═══ 1. About PM Calculator ═══ PM Calculator for OS/2 - from La Maison d'Anglais Created by Peter Koller, La vieille Maison d'Anglais, Trebuon, 29530 Plonevez du Faou, France. (...more...) About La Maison d'Anglais La Maison d'Anglais pictured above is a 17th century (169?) weavers cottage of either English or Flemish (Angles) origin. The products originating therein are the products of Peter Koller, a dedicated Hardware and Software engineer of more than 18 years experience in the design of computers, their software, and their interface to the real world. Multimode calculator for OS/2. Other products available 1. Program Editor PM Based editor with.-  LOADS of minor features plus...  Customisable edit functions (scripts).  Background Exec to Parse. Test/Make your programs before exiting the editor.  Works with most compilers.  Customizable goto error keys position you at the error.  Extensively MultiThreaded.  Smoooooooooooth Scrolling.  Now at V1.20 eg.- Well Tested.  Good General Purpose Editor, esp. large files.  Fast, Reliable, Safe. 2. PM Make PM Make is a programmers make utility that makes use of the PM interface to provide the necessary functions for project maintenance.-  Built in project backup and restore.  User menus defined in the makefile can set compiler, etc., options.  Can include 'global' makefiles as headers.  Can stop on error.  Allows review of error messages.  Force make according to compiler or linker options or make all.  Can make .exe, .hlp, .dll, etc... all in one build.  Background build with 'pop up on error' mode.  Will work in multiple directories.  Fast.  Applicable to any third party compilers, linkers, or other tools. Enquiries concerning the production of new products, or the inclusion of this product into new products, or the inclusion of features from this product into new products are very welcome. See Also:- (c) Copyright Installation Calculator Key Usage Limits and C Functions Represented ═══ 2. Installation ═══ Installation Instructions Almost nothing is required, you must unpack the CALCPAK.PA@ using unpack. If you want help you must put the .hlp file somewhere in your HELPPATH See Also:- About Calculator (c) Copyright Calculator Key Usage Limits and C Functions Represented ═══ 3. (c)copyright ═══ This program is the (c) copyright of Peter Koller, La vieille Maison d'Anglais, Trebuon, 29530, Plonevez du Faou, FRANCE. All Rights Reserved. Note: This copyright includes the whole product, and all documentation associated with the product. You may 1. Copy the program into machine readable or printed form for backup or data compression purposes. 2. You may give this copy to others. You may also charge the end user reasonable costs incurred by your distribution of this product. Please ensure you distribute the entire package. See below. 3. Contribute to the development costs if you wish. You must not 1. You must not reverse engineer or disassemble this product. 2. You must not sell this product for gain or profit. 3. You must not remove any copyright notices. This product is Freeware. The Author accepts no liability for fitness of purpose, or damages caused whether incidental, or consequential, by the use of this product, howsoever caused. This product is unsupported. This product consists of calc.exe The executable file. calc.hlp The help File. See Also:- About Calculator Installation Calculator Key Usage Limits and C Functions Represented ═══ 4. Calculator Key Usage ═══ Keyboard keys. 0..9, A..F, and the keys +, -,*, and / act as calculator keys = and are equivalent. Del = CLR(needs NumLock), and Backspace = CE. F1 is help, and for the rest you will just have to use a mouse. Not all functions can handle floating point values. If you hit an integer function button, the result will kick down to INT. All other functions calculate in DOUBLE and display according to the mode selected. There are three types of functions available:  @1 Single Functions such as 2^x Enter a number, Select the function  @2 Double Functions such as & Enter a number, Select the function, Enter another number, press '='  @3 Intrinsic Currently only Fix. try 2, x, 200000, =, 3, Fix, to see how it works. I can find no information concerning fix limits in the function reference for _gcvt(). Integer Functions. These functions cause resolution to drop to INT !.. not @1 Integer о.. shift left @2 Integer п.. shift right @2 Integer &.. and @2 Integer ▌.. or @2 Integer xor.. xor @2 Integer Float Functions. These functions remain as DOUBLES if possible +.. add @2 Float -.. subtract @2 Float x.. multiply @2 Float Ў.. divide @2 Float 1/x.. 1 divided by x @1 Float x2.. x squared @1 Float vX.. root of x @1 Float Trig Functions. Sin.. sin @1 Float Cos.. cos @1 Float Tan.. tan @1 Float aSin.. arcsin @1 Float aCs.. arcos @1 Float aTn.. arctan @1 Float Sinh.. sinh @1 Float Csh.. cosh @1 Float Tnh.. tanh @1 Float Logs and Powers. 2^x.. x power of 2 @1 Float y^x.. x power of y @2 Float E^x.. x power of E @1 Float Ln.. E natural log x @1 Float 10^x.. x power of 10 @1 Float L10.. 10 log of x @1 Float Memory There are actually two memories available. The simplest is the top Entryfield. Use the blue arrow to copy numbers up, and the red one to copy numbers down again. The other memory uses the M? keys. Whatever number is in the bottom Entryfield affects memory according to the function selected MC Clear memory MR Read memory to Entryfield MS Set memory MЎ Divide memory by Mx Multiply memory by M- Subtract from memory M+ Add to memory Note: Entryfield usage. You can use all normal entryfield edit functions. These are some of them. cut shift+del copy ctrl+ins clear del paste shift+ins hilite Mousebutton1+drag shift+cursorkeys See Also:- About Calculator (c) Copyright Installation Limits and C Functions Represented ═══ 5. Limits and C Functions Represented ═══ Limits  INT has 32 bits. Unsigned 0 to 4294967295, Signed -2147483648 to 2147483647  DOUBLE has 8 bytes from 2.2250738585072014e-308 to 1.7976931348623158e+308 The maximum number of digits for doubles are 17 numeric digits(16.16) and 3 exponent digits You may also see NAN for 'Not A Number' or INFINITY The Entryfield text limit is 160 chars. After each operation the numbers are converted into three forms and stored... double signed int unsigned int C Functions Represented x2 x *= x vX sqrt() Log log() L10 log10() 10^x pow() E^x exp() 10^x pow() 2^x pow() y^x pow() sin, cos, tan sin(), cos(), tan() asin, acos, atan asin(),acos(),atan() sinh, cosh, tanh sinh(), cosh(), tanh(), PI Copied from a book and, or, not x &= y, x ▌= y, x ~= x shift left x о y & 0xffffffff shift right x п y & 0xffffffff xor x ^= y 1/x x = 1/x *, Ў x *= y, x /= y +, - x += y, x -= y See Also:- About Calculator (c) Copyright Installation Calculator Key Usage