DAPTOOLS README DAPTOOLS are IBM licensed software. Please Do NOT distribute them through other electronic channels. (See the program license associated with this package for other restrictions). Availability DAPTOOLS private developer repositories: þ On CompuServe in OS2DF2, LIB 14 þ At DAP.SVO.COM ( on the Internet. þ Through Advantis/IIN account LNK7 Some of the tools are also available on the IBM Developer Connection and/or the Device Driver Kit CDs. These are the ONLY official file repositories for the tools in the DAPTOOLS library. If you see DAPTOOLS distributed anywhere else please inform the DAPTOOLS Coordinator at either E-mail address below. Discussion -- DAP conference in OS2DF2, Section 14 on CompuServe and you may send e-mail to WWDAP@VNET.IBM.COM . DAPTOOLS are licensed software programs available to members of IBM's Developer Assistance Programs only. Membership applications to the worldwide DAP are available from various OS/2 ftp sites throughout the Internet or from DAP.SVO.COM ( This is a VM host machine which does not allow anonymous FTP. However, there are 10 Guest IDs (Guest1..Guest10). Login with one of the guest IDs with a password of DAP4ME. The contents of the directory include the worldwide DAP membership application, a site "read.me" file, and additional documentation. IF YOU ARE ALREADY A MEMBER OF THE WORLDWIDE DAP and would like access to the DAP internet site, fill out the top four lines of the new wwdap.txt file mentioned above and e-mail it to WWDAP@VNET.IBM.COM . You will need to know your WWDAP number. IF YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF THE WORLDWIDE DAP fill out the complete "wwdap.txt" file already mentioned (including the top portion) and e-mail it back to WWDAP@VNET.IBM.COM . COMPUSERVE USERS NOTE: If you filled out the "on-line" version of the questionnaire and you know your WWDAP membership ID number you may send just the top portion of the wwdap.txt file to WWDAP@VNET.IBM.COM (the file is located in OS2DF2, Lib 14 - the DAP private section). All worldwide DAP membership applications, questions and related information should be directed to WWDAP@VNET.IBM.COM. DAP Information Library Internet site and DAPTOOLS questions, comments and/or suggestions should be directed to the DAPTOOLS Coordinator at either of the following e-mail addresses: Many of the tools have been a part of the original DAPTOOLS repository established a few years ago. The package files (a mainframe convention) associated with each file will give you a clearer idea as to the suitability of these programs for your purposes. We have not limited the availability of tools to one operating system (or operating system level for that matter). These tools are provided with the sincere hope that they will help you as a developer in some way or another. We are constantly on the lookout for programs produced by IBM internal developers to add to this repository. A note of gratitude is in order to all of the IBM internal developers who have donated their time and talents by contributing their hard-earned work to this file base. If you have any kind words for these folks please send them to the DAPTOOLS Coordinator's address below and I will be sure they are forwarded along. 71075,2553 (from CompuServe) 71075.2553@COMPUSERVE.COM (from the Internet)