OS/2 "BATCH MANAGER" COMMAND LINE INTERFACE =========================================== OS/2 "BATCH MANAGER" provides a series of command line interfaces as an alternative for users to submit and monitor batch jobs without interacting with the Graphical User Interface. The functions are detailed below: 1. SUBMIT BATCH JOBS This function allows users to submit batch jobs. It is primarily used to enable job submission from an external source (i.e., another user application or command procedure). Execute the BMSUBMIT program with the following calling format: Calling Format: (The arguments in brackets are optional) BMSUBMIT CMDFile ["JobName"] [/JobStatus] [StartDate StartTime] [/SingleRecurring] [/RecurringPeriod] [+CmdArg] ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- CMDFile The command file name with full path JobName The name of this job start, alphabetical, (up to 30 characters). /JobStatus The desired job status /P (pending, default) /D (delayed) /H (hold) StartDate StartTime The required start date and time YYYYMMDD HHMM (default is current time) /SingleRecurring The job type /S (Single, default) /R (Recurring) /RecurringPeriod The Recurring Job Period /1 (every day, default) /2 (every other day) /3 (every Sunday) /4 (every Monday) /5 (every Tuesday) /6 (every Wednesday) /7 (every Thursday) /8 (every Friday) /9 (every Saturday) /10 (every First Day of month) /11 (every Last Day of month) +CmdArg Command Argument String 2. GET THE QUEUE STATUS This function allows users to get the status of the job queue. Execute the BMGETQ program with the following calling format: BMGETQ 3. CHANGE THE QUEUE STATUS This function allows users to change the status of the job queue. Execute the BMCHQ program with the following calling format: BMCHQ Status ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- Status A (active) H (hold) 4. LIST ALL JOBS IN THE QUEUE This function allows users to list the status of all jobs in the queue. Execute the BMLIST program with the following calling format: BMLIST The output format is as follows: COLUMN DESCRIPTION ------ ----------- Queue Name The name of the job queue Queue Stat The queue status A (active) H (hold) JID Job Id Job Name The name of the job Job Status The Job Status P (pending) D (delayed) H (hold) A (active) Start Date The Job start Date YYYYMMDD Start Time The Job Start Time HHMM C/J Job File Type C (OS/2 Command File) J ("PRIDE" INFORMATION FACTORY Job) R/S Type of Job S (Single) R (Recurring) P Recurring Time Period 1 (every day) 2 (every other day) 3 (every Sunday) 4 (every Monday) 5 (every Tuesday) 6 (every Wednesday) 7 (every Thursday) 8 (every Friday) 9 (every Saturday) 10 (every First Day of month) 11 (every Last Day of month) Execute Time Elapsed Execution Time (active jobs only) 5. GET THE STATUS OF A JOB This function allows users to get the status of a single job. Execute the BMJOB program with the following calling format: BMJOB JobId ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- JobId JobId as displayed by BMLIST. 6. CHANGE THE STATUS OF A JOB This function allows users to change the status of previously submitted batch jobs. Execute the BMCHSTAT program with the following calling format: Calling Format: (The arguments in brackets are optional) BMCHSTAT JobId JobStatus [StartDate StartTime] ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- JobId The Job Id JobStatus P (pending) D (delayed) H (hold) R (release) C (cancel) StartDate StartTime YYYYMMDD HHMM (NOTE: A JobId of 0 (zero) can be used to identify all jobs in the queue.) 7. DISPLAY THE STATUS OF COMPLETED JOBS To display the status of completed jobs type, edit or print the BMJOB.LOG file from the '.:\MBABATCH' directory.