SOFTWARE LICENSE This program/these programs can be used freely for private or educational purposes. If you want to use them for commercial purposes, please contact the author. You may redistribute this software only if all files from my original distribution are included unchanged. You may only add readable documentation files, such as a BBS signature, and only if they are marked prominently as additions. If you want to include any part of the orignal distribution with other software, please contact the author before. If you think that the programs are useful and that they make your daily work with OS/2 easier, any donation is welcome. You will then become a "registered" user, and will be notified of newer releases (and get it free, if you are reachable via e-mail or have FTP). But nobody is required to register. I will fix bugs (if possible) and may assist to solve problems reported by any user, as my time permits. Suggestion, if you want to register: if you have written some shareware for OS/2 yourself, send me a copy (or tell me where I may find it) and register me for free. You are then registered for this software free of charge too. There is no warranty. Use this software on your own risk. Due to the complexity and variety of today's hardware and software which may be used to run these programs, I am not responsible for any damage or loss of data or hardware failures or other damage caused by correct or incorrect use of this software. It was tested very well and is expected to work correctly, but nobody can actually guarantee this under any circumstances. And because this software is essentially free (even if you register, you don't pay for using this software but for the service of getting upgrades), you get what you pay for ... Author: Kai Uwe Rommel Muenchen, Germany E-mail: (preferred) CompuServe: 100265,2651 Fax: +49 89 324 4524