Files CHINESE.INI CROATIAN.INI English.inf ENGLISH.INI FastIni.dll file_id.diz Folder1.ico Folder2.ico FRENCH.INI GERMAN.INI INIcomp.exe INIcomp.ico INIedit.exe INIedit.ico INIfind.exe INIfind.ico Install.exe Install.ico INSTALL.INI POLISH.INI RUSSIAN.INI SPANISH.INI Translat.exe Translat.ico Language ENGLISH English.inf} Language CROATIAN English.inf Language FRENCH English.inf Language GERMAN English.inf General CurrLang ENGLISH> General ExitPos General FastHex General FileList General MonospacedFont 10.System VIO General ProportionalFont 9.WarpSans8 General SafeMode General ShowAll General 500 450 General Toolbar General Workdir General PosComp 70 15= General PosEdit 70 15j General PosFind 70 15 Language RUSSIAN English.inf Language CHINESE English.inf Language SPANISH English.inf Language POLISH English.inf WPProgram INI tools - Manual View.exe English.inf WPProgram Install/UnInstall Install.exe Install.ico WPFolder INI tools^Version 1.10 Folder1.ico Folder2.ico WPProgram INI compare 1.10 INIcomp.exe INIcomp.ico WPProgram INI editor 1.10 INIedit.exe INIedit.ico 1*.INI WPProgram INI find 1.10 INIfind.exe INIfind.ico WPProgram Translation tool Translat.exe INITOOLS Translat.ico UnInstall1 Title INI tools Version 1.10 - UnInstall Text1 UnInstall procedure will do following: - remove entries from USER (OS2.INI), written by Install procedure, - remove INI tools folder and program objects from Desktop. Text2 UnInstallation finished. When you exit this program, you can delete all files in INI tools directory and remove this directory from your disk. If you want to install INI tools again, start this program and press "Install" button. Removing INI tools specific values from USER INI file (OS2.INI) Removing INI tools folder and program objects from Desktop Install2 Title INI tools Version 1.10 - Installation Text1 Install procedure will do following: - create new directory for INI tools (if directory does not exist), - check files and copy them to INI tools directory if it is different form current directory, - write INI tools specific values to USER INI file (OS2.INI), - write INI tools default values to INITOOLS.INI file, - create INI tools folder and program objects on Desktop, To install INI tools to other directory, press "Other..." button, and select drive/directory to install World Clock. To install INI tools to current directory, press "Current" button. You can also enter name for new directory. After you selected drive/directory, press "Start Install" button. Text2 Congratulations, you installed INI tools.. Writing INI tools specific values to USER INI file (OS2.INI)v Writing default values to INI tools INI file Creating folder and program objects on Desktop Install1 Title Copyright, License and Disclaimer INI tools is (c) Copyright Goran Ivankovic FastIni.dll is (c) Copyright Dennis Bareis INI tools is free software but it is not public domain. The author retains all copyright to the application and all files within it (except FastIni.dll). You may use INI tools yourself and you may distribute it to others so long as all files are left unchanged. You may not distribute INI tools in any way which leads to your making a profit from it. You can only charge enough to cover the costs of media, postage etc. involved in distribution. Also you may not use it as an incentive to buy something else. If you are in any doubt you should contact the author. The author's permission must be obtained before INI tools is included on a magazine disc and P.D. libraries. You should, as a matter of courtesy, inform the author when you are planning to distribute the application and send one copy of magazine disc to the author. The author makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this material for any purpose. It is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranties. The author will assume no liability for damages either from the direct use of this product or as a consequence of the use of this product. General Title INI tools Version 1.10 9.WarpSans Directory c:\INItools, Exclude OS2\ARCHIVES OS2\INSTALL OS2\POINTERS PSFONTS SPOOL TEMP TMP Desktop Nowhere MaintenanceL Bitmap Helpfile 1 English.inf CONFIG SYSTEM 1 INITOOLS.INI External OldVer ZipFile SelfExe HPFSonly Space ToolsByGoran INItoolsINIfile INITOOLS.INI ToolsByGoran INItoolsWorkDir ToolsByGoran INItoolsVersion External 11101unzip.exe -o Creating Bitmap subdirectory