Notes on OS/2 TAR This is a port of PD TAR to OS/2. All features are functional, except that reading/writing to a "raw" device is not supported. I needed TAR (Unix archiving) and COMPRESS (Unix LZW compression) to port Unix files onto OS/2. Ordinarily, Unix archives will be supplied as ".taz" files. The "z" at the end of the name means that COMPRESS must be used to decompress the file first: [D:\]COMPRESS -d ARCHIVE.TAZ This will decompress the file, producing ARCHIVE.TA, which should then be renamed to ARCHIVE.TAR. Note that COMPRESS.EXE comes from CIS, and was not supplied with *any* documentation. It is, however, fully compatible with the Unix version, and "COMPRESS -?" will give option help. Versions of COMPRESS running under DOS are only be able to use 12 bit compression--use 16 bit mode under OS/2 and Unix exclusively! (the LZW Hash table will get too big). To take apart a TAR file, use the TAR utility. I ported this to OS/2 myself, and as a time-saving measure, "removed" some features. Specifically, direct device access and multi-volume TAR files DO NOT WORK. COM, OBJ and EXE files are added and extracted in BINARY mode. Other file extensions are presumed to be text files, and are converted to and from Unix format as appropriate (stored in Unix format in the TAR archive, and in DOS format when extracted). Other BINARY extensions can be declared using the -U option. However, most Unix archives are source code, and so this doesn't apply. [D:\]TAR -x -F ARCHIVE.TAR will extract all files from ARCHIVE.TAR, re-creating the original directory structure. Filenames are converted from Unix format to DOS format as the extraction proceeds. These utilities have been used to decompress and extract several large FSF distribution archives, including GHOST.TAZ, with no problems. Both TAR.EXE and COMPRESS.EXE have been "bound", and will work under either OS/2 or DOS. Have Fun! Fred Weigel.