═══ 1. Preface ═══ Congratulations on your purchase of the GammaTech Utilities. We feel that you will find them an excellent companion to your OS/2 system. This package of utilities adds enhanced data optimization, manipulation and recovery capabilities to your mission critical OS/2 workstation. It is recommended that you spend a few minutes browsing this documentation to become familiar with the various utilities provided. Please note that this documentation can be printed using standard functions of the view command. Copyright (C) GammaTech, Inc. 1991-1994 All rights reserved. ═══ 2. Installation ═══ The following sections explain how to install the GammaTech Utilities base product as well as how to install corrective service files for the GammaTech Utilites. ═══ 2.1. Installing the Base Product ═══ Warning: If you have files to recover now, you should not install the Utilities to the same volume where the deleted file(s) reside. You may install to a different volume or you may execute the UnDelete function of the GTDisk utility directly from the installation disk. To execute the UnDelete function of the GTDisk utility from the installation disk, place the disk in drive A: and type A:GTDisk from any OS/2 command prompt. Then select the Undelete function. You must use the GTINST program for installation of the GammaTech Utilities. GTINST decompresses files from the installation files and places them on the hard disk. A standard copy will not decompress the files and will also copy files which you do not need. If you have installed an earlier version of the GammaTech Utilities, you may wish to edit your Config.Sys file and remove any references to the directory where the old version resides. By default, version 3.0 will be installed into a new directory and the PATH statement in Config.Sys will be updated. However, if an older version is also installed, the older versions of the utilities will be executed when working from an OS/2 window or full screen unless you remove the references to the older version. Complete and mail the registration card. Maintenance releases may be sent to registered customers from time to time without notice. Only registered customers will be notified of and eligible for upgrade opportunities. You should complete and return the registration card even if you purchased this software directly from us. To install the GammaTech Utilities, switch to an OS/2 full screen or an OS/2 window, place the installation disk in your A: drive, and type: A:GTINST. The install program will guide you through the installation process. If required, you may use your B: drive as well. Simply specify B:GTINST when you execute the program. Install may have altered your CONFIG.SYS file (it will ask you before doing this) or it may ask you to make changes to CONFIG.SYS manually. If so, you must reboot your system to activate those changes. Online documentation is included with the GammaTech Utilities. To view the online documentation, double click on the information icon found in the GammaTech folder. ═══ 2.2. Installing Corrective Service ═══ Corrective service may be provided from time to time either on floppy diskettes or by electronic means such as by download from CompuServe or BBS's. You must use the GTINST installation program to install these corrective service updates. Use the following procedure to install corrective service.  Shutdown all GammaTech applications which may be executing.  Switch to a OS/2 window or full screen.  Start the install program: GTINST d:\path\csdfile (Specifying the full drive, path and file name of the corrective service file.)  Review the readme file, which will be displayed for you, for any special instructions.  Click on Install  Follow any directions given by the installation program.  Once installation of the CSD has completed, you may restart any GammaTech applications. Note that the corrective service file name ends with ".CSD". This is a requirement. If you should rename the csd file, it must have an extension of ".CSD". If while attempting to apply this CSD you encounter the error message pop-up with the title which reads "Base Level Invalid", it means that the version information stored in the INI files could not be found. This information was placed there during the installation of the base product, but is no longer there. You must reinstall the base product and then apply this CSD. If installation of corrective service fails due to a lack of disk space, GammaTech applications executing, etc. Correct the problem causing the failure and reapply the corrective service. Reinstallation of the base release is not required in this situation. ═══ 2.3. Recreating Folder and Icons ═══ In the event your GammaTech folder or program object icons should become damaged or "lost", you may recreate them without having to perform a complete reinstall of the product. To do this, follow the instructions below:  Insert the GammaTech installation disk into drive A:.  Switch to a OS/2 window or full screen.  Enter GTINST A:  Click on Install  Click on Recreate Product Folder  Follow any directions given by the installation program. ═══ 3. What's New in Version 3.00 ═══ Release 3.0 of the GammaTech Utilities has over 200 enhancements. Many of these enhancements are in the form of added functionality and new features. Many involve improved overall performance. In the list below you will read about the more significant enhancements. Message numbers have been added to most messages displayed to the customer. These messages are fully documented in the printed documentation. The log files of all utilities now display the utility name and version. The format of the logs has been rearranged for better readability. The I/O routines have been improved to add integrity and improve performance of many utility functions. Support has been added for HPFS version 2.3 and 2.4. This includes support for HPFS volumes which exceed 2 gigabytes and the IBM LAN Server 4.0 HPFS386 enhancements. Complete revisions have been made to the online documentation, printed documentation and help information. Enhancements to the product structure and installation procedures now allow for electronic distribution of corrective service maintenance. This will allow customers to have near immediate access to the latest maintenance revisions via CompuServe, BBS's and other electronic means. Analyze The customer may now view a list of sectors which have been marked bad. An option to automatically mark bad sectors as bad has been added. This option is available if the volume can be locked at execution time. Automatic updating of the HPFS checksum values, as appropriate, has been added. Comprehensive analysis of sectors found bad is now performed. The ownership of a bad sector is identified and reported including the type of sector and what system area or file it belongs to. DiskMap This new utility has been provided to graphically display the layout of FAT or HPFS volumes making it easy to identify bad areas and determine the amount of fragmentation on the volume. FatOpt A graphic display of the optimization process is now displayed. A display only option is now provided as well as trigger parameters which allow optimization to proceed if fragmentation exceeds the specified level. The customer may now specify that the "EA DATA. SF" file be, or not be, defragmented. Additional information about the volume and files is now displayed. Files The new Files utility is a replacement for the old Attribute, Delete and Find utilities which provides easier file maintenance as well as provides significantly improved functionality. The main dialog provides extensive file selection criteria. You may select files in most any imaginable way including comments, text, file size, file age and attributes. From the main dialog you may delete, move, copy, set timestamps, alter attributes, or search for the specified files. If the search option is selected, a list of the matching files is displayed. From the file list, you may select and deselect one or more files and then execute any of the functions above. From the file list you may also choose to view or edit selected files. The editor and browser utilities are customer configurable. The delete function now provides an option to bypass the OS/2 Undelete processing so as to not flush the OS/2 Undelete directory and to improve performance with mass delete operations. The Wipe Files function now has additional secure erase processing to better ensure nonrecoverability of files. GtDisk The general text mode menu has been reworked for easier readability and use. Where appropriate, option selections can be toggled and the entry fields are easier to use. Enhancements to the online help make it more informative and easier to use. When appropriate, the checksums for HPFS volumes are automatically updated. The BadSectr utility has been merged into the GtDisk utility. This provides simplified recovery operations when it is not possible to boot OS/2. In addition, sectors may also be unmarked allowing the customer to reverse bad sector marking that may have been done in error. The Backup Boot Sector function now allows for more comprehensive backup and restore for HPFS volumes. In addition to the logical boot record, the boot block, super block and spare blocks may now be selectively restored in order to offer better recovery of corrupted HPFS volumes. The HPFS Recovery has been extensively reworked to provide easier use and additional recovery options. The remaining items in this section deal with the enhanced HPFS Recovery function. The prompt mode can be changed on the fly for faster recovery operations requiring more or less manual intervention as desired. Recovery of repartitioned disks has been greatly improved. Even if the new partition does not correctly align with the old partition. In these cases, the customer is also informed regarding the difference. Significant performance improvements have been made during the analysis phase of the recovery operation. The F-Node option now allows specification of file F-Nodes as well as directory F-Nodes. A new F-Node option has been provided which allows recovery of file data even if the entire directory structure of the disk has become obliterated. Recovery enhancements have been incorporated for the new HPFS386 driver supplied with the IBM LAN Server 4.0 product. Warnings are issued when residual data resides on the volume from a previous format operation. When possible, recovered files will have timestamps set to the values of the original file. Improved error recovery has been added to prevent utility failure on badly corrupted volumes. HexDump HexDump is a new utility which allows you to convert binary files to ASCII readable text. The text is then viewable and editable using any standard text editor. You may examine the binary file in hex and ASCII formats. The utility allows you to make changes to the hex or ASCII sections of the file and convert it back to binary format. HpfsOpt The text mode HPFS Optimizer (HpfsOpt) has been made easier to use by simplifying the optimization options. Optimization algorithms have been rewritten to significantly enhance the effectiveness of file defragmentation and performance has been greatly improved. This version fully supports the new HPFS 2.3 and 2.4 versions of the HPFS drivers including full support for permission (ACL) assignments found on the HPFS386 file systems supplied with the IBM LAN Server product. Optimize The Presentation Manager version of the HPFS Optimizer now provides features which allow the customer to perform an analysis of the volume creating a list of files for optimization. The customer may then select or deselect files from the list and perform optimization on the desired files. Optimization options have been simplified for easier use. The progress of the optimization is now shown by displaying messages in the main dialog window. The log file is still available for viewing and printing as desired. Files selected for optimization may now be selected by file size limits. Optimization algorithms have been rewritten to significantly enhance the effectiveness of file defragmentation and performance has been greatly improved. This version fully supports the new HPFS 2.3 and 2.4 versions of the HPFS drivers including full support for permission (ACL) assignments found on the HPFS386 file systems supplied with the IBM LAN Server product. The option to perform continuous optimization on one or more drives has been provided. The customer may select the volumes, trigger criteria and time intervals at which optimization is to be performed. Reboot Additional options have been added to shutdown Presentation Manager applications and request that they save their settings prior to reboot. SEdit The Sector Editor has been completely rewritten and moved from the GtDisk utility to a utility of its own standing. The editor now displays known file system structures, such as the HPFS Super Block, in a formatted manner. Many of the HPFS and FAT file structures are supported. In addition, a feature is provided to format any disk sector as if it were one of the supported file system structures. And of course, you may view any sector in its hex/ASCII format. A partition table edit feature has been implemented. A FAT table edit feature has been added. A editor command has been added to compute and update the HPFS checksum values. Multiple sectors may now be written to or read from external files. Sentry Automatic detection of offline repartitioning of drives has been added. An option to automatically backup Config.Sys has been added. The Sentry.Ini file has been eliminated. It now uses the standard OS/2 INI files to save information. SysInfo The GammaTech SysInfo utility now displays serial (COM) and parallel I/O port assignments. SysInfo now displays the hardware IRQ assignments. Undelete When available, timestamps for deleted files on FAT volumes are now displayed. In addition, when one of these files is undeleted, the undeleted file will have the same timestamp as the original. The OS/2 Undelete feature is now supported. The customer may now mix and match the GammaTech Undelete with the OS/2 Undelete. When Undelete is executed against a volume where the OS/2 Undelete feature is enabled, the customer is given the choice of undeleting from the OS/2 Undelete directory or by using the GammaTech undelete procedure. The list of deleted files now shows the best guess for the path from which the deleted file belonged. Significant performance improvements have been made in the analysis of HPFS volumes. Significant performance improvements have been made undeleting files from FAT volumes. Logic has been added to enhance recovery of erased files allowing recovery of files which were not recoverable in previous versions. WipeFree WipeFree is a new command line utility to clear freespace on a disk volume. It replaces a similar feature in the old Delete utility. This version provides complete wiping of all freespace on a FAT or HPFS volume. As an option, a secure wipe can be performed which meets Department of Defense specifications. Besides security issues, the WipeFree utility allows the customer to erase freespace on volumes which have been "fast formatted" . Fast formatted volumes retain data from previous formats of the volume which complicates recovery operations. Summary With the release of version 3.0 of the GammaTech Utilities, we believe we are providing the most comprehensive, state of the art package of system and file system maintenance utilities available today. The extensive enhancements provided are an indication to our support of you, our customers, and the OS/2 market place. We look forward to continuing our relationship with future enhancements and OS/2 related products in keeping with our service commitment to you. ═══ 4. Maintenece Mode Boot Disks ═══ Boot diskettes for maintenence mode may be created by making copies of the OS/2 Installation diskette and OS/2 diskette 1. You may also create them using the "Create Utility Diskettes" feature found in the "System Setup" folder. If you choose this option, you must also copy the following files to your working diskette from the \OS2\DLL directory on the boot drive: VIOCALLS.DLL and NLS.DLL These DLL's are required but not copied by the "Create Utility Diskettes" feature. Boot normally with the Installation diskette and when OS/2 prompts you, press ESC to obtain the OS/2 command line prompt. Then remove the OS/2 diskette from the floppy drive and insert the GammaTech Utilities installation disk. You will then have access to the GTDisk and FileJoin utilities to perform recovery operations. To run other GammaTech text based utilities such as FatOpt, simply copy them to a diskette for use in maintenence mode. ═══ 5. Backup and Recovery Considerations ═══ Regardless of the file system type you are running, the best recovery procedure involves having a sound backup procedure which is consistently followed. There are several backup programs available. With the increasing capacity of hard disks today, it is becoming impractical to back up entire hard disks to floppy disks on a frequent basis. Tape backup units are the best choice available, but they are expensive. For many, floppy disk backup may be the only choice available. Most backup utilities have the capability to do full, differential, or incremental backups. This allows a user to do full backups at perhaps, monthly intervals and backup only the files which have changed since either the last full backup (differential) or the last incremental backup. This clearly saves time and floppy disks while maintaining current backup copies of the hard disk. Nonetheless, those times occur when a file is accidentally deleted and a current backup copy is not available. Up to now, HPFS format volumes were most unforgiving when this happened. The GammaTech Utilities provide a means which can, in many cases, recover deleted files provided that you initiate the recovery before the space occupied by the file is reused. It is important that you begin the recovery procedure as soon as you discover that the file has been deleted. It is also important that you do not write new data to the volume where the file previously resided until the recovery process has been completed. Hopefully when you find yourself in this situation, the GammaTech Utilities have already been installed on your hard disk. If not, you may execute the UnDelete function of the GTDISK utility from the installation floppy disk. To do this, place the installation disk into your A: drive and type A:GTDISK ═══ 6. HPFS and Optimization ═══ The High Performance File System (HPFS) is a very efficient file system format for OS/2 users. The improved directory structure and intelligent use of disk space makes it the best choice for those seeking the greatest performance from their OS/2 system. One of the biggest performance problems with any file system is fragmentation of file data. This means that data for a file is broken into multiple chunks and placed in separate places on the disk volume. This causes head movement on the disk to access the data, which takes time. The end result is lost performance. OS/2 application software developers have the capability to tell OS/2 how large a file will be when the file is created. This can be a dilemma at times because the size is not always known. If the size is under-estimated, it frequently will cause the file to be fragmented. Another problem for developers occurs when a file is to be extended by adding data to it (normally referred to as appending data). The developer can over-commit the file size in which case OS/2 will reserve space for the data to be appended at a later time. This results in unused space on your disk volume which cannot be used by other files. The alternative option is not to over-commit with the likely result being a fragmented file. The efficient nature of HPFS greatly minimizes fragmentation of files. With the tuning options set at their optimum values, the effect of fragmented files also is greatly reduced. Nonetheless, some frequently used files can become fragmented to the extent that performance is lost. Through customer feedback GammaTech has identified certain system configurations which have greater fragmentation than others. Those which generally need optimization are high use server volumes, systems where many small files are frequently created and deleted such as BBS systems, and those systems which run DOS and Windows (tm) programs. Some high level language development systems also tend to generate fragmented files. The HPFS Optimizer included with the GammaTech Utilities will analyze your HPFS volume and identify files with excessive extents. Normally this is any normal file with more than 3 extents. Those files selected are then defragmented until they consist of 3 or less extents. These parameters may be adjusted by the user if greater or lesser degrees of optimization are required. It is recommended that you allow the optimizer to take the default parameters specified above unless you have special needs. With a reasonable cache installed, it is unlikely that performance will be affected with files up to 3 extents. Forcing files to be defragmented to one extent may result in fragmentation of freespace on the volume which will increase the probability that new files will be fragmented when they are created. ═══ 7. PM/WPS Utilities ═══ Several utility functions are provided through a Presentation Manager GUI interface which was developed for the Workplace Shell environment of OS/2. A folder was added to your WPS desktop at installation time. To execute the PM based utilities, select the GammaTech folder from your desktop and then select the icon for the utility you would like to run. Each utility has online help available. ═══ 7.1. Analyze Disk Volumes ═══ The Analyze utility may be used to display information about and test media of your disk volumes. The Info function displays information about your disk volumes. Besides physical and logical information, Analyze also provides information regarding bad sectors and the Hot Fix area on HPFS volumes. If sectors have been marked bad, a View button will become visible allowing you to examine the list of bad sectors. The Test function provides media testing for the selected logical volume. Each sector on the volume is analyzed for errors. Missing or otherwise bad sectors are reported. Analyze will test volumes with "unknown" formats by analyzing the sectors sequentially. This option can be forced for HPFS or FAT volumes by checking the "Ignore Format" option box. Detailed information regarding errors is recorded to the log. This log is created for you automatically and can be saved or printed from the View Log window. If the Flag Bad Sectors check box is selected, sectors with errors are automatically marked as bad and removed from further use, providing that the volume being analyzed can be locked. If the volume cannot be locked, the list of bad sectors is reported but they are not automatically marked bad. You may then use the GtDisk utility to mark the sectors bad "offline" to prevent them from being used. HPFS or FAT volumes are analyzed in accordance with their file system structures allowing the ownership or use of a error sector to be determined. Sectors found in error may be further analyzed using the Sector editor provided with the GammaTech Utilities. The Sector Editor may be useful in reconstructing corrupted or damaged disk sectors. The most common errors are "Sector Not Found" and "CRC Error". The "Sector Not Found" error generally indicates that the sector was found to be bad when the disk was low level formatted and was therefore not formatted. This error can usually be ignored as it presents no danger. The "CRC Error" indicates that the media at the sector location is bad. If this sector contained useful data the data probably is lost. You can attempt to read the sector using the Sector Editor and if successful, rewrite it to the same sector or record it to a file. Rewriting to the same sector will usually correct the problem, at least for a while. Program priority can be set to either normal or idle class. Operating at idle priority will cause disk test procedures to have a minimum impact on other executing programs. If other programs are consuming all available processor time however, using idle class may keep the analyze function from completing. Changes to the priority settings take effect immediately. While the analysis program is executing, status messages are displayed on screen and an indicator bar is updated to reflect progress. ═══ 7.2. DiskMap ═══ The DiskMap utility will display the logical layout of a FAT or HPFS volume in graphical terms. The various area types are color coded to provide an easy pictorial view of fragmentation, system areas and bad sectors on the disk volume. The types of space displayed are system areas, file data areas, free space and bad sectors. In addition, general volume information for the drive can be displayed. ═══ 7.3. Files Utility ═══ The Files utility provides the ability to perform various maintenance operations on groups of files on one or more volumes. The files to be operated upon may be selected by a wide range of selection criteria. Operations which can be performed on located files consists of:  Deleting Files  Secure Wiping of Files  Alteration of Standard Attributes  Alteration of Time Stamps  Moving Files  Copying Files  Browsing Files  Editing Files Files to be operated on may be selected using any combination of the following criteria:  Volume(s) on which the Files Reside  Path  File Name (including wild card characters)  Text Within File Comments  Text Within the File  File Size  File Time Stamps  Standard File Attributes Most of the operations may be performed immediately from the main dialog. To operate in this manner, enter the desired selection criteria and then press the desired operation push button. The customer may also perform a search for the files before selecting an action on the files. To operate in this manner, enter the desired selection criteria and press the Search push button. The selected volumes are then searched for all files meeting the search criteria and then a list of files meeting the search criteria is displayed. The customer may then select and deselect files from the list and then press the desired action push button to execute against only those files which are selected. Program priority can be set to either normal or idle class. Operating at idle priority will cause the operation to have a minimum impact on other executing programs. If other programs are consuming all available processor time however, using idle class may keep the operation from completing. Changes to the priority settings take effect immediately. Information about the various operations performed is recorded to a online log. The log is displayed by selecting the "View Log" push button. From the log window, you can save or print the log. The Files utility will locate files on one or more volumes. You may specify the volumes, path, and filespec of files to be located. Subdirectory trees may be included or not included. The file search may be limited to those files which contain a text pattern within their data or text patterns within their comments. Searching for files based on text or comment patterns will require much more time than searches without this criteria. You should limit the search as much as possible using the path and filespec options when specifying comment or text patterns in order to complete the search in minimum time. Files may be selected based on file size. Radio buttons provide selection of files greater than, equal to, or less than a certain file size. This option may be used to locate zero length files. That is, only those files which contain no data will be selected. If no file size is entered, searching will not be limited by file size. Files may be selected based on the date/time of the file. Radio buttons allow the selection of which date (created, modified, or accessed) and whether to select the file based on the file date being greater than, greater than or equal to, equal to, less than or equal to, or less than the entered date and time. If the time field is left blank it is assumed to be 00:00 AM. You may not enter a time and leave the date blank. NOTE: FAT volumes do not support created or last accessed timestamps. With this in mind, you should be aware that operations performed on FAT volumes using create or last accessed timestamps will be performed as if the last modified timestamp was used. The browser and editor may be set to use third party utilities in accordance with the customers desires. They default to the E Editor provided with OS/2. Press the Options push button to configure the editor and browser utilities. When setting timestamps, the date/time value for an HPFS file can be set equal to one of the other date/time values for the same file by specification of the source date/time value in the date entry field. To use this option you must enter a character value in the date entry field as follows: A - Source is the Accessed timestamp; M - Source is the Modified timestamp; C - Source is the Created timestamp. For example, if you wished to set the Modified timestamp equal to the Accessed timestamp you would enter an A in the date field and check the Modified check box. The Delete operation provides the capability to mass erase selected files on one or more volumes. In addition, file data may be overwritten to obliterate sensitive data and to make file recovery impossible. An option is provided to obliterate data in compliance with Department of Defense specifications. The "wipe files" check box on the Delete dialog provides the capability to overwrite file data prior to erasing the file. This option ensures that the data for the file cannot be recovered and is useful for obliterating security sensitive information. All of the files allocated space is overwritten, not just the space used. The "wipe" option bypasses the OS/2 disk cache therefore ensuring that the data obliteration actually takes place. Normally the file is overwritten one time with binary zeroes. If the "U.S. Government" option is selected, the obliteration procedure will meet Department of Defense specifications which require that the file be overwritten with four passes of zeros followed by ones, one pass writing a random value, and verification of the last write. The repeat count will repeat the entire procedure as many times as requested. ═══ 7.4. Optimize HPFS Volumes ═══ The Optimize HPFS function performs optimization on one or more HPFS volumes by defragmenting files. A dialog is presented for selection of optimization options. When the optimizer is started using the Analyze push button, all files on the volume(s) are checked for fragmentation. After this analysis operation, the user may select the "View Files" push button and de-select any files that are not to be optimized, and continue with the optimization of those files by pressing the Optimize push button. If all files are to be optimized you may simply press the Optimize push button instead of the Analyze push button. In this case, the analysis operation will execute followed by the optimization operation without customer intervention. A fragmented file contains more than one contiguous block of data. Each of these blocks is called an extent. The HPFS Optimizer analyzes the files on your HPFS volume to determine the number of extents each file contains. When a file is identified which contains excessive extents, it is selected for optimizing. Normally, the HPFS Optimizer will defragment those files which contain more than 3 extents. You may override this threshold at execution time by specifying the number of extents you wish to use as a threshold. For instance if you specify 5 the optimizer will optimize files containing more than 5 extents. It is recommended that you allow this option to default to 3. Forcing files to be defragmented to one extent may result in fragmentation of freespace on the volume which will increase the probability that new files will be fragmented when they are created. You may also select files to be optimized by limiting the search to those files which meet size criteria. The HPFS Optimizer may be safely executed while other processes are executing on your OS/2 system, even if the other processes update the same HPFS volume. Files which are in use, however, will not be defragmented. Once optimization has begun, you may terminate the operation by selecting "Cancel" from the "Options" menu item. Care should be taken not to otherwise terminate the optimizer by other means. The HPFS Optimizer will not attempt to defragment any file which has an attribute of READ ONLY, HIDDEN, or SYSTEM. If you wish to have the optimizer operate on a file with these attributes you must change the file's attribute before executing the optimizer. You may do this using the GammaTech Files Utility. The ARCHIVED file attribute is often used to tell your backup software which files have changed since the last backup. To avoid interfering with the efficient use of your backup software, the HPFS Optimizer leaves the ARCHIVED attribute set to the same value as that of the original fragmented file. The Options push button provides the ability to perform continuous optimization of one or more HPFS volumes by checking the appropriate option and selecting the desired time interval. In addition, you may check the Start Minimized check box on the Options dialog to cause the Optimizer to start in the minimized state. If you choose the Continuous Timed Defrag option, you must leave the optimizer running. Simply minimize it instead of shutting it down. OS/2 will automatically restart the optimizer after each reboot. Alternatively you may create a shadow of the Optimize icon and place it in your startup folder. For the optimizer to run properly there must be free space available on the HPFS volume. A full or near full volume will prevent the optimizer from running effectively. For maximum performance, there should be at least 512,000 bytes plus the length of the largest file selected for optimization. If your volume does not meet this criteria, you may wish to offload some of the files to another volume before running the optimizer. Program priority can be set to either normal or idle class. Operating at idle priority will cause the HPFS optimizer to have a minimum impact on other executing programs. If other programs are consuming all available processor time however, using idle class may keep the function from completing. Changes to the priority settings take effect immediately. ═══ 7.5. Sentry ═══ The Sentry utility provides the ability to monitor your boot sectors for inadvertent alteration. It also provides the ability to lock specified files for read-only access or to block read and write access. It provides a level of protection against virus programs as well as accidental modification or deletion of critical files on your workstation. Sentry also backs up critical OS/2 files. Sentry is presented using the notebook control. The first page allows setup of the Boot Sector Monitor. From this page you can select which physical and/or logical volumes you wish to monitor. Pressing the default button selects all drives for monitoring. You may also set the interval at which the boot sectors are checked for alteration. When a boot sector is altered and the alteration is detected you will be notified of the alteration via a pop-up dialog. From this dialog you may select to ignore the alteration or restore the boot sector to its original value. The second page of the notebook presents the File Lock feature. To add a file to the list, press the ADD button. This will display another dialog where you specify the complete drive, path, and file name of the file(s) to lock. Wild cards are permitted in the file name. All files specified will be write protected. If you wish these files to be read protected also, check the Read Protect check box. To include subdirectories of the path, check the Include Subdirectories check box. To remove files from the list, select one or more files with the mouse. To select a single file, click on it. To select a range of files click on the first file and drag to the last file. Once the file(s) are selected, press or click on the REMOVE button. The DEFAULT button will automatically add certain OS/2 files which are critical to workstation security. It is suggested that you press DEFAULT before initially setting up your file list. In order for Sentry to protect your system, it must remain executing. Once you have started Sentry and set the values as desired, you must leave Sentry running. To do this, click on the minimize control. OS/2 will restart Sentry automatically on subsequent reboots. Alternatively you may create a shadow of the Sentry icon and place it in your startup folder. The startup and shutdown sequence for Sentry may take a few minutes as it identifies files to be locked or unlocked. Sentry can be used to back up critical OS/2 files. Both the OS2 INI files (OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI) and the CONFIG.SYS file are backed up to a directory you specify and at intervals you specify. In the event that these files are deleted or become corrupted or damaged, they can be restored from the backup copies maintained by sentry. Sentry can back up files either every interval (in terms of days, hours, and minutes, or it can back up after a specified time of day. When Interval is selected, the time of the most recent backup is checked against the current time and the selected interval. If the current time is greater than the last backup time plus the interval, the backup is performed. An alternative method of backup is provided with the Time Of Day option. With this selected, the hours and minutes you enter are interpreted as the time of day when you'd like the backup performed. In this case, the time of the most recent backup is compared against the current time. If the backup has not been performed today, and it's past the backup time, a backup is performed. To keep your system files backed up, select a backup directory, select a backup interval, and enable the backup feature. Sentry can maintain from 1 to 99 generations of backup files but it defaults to three generations. Sentry can be configured to backup the selected items every time you start the program. With this item selected, any of the options selected (Desktop, INI files, CONFIG.SYS) will be immediately backed up each time you start the program. This is in addition to any other options selected. For the Backup Desktop option to function properly if your OS/2 boot volume is HPFS format, the backup directory must also be HPFS. If your boot volume is FAT, the backup directory can be FAT or HPFS. Generally, floppy disk drives are not suitable for automated backup. To make it simple to keep the Sentry program in your list of auto-started programs, there is an option to have the program start minimized. To enable this feature, simple select the "Start Minimized" check box on the Sentry settings page. Restoring from Sentry's Backup Files: The copies of the system INI files, the Workplace Shell Desktop tree, and the CONFIG.SYS file are essentially just copies of the originals. Since the INI files and the Desktop directory tree are in use whenever the Workplace Shell is running, they may be restored only after booting from floppy disk. (The CONFIG.SYS file may be restored at any time.) To boot from floppy, insert the OS/2 Install diskette and start the system. When prompted, insert OS/2 diskette 1. At the next prompt, you are given the alternatives of pressing Enter to continue or Escape to go to a command prompt. Press Escape here to obtain the prompt. Sentry maintains several generations (from 1 to 100) of backups of both the INI files and the Desktop tree. The most recent backup is number 00 and the oldest is the highest number. You can tell when the files were backed up by checking the Modified date on the file (or directory in the case of the Desktop backup). After you select which generation to restore from (we'll use 00 in the example here) you need to copy the files from your backup directory back to your system directories. The backup INI files created by Sentry are called OS2.nn and OS2SYS.nn, where nn is a generation number. The most recent generation is always number 00. The next youngest version is 01, and so on. For Example If your boot drive is C:, to restore the INI files from the most recent backup, you would simply copy the files from your backup directory to your system directory (\OS2). Assuming a default installation on drive C: the command to do this would be: COPY C:\GTU30\BACKUP\OS2.00 C:\OS2\OS2.INI COPY C:\GTU30\BACKUP\OS2SYS.00 C:\OS2\OS2SYS.INI If you need to restore from a backup generation other than 00, simply substitute the appropriate number. To restore your Workplace Shell Desktop directory tree, you must boot from floppy disk, rename the existing desktop directory tree and copy over the backup version of the directory tree. Under OS/2 2.1, the Workplace Shell Desktop directory is created as "C:\Desktop" on both HPFS and FAT volumes. Under OS/2 2.0, or on a 2.1 system which originally had 2.0 installed, the Workplace Shell Directory name is "C:\OS!2 2.0 Desktop" on an HPFS volume, or "C:\OS!2_2.0_D" on a FAT volume. You can check the name of your directory be typing "DIR" in the root directory of your boot volume or by selecting the File settings in the settings folder for your Workplace Shell desktop. The backup Desktop directories created by Sentry are called Backupnn where nn is a generation number. The most recent generation is always number 00. The next youngest version is 01, and so on. Assuming that your boot volume is C:, that you backed up your desktop directory tree to C:\GTU30\BACKUP, and that your Workplace Shell Desktop directory tree is stored in C:\DESKTOP, you would restore your desktop directory in this way: REN C:\DESKTOP DESKOLD XCOPY C:\GTU30\BACKUP\BACKUP00\* C:\DESKTOP\* /S /E /V With this operation, you are renaming the old desktop directory to avoid problems with portions of the directory which may be corrupted and you are copying back your backup copy of the directory tree. If your desktop directory is different that the example, substitute it in place of "C:\DESKTOP". Likewise, if your backup copies are stored somewhere other than C:\GTU30\BACKUP, substitute the appropriate directory name in its place. ═══ 7.6. SysInfo ═══ The SysInfo utility displays a window containing detailed information about your workstation and OS/2 configuration. The text is divided into 3 groups as follows: General System Information displays information such as the maximum path length, boot drive, performance and priority settings, memory values, etc. The Hardware Information displays the number of attached printers, serial ports and diskette drives; the PC model types and coprocessor presence; I/O port assignments for attached COM and LPT devices; and IRQ status, address and devices. Note: To obtain IRQ and Port map information the /rm switch must be specified in the Parameters section of the Settings dialog, or on the command line if executed in that manner. Not all hardware configurations are compatible with the OS/2 Resource Manager. If traps or system lockups occur when using this featue, discontinue using it. The Presentation Manager Information deals with various video graphics values, mouse settings, cursor and keyboard values. Most of these values are of greatest interest to programmers but are interesting to the non-technical user as well. The System Information text may be saved to a file or printed using the pull down menu. ═══ 7.7. UnDelete ═══ The UnDelete function performs file recovery for FAT or HPFS volumes. One or many files may be selected for recovery at the same time. The GammaTech UnDelete utility permits the customer to have one or more volumes enabled for the OS/2 undelete feature. When it is detected that the OS/2 undelete feature is enabled for a volume, the customer is given the option to undelete from the OS/2 DELETE directory, or use the normal GammaTech undelete procedure. Normally when this option is given, the customer should choose to undelete from the OS/2 DELETED directory. The OS/2 undelete facility renames files to ambiguous numeric names. If you have the OS/2 Undelete option enabled and choose to use the normal undelete procedure instead of the OS/2 undelete option, you will have difficulty identifying your files. UnDelete scans the requested drive for ALL erased files which may be at least partially recovered and then allows you to select those files you wish to recover. On HPFS volumes this search can run for some time depending on the number of erased files and amount of freespace on the volume. A timeline is provided during the analyze processing so that you may gauge the length of time the analyze will require. You may continue to work on your OS/2 workstation while the analysis is being performed, but you should take care not to write to the volume where the erased file(s) reside. The timeline is not displayed when analyzing a FAT volume or when the OS/2 Undelete feature is used. In these cases, the analysis is quite fast. As deleted files are located on the volume, they are displayed in the dialog. You may cancel the analysis at any time and undelete from the list as displayed at the time of the cancel request. The path displayed for the deleted files will not be reliable if the directory structure of the volume has been altered since the file was deleted. Display of incorrect information in the path field is not an error and in any event will not effect the ability to recover the file. After selecting the file(s) to be recovered, if any of the data for the deleted file can be recovered, it will be written to a new output file. You will be prompted for the name of the new file with a suggested path and file name. Even if the complete file cannot be recovered, UnDelete will recover as much as possible. Since the UnDelete utility reads the deleted data at the same time it writes the recovered file, it is a good idea to direct the new file to a different volume than the one where the deleted file resides. This will prevent UnDelete from accidentally writing over data belonging to the deleted file before it is recovered. You may specify a floppy disk drive for the new file and then copy the file back to the original volume after all deleted files are recovered. If you have multiple hard disk volumes, you may use one of them. UnDelete will tell you if you accidentally specify the same input and output volume. You may override UnDelete at this time to force it to recover to the same volume but the chance of a successful recovery is reduced. Note: This restriction does not apply when using the OS/2 Undelete feature with the GammaTech UnDelete utility. When recovering large files to floppy disk volumes you will be prompted to change floppies when the diskette is full. After changing the diskette, UnDelete will continue writing to the new diskette. In such cases you should number each diskette. Each diskette will contain a fraction of the file data. Once recovery has completed, you can rejoin the file fragments from the multiple floppy diskettes using the GammaTech FileJoin utility. Normally if the file data can be recovered, any extended attributes (EA's) that belong to the file can also be recovered. However, it is not possible for UnDelete to positively identify that the deleted file had EA's at the time it was deleted. It can determine that the file had EA's at some time in its life. UnDelete will always attempt recovery of any EA's as well. If the EA's cannot be recovered for any reason, the file data will still be recovered to the extent possible. When undeleting FAT files or when using the OS/2 Undelete feature to undelete files, the original timestamps of the files are restored also. Unfortunately with HPFS, timestamps cannot be recovered. That information is permanently lost. The timestamps are the time and date a file was created, modified, and accessed. Recovery of erased files on a server are less likely to be successful than on stand alone workstations due to the volume of read/write activity from multiple workstations. LAN Server Users: The UnDelete utility may be executed by users with ADMIN access authority. Access Control information will be lost for the recovered file. The administrator should reinstate any file permissions for the recovered file after the file is recovered. The administrator may also use the RESTACC utility to restore file permissions. The RESTACC is supplied with your LAN Server software. Program priority can be set to either normal or idle class. Operating at idle priority will cause the Undelete program to have a minimum impact on other executing programs. If other programs are consuming all available processor time however, using idle class may keep the function from completing. Changes to the priority settings take effect immediately. ═══ 8. Command Line Utilities ═══ Several utility functions are provided as "command line" versions. In many instances, it is easier and faster to operate from the OS/2 command line. In addition, there are times when Presentation Manager or even OS/2 itself cannot be initialized due to some error condition. In such cases, the command line versions can be useful in recovering data or correcting the problem. In these cases you must boot in "maintenance" mode. This is accomplished by booting OS/2 from the OS/2 installation floppy disk(s). When OS/2 prompts you, press ESC to obtain a command line prompt. Then remove the OS/2 diskette from the floppy drive and insert the GammaTech Utilities installation disk. You will then have access to the GTDisk and FileJoin utilities to perform recovery operations. All of the command line utilities will produce a short syntax display when the /? or -? switch is set. ═══ 8.1. Beep - The Beep Utility ═══ Beep in its simplest form will sound the speaker with a short beep. Options allow you to specify the frequency and duration of one or more beeps. You may also specify a file containing a list of frequency / duration pairs which will play musical tunes. Beep is a command line utility. It may be executed from an OS/2 command line prompt, command files or the alarms productivity aid utility. Command Syntax: BEEP [-?] [freq,dur ...,...] [filename] -? - Display syntax information only. Freq - A frequency value in the range of 32 to 32767. Dur - The duration of the sound in milliseconds (1000 = 1 Second). If not specified, the frequency and duration default to 523,300. If a filename is specified, the frequency and duration pairs are read from the file and played. The music files may contain more than one freq,dur pair on a line separated by spaces. The maximum length of any one line is 510 bytes. Any line beginning with an * is considered a comment line. You will find several sample music files in the GTU30 directory. The sample music files have a file extension of .MUS. The following table lists musical note frequencies for several octaves: C0 16 C1 33 C2 65 C3 131 C#0 17 C#1 35 C#2 69 C#3 139 D0 18 D1 37 D2 73 D3 147 D#0 19 D#1 39 D#2 78 D#3 156 E0 21 E1 41 E2 82 E3 165 F0 22 F1 44 F2 87 F3 175 F#0 23 F#1 46 F#2 93 F#3 185 G0 25 G1 49 G2 98 G3 196 G#0 26 G#1 52 G#2 104 G#3 208 A0 28 A1 55 A2 110 A3 220 A#0 29 A#1 58 A#2 117 A#3 233 B0 31 B1 62 B2 123 B3 247 C4 262 C5 523 C6 1046 C7 2093 C#4 277 C#5 554 C#6 1109 C#7 2217 D4 294 D5 587 D6 1175 D7 2349 D#4 311 D#5 622 D#6 1245 D#7 2489 E4 330 E5 659 E6 1329 E7 2637 F4 349 F5 698 F6 1397 F7 2794 F#4 370 F#5 740 F#6 1480 F#7 2960 G4 392 G5 784 G6 1568 G7 3136 G#4 415 G#5 831 G#6 1662 G#7 3322 A4 440 A5 880 A6 1760 A7 3520 A#4 466 A#5 932 A#6 1865 A#7 3729 B4 494 B5 988 B6 1976 B7 3951 C8 4186 ═══ 8.2. DelTree - Delete Tree ═══ DelTree will remove an entire directory tree and all files in that tree. This command should be used with great caution. Command Syntax: DELTREE [-?] [-n] [drive:]directory The -? option displays syntax information. The -n option causes the "Are you sure?" prompt which is normally performed to be bypassed. DelTree will remove files and directories which have attributes of SYSTEM, READ-ONLY and HIDDEN. It will not remove files and directories which are opened, in use by another process, or in the case of a directory, the default directory of any process. In cases where not all files and directories can be erased, as many files and directories which can be erased will be erased. ═══ 8.3. FATOpt - Optimize FAT Volumes ═══ The GammaTech FAT Optimizer analyzes a FAT volume and reorganizes the files to eliminate file fragmentation. A fragmented file contains more than one contiguous block of data. On a FAT (File Allocation Table) volume, the smallest unit of disk space is a cluster. A cluster consists of one or more sectors and each sector is typically 512 bytes. Clusters on hard disks typically contain from 4 to 16 sectors, making them 2048 to 8192 bytes in length. Command Syntax: FATOPT [-?] [drive:] [-u] [-m]  -c Optimize only if % fragmented  -d Prompt Before Optimizing  -e Don't optimize "EA DATA. SF"  -m Use Monochrome Mode  -n Optimize only if files fragmented  -p filename Specify report file name  -r Skip read verify operation  -u Unattended mode -? Display syntax. drive: The drive letter followed by a colon of the FAT volume to be optimized (i.e. C:). If drive: is not specified FATOPT will prompt for it. -c Use this option to optimize the disk only if the total number of fragmented files exceeds percent. This is an especially useful function if used in unattended mode (see the -u switch) as a part of a daily maintenance procedure. Also see the -n switch. -d With this option set, FATOPT will pause after displaying the disk layout and before optimizing the drive. You will be prompted to continue. -e With this option set, FATOPT will NOT optimize the extended attribute file EA DATA. SF. The default behavior includes optimizing the EA DATA. SF file along with all the other files on the disk. -m Selects monochrome mode for customers with monochrome monitors. -n Use this option to optimize the disk only if the total number of fragmented files exceeds . This is an especially useful function if used in unattended mode (see the -u switch) as a part of a daily maintenance procedure. Also see the -c switch. -p filespec FATOPT will write a report to a standard text file with information about the optimization operation. You may examine this file after optimizing to see the status of the optimization. -r Setting this option tells the optimizer to skip the "read back after write verify" function. This will greatly improve the speed of the program while sacrificing an important data integrity feature. You should use this feature only if you are certain that your hard drive has no data integrity problems and execution speed is important to you. -u Run in unattended mode. Normally FATOPT waits for a keystroke before terminating to give you time to examine the program output. This switch will cause termination immediately without user input. This option is useful when running off hours or as a background task. Warning: It is strongly recommended that you make a current backup of the volume and run CHKDSK before executing this utility to ensure that you have a "clean" volume to begin with and adequate recovery is available. If no options are supplied when starting the FAT optimizer, you will be prompted for the applicable values. The FAT Optimizer must be able to obtain exclusive access to the drive being optimized. No other programs may be running with open files on the drive, including executable files. This excludes the possibility of optimizing the OS/2 boot volume since files are always open. To optimize an OS/2 boot volume, you must boot your workstation from a floppy. If the FatOpt executable file (FATOPT.EXE) resides on the drive to be optimized, you must copy it to another volume or to a floppy diskette and execute it from there. Once optimization has begun, you may terminate the operation by pressing ESC. Care should be taken not to otherwise terminate the optimizer such as via Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, or the Workplace Shell. The FAT Optimizer will not attempt to defragment any file which has an attribute of READ ONLY, HIDDEN, or SYSTEM (with the exception of the "EA DATA. SF" file). If you wish the optimizer to operate on a file with these attributes you must change the file's attribute before executing the optimizer. You may do this using the GammaTech Files utility. Example: FATOPT d: -p report.dat This example will optimize the FAT D: volume. A report is written to the file "report.dat". For the optimizer to run properly there must be free space available on the volume. A full or near full volume will prevent the optimizer from running effectively. For maximum performance, there should be at least 512,000 bytes free. ═══ 8.4. FATSort - Sort FAT Directories ═══ The FAT Sort utility will permanently sort one or more subdirectories on a FAT volume. Usage: FATSORT drive:directory [-n] [-s] [-x] [-d] [-b] drive:directory The drive letter followed by a colon of the FAT volume to be optimized (i.e. C:). drive: is required. If a relative directory name is provided, sorting will start with that directory. -s Sort Subdirectories. If the -s option is provided, FATOPT will sort subdirectories. -n Sort by File Name. If the -n option is provided, FATOPT will sort the files by file name (DEFAULT). -x Sort by File Extension. If the -x option is provided, FATOPT will sort the files by file extension. -d Sort by File Date/Time. If the -d option is provided, FATOPT will sort the files by the date/time stamp. -b Sort by File Size. If the -b option is provided, FATOPT will sort the files by file size. Note: Appending "-" to -n, -x, -d, or -b sorts in descending order (i.e. "-n-"). The FAT Optimizer always places directory entries ahead of file entries. i.e. FATSORT D: -b- would sort the largest file first. Warning: It is strongly recommended that you make a current backup of the volume and run CHKDSK before executing this utility to ensure that you have a "clean" volume to begin with and adequate recovery is available. The FatSort utility must be able to obtain exclusive access to the drive being sorted. No other programs may be running with open files on the drive including executable files. If the drive to be sorted is the OS/2 boot drive you must boot OS/2 from floppy disk to sort the directories on it. If the FatSort executable file (FATSORT.EXE) resides on the drive to be sorted, you must copy it to another volume or to a floppy diskette and execute it from there. ═══ 8.5. FileJoin - Join Multi-Floppy Files ═══ Some of the GammaTech Utilities allow a large file to be recovered to multi-volume floppy disks. In other words, a large file may span more than one floppy diskette volume. The FileJoin utility provides a method of rejoining those diskette volumes into one contiguous file on a hard disk volume. Command Syntax: FILEJOIN [-?] infile outfile -? - Display syntax information. infile - The input drive and file name. The drive specified must be a floppy disk drive (A: or B:). outfile - The output drive, path and file name. This volume must not be a floppy disk drive and must specify drive C: or higher. Example: FILEJOIN A:\MYFILE.DAT C:\FILES\MYFILE.DAT The FileJoin utility will ask for each diskette in order and create a new single volume file on the target drive. When the last diskette has been read, the user presses the F3 key to complete the file join procedure. ═══ 8.6. FileRec - Recover Damaged File ═══ In the event an existing file is discovered to contain a bad sector most applications and utilities will abort when reading the file and the bad sector is encountered. FileRec is a recovery utility which will copy the file replacing bad sectors with a value specified by the user. The data in the bad sector is lost, but the space is reserved and the user may be able to reconstruct those sectors manually. Command Syntax: FILEREC [/?] [/hh] infile outfile /? - Display syntax information. /hh - Specifies the hexadecimal value to be used to replace bad sectors. If no value is specified a value of /20 is used which is equivalent to a space. infile - The input file which contains bad sectors. outfile - The output file name of the reconstructed file. ═══ 8.7. GTDisk - Disk Utility ═══ The GTDisk utility provides several utility functions in a text mode shell to allow you to perform recovery operations when Presentation Manager is not available for use. To start GTDisk from Presentation Manager, simply double click on the icon in the GammaTech folder. To execute it from a command prompt, type GTDisk at the prompt. If you have booted from floppy disk, place the GammaTech Installation disk into drive A: and enter A:GTDisk at the command prompt. GTDisk will present a display of the utilities available for use. Several of these utilities write to the disk to perform the recovery operation. In order to do this safely under OS/2 the disk volume must be locked to prevent other processes from updating it at the same time. In order to lock the volume, no other process can be using it at the time. This requires that all applications and windows using the volume be closed. In the case of the boot volume, there will always be open files on the volume. In order to update those volumes you must boot from the OS/2 floppy disks. ═══ 8.7.1. Mark / Unmark Bad Sectors ═══ Use the Mark Bad Sectors feature to mark sectors on your FAT or HPFS volume unusable by OS/2. You may also reverse the operation with the Unmark feature. Supply the drive letter of the volume to be operated on, then fill in the starting and ending sectors to be marked or unmarked. Press F2 to mark sectors as bad or press F3 to unmark the sectors and return them to a usable status. The first sector in the range must be a free (unused) sector if you are marking sectors bad. Subsequent sectors in the range will be skipped if they are not eligible to be marked bad. If you are unmarking a range of sectors, the 1st sector must be marked bad. Subsequent sectors will be skipped if they are not already marked bad. ═══ 8.7.2. Undelete Files ═══ The Undelete function allows you to recover files which have been accidentally deleted from a HPFS or FAT volume. Files are written to a different disk than that where the deleted file resides. When initially activated you are prompted for the drive letter of the volume where the deleted file(s) reside. Once entered, the volume is searched for erased files. If the volume is HPFS this analysis may take several minutes depending on the amount of freespace on the volume. Once the analysis has completed you will be presented with each erased file, one at a time, for recovery. This is a compact version of Undelete. The PM version has several additional features which simplifies and speeds the recovery process. Later versions of the HPFS (version 2.3 and up) support a fast format feature by default. This feature of the Format command does not overwrite the entire volume as did previous versions (although you may choose to do this as an option). The fast format feature only writes the required format information to the volume which significantly speeds up the format procedure. What this means in a recovery situation is that some data structures on the volume may be left over from a previous format. In other words, it contains old data. When a fast formatted volume is detected, a warning message is provided to notify you that the volume has been fast formatted. Recovery will proceed but you should be aware that some of the recovered data may be from the previous format. If you wish to alleviate the problems of a fast formatted volume in a recovery situation you may either choose not to perform a fast format when you format the volume, or you may use the WipeFree utility to overwrite the freespace on the volume which will in effect erase any data remaining from a previous format. This of course must be done in advance of the failure. ═══ 8.7.3. Dirty - Set dirty flag ═══ The dirty flag tells OS/2 that the volume may need clean up action taken in order to ensure data integrity. OS/2 will prevent use of the volume until clean up has occurred. This is normally accomplished by either the AUTOCHECK feature or by manually running CHKDSK on the volume. The Dirty utility will set the "dirty" flag for HPFS or FAT volumes. This would be used as a LAST DITCH effort to recover files from a corrupted volume. You should be prepared to lose all data on the volume when you set the dirty flag off for that volume in the event that the file system is damaged beyond repair. This command should be used with great caution. When initialized you will be asked for the drive letter for the drive you wish to alter. Once entered, the current dirty flag setting is displayed and options are given to allow you to alter the dirty flag setting. Once the dirty flag is set off, you should reboot the system to gain access to the drive. The HPFS386 drivers also check a checksum value to determine if a chkdsk should be run against the drive. When setting the dirty flag off for HPFS volumes, the checksum is set to a stable state so that autocheck will not be required. ═══ 8.7.4. Recover HPFS Files ═══ The HPFS Recovery function is used to recover files from a damaged HPFS volume. Normally, low sector corruption of an HPFS volume will result in total data loss for the volume. This function locates files on the HPFS volume without the need to access the low sector structures allowing recovery of most files on the volume. The HPFS Recovery menu asks for the volume to be recovered and the target volume and path for recovered files. A value of * placed in the Target Path field indicates that you wish to recreate the entire directory structure of the damaged volume on the target volume. Directories which do not already exist on the target volume will be created. On the menu you may also specify the Prompt Mode for the recovery operation. A value of FILES indicates that you wish to be asked about every file as to whether to recover it or not. A value of DIR indicates you wish to be asked about entire directories and their subdirectories only. A value of AUTO will attempt to recover all files and directories without prompting you. You may alter the Prompt Mode selection by typing the first letter of the choice (f,d,a) or by pressing the Space Bar to cycle through the choices. The Prompt Mode may also be altered during the recovery operation by selecting the desired choice when being prompted for action. The Specific F-Node field indicates that you wish to bypass the initial analysis of the volume and provide the hexadecimal sector number of the root directory F-Node or the F-Node address of some other directory or file for recovery. Normally you should not specify a Specific F-Node and allow the analysis of the volume to take place. Analysis can take a few minutes and generally will allow recovery of most, if not all, data on the volume. Each file and directory on an HPFS volume has a F-Node. You can search your disk for F-Nodes using a sector editor and searching for the hex string AE0AE4F7 in the 1st 4 bytes of each sector. When a file F-Node is specified in the Specific F-Node field, only that file will be recovered. In addition, no attempt will be made to access the directory information for the file. This allows recovery of files with damaged directory information but the time stamps for the file will not be recovered. The recovered file will have timestamps reflecting the current date and time. When a directory F-Node is specified in the Specific F-Node field, only the files of that directory and its subdirectories are recovered. You may think of this option as using the specified directory as if it were the root directory for the volume. Once the above information has been supplied, you may start the recovery operation by choosing one of two recovery choices. The Start File Recovery option begins the analysis of the volume provided a Specific F-Node was not specified. This analysis may take a few minutes depending on the size of the volume. A progress indicator is displayed to indicate the maximum duration of the analysis. Often times the analysis will complete sooner than indicated if certain disk structures can be located relatively quickly. When the Analysis has completed, if required, file recovery will begin. You will be prompted for the recovery of each file and/or directory if you have so chosen using the Prompt Mode setting. Note that at each prompt, you may alter the Prompt Mode setting to better accommodate the recovery process and your personal choice. The Start F-Node Recovery option is a lower level type of recovery choice which does not depend on the directory structures being intact. Instead, the volume is searched front to back looking for file F-Nodes to recover. You will be prompted for recovery of each file located. The Prompt Mode is ignored for this option. Note that since this option ignores the directory information, the timestamps for the files will not be recovered and the timestamp for the recovered files will be set to the current date and time. If a Specific F-Node is specified or if the Start F-Node Recovery option is selected, the volume to be recovered must be partitioned to its original starting point and size on the volume because no volume analysis is performed and calibration of sector 0 has not been performed. If the analysis detects that the volume has been repartitioned to a starting point other than the original volume. It will tell you how far off it believes the start of the partition is from where it should be. This offset is given in sectors. Based on this information, if you believe that you have repartitioned the volume in error, repartitioning it properly may aid in recovering more data from the volume. Later versions of the HPFS (version 2.3 and up) support a fast format feature by default. This feature of the Format command does not overwrite the entire volume as did previous versions (although you may choose to do this as an option). The fast format feature only writes the required format information to the volume which significantly speeds up the format procedure. What this means in a recovery situation is that some data structures on the volume may be left over from a previous format. In other words, it contains old data. When a fast formatted volume is detected, a warning message is provided to notify you that the volume has been fast formatted. Recovery will proceed but you should be aware that some of the recovered data may be from the previous format. If you wish to alleviate the problems of a fast formatted volume in a recovery situation you may either choose not to perform a fast format when you format the volume, or you may use the WipeFree utility to overwrite the freespace on the volume which will in effect erase any data remaining from a previous format. This of course must be done in advance of the failure. If recovery is directed to a floppy disk and a file is to be recovered which is too large to fit on the floppy disk, you will be prompted to skip the file or to utilize multi-volume floppy output for the file. Multi-volume floppy output requires that you have a supply of formatted blank diskettes. The multi-volume floppy file can be restored to a hard disk at a later time using the FileJoin utility provided in this package. ═══ 8.7.5. Partition Fixup ═══ When a partition is deleted and redefined using FDISK, the logical boot record for that partition is destroyed. This leaves the volume in an "unformatted" state although the format is still good and the data on the volume is intact. The Partition Fixup function will recreate a usable logical boot sector on partitions which have been deleted and redefined with FDISK. The partition must be redefined to its original dimensions prior to the fixup operation. The Boot Sector Restore function is a safer choice for recovery of boot sectors provided that you have previously backed up your boot sectors with the Backup Boot Sector function. Warning: Do not format the volume after redefining the partition. Formatting a volume will result in complete and unrecoverable loss of all data on the volume. ═══ 8.7.6. Boot Sector Backup / Restore ═══ The Boot Sector Backup function provides the ability to backup the boot sectors of all physical and logical disks. The Boot Sector Restore feature provides the ability to restore selected boot sectors if they should become corrupted by some means. Besides backing up the logical boot sectors, additional information is save for HPFS volumes such as the Boot Block, The Super Block and the Spare Block. The backup function will ask for a target volume and path to write the backup file (gtdisk.sec). It is suggested that the target volume be a floppy diskette. The backup file may not be accessible if you choose a hard disk volume and that volume itself becomes corrupted. The restore operation allows you to restore the boot sector of the selected volume provided it has been previously backed up. I the volume to be restored was a HPFS volume you may selectively restore the Logical Boot sector, the Boot Block, the Super Block, the Spare Block, or all of the above. Logical drives on which you wish to restore a previously saved boot sector must be defined according to their original location and size on the disk prior to restoring the boot sector. Warning: Restoring boot sectors to volumes from which they did not come, or which have been repartitioned to different sizes or locations can result in loss of data. After making changes to your partitions, run the backup option to create a current backup copy and destroy any old copies of the backup. ═══ 8.8. HexDump - Hex Dump Utility ═══ The HexDump utility is used to create an ASCII file from a binary file enabling the user to view the contents of a binary file in hex and ASCII values. The ASCII file created by HexDump may be edited using a standard text editor and then converted back to binary using the HexDump utility. This utility is for use when it is not practical to use a sector editor to view or modify binary files. Command Syntax: HEXDUMP [-h|a] infile outfile -h Indicates that infile is a ASCII file previously created using the HexDump utility and that the hex section of the file is to be used to create a new binary file specified by outfile. -a Indicates that infile is a ASCII file previously created using the HexDump utility and that the ASCII section of the file is to be used to create a new binary file specified by outfile. none No option indicates that infile is an existing binary file to be converted to Hex/ASCII text form and written to the file specified as outfile. The customer should make adequate backup of the original binary file prior to modification of the original using this utility in the event that the outcome of the alteration is not as anticipated. ═══ 8.9. HPFSOpt - HPFS Optimizer Utility ═══ A fragmented file contains more than one contiguous block of data. Each of these blocks is called an extent. The HPFS Optimizer analyzes the files on your HPFS volume to determine the number of extents each file contains. When a file is identified which contains excessive extents, it is defragmented. Command Syntax: HPFSOPT [-?] [drive:] [-o3] [-d] [-px] [-xn] [-yn] [-l filespec] [-m] [-u] -? Display syntax. drive: The drive letter followed by a colon of the HPFS volume to be optimized (i.e. C:). If drive: is not specified you will be prompted for it on the initial optimizer screen. -o3 This is the optimization level. Normally, the HPFS Optimizer will defragment those files which contain more than 3 extents. And, will consider a file as optimized when its fragmentation is decreased to 3 or less extents. You may override the default optimization level using the -o option and specifying the number of extents you wish to use. For instance, -o5 will optimize files containing more than 5 extents. It is recommended that you allow the -o option to default to 3. -px Set the maximum number of optimization passes to "x". If this parameter is not specified the maximum number of passes is determined dynamically at run time based on various volume statistics. Example: -p5 The maximum number of optimization passes is limited to 5. -xn Only those files which have file sizes greater than "n" will be selected for optimization. The default is to select files greater than 0 length for optimization. Example -x50000 -yn Only those files which have file sizes less than or equal to "n" will be selected for optimization. The default is to select files with no upper file size limit. Example -y2000000 -d Display only. HPFSOpt will display those files whose number of extents exceed the optimization level but will not attempt to optimize those files. -l filespec HPFSOpt will write a log file to a standard text file with information about the optimization operation. You may examine this file after optimizing to see which files were effected by the optimization. There should be a space between the -l and the actual file name. -m Selects monochrome mode for users with monochrome monitors. Normally, monochrome mode is automatically selected. However, if you receive a blank screen on a monochrome monitor, press ESC to exit and restart using this option. -u Run in unattended mode. Normally HpfsOpt waits for a keystroke before terminating to give you time to examine the files which were optimized. This switch will cause termination immediately without user input. This option is useful when running off hours or as a background task. The HPFS Optimizer may be safely executed while other processes are executing on your OS/2 system, even if the other processes update the same HPFS volume. Files which are in use, however, will not be defragmented. Once optimization has began, you may terminate the operation by pressing ESC. Care should be taken not to otherwise terminate the optimizer such as via Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, or the Workplace Shell. The HPFS Optimizer will not attempt to defragment any file which has an attribute of READ ONLY, HIDDEN, or SYSTEM. If you wish the optimizer to operate on a file with these attributes you must change the file's attribute before executing the optimizer. You may do this using the GammaTech Files utility or the OS/2 Attrib command. The ARCHIVED file attribute is often used to tell your backup software which files have changed since the last backup. So as not to interfere with the efficient use of your backup software, the HPFS Optimizer leaves the ARCHIVED attribute set to the same value as that of the original fragmented file. Example: HPFSOPT -o3 -l report.dat This example will optimize the HPFS volume on the default drive by defragmenting all files which contain more than 3 extents. A log is written to the file "report.dat". For the optimizer to run properly there must be free space available on the HPFS volume. A full or near full volume will prevent the optimizer from running effectively. For maximum performance, there should be at least 512,000 bytes plus the length of the largest file selected for optimization. If your volume does not meet this criteria, you may wish to offload some of the files to another volume before running the optimizer. ═══ 8.10. LD - List Directory Utility ═══ The List Directory Utility is an enhanced DIR command. The display output from LD may be customized to meet your needs. In addition, you may add comments to your files and they will be displayed when you list them with LD. LD supports international date and time formats. The format to be used is extracted from the OS/2 configuration. Command Syntax: LD [filespec] [options] [COM comments] The "filespec" operand specifies the file or files to be processed. It may contain a drive letter followed by a colon and a directory path. The file name may contain the * and ? wild card characters. The "options" values are shown in the table below. You may type the option letters in either upper or lower case. The option should be preceded by a "+" to set the option on or a "-" to set the option off. Alternatively you may use "/" in place of "+" to activate an option. If an option is not specified or overridden it will be set according to the default setting shown in the table. Option - AU Deactivate autopage feature. (Allows type ahead.) + DA Display standard attribute settings. + DB Display directories first, then files. + DC Display comments. - DD Display directories only. - DE Display extended attributes size. - DF Display files only. + DH Display hidden files. - DL Display value of .LONGNAME extended attributes if present. - DS Include subdirectories. Ignored with /D2 or /D4. - DT Display all file timestamps. - DU Use no delimiters in dates and times. + DV Display volume information. - DW Force comments to be displayed on a new line. - DX Display file extents (fragmentation). This option is ignored for FAT volumes. See notes for LAN Server also. - DZ Display file count and total bytes on each directory line. Counts include all files (*.*) in the directory. Counts do not include any lower subdirectory files. - D2 Display in 2 column mode. See notes below. - D4 Display in 4 column mode. See notes below. - EX If FAT, separate extension from file name. + GA Display GammaTech Copyright lines at first of display. - H Display help screen and exit. - LD Force directory names lower case. + LF Force file names lower case. - P Page mode. Pauses after each full screen. - SA Sort in accessed timestamp order. - SC Sort in create timestamp order. - SE Sort in file name extension order. - SM Sort in modified timestamp order. + SN Sort in file name order. This option is ignored for non-FAT volumes. - SS Sort in file size order. + UD Force directory names upper case. - UF Force file names upper case. - ? Display help screen and exit. Same as /h. In the list of options above, a - indicates that the option is off by default and a + indicates that the option is on by default. The display from LD can be terminated at any time by pressing ESC. FAT volumes do not support created or last accessed timestamps. When using the /DT option to display all timestamps of files on FAT volumes, the created and last accessed timestamps will be equal to the last modified timestamp. The "COM" operand is used to add or remove comments to the file. If comments have been added to a file they will be listed automatically when you display the file provided the +DC option is selected. To add or change a comment, type "com" at the end of the command line followed by your comment. The comment may be up to 78 characters long. To delete a comment, type "com" as the last thing on the command line. Comments may also be added to directories using the COM parameter. LD ABC will list the contents of directory ABC but LD ABC COM ... will add/delete comments for directory ABC. Comments may be added to directories only if the exact path name is specified, i.e. no wild card characters. The D2 and D4 column mode force page mode on. If file names are too long they will be truncated on the display. 4 column mode displays only the file name. 2 column mode displays the file name, file size, and modified date and time values. LD may be configured by using an environment variable. You may set this variable temporarily for each screen group by using the OS/2 SET command. You may set it permanently for all screen groups by adding it to your config.sys file. If you change config.sys you will need to reboot to activate the changes. The format to set the environment variable is shown below: SET LDEFAULT=+opts-opts Example: SET LDEFAULT=+pdf-dv This example will tell LD to run with page mode active, to display only file entries, and omit volume statistics. When LD examines an option to see if it is set, it looks first at the command line. If the option was not specified there, it examines the environment variable. If the option is not there it selects the default setting as indicated in the table above. LD supports an autopage feature. Regardless of the -P option setting, if you press a key while the display is scrolling, the display will freeze. To continue the display, press a key again. Autopage can be disabled, allowing you to type ahead, via the -AU option. File comments added or changed with LD are stored in the file's directory as a .COMMENTS extended attribute. This is a standard extended attribute supported by OS/2. In most cases, adding comments to your file will not cause it to occupy more space on your HPFS volume. A small amount of space is reserved for all files for extended attributes, whether they have extended attributes or not. Most files do not have extended attributes unless you choose to add them. Comments remain with the file even if the file is moved or renamed. The comments are automatically removed when the file is deleted. The space a file uses is reported in two ways by LD. The space allocated for the files is reported in the volume statistics at the end of the display. With HPFS, files are always allocated in 512 byte blocks. Therefore, this value should always be a multiple of 512. The actual space the file is using, of the allocated space, is reported next to the file name in the main body of the display. This is the reason you cannot add the file sizes to get a total which matches the allocated total in the volume information section of the display. Example: LD myfile.dat com this file belongs to me This example adds, or changes an existing comment for the file "myfile.dat". The new comment "this file belongs to me" can be displayed in future LD displays. Example: LD myfile.dat com This example deletes the comment added in the previous example. Example: LD *.dat +pdedf -dv This example will display all files in the current directory with an extension of "dat". The display will pause when the screen is full. Only files will be listed. The size of any extended attributes will be shown in the display. Volume information will not be displayed. Example: LD A:*.* This example shows you that LD will work with FAT volumes. If the volume is FAT based, the directory is automatically sorted by file name unless the -DN option is entered. LAN Server Users: The List Directory Utility will display and manipulate comments on only those files for which the user has access privileges. The /DX option is ignored without administrative privileges. ═══ 8.11. MkPath - Make Directory Path ═══ The MkPath Utility will create a multi-level path in one command execution. Syntax: MKPATH [-?] [drive:]path The -? switch displays command syntax. If some of the directories in the path exist, MkPath will create those which do not exist. Example: MKPATH D:\WILSON\ACCOUNTS\DATA ═══ 8.12. ReBoot - Reboot the system ═══ In its simplest form, the ReBoot Utility is functionally equivalent to performing a Ctrl-Alt-Delete key sequence. Options are provided to notify Presentation Manager applications to save their settings and to close them. ReBoot may be executed from an OS/2 command line prompt, command files or the alarms productivity aid utility. Syntax: REBOOT [-?] [-y] [-s] [-q] The -? switch displays command syntax. The -y switch performs a file system shutdown and reboot. It is functionally equivalent to performing a Ctrl-Alt-Delete sequence. The -s switch notifies all active Presentation Manager applications to save their settings and then performs a file system shutdown and reboot. The -q switch notifies all active Presentation Manager applications to save their settings. It then notifies all active Presentation Manager applications to shut down and then performs a file system shutdown and reboot. One and only one of the above options are required. Otherwise the command syntax is displayed and no reboot takes place. When ReBoot is used, the file systems are shut down normally. Some executing programs may not be terminated normally. Some application programs may lose data if they are not shut down properly. You should therefore use caution when using this utility. Some desktop settings may be lost if changes were made since the last boot. These same statements apply if you manually execute the Ctrl-Alt-Delete key sequence. ═══ 8.13. SEdit - Sector Editor ═══ The Sector Editor is an extremely powerful sector level editor. It allows access to physical and logical volumes at the sector level. It can operate independent of the file system format and will allow access to floppy disk as well as hard disk drives. Warning: Editing physical and logical disk sectors can result in complete loss of data on your disk drive. The edit capabilities should be exercised by those who have adequate technical knowledge of the associated file system format to understand the consequences of the changes they are making to the file system. You may start the Sector Editor from the icon or from an OS/2 command line prompt. When using the command line option you may select certain options from the list below. You may set any of these options for the icon object by placing them in the Parameters field of the Setting notebook page for the program object icon. Command Syntax: SEDIT d: [-?] [-m] [-z] d: The drive to be operated on. It may be a logical drive (C:, D:, etc.) or it may be a physical drive (1:, 2:, etc.) -? Displays the command syntax at the command line. -m Selects monochrome monitor mode. Monochrome monitors should be automatically detected. If for some reason detection of your monochrome monitor is not detected and you get a blank screen, select this option. -z Initially disables the Auto Sector format feature. See below for a description of this feature. Auto Format may be activated or deactivated manually once the editor has started regardless of this option on the command line. By default, Auto Sector Formatting is enabled at startup. A complete list of keys and commands are presented later in this section. There are several special features supported by the editor worth pointing out: Most editor commands may be executed one of two ways. By pressing the ESC key a menu of commands is displayed. The customer may then select the operation they desire from the menu. All commands have a hotkey combination and can be executed using the hotkey. The hot keys are displayed on the selection menu, the online help (F1) and in this document below. The Sector Editor has a feature called Auto Sector Formatting. This feature attempts to identify the type of file system structure for the sector being displayed. If it is able to identify the sector, it will display it in a format specific to the type of structure. For example, the HPFS Super Block will be displayed in a formatted and more readable form. If the sector cannot be identified, it will be displayed in a raw sector format. The Auto Sector Format feature can be toggled on or off at any time using the ALT-Z command. A command is provided (ALT-D) which allows the customer to format any sector "as if it were" a specific type of file system structure. For example, one might request a sector to be formatted as if it were an HPFS Super Block. There are several ways to select a desired sector or cluster to be displayed. Using the ALT-S or ALT-C commands the customer can enter the actual sector or cluster number to be displayed. Note that all sector and cluster numbers are in hexadecimal. In addition all sector numbers are logical sectors numbers. Sector number 0 is the first sector on the disk, 1 is the second, etc. The sector can be adjusted forward or backward one sector at a time using the PGUP and PGDN keys. Also a sector or cluster number which is displayed on the screen as part of a sector display can be jumped to directly by positioning the cursor under the value and pressing the ENTER key. Features are present to locate a file (ALT-F) or to locate data in ASCII or hexadecimal (ALT-L). One or more sectors may be printed (ALT-P), written to an external file (ALT-W) and replaced from an external file (ALT-R). The BIOS Parameter Block for the drive can be displayed (ALT-B). As you are working with a disk, you may wish to save the sector number of one or more sectors so that you may return to those sectors later. The provision is provided to save up to 7 sector numbers in slots by using the ALT-Fx command where Fx is one of the function keys F2 through F8. The sector numbers thus saved can be recalled and immediately displayed by pressing the related Fx key. For example, to save the current sector number you might press ALT-F4 and to display that sector again at a later time you would press F4. Note that the Find File feature may store sector numbers for you automatically in the F2 and F3 entries. See the Find Files command (ALT-F) below for additional information. For HPFS volumes, the checksum values for the Super and Spare blocks can be automatically updated using the ALT-X command. Note that when raw sectors are displayed on a standard 25x80 window or full screen, only half of a 512 byte sector will be displayed. You may scroll between the two halves using the HOME and END keys. If you have a high resolution monitor, you may configure the screen so that the entire sector will be displayed. To do this, enter the following OS/2 command prior to starting the Sector Editor: MODE CO80,41 When editing data within sectors, keep in mind that all data is altered by overtyping. Since sectors are fixed in length, data cannot be "inserted" or "deleted". The Sector Editor contains a partition table edit feature. To use this feature select the physical drive (i.e. 1:) with autoformat enabled. The partition table will be displayed in a formatted manner. Press ALT-E to enter edit mode. You may now edit the formatted partition table information. The complete list of key functions and commands is shown below: ESC Call up Menu: - Pressing ESC will present the command option menu. From it you may terminate the editor or select one of several commands to perform. The commands listed in the menu have hot key definitions beside them. You may execute the command using the hot key without accessing the command menu. There are a few commands not found on the menu. However, all commands are listed in the following list. TAB Toggle between Hex/Ascii in unformatted mode: - When displaying sectors in the unformatted mode, you may edit the data in hex or ASCII. After entering edit mode (ALT-E) you may toggle between the Hex display area and the ASCII display area using the TAB key. At other times, the TAB key operates as the same as a Right Arrow key. UP Cursor Positioning: - These keys are used for cursor positioning and edit operations among the various fields on the display. These keys do not generally scroll the text displayed except on the Help display. DOWN See UP. LEFT See UP. RIGHT See UP. HOME Scroll Text: - These keys are used to scroll text when more data in a sector is present than will fit on the screen. For instance, with the window in 25x80 mode only 256 of the 512 bytes of a unformatted sector will fit on the screen. To view the last 256 bytes, press END. To move back to the first 256 bytes press HOME. END See HOME. PGUP Read Preceding Sector: - The Page Up key decrements the current sector by 1. Pressing this key while in edit mode will cause any changes to the current sector to be written to the disk before moving to the new sector. The sector number cannot be decremented to a value less than 0. PGDN Read Next Sector: - The Page Down key increments the current sector by 1. Pressing this key while in edit mode will cause any changes to the current sector to be written to the disk before moving to the new sector. Enter Jump to Sector / Cluster: - Pressing Enter will take the value at the cursor location and use it to jump to a new sector if such action seems reasonable. In unformatted mode, the value at the cursor location is treated as a 32 bit logical sector number unless the volume format has been identified as FAT, in which case it is treated as a 16 bit cluster number. In formatted mode, 32 bit values are treated as logical sector numbers and if the volume is identified as FAT, 16 bit values are treated as cluster numbers. If a new sector is determined and you are in edit mode, any changes to the current sector will be written to disk before moving to the new sector. ALT-B Display BPB: - This command displays the BIOS Parameter Block for the volume as determined when the volume was opened by the editor. ALT-C Go to cluster: - This command is only valid if the volume has been identified as a FAT volume. When the command is entered, the cursor will jump to the status area where you may enter a cluster number. The cluster is then converted to a sector value and the new sector is read. If you are in edit mode at the time you enter this command, any changes to the current sector will be written to disk before moving to the new sector. ALT-D Format sector as ...: - With auto formatting active, known structures are displayed in a formatted fashion. When auto formatting is turned off sectors are displayed in a raw format (see the ALT-Z command.) In either case if you wish to view a sector as if it were a specific structure you may use this command to display a menu of supported structures. Selecting one of the choices displayed will format the sector as if it were the desired structure type. Obviously if the sector data does not match the desired format, the fields will not make sense. ALT-E Toggle edit mode: - This command toggles Edit Mode on or off. WARNING: Edit mode allows you to alter sectors of your disk. Altering the disk structures can result in SUBSTANTIAL DATA LOSS. When activating edit mode, the EDIT status bar will appear in the status area. Overtyping data will be buffered for the current sector. Any command which causes a different sector to be displayed will cause the changes to the current sector to be written to disk. Exiting edit mode also causes the changes to be written as well as exiting the editor with changes pending. Once the alteration has been written you must reedit it to change it back. However, if you wish to reverse changes to the current sector and it has not yet been written, you may use the undo command (ALT-U) to undo the changes. ALT-F Find a file: - If the volume has been identified as FAT or HPFS format, you may use this command to locate a file on the volume via the directory tree. If the file is located, the directory block containing the file directory entry will be stowed in the F2 stack (you may call it up by pressing F2, see the Fx and ALT-Fx commands below) and the first data sector will be displayed. If the volume is HPFS, the F-Node sector will be stowed in the F3 stack entry. Note that pending edit changes will be written to disk when this command is used. ALT-L Find data (Hex or Ascii) - Use this command to search for data on the volume. The search begins at the current sector plus one and continues until the data is located, the end of the volume is reached, or you terminate the search with the ESC key. Either ASCII or hex data can be used in the search. If hex data is to be used, prefix the value with 0x. i.e. 0xabcd to search for hex abcd. This command always writes pending changes to disk if in edit mode. ALT-P Print sector(s): - This command will print one or more sectors starting with the current sector displayed in the status area. You will be presented with a dialog to enter the number of sectors to print (default is 1) and the port to use for printing (default is LPT1). Sectors are always printed in the unformatted (hex and Ascii) format, one sector per page. The port name can be replaced with a short file name also provided it is 10 or less characters. If you are in edit mode when issuing this command, any pending changes to the sector are written to disk before the sector(s) are printed. ALT-R Replace sectors from a file: - You must be in edit mode for this command to function. A dialog will be presented for a input file name and the number of sectors to read. You may select all sectors from the file. The sectors will be read from the file REPLACING sectors on your disk beginning with the current sector displayed in the status area. EXTREME caution should be exercised when using this command. It can cause SIGNIFICANT DATA LOSS. ALT-S Go to sector: - When this command is entered, the cursor will jump to the status area where you may enter a sector number and this new sector is read. If you are in edit mode at the time you enter this command, any changes to the current sector will be written to disk before moving to the new sector. ALT-U Undo edit changes to current sector: - Providing you are still in edit mode, any changes to the current sector may be undone by entering this command. ALT-W Write sector(s) to a file: - This command presents a dialog where a output file may be specified and a count of sectors to write. The number of sectors specified (default 1) starting with the current sector displayed in the status area, will be written to the file. If the output file exists, it will be appended to. There is no limit to the number of sectors that can be written except the operation will stop when the number of sectors specified is reached, the end of the volume is reached, or the output file exhausts the space on it's volume. If you are in edit mode when issuing this command, any pending changes to the current sector are written to disk before the sector(s) are written to the file. ALT-X This command will update the HPFS checksum values in the HPFS Spare Block providing that 1) you are in edit mode, 2) the current sector is a valid Spare block, and 3) the immediately preceding sector is a valid HPFS Super Block. This command is useful to adjust the checksums for a HPFS volume to a stable state after making changes to the Super or Spare blocks. This same function can be performed by running chkdsk on the volume after editing. Note: this command also sets the dirty flag to zero. ALT-Z Toggle auto sector formatting: - When auto sector formatting is enabled (the default) and a sector is read which can be identified, the sector will be displayed in a formatted fashion. If the sector cannot be identified, it will be displayed in a raw format. You may enable or disable this feature at any time using the ALT-Z command. ALT-Fx Save sector number: - The current sector number may be saved in a recall stack making it easier to return to that sector at a later time. To save the current sector number press ALT-Fx where x is 2-8. You may return to that sector by pressing Fx where x is the same value you used in the ALT-Fx command. i.e. to save the current sector you might press ALT-F5. To later recall that same sector press F5. Note that F2 and F3 are used by the ALT-F (Find File) command. Fx Recall sector: - Recall a saved sector number. See the ALT-Fx command. ═══ 8.14. Where - Where Utility ═══ The Where utility will locate "lost" or duplicate files on your hard drive. It will function on HPFS or FAT volumes and supports long file names. Hidden and System files are included in the search. Command Syntax: WHERE [-?] [drive:][path]filespec [A/M/C GT/GE/LT/LE/EQ mm/dd/yy [hh:mm]] [COM pattern] [TXT pattern] The -? operand displays command syntax. The "drive:" operand specifies the drive to be searched. If not specified, the default drive is assumed. The "path" operand specifies the directory where the search is to begin. If not specified, the default directory is assumed. To start the search from the root directory when the root directory is not the default directory, specify a path of "\". The "filespec" operand specifies the file or files to be processed. The file name may contain the * and ? wild card characters. The search for files can be limited by comparing any one of the date/time values to a value you supply. A/M/C indicates which date you wish to compare with: A-Accessed M-Modified C-Create. The next operand after A/M/C should be GT for Greater Than; GE for Greater or Equal to; LT for Less Than; LE for Less Than or Equal to; or EQ for Equal to. Then follows the date and optionally the time. The format of the date and time is determined by the country configuration as defined in OS/2. For U.S. customers it is mm-dd-yy hh:mm. The actual delimeters are ignored. For other countries the order of the date fields may be different, but consistent with your OS/2 configuration. The search for files can be limited by comparing any file comments added with LD or the Drives icon to a specified pattern. This is indicated by specifying the COM option. If the comment pattern contains spaces the pattern must be enclosed in double quotes. The comparison is not case sensitive. Searching for comments takes considerably more time and it is recommended that you limit the search with the filespec when possible. The search for files can be limited by comparing the file data with a text pattern. If the specific pattern appears in the file, it will be displayed. This is indicated by specifying the TXT option. If the pattern contains spaces it must be enclosed in double quotes. The comparison is not case sensitive. The TXT option takes considerably more time and it is recommended that you limit the search with the filespec when possible. The display consists of the file size, attributes, last modified date and time, the file path and file name. Example: WHERE \*.txt This example will locate all files on the volume with a "txt" extension and display their location. Example: WHERE *.exe m ge 05/15/91 This example will locate all exe files in the current directory and its subdirectories and which have been modified on or after May 15, 1991. Example: WHERE \util\*.* com special data This example will locate all files which have the text "special data" in their comment field and which reside in the "util" directory or one of its subdirectories. Example: WHERE *.* c lt 02/12/91 com february This example will locate all files which have the text "february" in their comment field and were created on or before February 12, 1991. The search begins in the current directory and includes its subdirectories. LAN Server Users: The Where Utility will display only those files for which the user has access privileges. ═══ 8.15. WipeFree - Wipe Freespace ═══ The WipeFree utility may be used to overwrite all freespace on a disk volume. The normal wipe operation writes binary zeroes to all free sectors. An option is provided to overwrite the free space in accordance with Department of Defense specifications. Command Syntax: WipeFree [-?] drive: [-g] The -? operand displays command syntax. The "drive:" operand specifies the drive to be wiped. The -g option indicates that the obliteration of freespace should be done in accordance with Department of Defense specifications which require that the file be overwritten with four passes of zeros followed by ones, one pass writing a random value, and verification of the last write. ═══ 9. Special Considerations ═══ In secured LAN environments, and when executing utilities on remote LAN drives, the customer must have the appropriate access permissions to the LAN drive prior to executing the utility. For example, if you are deleting files from a LAN drive, you must have delete access privileges for that LAN drive or the operation will fail. Some features and functions of the GammaTech Utilities operate using low level I/O functions on disk volumes. Generally, these low level functions are not supported on remote LAN drives. For example, the WipeFree utility which is used to clear freespace on a volume will not run against a remote LAN drive. Volume I/O functions may be executed only on drives which are local to the system on which they are executed. Several of the GammaTech Utility programs access disks at the volume level (as opposed to the file level). Depending on the type of disk and its size, these utilities use different I/O routines to read from and write to the volume. Special attention is given to large HPFS volumes (greater than 2 gigabytes) and the drivers in use. If you are experiencing I/O related problems using the utilities shown below, you may force these utilities to use an alternate set of I/O routines. The alternate I/O routines are somewhat slower from a performance perspective but may work in those environments where the normal I/O routines are failing. The alternate I/O routines are forced into use by specifying the -i option when executing the utility. The following utilities support the Alternate I/O option (-i) as command line switches or in the case of Presentation Manager applications, in the Parameters entry field of the Settings notebook page. Analyze DiskMap FatOpt FatSort GtDisk HpfsOpt Optimize SEdit Sentry UnDelete WipeFree ═══ 10. Trademark Acknowledgments ═══ The following terms are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation and/or MicroSoft Corporation: HPFS386 IBM LAN Server LAN Manager OS/2 Presentation Manager Windows GammaTech is a trademark of GammaTech, Inc.