IconVert Version 1.0 July, 1992 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Contents ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ o Features o Quick Start o Syntax o Comments o DISCLAIMER ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Features ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ o Converts Windows 3.0 and 3.1 icon files (.ICO) to OS/2 1.2 icon files containing a single image that is the same size as the original icon o Extracts icons from Windows 3.0 and 3.1 executable files (.EXE) and dynamic link libraries (.DLL) and converts them to OS/2 1.2 icon files o Can convert - a file - a directory - a directory and all its subdirectories o Converts 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 and 32x16 (CGA) icons o Converts 2, 8 and 16 color icons o Converts "screen" and "inverse screen" colors properly o Converts multiple images in a file to multiple icon files o Supports wild cards in file specs o Supports long file names o Provides additional options to - allow overwrite of existing files - provide display of icon characteristics - inhibit audible error signals o Provides error checking ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Quick Start ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The following examples assume that IconVert.exe is in your current directory or is in a directory in your PATH statement. Example 1. Convert C:\WIN\WIN.ICO to the file OS2.ICO in your current directory and display the characteristics of the icon: iconvert c:\win\win.ico os2.ico /v Example 2. Convert all icon files in D:\WIN\ICONS to D:\OS2\ICONS and do not request permission to overwrite existing files with the same name: iconvert d:\win\icons d:\os2\icons /o Example 3. Convert an icon in D:\WIN\WINBX.DLL to Test.BX.ico in the current directory of drive E: (which is an HPFS drive): iconvert d:\win\winbx.dll e:Test.BX.ico Example 4. Scan all files in C:\WIN and all its subdirectories; extract any icons in any icon, executable or dynamic link library files; place them in OS/2 icon files in a subdirectory of your current directory named ICONS, creating subdirectories under ICONS as needed to match the subdirectory structure under C:\WIN; avoid listening to the error beeps for files with no icons; and write the (verbose) log to ICONVERT.LOG in your current directory: iconvert c:\win\*.* icons\*.* /s /q /v > iconvert.log ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Syntax ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º OS/2 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍͼ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ v ³ ÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂ- IconVert ÄÄÄÂÄ SOURCE ÄÄ TARGET ÄÅÄÄ´ ÀÄ [drive:] ÄÙ ÀÄ [path] ÄÙ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /o ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /q ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /s ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /v ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ /? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ SOURCE is the source file specification. The source specification can be the name of a directory or a file. If it is a directory, IconVert converts all files with a .ICO extension to the target specification; if it is a file name, IconVert converts the file to the target specification. SOURCE is required. TARGET is the target file specification. The target specification can be an existing directory or file or the name of a new directory or file that you want to create. TARGET is required. SOURCE and TARGET need not be fully-qualified; i.e., the current drive and all current directories will be recognized as necessary in order to find the specified file or directory. They can contain wild card characters. Note that for HPFS drives long file names can be used and the case of new target directories and file names is preserved. SOURCE and TARGET must be different--Iconvert will not convert a file "in place." If SOURCE is a directory specification, TARGET must also be a directory specification. If SOURCE is a file specification and TARGET does not exist, TARGET is assumed to be a file specification (rather than a directory specification). /o is the "overwrite" switch: it allows the overwrite of existing files without warning. If /o is not present, IconVert will request permission before overwriting any existing target files. /o is optional. /q is the "quiet" switch: it forces suppression of beeps on error messages. /q is optional. /s is the "subdirectories" switch. With this switch, Iconvert converts files in the source directory and ALL of its subdirectories. Without this switch, IconVert works only within the source directory. Note that subdirectories of the target directory that do not exist will be created, but only if needed. /s is optional. /v is the "verbose" switch: it forces display of the characteristics of converted icons. /v is optional. If Iconvert is not in your current directory or a directory specified in your PATH statement, you must provide the full path using the drive: and path parameters. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Comments ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The distribution package contains the following files: IconVert.exe OS/2 1.2 executable file IconVert.ico OS/2 1.2 icon file for IconVert IconVert.txt ASCII documentation for IconVert (this file) Win.ico Sample Windows 3.0 icon file You can send comments, bug reports or whatever to the following address: Philip Engel 10 E Schiller St Chicago IL 60610-2146 Or send to me on the IBM National Support Center BBS (1-404-895-4042). I usually read the OS/2 2.0 conference at least once a week. (By the way, I am not an IBM employee.) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ DISCLAIMER ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ THIS PROGRAM IS FREEWARE. IF YOU DOWNLOAD OR USE THIS PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS: THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AM I LIABLE FOR 1. LOSS OF, OR DAMAGE TO, YOUR RECORDS OR DATA 2. ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS) OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF I AM INFORMED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY 3. THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU FOR LOSSES OR DAMAGES I DO NOT WARRANT UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE OPERATION OF ICONVERT. I HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE SERVICE, DEFECT CORRECTION, OR ANY MAINTENANCE FOR ICONVERT. I HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO SUPPLY ANY UPDATES OR ENHANCEMENTS TO YOU, EVEN IF THEY ARE OR LATER BECOME AVAILABLE.