This distribution contains two executable files, the first is EXTRACT.EXE which will extract from EXE/DLL type files any valid ICON, CURSOR, or BITMAP resources. The resulting output file(s) are valid WINDOWS file(s) which can be processed by the available WINDOWS utilities or may be processed by the ICON.EXE to convert them into OS/2 2.0 format files. The second executable file is ICON.exe Version 1.10 which improves upon the initial Version 1.00 release of the program. There were a couple of little bug fixes, however the most significant change is that ICON.EXE now supports ICONS, CUROSRS, and BITMAPS. ICON.EXE may be used on the files generated by the EXTRACT.EXE utility or directly on any WINDOWS ICON, CUROSR, BITMAP or EXE/DLL files. Note the ICON.EXE will convert all valid images found within these files in the order that they are encountered. While I have not had any problem with OS/2 selecting the correct image several people have stated that they get Black and White Images rather than Color Images. This condition should only exist with ICONS since WINDOWS does not support multiple BITMAPS within a resource, and CURSORS (POINTERS in OS/2 talk) cannot exist as color images in WINDOWS. This problem exists due to the fact the OS/2 expects the first image to be the device independent image and subsequent images are assumed to be device dependent. You can remedy this situation by using the OS/2 Icon Editor to delete all images from the icons which are not used for your particular system configuration. This will result in the proper image bubbling up to the device independent position. EXTRACT.EXE The Extract program expects a command line as follows: EXTRACT [output template] The program will prompt for the output filename template if it is not specified on the command line. It is recommended that the output template be supplied to the program prompt rather than specified on the command line since many EXE/DLL files contain multiple resources. The specification of output template on the command is supported primarily for batch programs. The input file must utilized the "NEW EXE" format of Windows (ie: Windows executable or DLL). This routine has little use since it takes a WINDOWS input file and generates independent resource files in WINDOWS format, but if you run WINDOWS and use the Microsoft SDK you cannot get at the individual resources so this may help in that area. ICON.EXE This version of the Icon Conversion program will convert Windows Icons, Cursors (Pointers), and Bitmaps into the cooresponding OS/2 2.0 images. The program will operate on resource files (.ico, .cur, .bmp or their variants) as well as EXE and DLL files. It has been tested on Windows 3.0 and 3.1 files. The program executes either under DOS or a DOS session. The format of the command line is: icon [output template] The program will prompt for the output filename template if not supplied on the command line. It is recommended that the program prompting be utilized since most EXE/DLL files contain multiple resources. Since many EXE and DLL files contain multiple icons the output filename specification is a template in these cases where the ? character (one or more as needed) is replaced by the program with numbers, for example to convert the windows moricons.dll file into OS/2 icons enter the following: icon moricons.dll The windows 3.1 version contains 106 icons so 3 ? are required to obtain unique filename for all icons. The program is fairly robust as far as detecting any error conditions. At any rate no warranty is expressed or implied and if it doesn't work for you consider how much you paid for it. Ron Hall 71042,1200