Notes for SysColor 1.00 ======================= <<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>> <<<<<< Please read 'Warnings' section below before using SysColor >>>>>> <<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>> General ------- SysColor 1.00 is an extremely simple 32-Bit PM program. I wrote it after I observed the rather nice default color set the the OS2 2.0 (6.123) configures when you install it on a system with only VGA display. I use only an 8514/a display and the colors configured for this are very 'tacky'. I unfortunately have cause to install the system on a regular basis and I very soon tired of the sequence of operations required to unpack the 'VGA.RC' file off the intallation disks, edit it for the 8514/a, build the new OS2.INI, and then reboot twice to install it! Syscolor does exactly what I wanted without the hard graft. Now I install my 8514 system as before, run Syscolor, click on 'Apply', then click on 'Exit'. The VGA colors seem to be the only interesting colorset but I added the others for completeness - somebody out there may have a portable that they want to switch between the 'Plasma' and 'VGA' depending on whether they have an external monitor attached or not. SysColor is a MUST for anyone who has only seen the default 8514/a colorset. Warnings -------- * Please be aware that SysColor changes the "PM_Default_Colors" and "PM_Default_Colors" entries in OS2.INI. If you have spent a long time configuring your favorite colors you should save a copy of you current OS2.INI before running SysColor. * SysColor calls 'WinSetSysColors' to make the OS2.INI changes take effect. Not all windows respond and respond correctly to the resulting WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message so you should reboot your system to be 100% certain of the correct visual appearance. WC_MLE seems to be an example of a window class that does not respond correctly. If you start SysColor with VGA colors you will notice that the MLE uses the "Window Background" color (white), if you change to CGA colors and then back to VGA the MLE then uses the "Popup Window Background" (grey). As far as I am aware SysColor fulfils it's limited goal well. If you have any difficulties, or a colorset that others may appreciate please contact: Phil Spencer, CompuServe 100014,104 June 1991