Open - a useful OS/2 WPS utility. I first wrote this little utility basically because I discovered how to use the WinSetObjectData API to open a Workplace Shell object, and I thought it was cool. It has since turned out to be an extremely handy little tool, which is not bad for something whose source code is a whopping 33 lines long, including the help. What does it do? Basically, it opens WPS objects, using their default open setting. So, for example, you can type open c:\os2 and it will open the drives folder for c:\os2. Even handier, typing open . will open the drives folder for whatever the current directory you are in is. I tend to use this when I have been doing some stuff from the command line, and suddenly want to delete a bunch of subdirectories, which is a lot easier to do from the WPS than from the command line. This saves navigating all the way through the drives object to get to the folder you want. Another handy use is if you want to be able to open a folder from an object's menu. There is no way to add a folder object to a menu normally, but if you create a little dummy program object that uses open.exe to open the folder, you can put _that_ on the menu, and get the same result. The other really cool thing you can do is something like open os2.bmp This will automatically run whatever the program associated with os2.bmp is (usually either Windows Paint or the icon editor, but on my system I have changed it so that bmps are associated with PMView) and load os2.bmp into it automatically. Basically, it is the same as double-clicking on the file object for os2.bmp. So, anyway, I hereby release this little utility as freeware. I couldn't see charging any money for something this simple. The source code is included if you want to monkey with it. However, you may not charge anyone for this software, other than a reasonable fee for duplication, and all such other legal mumbo-jumbo that is normally associated with freeware. Please feel free to send me e-mail if you like this little program, or if you have any questions. -- Rob McDermid