═══ 1. General Help ═══ PM Process Status displays a graphical view of running processes. You may select a process and get more information about it, or you can terminate it. PM Process Status is compatible with OS/2 2.0 and 2.1. It may work with later versions, but this is not guaranteed. PM Process Status is a shareware program, see Registration Information for details. ═══ 2. Options Menu ═══ Use the Options pull-down menu to configure PM Process Status to suit your preferences. All options are automatically saved when you close PM Process Status. If you don't want to save the options, then select pmps from the process display and kill it. ═══ 2.1. Font ═══ Selecting this option brings up a font dialog. Select the font that you want PM Process Status to use for its display. Note that at present, only bitmapped fonts can be selected. ═══ 2.2. Colour ═══ Use this submenu to set the colours that you wish PM Process Status to use. ═══ 2.2.1. Background ═══ Select the background colour from this submenu. ═══ 2.2.2. Text ═══ Select the text colour from this submenu. ═══ 2.2.3. Lines ═══ Select the line colour from this submenu. If you don't want lines to be drawn, select the same colour for lines and the background. ═══ 2.2.4. Highlight ═══ Select the background highlight colour from this submenu. This is the background colour for selected processes. ═══ 2.3. Update delay ═══ Use this submenu to select the delay between updates of the PM Process Status display. ═══ 3. Help Menu ═══ The help menu contains choices for fast access to special sections of this help information. ═══ 3.1. Help index ═══ Selecting this option presents you with a list of all topics about which you can get help. ═══ 3.2. General help ═══ This option displays the PM Process Status general help panel. ═══ 3.3. Using help ═══ Selecting this option will give you help on using the help system. ═══ 3.4. Product information ═══ Selecting Product information displays a dialog informing you which version of PM Process Status you are using. Select OK to dismiss the dialog. ═══ 4. Process Status ═══ You can get detailed information about any process (except init) by positioning the pointer over the process, clicking mouse button 2 and selecting Status from the popup menu. For more information, see Process Status Dialog. ═══ 5. Switching to a Process ═══ Processes with their own OS/2 sessions can be made active, giving them input focus. A process can be activated by positioning the pointer over it and double clicking mouse button 1. Alternatively, press mouse button 2 while over a process, and select Switch to from the popup menu. Note: Some processes cannot be activated because they have no session of their own. ═══ 6. Killing a Process ═══ In order to kill a process, click mouse button 2 whilst the pointer is over the process and select Kill from the popup menu. Alternatively, you can push the Kill button in the Process Status dialog. Note: Some processes cannot be killed. CAUTION: Any application killed by PM Process Status will terminate immediately without saving open files. ═══ 7. Processes ═══ A process is a program in execution. Processes can start (or spawn) other processes. Processes thus spawned are termed child processes. OS/2 assigns a unique process identification number (PID) to each process. The Parent PID (PPID) of a process is the PID of the process which owns that process. Normally, the PPID is the ID of the process which spawned the child. However, if a parent process dies, the child's PPID changes to that of the parent's PPID. The Workplace Shell starts some processes as if they had no parent. PM Process Status represents such processes as children of an imaginary process called init. ═══ 8. Process Status Dialog ═══ This dialog displays detailed information about a particular process. Select OK to dismiss the dialog, or Kill to terminate the process. The following information is displayed: Module Name The fully qualified path name of the executable module from which the process was started. Process ID The process identification number. Parent ID The process identification number of the parent process. Threads The number of threads owned by the process. Priority The priority of the process, given in hexadecimal. The first two digits represent the priority class, the second two the priority within that class. ═══ 9. Registration Information ═══ PM Process Status is shareware. This means that you can use the program for a limited time (21 days) before you decide whether you want to keep it. If you want to continue using PM Process Status after that time, then you are expected to register it (see How to Register). If you wish to use PM Process Status after 21 days, please be honest and register it. It doesn't cost much. If you don't, then you decrease the chances of upgrades being produced, and make it unlikely that I'll write more shareware programs. You may copy PM Process Status freely, provided that you distribute it unmodified and in its entirity and do not make any charge apart from reasonable distribution costs. ═══ 10. How to Register ═══ You can register PM Process Status for personal use by sending the equivalent of US$10 with your name and address to the author. This entitles you to continue using PM Process Status versions 1.xx. Acceptable methods of payment are listed below in order of preference (most preferred method first). Ь5 cheque drawn on UK bank Ь5 UK Postal Order US$10 cash Anything else Send your remittance to Daniel J Neades c/o 45 Causley Drive Warmely Bristol BS15 7BA England Note: Site licences are available. For details, please contact the author, specifying the expected number of users. ═══ 11. Credits ═══ PM Process Status was written by Daniel J Neades. The animated tribble in the Product information dialog was created and coded by Jason R Shannon. Invaluable support and assistance was provided by Bob Eager. ═══ 12. Contacting the author ═══ The author of PM Process Status can be contacted at the address given in How to Register. He would be grateful of your comments about the program, and suggestions for improvement. If you have Internet e-mail access, you can mail the author up until July 1993 at djn@ukc.ac.uk. ═══ 13. Disclaimer ═══ This product is supplied with no warranty, either expressed or implied. The author accepts no responsibility for damage arising from its use or misuse. By using this product, you accept full responsibility for any adverse consequences. ═══ ═══ init is a pseudo process, representing the ancestor of all other processes. It is not possible to get information about init or terminate it. ═══ ═══ Please make cheques payable to D J Neades.