═══ 1. INTRODUCTION ═══ Version 4.0d of CNFGINFO.EXE (c) 1994-95 by Rick Meigs. Updated by Klaus Staedtler Released Oktober 1998 This release is in response to positive reactions received to the update of OS2CFGx.DAT. My thanks to Andrew Stephenson for his colloquial english corrections. My thanks also to Marcus Specht (M.Specht@TeamOS2.de) for giving ConfigInfo a download-home on http://www.buntspecht.de But due to an bug in ConfigInfo (it fails to start on partitions greater than 2Gbyte) this will be the last release but there are plans for an new editor/analyzer. (Klaus Staedtler) OS2CFG16.DAT is based on OS2CFG11.DAT by Rick Meigs but is being maintained now by Klaus Staedtler (stadt@ibm.net), as Rick Meigs no longer seems to support it. (I am not a native English-speaker, so there could be mis-spelled words or phrases in this file. Please send me your corrections.) Sources of tips'n'tricks other than ConfigInfo include V.O.I.C.E. newsletters to be found at http://www.os2voice.org/newsletters.html and OS2-EZINE at http://www.os2ss.com (My apologies for forgetting to mention this in the last issue.) German-reading users may also wish to know about other OS/2 FAQ at http://www.w-4.de/~tbaumann OS2CFG*.DAT is unlikely ever to be complete; but it can improve, gradually, as people send me the missing data, and as-and-when I have the time to make the necessary changes. For example, I am aware of a shortage of data on MMOS, and NETWORK parameters. You can help by mailing all your tips'n'tricks to stadt@ibm.net BTW, I mention only FREE Software in the Data-File. This is not because I have anything against commercial products, but more to support those developers around the world who create great s/ware solutions without expecting financial reward. PLEASE NOTE PARTICULARLY: 1) REXX must be installed on your system. 2) VROBJ.DLL (whose last version, dated 19sept95, should work fine -- with earlier versions you could get errors) must be in either your ../OS2/DLL path or in the directory into which you unzipped ConfigInfo. ═══ 2. USING IT ═══ CNFGINFO.EXE is a CONFIG.SYS information utility. When launched, the program loads your CONFIG.SYS file into Window #1 (top one) and excerpts from the latest OS2CFGx.DAT ("x" being the version number) into Window #2 (bottom one). You must use version 8 of OS2CFGx.DAT or later: so, for example, OS2CFG9.DAT is okay. Because the CONFIG.SYS analysis method and the resulting tips are hardcoded into CNFGINFO.EXE, revisions in the *.dat file will not be recognised, hence you ought to read OS2CFG*.DAT as well. Once CNFGINFO.EXE has loaded both files, click on any CONFIG.SYS statement in Window #1; if available, a description of that item appears in Window #2, along with tips, notes, warnings and other information. Not all items can be covered but much is. The program also lets you edit, print, back up and analyse your CONFIG.SYS file, and do more besides. Incidentally, OS2CFG*.DAT is a plain text file, worth reading on its own for the good stuff in it. The program is not needed for access. A plain text editor is enough but be careful not to make unintentional changes. ═══ 3. DISCLAIMER ═══ REALISTICALLY, I CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU DO WITH OR TO YOUR SYSTEM OR YOUR CONFIG.SYS FILE BASED UPON WHAT YOU MAY LEARN FROM INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS PROGRAM OR THROUGH USE OF THIS PROGRAM. BE WARNED: I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMER. NO WARRANTY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE IS IMPLIED. INFORMATION AND PROGRAM ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS TO BE USED AT YOUR OWN RISK. Does this mean I think there are problems? No, to the best of my knowledge everything is just fine. But be sensible: back up your CONFIG.SYS before meddling with it. Accidents can and do happen. CNFGINFO.EXE VERSION 4 Copyright 1992-95 by Rick Meigs This whole process started in 1992 when Rick Meigs began researching what many of the config.sys file commands in OS/2 were for. The data file used by this program is the result of this still ongoing research. The data file is now in version 16 (OS2CFG16.DAT), which is provided with this program. OS2CFG16.DAT can be, and is used extensively by hundreds of OS/2 users, without CNFGINFO.EXE. CNFGINFO.EXE is just an additional means of making the information useful to a larger group of OS/2 users. All current versions of this program are Freeware, and free is a very good price. However, free doesn't mean bad. Users indicate that it is a high quality and useful utility. I really hope you find it to be so also. The program may be freely distributed under the following conditions. All copyright notices must not be removed, all files contained in the File Inventory below must be distributed together (you may not remove any files), and you may not charge for the program, except for a nominal distribution fee--generally less than US5.00. ═══ 4. HISTORY ═══ Version 1.0 released February, 1994. Version 1.1 released August, 1994. Version 1.2 - 1.3b were experimental upgrades not released. Version 1.3c (beta, control beta group only) Version 1.3d (beta, control beta group only) Version 1.3e (wide beta) November 25, 1994 Version 1.3f (wide beta) January 15, 1995 Version 2.x skipped to align version number with proper ZIP name. Version 3.0a released March 3, 1995 Version 4.0 released June, 1995 Version 4.0a released August, 1998 Version 12 of OS2CFG12.DAT (the data file) is included. Version 4.0b released August 1998 Version 14 of OS2CFG14.DAT (the data file) is included Version 4.0c released September 1998 Version 15 of OS2CFG15.DAT is included Version 2.01 of CONFIGSORT added Version 4.0d released Oktober 1998 Version 16 of OS2CFG16.DAT is included ConfigInfo.inf instead of readme's Installation program ═══ 5. INSTALLATION ═══ REXX MUST BE INSTALLED ON YOUR SYSTEM TO RUN THIS PROGRAM. For best results, install this program on your hard drive. The partition should not matter, as long as its local, but should be smaller than 2Gbyte (see Bugs). To install: Unzip the files to an temporary directory and run install.cmd The program will run from a floppy, but the performance is a real dog and I don't recommend it. If you do choose to run from a floppy, DO NOT remove the program floppy from your drive during operation. IMPORTANT NOTE: An upgraded VROBJ.DLL (dated 9sept95) must be used. This DLL may either reside in the same folder as CNFGINFO.EXE or in another folder which is included in your LIBPATH config.sys path statement. If the DLL is included in the same folder as the program, be sure that a period "." is included in your LIBPATH statement right after the equal "=" symbol. This causes OS/2 to look in the current logged folder first for all DLLs. Example: LIBPATH=.;C:\OS2\DLL;. ═══ 6. TO LAUNCH ═══ Double click on the program icon to launch the program. You can also launch the program from within it's folder by double clicking on the CNFGINFO.EXE icon. ═══ 7. Q & A ═══ Q. Is this program Shareware? A. No, its Freeware, so feel free to pass any version on to friends and other OS/2 users on a not-for-profit basis. Q. Can I use this program at my place of employment? A. Sure. The author does not restrict the program to personal or home use. Q. How do I contact the author? A. Internet: rick.meigs@nwcs.org; or mail: Rick Meigs, 7032 SW 26th, Portland, OR, USA, 97219. For OS2CFGX.DAT higher than OS2CFG11.DAT please contact Klaus Staedtler, stadt@ibm.net Q. The program indicates that it can't locate OS2CFGx.DAT. Where is this file? A. OS2CFGx.DAT (where "x" is the version number, e.g. OS2CFG9.DAT) may not have been included with the distribution disk. You must have version 8 or later. The file name will be OS2CFGx.ZIP were "x" is the version number. Q. The program indicates that it can not locate OS2CFGx.DAT, but I have the file. A. The data file (OS2CFGx.DAT) must be in the same folder as the program (CNFGINFO.EXE). Be sure that you have not changed the name of the data file. It must be OS2CFGx.DAT where "x" is the version number. You must also have version 8 or later. Any version before 8 will not work. Q. Is the data file ever updated? A. Yes. At the time of the release of this version (4) of CNFGINFO, the current data file is version 16. Q. Can I print information displayed in the Information Window? A. Yes. Click on the print option and then select the desired action. Q. How do I quit the program? I don't see a "quit" or "Exit" option. A. The standard way to close any OS/2 program is to double click on the System Icon. It is located in the upper left hand corner of the window. OS/2 also provides a shortcut-- F4 --to close any program. Only Windows users need an Exit option (:->). Q. How do I close the Print Option window? A. The standard way to close any OS/2 window is to double click on the System Icon. It is located in the upper left hand corner of the window. You can also press F4. Q. How do I close the Device Driver display window? A. The standard way to close any OS/2 window is to double click on the System Icon. It is located in the upper left hand corner of the window. You can also press F4. Q. Can I load and display an alternate config.sys file? A. Yes. Click the right mouse button in the Config.sys File window. From the pop-up menu, select "Load alternate config.sys file". Select the desired file from the dialog screen and then select "OK". Q. I just edited my boot drive config.sys file using my editor of choice. I want to load and display this revised config.sys. How do I do this? A. When using the programs internal editor, the revised config.sys file will automatically load and display. When using other editors, you can reload by clicking the right mouse button in the Config.sys file window. From the pop-up menu, select "Reload boot drive config.sys file". Q. I just edited an alternate config.sys file (not my boot drive config.sys). I want to load and display this revised config.sys. How do I do this? A. When using the programs internal editor, the revised config.sys file will automatically load and display. When using other editors, you can reload by clicking the right mouse button in the Config.sys File window. From the pop-up menu, select "Load alternate config.sys file". Select the desired file from the dialog screen and then select "OK". Q. How do I edit an alternative config.sys file? A. Load an alternate config.sys file in the Config.sys File window and then invoke the editor just like you do when editing your boot drive file. Q. When I click on a config.sys statement, the system doesn't always have information on that statement. How come? A. The data file for this program contains a vast amount of information on all the standard OS/2 config.sys commands and statements. This information has been compiled over many years from many sources, but it can't and will never be comprehensive. There are just to many programs which add commands and device driver statements to OS/2s config.sys file. These commands and statements are unique to those programs and often change over time. If you have such items and want to help the OS/2 community by adding it to the data file, INTERNET me and I'll be glad to add it with credit to you. As new releases of OS/2 come out and/or as I learn new and interesting "stuff", I release new versions of the data file. The data file is formatted and constructed so it can be used with or without CNFGINFO.EXE. Q. I've changed my hardware configuration. How do I change the configuration parameters so the Analyze feature knows about the change. A. You can change the configuration by clicking the right mouse button in the Config.sys file window. From the pop-up menu, select "System Configuration". Q. Why doesn't the program "snoop" out how much RAM I have as well as the other parameters needed? A. It could, but some use this program in a multi-system environment where they tune config.sys files on a single machine from many machines. They need to have a very flexible and easy way to adjust parameters which may not be the same as there work computer. Q. Does the Analyze feature actually change my config.sys file? A. No. You must make the individual changes. The Analyze feature only makes suggestions which may or may not be appropriate to your situation. Q. Does REXX have to be installed to run the program? A. Yes! CNFGINFO.EXE will not run if you did not install REXX on your system. Q. Will the program work across a network? A. The program is designed to work with "local" drives and partitions, but I've heard from some who have the program on a server and allow access to it from all systems on the network. This appears to work, but if you attempt to load a config.sys file from a drive other than a "local" drive or partition, the program will crash. Been their. Done that. Q. I just got this new version and "installed it". When I started the program, it indicates that it can't find my config.sys file. How come? A. You may have "installed" it in the same folder as a previous version. You should not have done this, but if you will delete the INI file and then restart the program, it will work. Q. Can I "copy and paste" information from the data window to another application? A. Yes. Highlight the text you wish to copy using your mouse. When you highlight the text, a copy icon will appear on the icon bar. Press this icon and the highlighted text will be copied to OS/2s clipboard. You can then paste if from the clipboard to any other application. Q. When I want to locate a config.sys statement in my config.sys file, do I have to scroll now until I find it, or is there a better way. A. There is a better way. Use the Search function. Just click on the Search icon (flashlight) and input the item you are looking for. Press the Find button. The first instance of the string. If this is not the one you are looking for, press the Search icon again and press the Find Next button. Q. Can I Analyze more than one config.sys file at a time? A. Well, yes and no. Analyze will only deal with one config.sys file at a time, but the Analyze feature is a separate thread. Therefore, you do not have to close the Analyze window to go back to the main program. Back at the main program, you can load another config.sys file or change your program settings and run Analyze again. You will have two Analyze windows open, each with information on a different config.sys file or the same config.sys file analyzed with different program settings. You may do this as many time as you like. ═══ 8. KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS ═══ Version 4.0c has been found more than 3500 users and works with Warp 3 and 4, but there seems to be an bug with partitions greater than 2.0 GBytes, starting ConfigInfo fails. At the moment I've no solution as I can't fix ConfigInfo, but for for the future there is an new config editor/analyzer planned. (Klaus Staedtler)