═══ 1. Help for Viewing a Document ═══ Use the choices on the Services menu to find, print, or copy information in the topics of the document you are viewing or of other online documents. You can save your place in a document by setting a bookmark. You can create a new window in which other topics are displayed. You can also close the document. Use the choices on the Options menu to display a complete or partial list of topics or the index for the document you are viewing, all the topics you have viewed since you opened the document, or a list of libraries (a group of online documents). You can search for a word or phrase in the files of those libraries. You can also re-display the previous topic. You have selected the General help choice in the Help menu to display this help. You can select other choices available in the Help menu to get: o An index of references to help topics for the document you are viewing o Information about using the help facility. o A list and description of keys you can use o The product information for the document you are viewing In some topics, words or phrases might be highlighted to indicate that a definition or additional information is available. Double-click on the word or phrase or tab to it and press Enter. When you are finished with that information, press Esc to return to the previous information window. When you select some choices from the menus (for example the Search choice on the Services menu), a window is displayed. The window can contain lists, radio buttons, entry fields, or push buttons. After the window is displayed, you can get general or specific help by selecting the Help push button or pressing F1. You can press Esc in a topic window to re-display the previous topic or to close the window when there are no other topics that can be re-displayed. For example, you can close a topic window and return to the Contents window. You can minimize a topic from the main topic window. To re-display that topic, select the icon that represents that topic. The icon is displayed at the bottom of the window with text below it that identifies the topic. If you minimized a topic from a new window, you can re-display the topic in its window by selecting the New window choice on the Services menu. You can double-click on the window menu button to remove the topic window without re-displaying any previous topics. If you have a new window attached to the topic window, the new window is closed when the topic window is closed. ═══ Help for Using the Help Facility ═══ Help is available when you do the following: o Select Help from the menu of an object. o Press F1 in any window that has a Help choice on a menu bar. o Select the Help push button. The help you get is determined by what is highlighted when you request help. For example, if you request help while a menu bar choice is highlighted, you get specific information about that choice. If you are in a window, you get general or specific information that is related to that window. If you are in the help window, you get general information about the menu bar choices and menus that are available in the help facility. Help is available for: o entry fields o program menu bars o push buttons. Every help window has a menu bar that contains Services, Options, Help choices. For more information about their menu choices, select one of the following choices. Related information: o Services Menu Bar Choice o Options Menu Bar Choice o Help Menu Bar Choice. ═══ Services Menu Bar Choices ═══ The help window contains a Services menu bar choice. Use the Services menu choices to: o Look for help information by searching for words or phrases o Print help information o Copy help information o Open a new help window in which you can display another help topic. ═══ Options Menu Bar Choices ═══ The help window contains an Options menu bar choice. Use the Options menu choices to: o Display the table of contents (the titles of all help topics) o Manage the table of contents (if there is more than one level of help topics) o Display a list of the help topics you have viewed o Display a list of subdirectories that contain help topics in which you can search for a word or phrase o Display the last help topic you viewed. ═══ Help Menu Bar Choices ═══ Every window that has an menu bar has a Help menu bar choice. Use the Help menu choices to display the following for the active program: o An index of help topics o General information about the active window o A list and description of keys you can use You can also display general information about the help facility. In the main window of a program, you can also display product information. ═══ Help for the Topic Window ═══ The topic window displays the topic you selected, for example, a topic from the Contents window. The title of the topic is displayed at the top of the window to remind you which topic you are viewing. Above that title is another title that reminds you which document you are viewing. Highlighted words or phrases indicate that additional information is available for a topic. The information might be displayed in another window. If you are using a mouse, double-click on the highlighted word or phrase. If you are using a keyboard, tab to the word or phrase then press Enter. Press Esc if you want to remove the new information and return to the previous information. You can save the current topic for viewing later by minimizing the window. An icon is displayed in the window with text below it that indicates which topic was minimized. Select the icon when you want to view that topic again. You can mark this topic for viewing later by selecting the Bookmark choice on the Services menu. You can display the index for this document by selecting the Index choice on the Options menu. You can display the table of contents (title of all topics) for this document by selecting the Contents choice on the Options menu. You can display a list of the topics you have viewed since you opened the document, up to 50 topics. Use the Viewed pages choice on the Options menu to display the list. Select one of the topics in the list to display that topic. You can open a new window to display another topic at the same time you are viewing a topic in the active topic window. Use the New window choice on the Services menu. You can use choices on the Services menu to find, print, or copy information in the topics of this document or other documents. You can use the choices on the Help menu topic window to: o Display an index of references to help topics for the document you are viewing o Display general information about viewing a document o Display a list and description of keys you can use o Find out how to get help for menu bar and menu choices, lists, radio buttons, entry fields, or push buttons, and find out how to get additional information for words or phrases that have special highlighting o Display the product information for the document you are viewing. You can press Esc to remove the current topic and return to the previous topic, if there is one. If there is no previous topic to be re-displayed, the Contents window is re-displayed. You can close the document by selecting the Exit choice on the Services menu. ═══ Help for Services ═══ Use the choices on the Services menu to find, print, or copy information in one or more topics of one of more online documents. For example, while you are viewing a topic in a document, you could look for a word or phrase in only the topic that is displayed, in selected topics of that document, or in all the topics of that document. You can save your place in a document by setting a bookmark. You can create one or more new windows in which you can display other topics. You can also close the document. ═══ Help for Search ═══ Use Search to find every occurrence of a word or phrase in one or more online documents. Use Search from the topic window or from the window that contains the Contents (not from a help window). Use the radio buttons in the Search window to indicate where you want to look for a word or phrase. A section is one topic in the online document you are viewing. For example, while you are viewing an online document, you can use the All sections radio button to look for a word or phrase in all topics of that document. A library is a group of files that contain the topics of one or more online documents. A library is stored in a subdirectory. Use the libraries radio buttons to look for a word or phrase in all the topics of one or more libraries. You can look for a word or phrase in: o The topic that is displayed in the active topic window (This section) o Specific topics of the document you are viewing (Marked sections) o All topics of the document you are viewing (All sections) o The text of the index entries for the document you are viewing (Index) o Specific libraries of online documents (Marked libraries) o All libraries of online documents (All libraries). When a word or phrase is found, it is indicated in the topic by special highlighting. For example, you can use the This section radio button to look for a word in the active topic window. When the word is found, the topic is re-displayed with special highlighting that indicates each occurrence of the word or phrase. If you search in topics that are not part of the active topic window (for example, in all topics of document you are viewing), and the word or phrase is found, a window is displayed that contains a list of the topics that contain the word or phrase you searched for. The window title reminds you which word or phrase you searched for. Note: To see more of the text of the topics, maximize the window that contains the topics. You can select one or more of the topics from the list, one at a time, to display those topics. After you display a topic from the list, special highlighting indicates each occurrence of the word or phrase you searched for. After you have viewed the topic, press Esc to remove that topic and return to the list so that you can select another topic. When you have finished viewing topics from the list, you can minimize the window that contains the list or double-click on the window menu button to close the window. You return to the topic that was displayed when you started the search. If you search through the index entries for the document you are viewing, and the word or phrase is found, a window is displayed that contains a list of all the index entries that contain the word or phrase. The window title reminds you which word or phrase you searched for. You can select one or more of the index entries to view the topics that are related to those index entries. You can return to the list after viewing a topic or remove the list of index entries in the same way that is previously described for a list that contains topics. If the word or phrase you search for is not found, a message window is displayed. Select the OK push button to remove the message and return to the Search window. You can do another search or remove the Search window by double-clicking on the window menu button. If you select one of the section or libraries radio buttons, only the text that is displayed in topic windows is searched. The index entries are not searched. You must select the Index radio button to search the index entries. ═══ Help for Search ═══ To search for a word or phrase in one or more topics: 1. Type a word or phrase in the Search for field. 2. Select one radio button to indicate where you want to look for the word or phrase. 3. Select the Search push button. Related information: o Search for o Index o This section o Marked libraries o Marked sections o All libraries o All sections o Search push button ═══ Help for Search for ═══ Type the word or phrase you are looking for. You can type an asterisk (*) to substitute for a portion of a word or phrase. For example, to look for all words that start with COM, type: COM* To look for all words that have COM in the middle of the word, type: *COM* To look for all words that end in COM, type: *COM Because the asterisk can be used as a substitute, you must type a Backslash (\) before an asterisk if you want to find an asterisk in a topic. To search for an asterisk, type: \* Note: When you search the index, it is not necessary to use an asterisk. Every occurrence of the characters in the Search for field is found, even if the characters are only part of a word in an index entry. For example, you can type the following in the Search for entry field: com The list that is displayed in a window would indicate every index entry that contains the three letters COM together. For example, the index entries might contain the following words: COMMAND, command, compare, computer, decompress, and intercom. ═══ Help for This section ═══ Select the This section radio button to find every occurrence of the specified word or phrase in the active topic window. A section is one topic of the document you are viewing. If the word or phrase is found, the topic window is re-displayed with special highlighting that indicates each occurrence of the word or phrase. For example, you have scrolled through several screens in the topic you are viewing. You want to go back and see previous information about a word or phrase, but you do not remember where it is. You can select the This section radio button so that every occurrence of the word or phrase has special highlighting. You then can find the word or phrase more easily as you scroll back through the information. ═══ Help for Marked sections ═══ Select the Marked sections radio button to find every occurrence of the specified word or phrase in selected topics in the table of contents of the document you are viewing. A section is one topic from the table of contents of the document you are viewing. You indicate which topics to search by marking them in the table of contents. If no topics are marked, the text "Marked sections" is grayed to remind you that you cannot select this radio button. When occurrences are found, a list of topics is displayed in a window. You can select one or more of the topics, one at a time, to view them. When a topic is displayed, each occurrence of the word or phrase is indicated by special highlighting. A topic might have more than one level of topics. You can search through the top levels of that topic by marking each topic in the table of contents. Related information: Marking Topics in the Contents Window ═══ Help for All sections ═══ Select the All sections radio button to find every occurrence of the specified word or phrase in all topics in the table of contents of the document you are viewing. A section is one topic from the table of contents of the document you are viewing. When occurrences are found, a list of topics is displayed in a window. You can select one or more of the topics, one at a time, to view them. When a topic is displayed, each occurrence of the word or phrase is indicated by special highlighting. For example, you are viewing a topic in a document. You have seen a word or phrase in another topic, but you do not remember which topic it is in. You can select this radio button to see a list of all topics in the document that contain that word or phrase. ═══ Help for Index ═══ Select the Index radio button to find every occurrence of the specified group of characters in the index entries for the document you are viewing. ═══ Help for Marked libraries ═══ Select the Marked libraries radio button to find every occurrence of the specified word or phrase in the topics of selected libraries. A library consists of one or more files that contain the topics of one or more online documents. Each library is stored in a subdirectory, the name of which identifies what the library belongs to. You indicate which library you want to search by selecting its directory path and file name from the list in the Libraries window. To mark and search selected libraries of online documents, do the following from any topic window: 1. Make sure that a document window is active (not a help window). 2. Select Options 3. Select Libraries. 4. Select one or more libraries. 5. Select Services. 6. Select Search. 7. Type a word or phrase in the Search for entry field. 8. Select the Marked libraries radio button if it is not already selected. 9. Select the Search push button. ═══ Help for All libraries ═══ Select the All libraries radio button to find every occurrence of the specified word or phrase in the topics of one or more libraries. A library consists of one or more files that contain the topics of one or more online documents. Each library is stored in a sub-directory, the name of which identifies what the library belongs to. The Libraries window contains a list of the directory paths and file names for all the libraries that are available. If you want to look for a word or phrase in only the document you are viewing, select the All sections radio button. You would then search all topics of the document you are viewing but not the topics of any other online documents. However, if you want to search for a word or phrase in the document you are viewing and every other online document, select the All libraries radio button. ═══ Help for Search push button ═══ Select the Search push button to begin looking for the word, phrase, or group of characters you typed in the Search for field. The selected radio button in the Search window indicates which topics are to be searched. ═══ Help for Search list ═══ This list indicates the topics or index entries that contain the word, phrase, or group of characters you searched for. The window title contains the word or phrase you searched for, unless you searched in the index. If you searched in the index, the window title is Index. You can select a topic to see every occurrence of the word or phrase you searched for. You can select an index entry to see the topic that is related to the word or phrase you searched for. When a selected topic is displayed, each occurrence of the word or phrase is indicated by special highlighting. After you have viewed a topic, press Esc to remove the topic and return to the list so that you can select another topic or index entry. When you have finished viewing topics, you can minimize the window that contains the list or double-click on the window menu button to close the window. You return to the topic that was displayed when you started the search. ═══ Help for Print ═══ Use Print to copy to the printer: o One or more topics for the document you are viewing o The index for the document you are viewing o The table of contents (titles of all topics) for the document you are viewing. Use Print from a topic window or from the window that contains the Contents window (not a help window). You can print information only for the document you are currently viewing. ═══ Help for Print ═══ You can print one or more topics, the index, or the table of contents (titles of all topics) for the document you are viewing. In the Queue field, type the printer queue that best supports the text format selected. Please check with your system administrator the printer queues available. Next, choose a text format radio button. The following is a description of the choices: o Postscript is to print PostScript text o Ascii is to print unformatted text o Kanji is to print Japanese characters. Then, select the appropriate paper type from the Paper Type list box. Lastly, 1. Select one print subject radio button. 2. Select the Print push button. Related information: o This section o Index o Marked sections o Contents o All sections o Print push button ═══ Help for This section ═══ Select the This section radio button to print the topic that is displayed in the active topic window. A section is one topic in the document you are viewing. ═══ Help for Marked sections ═══ Select the Marked sections radio button to print specific topics of the document you are viewing. You indicate which topics to print by marking them in the table of contents. A section is one topic in the document you are viewing. ═══ Help for All sections ═══ Select the All sections radio button to print all topics of the document you are viewing. You would print the entire document. A section is one topic in the document you are viewing. When you select this radio button, you see a message window that reminds you that it could take a long time to print the entire document. Select the OK push button if you want to print every topic. Select the Cancel push button if you do not. ═══ Help for Index ═══ Select the Index radio button to print all index entries for the document you are viewing. ═══ Help for Contents ═══ Select the Contents radio button to print the table of contents for the document. You would print the title of every topic in the document. ═══ Help for Print push button ═══ Select the Print push button to begin printing one or more help topics, the help index, or the table of contents (titles of all topics) for the document you are viewing. The information that is to be printed is determined by the radio button that is selected. ═══ Help for the Help Window ═══ The help window contains the help you requested. The window title reminds you which program or object you are using. The title below the menu bar tells you which help topic is displayed. The menu bar contains Services, Options, and Help menu bar choices. For more information, select one of the choices that follows "Related information." You can press Esc to display a help topic you have viewed previously, or to close the help window when there are no other help topics that can be displayed again. You can double-click on the window menu button or select the Close choice on the window menu button menu to One type of highlighting in help windows indicates that you can select a word or phrase to see additional information, such as a definition or a related help topic. If you have not changed any of the default colors for the operating system and you have a color display, those words or phrases are green. Double-click on the word or phrase, or tab to it and press the Enter key. After you view the information, press Esc to return to the previous help information. Another type of highlighting in help windows indicates words or phrases that were found in a help topic after you selected the Search choice on the Services menu in a help window. When the operating system is first started and you have a color display, those words or phrases have red characters. ═══ Special Highlighting in Help Windows ═══ When a help topic is displayed, there might be words or phrases that have special highlighting. One type of highlighting in help windows indicates that you can select a word or phrase to see additional information, such as a definition or a related help topic. If you have not changed any of the default colors for the operating system and you have a color display, those words or phrases are green. Double-click on the word or phrase, or tab to it and press the Enter key. After you view the information, press Esc to return to the previous help information. Another type of highlighting in help windows indicates words or phrases that were found in a help topic after you selected the Search choice on the Services menu in a help window. When the operating system is first started and you have a color display, those words or phrases have red characters. ═══ Help for Footnote Window ═══ This window shows the information for the footnote you selected. Highlighted words or phrases indicate that additional information is available for a topic. If you are using a mouse, double-click on the highlighted word or phrase. If you are using a keyboard, press the Tab key to move to the word or phrase, and then press the Enter key. Additional information can appear in a pop-up window or in a related help topic window. ═══ Help for Bookmark ═══ Use Bookmark to save your place in the document that you are viewing, by marking the topic that is displayed. Then you can return to that topic later. When you place a bookmark on a topic, the topic is added to the scrollable list in the Bookmark window. When you select the Bookmark choice later, you can select one of the radio buttons to re-display a topic you have marked or to remove one or all bookmarks. Before you set the bookmark, you can change the title of the topic to something else. ═══ Help for Bookmark ═══ You can save your place in the document that you are viewing by marking the topic that is displayed, return to a specific place that you have marked, or remove one or all bookmarks. 1. Select one radio button to save your place, return to a specific place, or remove one or all bookmarks. 2. Select the OK push button. For more help, select a topic below. Related information: o Place o Remove o View o Remove all ═══ Help for Place ═══ Select the Place push button to save your place in the document you are viewing by marking the topic that is displayed. The title of the topic is displayed in the entry field to the right of the Place push button. The title of the topic is added to the scrollable list in the window when you press the OK push button. Before you select the OK push button, you can change the title of the topic to something else by typing a new name in the entry field to the right of the Place push button. For example, you could change "Help for Place" to "Setting a bookmark." ═══ Help for View ═══ Select the View radio button to re-display the topic you have selected in the scrollable list. ═══ Help for Remove ═══ Select the Remove radio button to delete the bookmark for the topic you have selected in the scrollable list. ═══ Help for Remove all ═══ Select the Remove all radio button to delete the bookmarks for all the topics that are in the scrollable list. ═══ Help for New window ═══ Use New window to open one or more new windows so that you can see more than one topic displayed at the same time. You can use a new window to display any topic that you can select from a list. For example, you can use a new window to display one of the topics from the list in the Contents window or from a list that is displayed after you search for a word or phrase. Sometimes you can use a new window to display additional information that is indicated by special highlighting. To display a topic in a new window: 1. Select (by highlighting) a topic or an index entry. 2. Select Services. 3. Select New window. When a new window is displayed, it is the same size as the Contents or the topic window, so the new window covers the Contents window or the topic window when the new window is displayed. After the topic is displayed in the new window, you must size the new window until you can see the previous window. You then can size either or both windows until each window contains the part of the information you want to see at the same time. You can minimize the new window so that you can re-display it later. An icon is displayed at the bottom of the Contents window to remind you that a new window is minimized. Text below the icon indicates which topic is in the minimized new window. To re-display the topic, select the icon. If you no longer want the topic available for re-display, close the new window. New windows are linked to the online document. If you minimize the document, the new windows are saved. If you close the document, the new windows are closed. Related information: New Windows for Highlighted Words ═══ New Windows for Highlighted Words ═══ Sometimes a topic contains words or phrases that have special highlighting. You can select the word or phrase to display more information, such as examples. Sometimes that additional information can be displayed in a new window. To see if a highlighted word or phrase in a topic can be displayed in a new window, do the following: 1. Select (by highlighting) the word or phrase. 2. Select Services. If the text of the New window choice is darkened, the word or phrase can be put in a new window. If the text is gray, the choice is unavailable and you cannot put the word or phrase in a new window. Sometimes a new window for words or phrases can be minimized so you can re-display it later. Select the window menu button, then select the arrow to the right of Window to see if the Minimize choice is darkened (available) or grayed (unavailable). ═══ Help for Copy ═══ Use Copy to duplicate the topic in the active window and place it in the clipboard. After you have copied the topic to the clipboard, you can use an editor with a Paste function to move the text from the clipboard into a file that you can edit. Note: The clipboard can hold only one block of text at a time. When you copy a help topic to the clipboard, any text that is already in the clipboard is replaced. ═══ Help for Copy to file ═══ Use Copy to file to duplicate the topic in the active window and place it in a temporary file named TEXT.TMP in the current directory of the current drive. You then can edit the temporary file using an editor. Warning: When you use Copy to file, the topic that you are copying replaces any information that was previously copied into the TEXT.TMP file. If you want to have more than one topic in the TEXT.TMP file, use the Append to file choice. ═══ Help for Append to file ═══ Use Append to file to copy the topic in the active window and add it to the end of the temporary file named TEXT.TMP in the current directory of the current drive. When you use this choice, you can copy more than one topic into one file. You then can edit the temporary file using an editor. To append a topic to a file: 1. Display a topic. 2. Select Services. 3. Select Copy to file. 4. For each topic you want in the same file: a. Display another topic. b. Select Append to file. ═══ Help for Exit ═══ Use Exit to close the document. When you close the document, any bookmarks or new windows are not saved. Instead of using this choice, you can press F3. ═══ Help for Options ═══ Use the choices on the Options menu to: o Manage the display of the table of contents o Display the table of contents (title of all topics) for the document you are viewing o Display the index for the document you are viewing o Display a list of topics you have viewed since you opened the document o Display a list of libraries (files that contain the topics of one or more online documents). You can look for a word or phrase in one or all of the libraries. o Re-display the previous topic. When an online document contains more than one level of topics, you can use the choices at the top of the Options menu to display some or all of the levels of topics. When a choice is not available for the topic that is selected in the Contents window, that choice is grayed to remind you it is not available. ═══ Help for Expand one level ═══ Use Expand one level to display the next level of topics for the topic that is highlighted in the Contents window. The Contents window must be displayed before you can use this choice. A plus sign (+) in a box in front of a topic indicates that the topic has at least one more level of topics that you can display. Instead of using Expand one level, you can select the plus sign (+) in front of a topic or press the (+) key. ═══ Help for Expand branch ═══ Use Expand branch to display all lower levels of topics for the highlighted topic in the Contents window. The Contents window must be displayed before you can use this choice. A plus sign (+) in a box in front of a topic indicates that there is at least one more level of topics that you can display. Instead of using Expand branch, you can select the plus sign (+) in front of a topic or press the (+) key. ═══ Help for Expand all ═══ Use Expand all to display all levels of all topics in the Contents window. The Contents window must be displayed before you can use this choice. A plus sign (+) in a box in front of topics indicates that these topics have more levels that you can display. Instead of using Expand all, you can press Ctrl and Asterisk (*). ═══ Help for Collapse branch ═══ Use Collapse branch to remove the display of all lower-level entries for the topic that is highlighted in the Contents window. The Contents window must be displayed before you can use this choice. A minus (-) sign in a box in front of a topic indicates that there are entries listed below it that you can remove from display. Instead of using Collapse branch, you can select the minus sign (-) in front of a topic. ═══ Help for Collapse all ═══ Use Collapse all to remove the display of all lower-level entries for all topics in the Contents window. The Contents window must be displayed before you can use this choice. A minus sign (-) in a box in front of topics indicates that those help topics have lower-level entries that you can remove from display. Instead of using Collapse all, you can press the Ctrl and Minus (-) keys. ═══ Help for Contents ═══ Use Contents to display the table of contents for the document you are viewing. You would display the titles of the topics in the document in the same Contents window that is displayed when you open this document. You can select one of the topics to display it. ═══ Help for Contents list ═══ This list contains the table of contents for the document you are viewing. You are looking at the titles of all topics in the document. This list is displayed when you first open this document. It is re-displayed when you select the Contents choice on the Options menu. When the table of contents is first displayed, only the highest level of topics is displayed. If a topic contains lower-level topics, a plus sign (+) is displayed in a box in front of that topic. Select a plus sign (+) to display the lower level of topics for that topic. A minus sign (-) indicates that you have displayed all lower-level topics. You can use choices on the Options menu to display or remove some or all of the lower levels of topics for one or all of the topics. For example, you can use the Expand all choice to display every lower-level topic for every topic at one time. A topic might contain words or phrases that are highlighted to indicate that a definition or more information is available. Double-click on the word or phrase, or tab to it and press Enter. After you view a topic, press Esc to remove the topic and return to the list so that you can select another topic. If you displayed the table of contents by selecting the Contents choice from the Options menu, you can remove the Contents window when you are through viewing topics. You can minimize the window that contains the list or you can double-click on the window menu button of the Contents window. You return to the topic you were viewing when you displayed the table of contents. ═══ Help for Index ═══ Use Index to display an alphabetic list of references to the topics in this document. You can select one of the index entries to display the topic that is related to that index entry. ═══ Help for Index List ═══ This list contains an alphabetic list of references to the topics in this document. You can select one of the index entries to display the topic that is related to that index entry. A topic can contain special highlighting to indicate that there is a definition or more information available. Double-click on the word or phrase or tab to it and press Enter. After a topic is displayed, press Esc to remove the topic and return to the index list so that you can select another index entry. When you have finished viewing topics, you can remove the index list by minimizing the window that contains the list or by double-clicking on the window menu button of the window. You return to the topic you were viewing before you displayed the index. ═══ Help for Viewed pages ═══ Use Viewed pages to display a list of all the topics you have viewed since you opened this document. Up to 50 topics can be displayed. A page is one help topic. You can select one of the help topics to re-display it. ═══ Help for Viewed Pages list ═══ This list contains the topics that you have viewed since you opened this document. Up to 50 topics can be displayed. You can select one of the topics to re-display it. Each topic has a window title that reminds you which topic you are viewing. A topic might contain words or phrases that are highlighted to indicate indicate that a definition or more information is available. Double-click on the word or phrase, or tab to it and press Enter. After you view a topic, press Esc to remove the topic and return to the list so that you can select another topic. When you are through viewing topics, you can remove the list by minimizing the window that contains the list or by double-clicking the window menu button. You return to the topic you were viewing before you displayed this list. ═══ Help for Libraries ═══ Use Libraries to display a list of the libraries that are available. These libraries are defined in the BOOKSHELF environment variable. A library consists of one or more files that contain the topics of one or more online documents. Each library is stored in a sub-directory, the name of which identifies what the library belongs to. When you select the Libraries choice, you see a window that contains a list of the directory paths for all libraries that are identified in the BOOKSHELF environment variable. You can use the Marked libraries or All libraries radio buttons in the Search window to look for a word or phrase in one of or all the libraries. Related Information: Help for Search ═══ Help for Libraries list ═══ This list indicates the help libraries that are available. These libraries are defined in the BOOKSHELF environment variable. A library consists of one or more files that contain the topics of one or more online documents. Each library is stored in a sub-directory, the name of which identifies what the library belongs to. The libraries are identified in this list by their directory path. You can use the Marked libraries or All libraries radio buttons in the Search window to look for a word or phrase in one of or all the libraries. Related Information: Help for Search ═══ Help for Previous ═══ Use Previous to re-display the last topic you viewed. You can also press Esc to display that topic. If there is no help topic that can be re-displayed, the text of this choice is grayed to remind you that you cannot select it. ═══ Help for Help ═══ Use the choices on the Help menu of the Contents or topic window to display: o An index of references to topics in the document you are viewing o General information about viewing a document o Information about how to get help for menu bar and menu choices, lists, radio buttons, entry fields, or push buttons, and how to display additional information for words or phrases that have special highlighting o A list and description of keys you can use while you are viewing a document o The product information for this product. ═══ Help for Help index ═══ Use Help index to display an alphabetic list of references to the topics for the document you are viewing. You can select one of the index entries to display the topic that is related to that index entry. ═══ Help for General help ═══ Use General help to display information about viewing an online document. ═══ Help for Keys help ═══ Use Keys help to display a description about each key you can use while you are viewing a document. ═══ Help for Using help ═══ Use Using help on the Contents or topic window to find out how to get help for menu bar and menu choices, lists, entry fields, and push buttons. You can also find out how to display any additional information. Special highlighting in a help topic indicates that a definition or other information is available. ═══ Help for Product Information ═══ Use Product Information to display the ownership information for this product. ═══ Searching Document Topics ═══ You can search for a word or phrase in one or more topics of a document. In the Contents window or any topic window: 1. Select Services. 2. Select Search. If you need help, press F1 once the Search window is displayed. ═══ Printing Document Topics ═══ You can print one or more topics of a document. In the Contents window or any topic window: 1. Select Services. 2. Select Print. If you need help, press F1 once the Print window is displayed. ═══ Copying Document Topics ═══ You can copy one or more topics of a document to a temporary file or to the system clipboard. Then can use an editor to edit the temporary file or to copy a topic from the clipboard to a file. From any topic window: 1. Select Services. 2. Select Copy, Copy to file, or Append to file. If you need help, highlight the Copy, Copy to file, or Append to file choice on the Services menu and press F1. ═══ Placing a Bookmark ═══ You can save your place in an online document so that you can return to that place later. From any topic window: 1. Select Services. 2. Select Bookmark. If you need help, press F1 once the Bookmark window is displayed. ═══ Marking Help Topics in the Contents Window ═══ You can mark one or more topics in the table of contents so that you can search in or print only those topics. To mark one or more topics: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Contents. For each topic you want to mark, do the following: With the Mouse 1. Move the mouse pointer to the topic. 2. Press and hold down Ctrl. 3. Click mouse button 1. 4. Release Ctrl. With the Keyboard 1. Use the Up or Down Arrow to highlight the topic. 2. Press the Spacebar. ═══ Help for Forward ═══ Select Forward to display the next topic in the table of contents. ═══ Help for Back ═══ Select Back to display the previous topic in the table of contents. ═══ Key Assignments ═══ When two key names are joined by a plus sign (+), use these two keys together. Press and hold down the first key and then press the second key. The following is a list of the shortcut keys for online documents: Alt+F3 Lower the active window to beneath all other windows. F3 or Alt+F4 Close the active online document. Alt+F5 Restore the active online document. Alt+F7 Move the active online document. Alt+F8 Size the active online document. Alt+F9 Minimize the active online document. Alt+F10 Maximize the active online document. Arrow keys Move among choices. Ctrl+PgDn Scroll the contents of a window right one page. Ctrl+PgUp Scroll the contents of a window left one page. Esc Remove a menu that is displayed below a menu-bar choice or the the window menu button. F10 Switch to the menu bar. PgUp Scroll the contents of a window up one page. PgDn Scroll the contents of a window down one page. Alt+Spacebar Switch to the title-bar icon. Underlined letter Select a choice in a menu bar or in a menu. From the active Contents window or an active topic window: Ctrl+H Display a list of all the document topics you have viewed. Ctrl+I Display the index for the topics of the online document. Ctrl+L Display a list of libraries that contain the topics of online documents. Ctrl+N Open a new window to display the section selected at the Contents , Result List, Index or Viewed Pages window. Ctrl+S Search for a word or phrase in document topics. From the active Contents window: Ctrl+* (Asterisk) Display all levels of the table of contents. Ctrl+- (Minus) Remove all sub-topics from the table of contents. + (Plus) Display one more level of topics in the table of contents. * (Asterisk) Display all sub-topics for one topic in the table of contents. - (Minus) Remove all sub-topics from one topic in the table of contents. From an active topic window: Ctrl+A Copy the displayed document topic and add it to the end of a temporary file. Ctrl+B Set a bookmark in the online document. Ctrl+C Display the table of contents for the document. Ctrl+F Copy the displayed document topic to a temporary file. Ctrl+Ins Ctrl+O Copy the displayed document topic to the clipboard. Ctrl+F4 Close the topic window. Ctrl+F5 Restore the topic window. Ctrl+F7 Move the topic window. Ctrl+F8 Size the topic window. Ctrl+F9 Minimize the topic window. Ctrl+F10 Maximize the topic window. Shift+F4 Close the footnote or split window. Shift+F5 Restore the footnote or split window. Shift+F7 Move the footnote or split window. Shift+F8 Size the footnote or split window. Shift+F9 Minimize the footnote or split window. Shift+F10 Maximize the footnote or split window. Esc Display the previous document topic. Tab Move to the next word or phrase that has special highlighting.