═══ 1. Overview ═══ The FontFolder Install program is for use with FontFolder 3.0 and later versions. It provides facilities for  Installing FontFolder  Uninstalling FontFolder (3.0 and later versions)  Recreating FontFolder's Ini file  Recreating FontFolder's Desktop object (icon) See the individual subject headings for detailed information on how to perform each operation. ═══ 2. Installing FontFolder ═══ To install FontFolder using the Install program, choose Install from the menu bar. You will be presented with a dialog that provides choices for the location of the source directory and for several possible target directories Source Directory The Source Directory is the directory containing the FontFolder installation files. This is initally set to the location from which you started the FontFolder Install program, and this should not need to be changed. Target Directories You can either install all of FontFolder's files in one directory (the default installation), or you can choose to separate the files in up to 3 locations. The location for the FontFolder Executable Files (.exe files) is the base location where you are installing FontFolder. Fill in this entry with the location where you want to put FontFolder. When you tab out of this field or hit the Enter key, two things will happen:  If the directory you have specified doesn't exist you will be asked if you want it to be created  Both of the following target directory entries will be changed to match the Executable Files entry. Default Installation If you are satisified with the default of keeping all files in this directory, you can click on the Continue button to begin the installation. Optional Installation In addition to the default installation, you have two additional options:  Help Files - If you prefer to keep all your Help files together in a single location, you can enter the location in the Help Files field. If you set this to a different location than the Executable Files directory, the location must appear in your Help= line in config.sys.  Data Files - Under certain circumstances you may want to keep your FontFolder data files separate from the executables. You would do this, for example, if you were sharing a common copy of FontFolder across a network. In this case, you should set the entry in the Data Files field to a location on your local hard disk so that you can have your own private copy of data files. Once all entries have been set appropriately, click on the Continue button to begin the FontFolder installation. If you do not want to install FontFolder, click on the Exit button to leave the installation program. You can also click on the Exit button at any time during the installation, and it will interrupt the installation at the first appropriate point. However, this will leave the installation in an inconsistent state, and you will have to redo the installation to be able to use FontFolder. Installation Steps Installation involves the following steps:  Unpacking and copying files The first stage of installation is to place the FontFolder program files in their appropriate target directories. Some files are compressed and must be upacked while others are simply copied. The list of files involved, their destinations, and the instructions to unpack, copy or check (see Customizable files below) the files is contained in the FINSTALL.PKG file in the source directory. This is an ASCII file that can be read with any editor, but it is important that no changes be made in the file. Backups - As the install process begins transferring files to the target directories, it checks for existing copies of the files. The first time it finds it is about to overwrite an existing copy, it displays a Backup message informing you that it has found an existing copy and asking if you want a backup made of such files. If you answer yes, a \BACKUP subdirectory is created in the target directory for Data files, and a copy of the file is placed there. On all subsequent cases where an existing file is encountered, with the exception of the customizable files described below, the files are automatically treated the same way as you decided for this first file. Customizable Files - The files - CATALOG.TXT - CHARBOX.TXT - LINE.TXT - PGRAPH.TXT used in printing can be customized by the user. When an existing copy of such a file is encountered the install program opens it and does a complete compare of the contents of the existing file and the default. If it finds that the file has been modified, it displays a Customizable Files message alerting you to the fact that it is about to replace a customized version of the file and asking if you want to continue to use the customized version. If you answer yes, it does not copy the new default version, but leaves your customized version in place. It does not make a backup copy of the file in this case.  Creating a desktop object The next step offers the option of creating a program reference object on the Desktop. If you answer yes, an object (icon) will be placed on the Desktop with the name FontFolder. Any previous program reference object for an earlier version of FontFolder created by the user will not be altered; a new object will be created in addition to such an object. However, any previous program reference object created by the FontFolder Install program will be updated by this step, even if it has been subsequently moved inside a desktop folder. The program path will be changed to the current target executable directory, but the icon name will not be modified.  Creating or updating FONTFOLD.INI The final step in installing FontFolder is the creation or updating of FontFolder's ini file. When this step is reached, you will be asked for the directory where you want to place FONTFOLD.INI. FontFolder uses an OS/2-style ini file called FONTFOLD.INI to store information necessary for its operation. Examples of the type of information contained in this file are your registration id, the size and location of the various FontFolder windows, lists of the libraries and fontpacks created for use with FontFolder, what fontpacks are currently installed in OS/2, the drive letters for removable drives, network drives and CDROM drives, and the location of the FontFolder data files. The location of FONTFOLD.INI is stored in OS2.INI. The default is to create this file in the same directory as FONTFOLD.EXE. However you may want to locate the file in a different directory. The following are examples of cases where you would want to have a separate, unique location for FONTFOLD.INI: - Sharing FontFolder on a network - If FontFolder resides on a network server and is shared by several users, each user needs an individual copy of FONTFOLD.INI. In this case you should change the location of the FONTFOLD.INI file to a location on your local workstation. - Using FontFolder with multiple versions of OS/2 - You must have separate FONTFOLD.INI files kept in independent locations if you want to switch between different copies of OS/2 on separate partitions in a multi-boot system since the FONTFOLD.INI file contains information specific to a particular copy of OS/2 (e.g. what FontPacks are currently installed). Since the information on where to find FONTFOLD.INI is recorded in OS2.INI, the specific OS2.INI file that is unique to the copy of OS/2 you are running can contain the location of a unique copy of FONTFOLD.INI to be used when FontFolder is run under this copy of OS/2. You can use the Install program to install FontFolder separately to the same location under each copy of OS/2, and change the location for FONTFOLD.INI each time in order to set up the unique copies of FONTFOLD.INI, but there is an easier way to achieve this rather than repeated installations. Simply start FontFolder itself when you are booted in a particular copy of OS/2 and use the FontFolder Settings Notebook to change the path to FONTFOLD.INI to a location that will be unique to that particular version of OS/2. If you are installing FontFolder over a previous copy and there is already a copy of FONTFOLD.INI, the Install program will use this copy of FONTFOLD.INI and update it as required. All your existing customizations will be preserved. If you have an earlier version of FontFolder that is in a different directory, but which has placed an entry for FontFolder in OS2.INI, you will be offered the option of using the information from the FONTFOLD.INI file for this version in creating the new FONTFOLD.INI NOTE: This feature will only apply to versions of FontFolder later than 3.0 since 3.0 is the first version of FontFolder to store its information in OS2.INI this way. FontFolder Registration ID - If this is a new installation or if the Install program can't find a usable copy of FONTFOLD.INI, you will be given an opportunity to enter your registration id. If you do not have a registration id, or if you do not have your id readily available at this time, FontFolder will still be installed, but it will operate as an evaluation copy. You can enter your registration id directly into FontFolder at a later time via the Product Information panel in FontFolder, which you can access from the Help menu while FontFolder is running. For information on obtaining a registration id for FontFolder, click on Regstration Information on the FontFolder Help menu when FontFolder is running. If the FONTFOLD.INI file becomes lost or corrupted, you will not be able to start FontFolder. In this case it is neccessary to recreate the ini file in order to use FontFolder. This is done with the Install program using the Recreate Ini Exiting the Install program. A message will appear when the installation is complete instructing you to click on the Exit button to close the program. ═══ 2.1. Backup Copies ═══ The FontFolder install program displays the Backup Copies message the first time it detects that it is about to overwrite an existing copy of a file during installation. You are given the option of having a \BACKUP subdirectory created in the target directory for your Data files, and having existing files that will be overwritten copied to this backup directory first. If you answer Yes, the install program will copy this file and all subsequent existing files to the backup directory every time it is about to overwrite them, unless the file is a Customizable File. NOTE: The only files copied are those that are about to be overwritten. This is not a full backup of your previous version since it does not include your library and fontpack files nor your FONTFOLD.INI file. If you want a complete working backup of the previous version, you should make a separate copy before installing the new version of FontFolder. WARNING: If you reinstall the same version of FontFolder into the same directory, the installation program will detect the previously installed files and offer to back them up. This will overwrite any earlier backup that you made. If you have backed up a previous version of FontFolder on the original install, DO NOT ACCEPT the offer to make a backup since this would overwrite your earlier FontFolder files with the current versions that now reside in your FontFolder directory. ═══ 3. Uninstalling FontFolder ═══ You can use the Install Program to uninstall FontFolder, but you must use a copy of the Install program on a diskette or in a separate directory from FontFolder to completely remove all traces of FontFolder. If you use the copy of the Install program in the FontFolder directory to uninstall FontFolder, it will not be able to remove its own files as part of the uninstall. However, all other aspects of uninstalling FontFolder will be carried out. If you uninstall FontFolder using this copy of the Install program, you will need to manually delete the FontFolder directory and the remaining files after the uninstall completes. To uninstall FontFolder, click on the Uninstall entry on the menu bar of Install program. You will be shown a list of all versions of FontFolder currently installed in OS/2 (this only applies to version 3.0 and later since earlier versions did not record their presence in OS2.INI). Pick the version you wish to uninstall and click on the Continue button to begin. Files to Delete You will be shown a list of options of files to delete. Some of these options may not be accessible, depending on how FontFolder was installed. For instance if the default installation of putting all the FontFolder files in the Executable files directory was chosen, the only option available will be to delete the files in the Executable files directory. However, if you originally placed the Help file or the Data files in separate directories, you will be given the option of deleting these files from their separate locations. To completely uninstall FontFolder, you should check all the directory locations available to you since you placed FontFolder's files in these locations during installation. Unless you check the Delete entire directory option (see below), FontFolder will not delete files which it did not install originally or create as part of its normal operation. For each directory location there is also a Delete entire directory option that you can check. If you check this option, FontFolder will delete the entire directory along with all its files rather than checking each file to see if it is a FontFolder file. While this operation is quicker and can be used in the case where you may have put something else in the FontFolder directory which should also be deleted, it is an inherently dangerous operation since it doesn't check what it is deleting. In particular, if you should check this option for something like the Help directory in the case where you have put the FontFolder Help file in a shared Help directory, you will lose all the Help files for other applications that share this directory. It is recommended that you not use this operation unless you have a specific need for it. In addition to a complete removal of FontFolder, you can use this uninstall operation to do more specific things such as remove the executable (and help) files for a specific version of FontFolder while leaving the data files (libraries and fontpacks) in place. You might do this for example if you have multiple versions of FontFolder installed and are sharing the data files among them. When you have checked all the locations where FontFolder files should be deleted, click on the Continue button to begin uninstalling FontFolder. Installed Fonts in the Font Cache The first thing the uninstall operation does is to check to see if you have any fonts installed from a CDROM or a network drive that are using the FontFolder Font Cache. When installing fonts from either of these locations, FontFolder temporarily moves font files to a Font Cache subdirectory whose default location is the data file directory. If the uninstall program were to delete this subdirectory as part of uninstalling FontFolder, you would lose access to these installed fonts. If FontFolder detects that this situation exists, it gives you the option of either exiting the uninstall operation so you can decide what to do about these fonts, or else you may continue the operation, in which case FontFolder will not delete these font files or the directory path leading to this Font Cache directory. Note: If you have set the Font Cache directory to a totally independent location (done in FontFolder via the Settings Notebook), the uninstall program will not attempt to delete it nor will it show any message concerning these fonts (since they are not going to be affected by the uninstall). List of Actions The Uninstall operation displays a running list of the operations it is about to perform. At the completion of the operation, this list is available for review, and it can be cut and pasted to a file if you want to preserve it. Note that while it tells you the operations it attempted, it does not at this time record whether or not it was successful. Note: If you installed FontFolder's Help file to a separate Help directory that is shared with Help files from other programs, do not be alarmed at the entry indicating that the uninstall operation is attempting to delete this directory. The uninstall operation always looks to delete this directory after deleting the FontFolder Help file in case this is a directory that is unique to FontFolder, but it will not delete the directory if it detects the presence of other files in the directory. Uninstall Completion The uninstall program will inform you when it has completed. You can review the list of actions and cut and paste it to a file if you wish. Click the Exit button when you are ready to close the Install program. ═══ 4. Recreating FontFolder's Ini File ═══ FontFolder uses an OS/2-style ini file called FONTFOLD.INI to store information necessary for its operation. Examples of the type of information contained in this file are your registration id, the size and location of the various FontFolder windows, lists of the libraries and fontpacks created for use with FontFolder, what fontpacks are currently installed in OS/2, the drive letters for removable drives, network drives and CDROM drives, and the location of the FontFolder data files. The location of FONTFOLD.INI is stored in OS2.INI. If the FONTFOLD.INI file becomes lost or corrupted, you will not be able to start FontFolder. In this case you can use the Recreate Ini entry on the Install program menu bar to create a new ini file. You will be first asked to specify the location for the files for the current version of FontFolder. The options are the same as for an initial installation of FontFolder, and if you placed the Help file and the Data files in separate directories, you should enter those directories here. If you do not remember where you placed these files, it will not be possible to recreate a working version of FontFolder. In this case you will need to completely reinstall FontFolder. Once you have specified where these files are located, click on the Continue button to begin the recreation of the FONTFOLD.INI file. You will next be asked to specify where to put the FONTFOLD.INI file. The default location is to place it in the same directory as the FontFolder Executable files, but there are occasions where you may want to place it in a different location. See the discussion of the FONTFOLD.INI file in Installing FontFolder for the details of when you might want to put FONTFOLD.INI elsewhere. Since your registration id is stored in FONTFOLD.INI (and has been lost if FONTFOLD.INI was lost or corrupted), you will be asked to enter you registration id. If you do not have a registration id, or if you do not have your id readily available at this time, FONTFOLD.INI will still be created and FontFolder will still be usable, but it will operate as an evaluation copy. To restore full operation, you can enter your registration id directly into FontFolder at a later time via the Product Information panel in FontFolder, which you can access from the Help menu while FontFolder is running. For information on obtaining a registration id for FontFolder, click on Regstration Information on the FontFolder Help menu when FontFolder is running. You will be informed when the recreation of FONTFOLD.INI is complete. Click on the Exit button to close the Install program. ═══ 5. Recreating FontFolder's Desktop Object (Icon) ═══ If you lose the Desktop icon for FontFolder, you can use the Recreate Program Icon item on the menu to generate a new icon. In order for this to work, you must use the copy of the Install program that has been placed in your FontFolder directory. Using a copy of the Install program on a diskette or in another directory will not work because it will not be able to determine where to find the FontFolder executable file.