═══ 1. Extended Help for PMCHKSUM ═══ This is the extended help for PMCHKSUM PMCHKSUM is a shareware file CRC checker. It scans the disk for the Extensions you specify and performs a 16 bit CRC on them. It then stores the CRC. The next time the checksum is run, it calculates the CRC and compares it to the stored CRC and issues an error if they do not match. PMCHKSUM spins a thread for each extension specified and the threads run at a low idle-time priority. It can be run under a "CHRON" like utility,(please see Start , End or Report ) and it also has it's own timer . I am extremly interested in feedback,suggestions, and even constructive criticism. I can be reached on BIX as "RMAHONEY", Prodigy as KBFN97A, and on the Fidonet OS/2 echos. ═══ 2. Pushbuttons ═══ This is the help for the pushbuttons in the PM checksum application Pressing Start will begin the checksum scan Pressing Cancel will cancel the checksum scan Pressing Exit will exit the application Pressing Options will bring up the Options dialog Pressing Help will bring up this help screen. Pressing Add/Del will change your extensions listbox ═══ 2.1. Start ═══ Pressing this button will start the CRC checksum scan using the options selected from the options dialog box, the extensions listed in the extensions dropdown listbox and the selected drives. ═══ 2.2. Cancel ═══ Pressing this button will cancel the CRC checksum scan. If the timer is enabled then the timer will start counting down to the next scan. ═══ 2.3. Exit ═══ Pressing this button will exit the CRC checksum scan. This button ie disabled if a scan is running. Press Cancel to enable the Exit button. ═══ 2.4. Options ═══ This will bring up the options dialog box. Replace will give you help on the replace button Start will give you help on the Auto Start button End will give you help on the Auto End button Append will give you help on the Append button Report will give you help on the Report button Filename will give you help on the Filename entry field Timer will give you help on the Timer button Hours will give you help on the Hours entry field Minutes will give you help on the Minute entry field ═══ 3. Extension ═══ Pressing the down arrow will give you a list of extensions that the checksum scan the checksum scan will process. Overtyping the top line and pressing Add/Del will add the extension to be scanned. Exposing the list, selecting an existing extension and pressing Add/Del will delete the extension . ═══ 3.1. Add/Del ═══ Overtyping the top line of the extensions dropdown listbox and pressing Add/Del will add the extension to be scanned. Exposing the list, selecting an existing extension and pressing Add/Del will delete the extension . ═══ 4. Error messages listbox ═══ This listbox gives you error messages about the CRC checksum scan. Errors such as a CRC changing or an error with the B+Tree will listed here. ═══ 5. Status messages listbox ═══ This listbox gives you status (non-error) messages about the CRC checksum scan. Messages such as a adding a CRC entry or starting the scan will listed here. ═══ 6. Drives listbox ═══ This listbox lists the hard drives on your system. All the drives are initially selected. If you do not want a scan on that drive than simply de-select the drive letter. ═══ 7. Options dialog box ═══ Replace will give you help on the replace button Start will give you help on the Auto Start button End will give you help on the Auto End button Append will give you help on the Append button Report will give you help on the Report button Filename will give you help on the Filename entry field Timer will give you help on the Timer button Hours will give you help on the Hour entry field Minutes will give you help on the Minute entry field ═══ 7.1. Replace ═══ Checking this box will automatically replace a changed CRC entry. If this option is not selected and a CRC entry has changed than the program will always flag that CRC as changed. ═══ 7.2. Auto Start ═══ Checking this box will automatically begin the CRC checksum scan upon starting the application.This along with End and Report allows you to run the CRC checksum from a "CHRON" type utility. ═══ 7.3. Auto End ═══ Checking this box will automatically exit the CRC checksum application upon finising the scan. This along with Start and Report allows you to run the CRC checksum from a "CHRON" type utility. ═══ 7.4. Report ═══ Checking this box will automatically generate a report file about the results of the scan. This along with Start and End allows you to run the CRC checksum from a "CHRON" type utility. ═══ 7.5. Filename ═══ Enter a filename in this field for the report filename. The default filename is "PMCHKSUM.RPT". It will be created in the working directory. ═══ 7.6. Append ═══ Checking this box will append the newest report to the report file Note: This may cause the report file to grow rather large. ═══ 7.7. Timer ═══ Checking this box will place the application in a timer mode. If the timer is enabled then the scan will run according to the amount of time specified in the Hours and Minutes entry fields. ═══ 7.8. Hours ═══ This entry field will accept a number from 0 to 99. If the Timer is enabled than this is the amount of time in hours before the next scan is run. This number when multiplied by 60 and added to the Minutes field is the total amount of time in minutes between scans. ═══ 7.9. Minutes ═══ This entry field will accept a number from 0 to 99. If the Timer is enabled than this is the amount of time in minutes before the next scan is run. This number when added to the Hours multipiled by 60, is the total amount of time in minutes between scans.