FONTFOLDER PRE-REGISTERED LIBRARIES README This package contains the following files: BITST500.FX2 Pre-registered Library for the Bitstream 500 Font CDROM for Windows BITST500.TXT Text file describing the contents of BITST500.FX2 COREL25.FX2 Pre-registered Library for the CorelDraw 2.5 for OS/2 CDROM COREL25.TXT Text file describing the contents of COREL25.FX2 EX2000.FX2 Pre-registered Library for the entire 2000 Fantastic Fonts for Windows CDROM EX2000.TXT Text file describing the contents of EX2000.FX2 EXDING.FX2 Pre-registered Library for one subdirectory of 2000 Fantastic Fonts CDROM EXDISP.FX2 Pre-registered Library for one subdirectory of 2000 Fantastic Fonts CDROM EXFIX.FX2 Pre-registered Library for one subdirectory of 2000 Fantastic Fonts CDROM EXSANS.FX2 Pre-registered Library for one subdirectory of 2000 Fantastic Fonts CDROM EXSCR.FX2 Pre-registered Library for one subdirectory of 2000 Fantastic Fonts CDROM EXSRF.FX2 Pre-registered Library for one subdirectory of 2000 Fantastic Fonts CDROM FNGARDEN.FX2 Pre-registered library for Font Garden CDROM from Walnut Creek FNGARDEN.TXT Text file describing the contents of FNGARDEN.FX2 HOBB1093.FX2 Pre-registered Library for the October, 1993 Hobbes CDROM HOBB1093.TXT Text file describing the contents of HOBB1093.FX2 STARMED.FX2 Pre-registered Library for the StarMedia font CDROM STARMED.TXT Text file describing the contents of STARMED.FX2 USING THESE PRE-REGISTERED LIBRARIES WITH FONTFOLDER You must be using FontFolder Version 1.2 or later to use these libraries. These files may reside anywhere on your hard drive or on diskette. FontFolder will need them when you actually import the library but will not need them after this. It is a good idea to keep a backup of these libraries in case you lose or corrupt your library after importing it. To use one of these pre-registered libraries, see the FontFolder On-Line Help section on "Using a Pre-registered Library" (See Index) and following the instructions found there. Before using one of these libraries, read the accompanying text file to understand what fonts have been excluded from the library and other relevant information supplied by the creator of the library. For help, contact Cliff Cullum or