═══ 1. Help for Batch Manager ═══ The purpose of this sub-system is to provide a vehicle to submit, monitor, and control batch jobs (OS/2 and DOS command files) under the IBM OS/2 operating system. This sub-system is patterned after other OS/2 products and is designed to be SAA/CUA compliant. The OS/2 "BATCH MANAGER" is translatable. There is a version supporting Japanese (Double Byte Character Set). Additional versions can be translated as required. Consult the vendor for details. The sub-system provides the following functions: o Submission and execution of batch jobs, either immediately or delayed to a later time/date. The batch jobs can be submitted either from this user interface or from the OS/2 command line using BMSUBMIT facility provided by this sub-system. o Control over the action of the queue which is responsible for controlling jobs. o Control over the action of the batch job, such as cancel, hold, release, etc. The BM scheduler must be started as a foreground session using BMSTART2.CMD in order to process applications with screen/keyboard I/O. To run the scheduler as a detached process use BMSTART.CMD. The product is licensed for use on a single OS/2 computer. For full terms of licensing, consult the license agreement accompanying the product package. Address any other questions, including pricing, to the vendor (see "About..." under the HELP action-bar-choice. This facility is typically executed at each computer and the jobs controlled by the individual user. "BATCH MANAGER" is initiated when the user activates the computer. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the facility is a window programmed around OS/2's "Presentation Manager." The window consists of the following action bar choices: o QUEUE - Provides the means to control the actions of the queue. o JOB - Provides the means to control the actions of the job(s), including submitting and updating jobs, cancelling, requeuing, etc. o HELP - Provides guidance throughout facility. Pertinent pop-up windows are invoked as required to guide the user through the selected action. The main window displays the batch queues, along with the jobs submitted to the queue. Each job is listed by Job Id, Job Name (as submitted by the user), scheduled Start Date, scheduled/actual Start Time, Job Status (Active, Pending, Holding). A code is also displayed indicating whether the batch job is Single or Recurring (repetitive). The "BATCH MANAGER" queue is refreshed whenever activity occurs within it. Because of this, the screen is always current. COMMAND FILES To submit a job, the user must submit a user specified command file (.CMD, .BAT or .EXE). This file must exist prior to job submission and must contain the full file\directory path name (no default directories are assumed) for any file specified in this command file. The 'EXIT' statement in the command file may cause an return error even though the the job is executed successfully. SUBMITTING BATCH JOBS FROM OS/2 COMMAND LINE The BMSUBMIT.EXE is provided as an alternative for users to submit batch jobs without interacting with the Graphical User Interface. This is primarily used to enable job submission from an external source (e.g., another user application or command procedure). Execute the BMSUBMIT program with the following calling format: Calling Format: (The arguments in brackets are optional) BMSUBMIT CMDFile ["JobName"] [/JobStatus] [StartDate StartTime] [/SingleRecurring] [/RecurringPeriod] ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ CMDFile The command file name with full path JobName The name of this job start with a alphabet (up to 30 characters) JobStatus /P (pending is the default), /D (delayed), /H (hold) StartDate StartTime YYYYMMDD HHMM, the default is current time /SingleRecurring /S (single is the default), /R (recurring) /RecurringPeriod /1 (every day is the default), /2 (every other day) /3 (every Sunday), /4 (every Monday) /5 (every Tuesday), /6 (every Wednesday) /7 (every Thursday), /8 (every Friday) /9 (every Saturday), /10 (First Day of Month) /11 (Last Day of Month), Refer to the README.TXT file in the MBABATCH Directory for full details of the Command Line Interface. JOB COMPLETION Upon completion of the batch job, a screen message will be displayed notifying the user whether or not the batch job was successfully executed. The user can clear the screen by pressing the ESCape key or the screen will clear itself after 60 seconds. The next batch job in the queue will not begin until the screen has been cleared. A journal of all job completion messages is maintained in BMJOB.LOG in the "BATCH MANAGER" work directory (e.g., MBABATCH). Using a simple text editor (or typing the file to the screen), the user can review all messages in BMJOB.LOG. This file will be deleted either when "BATCH MANAGER" is terminated or when "BATCH MANAGER" is initiated. In the event of unusual termination (such as due to power failure), messages are maintained in a back-up version of the file (BMJOB.BAK) for reference. MESSAGES When a job is completed, a variety of messages may appear (either on the screen or in the BMJOB.LOG) to indicate completion status; either ERROR or NO ERRORS. Some OS/2 Termination and Return Codes may also be displayed. Consult IBM OS/2 documentation for their meaning (e.g., "OS/2 Control Program Programming Reference"). SHUTDOWN If a batch job is ACTIVE in the job queue, the user will be unable to close the "BATCH MANAGER" Monitor. Should the computer SHUTDOWN (either through the OS/2 Desktop or power failure, the active batch job will abort execution). COMPUTER CLOCK Execution of the "BATCH MANAGER" is based on the computer's clock. Should the you wish to change the settings on the clock, the user is advised to first HOLD the queue before changing the clock. After the clock has been changed, the user can then RELEASE the queue. Note: It may be necessary to UPDATE the time settings for the various batch jobs in the queue. Use the UPDATE JOB window to update the time/date settings of each batch job before RELEASING the queue. TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IBM, OS/2, SAA, CUA are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. ═══ 2. Help for Queue ═══ Use the Queue action-bar-choice (ABC) to manage the batch jobs in the queue. The pull-down-choices are available only after you have selected a queue. (If you are using a mouse, click on the queue to select it. If you are using a keyboard, press the Up or Down Arrow key and ENTER to select it.) Hold queue Change the status of the selected queue so jobs in the queue cannot be executed until released. Release queue Change the status of the selected queue so jobs HOLDING can be executed. Hold all jobs Use this choice to change the status of the jobs in the selected queue. All the jobs are held so they cannot be executed. Jobs submitted after this will not be held. Release all jobs Use this choice to change the status of any jobs HOLDING in the selected queue. All jobs HOLDING are released so they can be executed. Cancel all jobs Remove every job from the selected queue ═══ 3. Help for Hold Queue ═══ Use the Hold Queue pull-down-choice (PDC) to change the status of the selected queue so none of the jobs in it can be executed. This choice is not available if the queue is already being held. Holding a queue when a job is executing (ACTIVE) does not stop the job. The job is allowed to finish, but the next job in the queue cannot start. Use Release queue to allow the jobs in the queue to execute. ═══ 4. Help for Release Queue ═══ Use the Release Queue pull-down-choice (PDC) change the status of a queue HOLDING so the jobs in it can be executed. This choice is available only if the queue is HOLDING. Releasing a queue allows the jobs in the queue to be executed. Use the Job pull-down-choices if you want to change the order jobs are executed. ═══ 5. Help for Hold all Jobs ═══ Use the Hold all Jobs pull-down-choice (PDC) to change the status of the jobs in the selected queue. All the jobs are held so they cannot be executed. Jobs submitted after this will not be held. If the jobs are already HOLDING, this choice has no effect. ═══ 6. Help for Release all Jobs ═══ Use the Release all Jobs pull-down-choice (PDC) to change the status of any jobs HOLDING in the selected queue. All the held jobs are released so they can be executed. If there are no jobs HOLDING, this choice has no effect. ═══ 7. Help for Cancel all Jobs ═══ Use the Cancel all Jobs pull-down-choice (PDC) to remove all the jobs from the selected queue. When you select this choice, a message is displayed asking you to confirm cancellation of the jobs. You cannot recover canceled jobs. You have to submit the jobs again if you want to execute them. ═══ 8. Help for Job ═══ The Job action-bar-choice (ABC) is to control the action of a single batch job. A job identification number is created when you submit a batch job to the queue (whether ACTIVE, PENDING, DELAYED, or HOLDING). Use the following pull-down-choices (PDC) to control the execution of a job. These choices are available only after you have selected a job. (If you are using a mouse, click on the job or queue to select it. If you are using a keyboard, press the Up or Down Arrow keys to select it.) Job details Shows information about the selected job, such as the job id, name, user, etc. Cancel job Removes the selected job from the queue. Hold job Changes the status of the selected job so it will not be executed until released. Release job Changes the status of the selected job so it can be executed if it was held. Submit new job Allows the user to setup and submit a batch job for exection; either one-time or to execute recurrently. Update job Changes the parameters of a job currently in the queue (but not active). ═══ 9. Help for Job Details ═══ Use the Job Details pull-down-choice (PDC) to display the details of the job you selected. ═══ 10. Help for Cancel Job ═══ Use the Cancel Job pull-down-choice (PDC) to remove the selected job from the queue. If the job is executing, it is stopped. Note: Cancelling a recurring job will cancel all future jobs. To restart a recurring job, the user will have to use the SUBMIT command and reset the parameters. When you select this choice, a message is displayed, asking you to confirm cancelling the job. ═══ 11. Help for Hold Job ═══ Use the Hold Job pull-down-choice (PDC) to change the status of the selected job so it does not execute. If the job is executing when you hold it, this choice has no effect. Holding one job does not affect the other jobs in the queue; they are executed as usual. Use RELEASE when you want to allow the job to execute. ═══ 12. Help for Release Job ═══ Use the Release Job pull-down-choice (PDC) to change the status of the selected job so it can be executed. ═══ 13. Help for Submit new Job ═══ Use the Submit new Job pull-down-choice (PDC) to invoke a pop-up window to initiate a new batch. Note: This will be the same window as used under the Update Job pull-down-choice. ═══ 14. Help for Update Job ═══ Use the Update Job pull-down-choice (PDC) to invoke a pop-up window to change the variables associated with a batch job. Note: This will be the same window as used under the Submit new Job pull-down-choice. ═══ 15. Help for Requeue Job ═══ Use the Requeue pull-down-choice (PDC) to move a batch job from one job queue to another. This is particularly useful for moving a non-active batch job to another queue where it can execute in parallel with other batch jobs. Press OK to confirm the requeue, or CANCEL to quit without saving. ═══ 16. Help for Options ABC ═══ The Options action-bar-choice (ABC) is used to access the Batch Manager Options. Use the following pull-down-choices (PDC) to select the desired option. Display job log Displays the job log. ═══ 17. Help for Display Job Log ═══ Use the Display Job Log pull-down-choice (PDC) to display the log of all jobs executed since Batch Manager was last restarted. ═══ 18. Help for Help ABC ═══ The Help action-bar-choice (ABC) is used to access the various CUA compliant Help facilities. Help index Displays the help index. General help Displays tutorial describing the product. Using help Provides detailed information on the kinds of help available and how to use help. Keys help Displays a list of keys. About Displays basic vendor/product information. ═══ 19. Help for Using Help ═══ Use the Using Help pull-down-choice (PDC) to describe all of the available help facilities. In general, help is provided for every action-bar-choice, pull-down choice, and other selections. ═══ 20. Help for General Help PDC ═══ This pull-down-choice is used to display general help text regarding the use of this facility. ═══ 21. Help for Keys Help ═══ Use the Keys Help pull-down-choice (PDC) to access the standard help keys. The list of keys is arranged in groups. o HELP KEYS to get help. o SYSTEM KEYS to switch between programs. o WINDOW KEYS to move around in a program window. o POP-UP WINDOW KEYS to make a selection in a pop-up window. o EDITING KEYS to make changes in a pop-up window. When two key names are joined by a plus sign (+), use these two keys together. Hold down the first key and press the second key. HELP KEYS F1 Get help. F11 Go to the help index (from within any help window). Esc Cancel help. Alt+F4 Close the help window. Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs. Shift+F10 Get help for help. SYSTEM KEYS Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs. Alt+Tab Switch to the next windowed program. Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List. WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a program window. F10 Go to/from the action bar. Arrow keys Move among choices. End Go to the last choice in a pull-down. Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu. Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down. PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page. PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page. Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs. Alt Go to/from the action bar. Alt+F4 Close the window. Alt+F5 Restore the window. Alt+F7 Move the window. Alt+F8 Size the window. Alt+F9 Minimize the window. Alt+F10 Maximize the window. Ctrl+PgDn Scroll the contents of the window right one page. Ctr+PgUp Scroll the contents of the window left one page. Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu. Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window. POP-UP WINDOW KEYS Enter Complete the pop-up window. Esc Cancel the pop-up window. Spacebar Set a check box on/off or perform the task described on the selected pushbutton. Tab Move to the next entry field or check box. EDITING KEYS Backspace (left arrow delete) Delete the character to the left of the cursor. Del Delete the character to the right of the cursor. End or Ctrl+Right Arrow key Move to the end of a field. Home or Ctrl+Left Arrow key Move to the beginning of a field. ═══ 22. Help for Help Index ═══ This pull-down-choice is used to display the Help Index. The help index lists all of the titles of the available help information. ═══ 23. Help for About the Vendor ═══ Use the About the Vendor pull-down-choice (PDC) to access the name and address of the vendor. ═══ 24. Help for Keys Help ═══ Use the Keys Help pull-down-choice (PDC) to access the standard Help keys. The list of keys is arranged in groups. o HELP KEYS to get help. o SYSTEM KEYS to switch between programs. o WINDOW KEYS to move around in a program window. o POP-UP WINDOW KEYS to make a selection in a pop-up window. o EDITING KEYS to make changes in a pop-up window. When two key names are joined by a plus sign (+), use these two keys together. Hold down the first key and press the second key. HELP KEYS F1 Get help. F11 Go to the help index (from within any help window). Esc Cancel help. Alt+F4 Close the help window. Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs. Shift+F10 Get help for help. SYSTEM KEYS Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs. Alt+Tab Switch to the next windowed program. Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List. WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a program window. F10 Go to/from the action bar. Arrow keys Move among choices. End Go to the last choice in a pull-down. Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu. Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down. PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page. PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page. Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs. Alt Go to/from the action bar. Alt+F4 Close the window. Alt+F5 Restore the window. Alt+F7 Move the window. Alt+F8 Size the window. Alt+F9 Minimize the window. Alt+F10 Maximize the window. Ctrl+PgDn Scroll the contents of the window right one page. Ctr+PgUp Scroll the contents of the window left one page. Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu. Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window. POP-UP WINDOW KEYS Enter Complete the pop-up window. Esc Cancel the pop-up window. Spacebar Set a check box on/off or perform the task described on the selected pushbutton. Tab Move to the next entry field or check box. EDITING KEYS Backspace (left arrow delete) Delete the character to the left of the cursor. Del Delete the character to the right of the cursor. End or Ctrl+Right Arrow key Move to the end of a field. Home or Ctrl+Left Arrow key Move to the beginning of a field. ═══ 25. Help for Job Details ═══ This panel displays the following job details: o The Job Identification number. o The Job Name (as assigned by the user). o The Start Date - either scheduled or actual. o The Start Time - either scheduled or actual. o The status of the job (ACTIVE, PENDING, DELAYED, or HOLDING). o The Single/Recurring indicator. A job may be submitted to execute either once (single) or repetitively (recurring). o The Recurring Period - if such a job. o The Elapsed Time - if the job is active. o The name of the command file (.CMD) used to process the batch job. Press OK to exit the panel. ═══ 26. Help for Requeue ═══ Use this panel to move a batch job to another queue. Simply select the pertinent radio button representing the queues and press OK to initiate action. Press CANCEL to quit without saving. ═══ 27. Help for Submit/Update Job ═══ This panel is used to either submit a new batch job or update the parameters for an existing job. To SUBMIT a new job, the user must enter the following: o Enter Job Name - enter a user defined name to identify the job. If this field leaves empty, the command file name will be the job name. o Enter Command File Name - Submit the name of a valid OS/2 or DOS command file to execute the job. The user can either enter the directory\path name directly in the data field or select from the DIRECTORY and FILE selection lists shown. Note: If an invalid command file is given, an error message will be displayed. THE COMMAND FILE MUST PROVIDE FULL DIRECTORY\FILE PATHS; DEFAULTS ARE NOT ASSUMED. Note: The total text length for command file name and optional parameters must not exceed 123 characters. o User can specify optional parameters for the command file to be executed; e.g., a file name which needs to be passed to the command procedure. If no parameters are needed, leave this field blank. o Indicate if the bath job is to be executed SINGLE or RECURRING Single means one execution of the batch job; Recurring means to execute the job repetitively. o For single jobs, enter the starting date and time. The default is to execute immediately. The user can override this by submitting a date as YYYYMMDD (Year/Month/Day); for example: 19921211 = December 11, 1992. Time is submitted as HHMM (Hours/Minutes) using a 24 hour clock; for example; 14:30 = 2:30 pm; 09:00 = 9 am. o For recurring jobs, the user must select the frequency of the job from the selection list of variables shown, and provide the starting time as HHMM (Hours/Minutes). o Multiple recurring jobs with same starting time can be submitted by selecting several recurring periods at one time in the selection list; e.g., Monday, Wednesday, Friday. To UPDATE a job, the current operating parameters are displayed on the panel. The user can change them as required. Press OK to confirm selections and execute accordingly. Press CANCEL to quit without saving. ═══ 28. Help for About the Vendor ═══ This panel displays the name and address of the vendor. ═══ 29. Help for Display Job Log ═══ This panel displays the details of all the jobs that have been executed since Batch Manager was last restarted. ═══ 30. Help for About the Vendor ═══ This panel displays the name and address of the vendor and identifies a demonstration version of the product. ═══ 31. Help for About the Vendor ═══ This panel is displayed when the demonstration version has either passed the 30 days or 30 jobs have been executed. It displays the name and address of the vendor.