Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 1993, 1994, 1995 07/14/95 Group Folder - Dan Kehn ( INSTALLATION Start the installation program, GFINST.EXE. It will prompt you for the path in which to copy GFOLDER.DLL and GFOLDER.HLP. When the installation is complete, a new folder object called "Group Folder" will appear on your desktop. INSTALLING GFOLDER ON YOUR SYSTEM FOR THE FIRST TIME *WITHOUT PROMPTING*: GFINST path helpPath Where 'path' is where GFOLDER.DLL should be copied, 'helpPath' is where GFOLDER.HLP should be copied. If 'path' = /USELIBPATH, GFOLDER.DLL is copied to your \OS2\DLL directory and registered without an explicit path (ie, LIBPATH is used to find GFOLDER.DLL). A progress dialog is displayed during installation. UPGRADING TO NEW VERSIONS OF THE GROUP FOLDER: Start the installation program, GFINST.EXE, specify the directory which contains the prior version of GFOLDER.DLL, then select "Reinstall". The DLL will be replaced, but will not take effect until the next reboot. ALSO INCLUDE IN THIS PACKAGE: Included with the package is GFOLDER.CMD. GFOLDER.CMD is the REXX equivalent of the installation utility GFINST.EXE. It shows how the REXX API can be used to create and modify the groups of GFolder. See "Programming API" in GFolder's online help for more details.