MAKELOG2 written by Marcus Groeber 1995 Fido: 2:2448/7826.1 - Internet: [To use this program, you'll also need BMP2LOGO by Dave Akerman.] Ever wanted to change the logo shown by OS/2 Warp at boot time? It seems simple at first with Dave Akermans BMP2LOGO tool, but there is a catch: To create the OS2LOGO file on the drive from which OS/2 starts up, you'll also need the MAKELOGO program from IBM's DEVCON CD, which is not freely distributable. On the other hand, BMP2LOGO already does a good job in preparing .BMP images by separating bitplanes, resizing etc. So the idea of MAKELOG2 is to offer a simple, yet free "clone" of IBM's MAKELOGO which permits you to convert the output of BMP2LOGO into an installable OS/2 Warp logo file. The necessary procedure is described in detail in BMP2LOGO.TXT which comes with Dave's program, therefore I won't repeat it here... Only change all the occurances of IBM's MAKELOGO to the name of this program, MAKELOG2. If you want to try it out quickly, you can use most of the bitmaps in \OS2\BITMAP, except for the larger ones, which are mostly 256 color bmps. You should have a boot disk ready when playing with the logo file, because an invalid logo file usually causes a Trap shortly after startup which means you're locked out of your system unless you can start it from disk and change back to the old logo file. This is especially true for systems normally running from an HPFS partition. Technical issues: ----------------- After wrapping up the first version of this program, I found PREPLOGO by Jonathan Czerwinski, which basically does the same thing as the BMP2LOGO/MAKELOG2 combination - but as MAKELOG2 was almost finished then, I deceided to release it anyway, after making some improvements to the compression algorithm. Just like PREPLOGO, MAKELOG2 does not exploit the full scope of the compression method used, so images converted by IBM's MAKELOGO will probably come out somewhat smaller. I don't have the IBM program available for comparison, so the final optimization is left for someone else if desired... As you can see, full source code is included, so feel free to improve the program if you find out something useful about the format. :-)