═══ 1. Help ═══ Help ═══ 2. Disclaimer ═══ This software is provided without any guarantee for its usefulness for any purpose. I will not take responsibility for any damage that its use, invalid or not, may cause. No liability for consequential damages. In no event shall I be liable for consequential, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of the software, even if I have been advised of the possibility of such damages. IF YOU CAN NOT ACCEPT THESE CONDITIONS,DELETE THIS SOFTWARE IMMEDIATELY. ═══ 3. What is this program for ? ═══ I saw a nice feature in Windows '95 from Microsoft, the AUTORUN.INF files that where automatically read when you insert a CD-ROM to the drive and the program that where defined in AUTORUN.INF was automatically executed. This is what this program does. It tries to start the program defined in the AUTORUN.INF file, or if you enter an audio CD this CD is started ( a little bit buggy up to now, i hopefully will fix this. Write me your experiences... ). And if all of the above failed it opens the drive folder for this CD-ROM. ═══ 4. Limitations ═══ - DOS programs should be executed. - Most WINDOWS programs from WIN 3.1 and WIN32 up to level 1.25a may run. - Only tested with Warp 4.0, may also run with Warp 3.0 - Audio CDs are sometimes handles improperly - The only supported keyword in the AUTORUN.INF file is the 'open' keyword ═══ 5. Configuration ═══ With version 1.1 of Autorun you can configure the behaviour of the program for an audio-cd. If you select CONFIG from the menu you get the following dialog: 1.) Automatic play of audio CD's This starts the playing of the audio CD after it is entered in the CD-ROM drive. 2.) Action for audio CD's If this button is clicked the program in the entry field is executed after an audio CD is entered to the CD-ROM drive. This should be a CD Player :-) 3.) None of the above is clicked, audio CD's are ignored. 4.) CD ROM drive The letter of your CD-ROM drive. This value can be overwtitten by the command-line parameter /d:x, where x is the drive letter. The remaning behaviour of the program can be changed by this commandline parameters: -D:x Drive to watch, where x is the CD-ROM drive letter Default is drive D: This value overrides the CD-ROM drive letter that is stored in the profile. -O:off If no file AUTORUN.INF is found on CD, open the drive folder automatically Default is on. -P:C:\DOS\WINDOWS\WIN.COM Full path to win.com Default is C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\WIN.COM -S Go to sleep modus after programstart -T:x Timer delay,where x is a number from 1 to 20. The delay is a multiple of x*100ms between checks of the CD-ROM drive. If you get problems like 'Sector not found', after inserting an audio CD, try to increase this value. Default is 8 (equal to 800ms). -V:on Program is visible on desktop after startup. Default is off Examples: To watch a CD-ROM drive G: AUTORUN -D:G To watch a CD-ROM drive F:, but if you want the program to go to sleep modus after program start: AUTORUN -D:F -S ═══ 6. License ═══ You can use this program in a private environment without paying a fee to me. (Well, a postcard with a nice stamp would be fine, to encourage my further effort... :-). If you use this program in a commercial environment, you should send 10US$ per computer, where the program is running, to my address: Martin Schulz Neusatzer Str.6 71067 Sindelfingen GERMANY Make checkes payable to Martin Schulz. ═══ 7. Problems ═══ Starting an audio CD fails sometimes. Up to now i do not know why.... If you find some other problems or you have some suggestions, please send me an email to mschul4@ibm.net. If i find the time i will then look for the problem or add some additional functions. ═══ 8. Copyright ═══ This program is copyrighted (C) 1996,1997 by Martin Schulz ═══ 9. Version ═══ - Version 1.1a * Increased the size of the"Action for audio CD's"-field. - Version 1.1 * Added a config dialog for the audio cd. The user can now automatically start a program like a CD Player. * Parameter -A : is not longer supported. * Added a sleep button, this disables the program. * Added -S parameter to enter sleep modus after program start. - Version 1.0 * Inital release