Finder.exe (44,828 bytes) ---------- A powerful text search and replace utility for DOS/DOS Box. ** Created By ** ---------------- Dr. Rishabh Bhandari ** Legal ** ----------- By opening this archive you agree to following :- -The right to use the program is provided free of cost to all the users of the program. -You have the right to store and distribute as many copies of the program archive as you like, provided that you distribute the full archive unmodified and containing all the files as detailed in Files.txt. -You have no right to modify, disassemble, or in any way damage the integrity of the program binary. In case of modified files, any damage to the system will not be considered due to the program. -Any damage to any system is not the responsibility of the programmer. Such damage may be accidental or purposeful. The programmer is not to be held responsible as this program is being provided free of cost. -The program is provided as-is, no requests for any kind of Support on program, or its usage will be entertained. If you note a bug, only then report to me. No Praises or Thanks please. ** If you like this program then donate as per your pocket to -Prime Minister's Relief Fund (India) -UNICEF ** Do not write to me unless you note a bug which is not a feature ** Notes ** ----------- Many times while working with text, html and bat files I felt the need for an easy to use text find and replace tool. Most windows and dos text editors contain search and replace commands, but these are very primitive in their search abilities. For example, if I wanted to add a particular text to the beginning of each line, I had to do it by hand, even while I knew that each previous line ended with a CR/LF pair. This inspired me to write a powerful text search and replace utility, which is in front of you. This program was created in MSDOS-QBasic which was distributed with MS-DOS 6.22. Compiled using Microsoft QuickBASIC v4.5. I believe that this tool is powerful and complicated enough! So I don't think that I need to add any version information. This program is tested error free as far as I know. In case of unexpected results, please check the data input into the program via the file. (GIGO) Whatever the circumstances, I cannot be held responsible for any ERRORS/Damage this program may potentially cause. Besides, you are getting the program absolutely free of cost. (** Warning ** - This program overwrites output file without prompting, please be careful). For further instructions on usage, see usage.txt in the same archive. * Microsoft, QBASIC, QuickBasic, MS-DOS, DOS, Yahoo, etc. are all trademarks of the respective companies. (c) * This program - Finder.exe is copyrighted to Dr. Rishabh Bhandari. (c)