Forefront Toolkit Shareware Version 1.00F 1/28/94 README.TXT General The Forefront Toolkit is a collection bimodal utilities for the power user and programmer. Since the utilities are bimodal they will run in DOS, the OS/2 DOS Box, and OS/2. When run in OS/2 they full support features such as running in a windowed command prompt and long (HPFS) file names. The following tools are included in the shareware version of the Fore- front Toolkit: DELALL - delete all matching files in a directory and remove the direc- tory and all it's subdirectories. FF - find all matching files. FS - determines the size and disk space allocated for all matching files. KILL - used to kill a running process by PID, name, or from a list of running processes. TEE - splits the standard output stream of a program so that the output can be routed to the screen and to a file. TOUCH - allows you to change a file's time and date stamp. TS - finds all files that contain a specified text string. These tools are fully functional in this version with two exceptions. On occasion a message will appear saying that this is an unregistered share- ware version of the toolkit. Secondly, this version of the toolkit will stop functioning after 5/31/94. If you find these tools useful then register them using the REGISTER.DOC file included with this package. In addition to the above tools, the fol- lowing tools come with the registered version of the toolkit: BEEP - produces one of three different audible alarm sequences on the computer's speaker. CURSOR - turns the cursor either on or off. DISKINFO - display information about a logical disk drive and it's file system. DISKMAP - display a table of all currently attached logical drives, their file system, and their free space. ERRLEVEL - sets a specified return code to be tested using the ERRORLEVEL batch variable. FA - sets/views a file's attributes. FLUSH - flush's any keystrokes in the keyboard type-ahead buffer. KEYRATE - changes the keyboard key repeat rate. NOW - displays the current date and time in various formats. REBOOT - is the command-line reboot command for OS/2 and DOS. RENDIR - is used to rename directories. SLEEP - delays the current session for a specified period of time. SWEEP - executes a command against all matching files. SWLIST - is used to displayed the current task list/window list entries under OS/2. TIMER - is a 'Stop Watch' utility. WIPEFILE - is a secure file deletion tool. A copy of the reference manual for the shareware version of the Forefront Toolkit is included in this package as MANUAL.DOC. This file is an ASCII formatted document that can be displayed by most text editors and word processors. You can also print the document by simply copying it to the your printer port (unless you have a postscript printer). For help for any of the tools use the -? or /? option. This displays the online help for that tool.