FontView was written by: Leland C. Sheppard Sheppard Software Company 4621 Luneman Road Placerville, CA 95667 Phone: (916) 621-4685 (BBS - 8AM to 11PM Pacific time) CIS ID: 70574,2146 The FontView program is shareware. If you use the program regularly and are interested in having us continue to develop it and other such programs, you should register the program with us. You may register FontView for $3.00. In order to register, fill in the Register.Txt form, make out a check payable to Leland C. Sheppard and mail both to the address shown above. If you are interested in the Utility Pack and you have a Compuserve ID and you prefer to register online, simply Go SWREG and register #6193 for UTLPAR.ZIP or #6194 for UTLPAK.ZIP. Because of price constraints on SWREG, only the Utility Pack can be registered online; individual programs may be registered directly with us as described in the preceding paragraph. FontView was written in VX-REXX 2.1 and requires the VX-REXX 2.1 (or higher) runtime module (VROBJ.DLL) in order to function. Also, REXX and REXXUTIL must be installed on your system; both REXX and REXXUTIL come with OS/2. File FNTVIR.ZIP contains the VROBJ.DLL module; file FNTVIW.ZIP does not. Only one copy of VROBJ.DLL is required for all of the VX-REXX programs on your system; if you have previously downloaded a copy of it, you do NOT need to download it again. HOW TO OPERATE FontView: FontView can be started from the command line or you can define a program object for it. You can specify a point size and font name on the command line or as a parameter, if you specified "[Enter size.Fontname]" (for example) in the program object definition. The point size and font name should be entered as "nn.Fontname" where "nn" is an even number between 2 and 72 and "Fontname" is the name of a font available to OS/2 such as "Helvetica". Please note that the font name is case sensitive; that is, it must be entered with the first letter capitalized and the balance of the name in lower case. If you define a program object for FontView and specify the directory containing FontView as the working directory, FontView will be able to find this file when you press F1. NOTE: The enclosed Install.Cmd file will define a folder, the program object, the appropriate parameter line and the working directory for you. When FontView is started, it will automatically display a dialog asking for the desired font if you did not supply one on the command line or as a parameter. Any font to be displayed must be available to OS/2. You can use the font dialog to select the font, point size and attributes (bold, italic, etc.). FontView will then display the default text using the specified font. Please note that the font dialog brought up by FontView only shows point sizes up to 24. For anything larger, use the spin button in the lower right portion of the Fontview window. You can use the single entry line in the middle of the FontView window to alter the text that is being displayed. As you modify the text, the display of your selected font will be updated. The single line is fully editable; i.e., you can backspace to delete characters, move back and forth through the text using the arrow keys, go to the beginning or end of the line with the Home and End keys respectively, etc. For each keystroke you make, the display of the selected font will be updated. If you use the spin button to alter the point size, the display of text will be immediately updated to the new size (if that size is available). In order to change to a different font, press Next Font. If you want to leave the point size the same, don't change it in the font dialog window. There are 3 ways to end FontView: Press the Exit button, double click on the button in the upper left corner of the FontView window or press Alt-F4. LIMITATIONS: The only fonts that can be displayed are those that have been 'installed' for OS/2 to access. If you have a program such as FontFolder, you can add fonts to those available to OS/2 and immediately select them with FontView. If you are using FontFolder, you can remove a font immediately after viewing it. Thank you for your interest in our software. Leland C. Sheppard, 6-28-1995 Version 1.1 Changes from 1.0 to 1.1: Added spin button to get point sizes larger than 24 (limitation of the available font dialog box). Also added ability to accept a point size and font name as a parameter or on the command line. (c) Copyright Leland C. Sheppard, 1995. All rights reserved.