Control the display of checksum type 2. /MD5 Control the display of MD5 hash. HTAIL Output the tail end of the input. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. HTASKLIST Display the contents of the PM Window List. Usage: %2 /B Brief display format (no header/footer). HTEE T-shaped pipe fitting. Usage: %2 /A Append to the end of the file rather than overwriting. HTEXTCONV Convert text file formats. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /ICP Set input code page. /OCP Set output code page. /INL Set input newline convention. /ONL Set output newline convention. HTOMORSE Convert text to Morse code. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. HTOUCH Alter file date & time stamps. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. The date and time formats vary according to the COUNTRY setting in CONFIG.SYS. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without modifying files. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /Z Override read-only protection. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /D Use the given date instead of today's date. /T Use the given time instead of the current time. /M Specify which of 'w' (last write) 'a' (last access) or 'c' (creation) date/time is modified. HTREE Display a filesystem tree. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /F Display filenames in each directory. /G Use non-graphic characters. /B Brief display format (no size information). HUNIQ Squeeze duplicate lines into a single line. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /I Ignore case in comparisons. /G Perform global comparisons. /+ Specify the starting column to use when comparing. /UNIQ Do not display lines that are unique. /DUPS Do not display lines that had duplicates. HUNSTAMP Convert "'@'-style" count of seconds timestamps to human-readable form. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /F Specify a format string to use when displaying the date. /TZ Specify a timezone string to use. HW2KFIX Fix problems with Windows NT 2000. Usage: %2 The fix numbers are 1 Change the number of reserved sectors from 1 to 45. 2 Change the filesystem type from "FAT" to "BOOTMGR". HWATCHLOG Watch a cyclic log. Usage: %2 /ALL Display the entire log contents from the start. /LAST Display the log contents starting from the beginning of the last file. Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. HWC Count words, lines, and characters. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /B Brief display format (no header/footer). /C Ignore control characters. /Q Do not display the individual file counts. /H Hyphens break words. /U Punctuation characters count as letters. /O Specify what to output. HWEAVESVC Weave together a tapestry of services. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. HWHAT Display embedded ID strings from files. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. HWHICH Report the postition of a command on the PATH. Usage: %2 Standard wildcards *,? may be used in Commands. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /P Specify the environment variable to use for the path (default:PATH). /X Specify the environment variable to use for extensions (default:PATHEXT). /B Brief display format (no attr/date). HXDEL Delete files. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /N Simulate operation without modifying files. /Q Operate quietly. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /Z Override read-only protection. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /X Remove empty subdirectories. /W Zero the contents of each file before deleting it. /F Do not save undelete information. HXDIR Extended directory display. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /Q Operate quietly, without displaying filenames. /S Scan subdirectories recursively. /U Do not display summary information. /ISO8601 Display dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. /COLOUR Enable or disable coloured file/directory listings. /B Brief display format (no attr/date). /F Display the full name including path. /T Display last access (a), last write (w), or creation (c) dates. /O Sort files by lexical order (a), Name, Extension, Date, Size, or type (g). HY Y-shaped pipe fitting. Usage: %2 Enhanced wildcards *,?,[],{} may be used in Filespecs. /A Select files by the given attribute rule. /E Do not display non-fatal error messages. /S Scan subdirectories recursively.