═══ 1. Introduction and Installation ═══ This is test version of INI editor for binary OS/2 INI and plain-text WIN INI files. Features:  Edit local INI files (on your computer) and remote INI files (on remote host)  Save OS/2 (binary) INI files as WIN (plain-text) INI files and vice versa.  Current INI file can be used as template for Rexx script to create new INI file.  In Safe Mode, file can't be changed or deleted.  Cut/copy Values to Clipboard, and paste from Clipboard. Export/import Applications, Keys and Values to/from file TRANSFER.INI. Requirements:  OS/2 Warp: Version 3 with FP35 and above, Version 4 with FP6 and above.  Rexx (RexxUtil.dll version 2.00 is recommended).  TCP/IP and rxsock.dll (to enable work with remote INI files). CAUTION: CHANGES ARE WRITTEN TO INI FILES IMMEDIATELY. Here is NO UNDO function. Wrong entries can cause serious problems ! If you are not sure what you are doing, use Safe mode ! Installation Files in archive iniedit120.zip: INIedit.exe Program INIedit.ico Icon for program Inibmp32.dll Bitmaps INIinst.cmd Install / UnInstall script ENGLISH.INI Language file English.inf Manual (this file) FastIni.dll Library for fast access to INI files (Freeware - Author Dennis Bareis). server.zip Server part of INIserv package (Freeware - Author Peter Moylan) Create empty directory for INI editor and unzip iniedit120.zip there. If you are already using my INI tools, DO NOT unzip iniedit120.zip to INI tools directory - configuration files are different! Run INIinst.cmd, select I to begin installation and follow instructions. When finished, copy files FastIni.dll and Inibmp32.dll to directory in LIBPATH. If you already have file FastIni.dll in LIBPATH directory, you can delete this file. To uninstall INI editor, run INIinst.cmd, select U and follow instructions. When finished, delete all files in directory where you installed INI editor, and Inibmp32.dll. Related Topics: Change data between files How to get help Settings INI editor Remote INI files WIN INI files Explanation of terms ═══ 1.1. Change data between files ═══ To change data between files and programs, you can: Cut and copy Values to Clipboard, paste from Clipboard You can cut or copy Values to Clipboard in ASCII and HEX edit in INI editor, Clipboard contents can be used in ASCII and HEX editing of other Value, or in INI find as search string. Export to / Import from TRANSFER.INI When you edit INI file, you can select Application (with all it's Keys and Values) or Key (with Value) and export to file TRANSFER.INI. You can import selected Application (with all it's Keys and Values) or Key (with Value) from file TRANSFER.INI to currently opened INI file. Note: file TRANSFER.INI is created in INI editor working directory. All exports are written to this file. When it grows, you can delete it. It will be created next time when needed. ═══ 1.2. How to get help ═══ 1. Status line Most of windows and dialogs in INI editor have status line in the bottom of dialog. If you move pointer over control (button, checkbox, radio button, list, entry field ...), you'll see short description of action you can perform if you press this control. 2. Manual Detailed explanation and instruction about INI editor can be found in this manual. Colors and styles used in manual: Bold - title, some important information ... Blue - link to related topic in this manual Red - warning, caution Pink - button or other control that should be selected to do described action 3. Contacting the author If you need more help, and can't find it here, or you think some important information is missing in this manual, contact me. ═══ 2. Settings ═══ After you installed INI editor, start it and open Settings submenu from PullDown menu (press Alt-S and select Settings), or press button, to open Settings dialog. General Open Files via FileList You can open file via FileList or standard FileOpen dialog. Safe mode (no edit) If you select Safe mode, INI files can not be created, changed or deleted. If Safe mode is ON, only Open, Info, Settings, Help and Exit buttons in Main toolbar are enabled, and all buttons in Application and Key toolbar are disabled. Size of INI editor You can select width of main INI editor's dialog between 550 pixels and screen width, and height of main INI editor's dialog between 460 pixels and screen height. Save position on exit You can select to save position of INI editor on exit. Remote connection In the list are displayed all remote hosts. On install program will add one default host (localhost), with port number 8000 without password. You can use this host for testing. To set host for connection, select it in the list, and save settings. To add new host, select any in the list and press button. To change host parameters, select it in the list, change port and/or password and press button. To delete host, select it in the list and press button. Note: when you add new host or change parameters for existing host, press button to test connection. Program will return message if connection was OK or if there is any error. Language and Fonts Language You can select one of available Languages from list (only ENGLISH in test version). Fonts Press button and drag and drop selected font on Font area (blue text on white background). Select Proportional font (default font used in INI editor) and Monospaced font (used in HEX display). Press button to save new settings. Press button to discard changes and load default settings. Related topics : Default settings ═══ 2.1. Default settings ═══ Install procedure creates file INITOOLS.INI in directory where you installed INI editor. Default settings are written to this file: Open Files via FileList Checked (open via FileList) Display toolbar YES Safe mode (no edit) YES Size of INI editor Width - 550, height - 460 Save position on exit YES Remote connection Host Port 8000 No password Fonts Proportional - 9.WarpSans, Monospaced - 10.System VIO Language ENGLISH ═══ 3. INI editor ═══ You can start INI editor: 1. From Desktop: a. Double-click on INI editor icon b. Drag and drop object (INI file) on INI editor icon c. Double click on INI file 2. From command line: a. INIedit.exe b. INIedit.exe File (where File is INI file you want to edit) Note: If you start INI editor without parameter (as described in 1.a. and 2.a.), INI editor will open the USER INI file (usually \OS2\OS2.INI) as default INI file. Main window follows hierarchical structure of INI file (left to right, and top to bottom) :  In top left side is list of Applications in INI file, with number of Applications in INI file and display order ( ascending,  descending,  no sort).  In top right side is list of Keys in selected Application, with number of Keys in selected Application and display order ( ascending,  descending,  no sort).  In bottom side is Value of selected Key (displayed in ASCII and HEX). When you select Application or Key list (by clicking with mouse or pressing Tab button), it's color is changed to blue text on white background. Value of selected key can be displayed in ASCII, HEX or ASCII and HEX representation. You can select HEX display as readable (with BLANK delimiter between chars) if you select XX XX XX radio button, or fast HEX display (without delimiter) if you select XXXXXX radio button. For longer Value (more than 1,000 bytes) program needs some time to reformat display, so you should select fast HEX display. Program can not display Values longer than 10,000 bytes at once. If Value is longer, you'll see buttons on right side with numbers (1-10000, 10001-20000, 20001-30000 ...). Press button to see next or previous group. Related Topics: FileList Menu Toolbar File operations Remote INI files WIN INI files Application operations Key operations Settings ═══ 3.1. FileList ═══ If you selected Open Files via FileList in Settings dialog, then you can create list of INI files on your drive(s). First time you start INI editor, there are only OS2.INI, OS2SYS.INI and INI editor's INI files in the FileList. To create FileList, select drive(s) you want to scan and press scan button. If you want to scan all drives, press ALL button. If you created new, copied, moved or deleted INI file(s), rescan FileList. If you want to see all (OS/2 and WIN) INI files in FileList, select Show ALL INI files. Otherwise, to see only OS/2 INI files select Show only OS/2 INI files. You can access to system files (if you press USER (OS2.INI), SYSTEM (OS2SYS.INI) or BOTH button), without searching them in the list. To open other file, select it and press button, or double-click on selected file. Press button to open file in standard FileOpen dialog, if you want to open other INI file (not in the FileList). Press button to cancel this operation and return to main window. Related Topics: Settings ═══ 3.2. Menu ═══ File menu (press Alt-F) New Create new INI file Open  Open local INI file for editing (submenu) USER (OS2.INI) Open the USER INI file (usually \OS2\OS2.INI). SYSTEM (OS2SYS.INI) Open the SYSTEM INI file (usually \OS2\OS2SYS.INI). BOTH For querying invocations, both the USER and SYSTEM INI files will be searched. For setting invocations, the USER INI file will be written to. Other Open other INI file Remote Open remote INI file for editing Save Save INI file OS/2->WIN Save current OS/2 INI file as WIN INI file Info Show Information about INI file Local->Remote Copy selected file to remote host Remote->Local Copy selected file to local machine Delete Delete INI file Rexx script Write Rexx script to create INI file - use current file as template Exit Exit INI editor Note: if Safe mode is ON, New, Save and Delete menu items are DISABLED. Application menu (press Alt-A, or double-click on selected Application) New App Create new Application Copy App Copy selected Application (with all it's Keys and Values) to other Application in this file (change Application name) Delete App Delete selected Application (with all it's Keys and Values) Export App Export selected Application (with all it's Keys and Values) to file TRANSFER.INI Import App Import Application from file TRANSFER.INI Sort  Sort Applications in list (submenu) Ascending -  Sort Applications in ascending order Descending -  Sort Applications in descending order No sort -  Don't sort Applications Note: if Safe mode is ON, all Application menu items are DISABLED. Key menu (press Alt-K, or double-click on selected Key) New Key Create new Key Copy Key Copy selected Key to other Key in this Application (change Key name) Copy to App Copy selected Key to other Application in this file Edit Key Edit selected Key's Value (in ASCII mode) HEXedit Key Edit selected Key's Value (in HEX mode) Delete Key Delete selected Key Export Key Export selected Key to file TRANSFER.INI Import Key Import Key from file TRANSFER.INI Sort  Sort Keys in list (submenu) Ascending -  Sort Keys in ascending order Descending -  Sort Keys in descending order No sort -  Don't sort Keys Note: if Safe mode is ON, all Key menu items are DISABLED. Settings menu (press Alt-S) Settings Configure INI editor (open Settings dialog) Safe mode ON Set safe mode to ON (editing is disabled) Safe mode OFF Set safe mode to OFF (editing is enabled) Help menu (press Alt-H) INI editor Show help for INI editor About Information about program version and author ═══ 3.3. Toolbar ═══ File toolbar: Create new INI file Open local INI file for editing Open remote INI file for editing Save selected file Save current OS/2 INI file as WIN INI file Information about selected file Write Rexx script - use selected file as template Copy local file to remote host or Copy remote file to local machine Delete selected file Safe mode is ON (editing is disabled) or Safe mode is OFF (editing is enabled) Configure INI editor (open Settings dialog) Show help Exit INI editor Note: if Safe mode is ON, only Open, Info, Settings, Help and Exit buttons are enabled. Application toolbar: Create new Application Copy selected Application (with all it's Keys and Values) to new Application in this file Export selected Application (with all it's Keys and Values) to file TRANSFER.INI Import Application from file TRANSFER.INI Delete selected Application (with all it's Keys and Values) Note: if Safe mode is ON, all Application buttons are DISABLED. Key toolbar: Create new Key Copy selected Key to new Key in this Application Copy selected Key to other Application in this file Edit value of selected Key - ASCII Edit value of selected Key - HEX Export selected Key to file TRANSFER.INI Import Key from file TRANSFER.INI Delete selected Key Note: if Safe mode is ON, all Key buttons are DISABLED. ═══ 3.4. File operations ═══ Select action from PullDown menu (press Alt-F to open file submenu), or press button in Main toolbar. When you edit WIN INI files, there are some specific options and limitations (see WIN INI files section for more details). New local INI file Create new INI file. File must have at least one Application, each Application must have at least one Key, and each Key must have a Value. When you create new file, INI editor writes one App, Key, Val to new file. Open local INI file Open local INI file for editing. File can be opened via FileList or standard FileOpen dialog. Open remote INI file Open INI file on remote host for editing. Save Save INI file - you can change file name and save opened INI file under new name. OS/2->WIN Save current OS/2 INI as WIN INI file - press this button after you finished editing of WIN INI file. Info Show some Information about current INI file - file name, path, size (in bytes), last change date and time, file attributes, total number of Applications and Keys in file. Delete Delete current INI file. USER and SYSTEM INI files can't be deleted (in fact, they can be deleted, but INI editor doesn't allow to do this). Rexx script Write Rexx script to create INI file - use all Values from current file. Later, you can run this Rexx script and create identical INI file as current. Copy local file to remote host Copy local file to remote host. Copy remote file to local machine Copy remote file to local machine. Button is visible if you are connected to remote host and opened file is on remote host. Exit Exit INI editor. Related Topics : Settings Menu Toolbar Remote INI files WIN INI files ═══ 3.5. Application operations ═══ Select action from PullDown menu (press Alt-Ato open Application submenu), or double-click on selected Application in Application list, or press button in Application toolbar. Note: if Safe mode is ON, all Application operations are DISABLED. New Application Create new Application. Each Application must have at least one Key, and each Key must have a Value. When creating new Application, INI editor writes one App, Key, Val. Copy Application Copy selected Application to other Application in this file (change Application name) with all it's keys and Values Delete Application Delete selected Application with all it's keys and Values Export Application Export selected Application to file TRANSFER.INI with all it's keys and Values Import Application Import Application from file TRANSFER.INI Sort Applications in list (submenu) - available only in PopUp menu Sort Applications in ascending order Sort Applications in descending order Don't sort Applications Note: Applications are only sorted for display - no changes are written to INI file. ═══ 3.6. Key operations ═══ Select actopn from PullDown menu (press Alt-K to open Key submenu), or double-click on selected Key in Key list, or press button in Key toolbar. Note: if Safe mode is ON, all Key operations are DISABLED. New Key Create new Key. Each Key must have a Value. When creating new Key, INI editor writes one Key, Val in current Application. Copy Key Copy selected Key and it's Value to other Key in this Application (change Key name) Copy to App Copy selected Key and it's Value to other Application in this file Edit Key Edit selected Key's Value (in ASCII mode). See Edit Value for more information. HEXedit Key Edit selected Key's Value (in HEX mode). See Edit Value for more information. Delete Key Delete selected Key and it's Value Export Key Export selected Key and it's Value to file TRANSFER.INI Import Key Import Key from file TRANSFER.INI Sort Keys in list (submenu) - available only via PopUp menu Sort Keys in ascending order Sort Keys in descending order Don't sort Keys Note: Keys are only sorted for display - no changes are written to INI file. Related Topics : Edit Value ═══ 3.6.1. Edit Value ═══ Warning: INI editor CAN NOT EDIT Value longer than 10,000 bytes. When you select Key, in bottom side of INI editor's main window is displayed Value in ASCII and HEX. If Value has NULL byte ['00'x], you'll see text NULL in top right corner of ASCII display. Edit Value - ASCII If you select Edit from PopUp menu, or press button, Edit dialog is opened. In Title bar is displayed Key name (with NULL! text if Value has NULL byte ['00'x]. If Value has NULL byte ['00'x], it is changed to BLANK byte ['FF'x] in ASCII display). Note: If you select Trailing NULL, NULL byte ['00'x] will be added at the end of Value. This byte may be needed for certain values to function properly. If Value has NULL byte ['00'x], it is changed to BLANK ['FF'x] when you edit value in ASCII mode. Changed Value will be saved (except trailing NULL). It is RECOMMENDED to edit Value in HEX mode, if it has NULL byte! Edit Value - HEX If you select HEX edit from PopUp menu, or press button, HEX Edit dialog is opened. In Title bar is displayed Key name. On top side is Value displayed in ASCII. On right side is list with ASCII and HEX Values (to help you in HEX editing). Actions in Edit Delete Value (if you delete Value, and press button, Key will be deleted too) Cut Value to Clipboard (Value is deleted) Copy Value to Clipboard Paste Value from Clipboard - it's added at the end of existing Value In HEX edit you can also: Refresh Value, without writing changes Reset changes and display original (loaded) Value To replace existing Value with Value from Clipboard, press button, then button. To append Value with Value from Clipboard to existing Value, press only button. When finished with editing, press button to save changes, or button to close Edit dialog without saving changes. Related Topics: Key operations ═══ 4. Remote INI files ═══ server.zip is part of freeware INIserve package by PeterMoylan. The latest version of this software can be found at http://eepjm.newcastle.edu.au/os2/ If you want to edit INI files on remote host, INI editor will work as client. The server part (in package server.zip) should go on the machine with the INI files to be edited. For evaluation purposes, you can put both parts on the same machine (even in the same directory if you prefer). For more information, read file iniserve.inf in the server package (server.zip). After you unzipped server.zip, start INIserv.exe on remote host and set host parameters in Settings (host name or number, port number and password). Select host in the list and save settings. To open remote INI file, press button, select drive, directory and file to edit, and press button to open INI file, or button to return to main window. When you open remote INI file, in lower right corner of main window you can see port name or number of remote host (or text 'Local', if you opened local INI file on your machine). When you work with remote INI file, you can perform all actions like with local INI file (add, copy, delete Applications and Keys, edit Value in ASCII and HEX mode, etc), except Create new INI file and delete INI file. Press button to copy INI file from remote host to local machine. Press button to copy INI file from local machine to remote host. Note: to enable work with remote INI files, required is also file rxsock.dll (in \TCPIP\DLL directory). Related Topics: Settings INI editor File operations ═══ 5. WIN INI files ═══ WIN INI files are used with most of WIN-OS/2 (and some of OS/2) programs. WIN INI file is plain-text file with following structure:  Lines beginning with [ and ending with ] are Applications (also called Sections). For example: [Section]  Character = is separator between key and value in line. For example: Key=Value. All lines with key and value between Application (Section) and next Application (Section) or end of file are part of this Application (Section).  Lines beginning with ; are comments and program does not read application (section), key or value in this line. If you want to open WIN INI file via FileList, select Show ALL INI files radiobutton in FileList dialog. To view/edit WIN INI file, INI editor converts it to OS/2 INI file (it's name is WIN__OS2.INI and it is always saved in INI editor working directory). All changes are written to WIN_OS2.INI file. You can do all actions on this file as on any other INI file (copy, write Rexx script, create new, copy, delete, export, import applications and keys, edit keys ...). When displayed, applications (sections) and keys are not sorted - they are displayed in order as in file. When you view/edit WIN INI files here are some limitations: 1. Lines beginning with comment ; in WIN INI files are lost. Commented keys and values (for example:;Key=Value) can be edited as normal keys and/or values (Key=Value). 2. Only when key and value are in ONE line, INI editor can read it correctly. 3. To save changes in original WIN INI file, you have to convert it to OS2_WIN.INI file (in INI editor working directory). To do this select OS/2->WIN item in File menu, or press button. Then you can copy OS2_WIN.INI file to original WIN INI file. If there is NULL byte ['00'x] in value, it is converted to BLANK byte ['FF'x]. Note: you have to copy manually OS2_WIN.INI to original WIN INI file. Related Topics: INI editor File operations ═══ 6. Limitations and troubleshooting ═══ Limitations  INI editor can view/edit WIN INI files with some limitations: 1. Lines beginning with comment ; in WIN INI files are lost. Commented keys and values (for example: ;Key=Value) can be edited as normal keys and/or values (Key=Value). 2. Only when key and value are in ONE line, INI editor can read it correctly. 3. To save changes in original WIN INI file, you have to convert it to OS2_WIN.INI file (in INI editor working directory) and then save OS2_WIN.INI file as original WIN INI file.  In ASCII and HEX edit (in INI editor) Value longer than 10,000 bytes can not be edited.  If Value has NULL byte ['00'x], NULL byte ['00'x] is changed to BLANK byte ['FF'x] in ASCII display - NO DATA IS CHANGED IN INI FILE.  If Value has NULL byte ['00'x], and you edit Value in ASCII mode: , NULL byte ['00x] is changed to BLANK byte ['FF'x] - CHANGED DATA IS WRITTEN TO INI FILE. If Value has NULL byte, edit Value in HEX mode ! If you find bug in program, or if DrRexx screen pop up with SYNTAX ERROR message, try this: 1. READ THE MANUAL please, maybe you'll find some useful information:-). 2. If INI editor is still running, open Settings dialog, and press default settings button, exit program and start it again. 3. If INI editor is not running, start Install/UnInstall procedure (INIinst.cmd). Select Install. 4. Delete INITOOLS.INI file in INI editor directory and start INI editor. Program will load default settings. You will loose your settings, but programs should work. 5. Visit my Home page to see if there is any bug fix or update. 6. Send me a message with following information: a. OS/2 Version (and FixPack) you are using, b. Rexx Version ("classic" or Object Rexx), c. INI editor Version, d. description of bug or error, and SYNTAX ERROR message from DrRexx dialog. I will try to help you and correct error. ═══ 7. Explanation of terms ═══ INI file The name of the INI file which you would like to work with. OS/2 saves a big part of its configuration in the files OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI. Therefore, many of the changes you might make to the WPS will involve changing some entries in these INI files. The basic structure of OS/2 INI files is hierarchical, consisting of the following elements and order: 1. Application The application name or some other meaningful value with which you would like to store keywords (some sort of data). Applications are the main entries. Each application must have at least one Key. 2. Key The name of a keyword which is used to hold data. Each Key must have a Value. 3. Value The Value to associate with the keyword of the specified application. (Note that a lot of Values - but not all - include a trailing NULL byte ['00'x]). This byte may be needed for certain values to function properly. It should not be discarded when values are modified. INI file should be a file specification, or one of the following: USER The USER INI file (usually \OS2\OS2.INI). This is the default. SYSTEM The SYSTEM INI file (usually \OS2\OS2SYS.INI). BOTH For querying invocations, both the USER and SYSTEM INI files will be searched. For setting invocations, the USER INI file will be written to. WIN INI files Used with most of WIN-OS/2 (and some of OS/2) programs. WIN INI file is plain-text file with following structure:  Lines beginning with [ and ending with ] are Applications (also called Sections). For example: [Section]  Character = is separator between key and value in line. For example: Key=Value  Lines beginning with ; are comments and program does not read application (section), key or value in this line. ═══ 8. Copyright and contact ═══ Author Goran Ivankovic Address Ulica Josipa Poduje 8 HR-52100 Pula Croatia email duga1@pu.hinet.hr Home page http://www.os2world.com/goran/ INI editor is free software but it is not public domain.. The author retains all copyright to the application and all files within it. You may use INI editor yourself and you may distribute it to others so long as all files are left unchanged. You may not distribute INI editor in any way which leads to your making a profit from it. This means that you can only charge enough to cover the costs of media, postage etc. involved in distribution. Also you may not use it as an incentive to buy something else. If you are in any doubt you should contact the author. The author's permission must be obtained before INI editor is included on a magazine disc and P.D. libraries. You should, as a matter of courtesy, inform the author when you are planning to distribute the application and send one copy of magazine disc to the author. Copyright and Trademarks  OS/2 is Trademark of International Bussines Machines Corporation  DrDialog is Copyright of International Bussines Machines Corporation  FastIni.dll is Copyright of Dennis Bareis  iniserv.zip is Copyright of Peter Moylan STANDARD DISCLAIMER The author makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this material for any purpose. It is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranties. The author will assume no liability for damages either from the direct use of this product or as a consequence of the use of this product. ═══ ═══ Author Goran Ivankovic Address Ulica Josipa Poduje 8 HR-52100 Pula Croatia email duga1@pu.hinet.hr Home page http://www.os2world.com/goran/