═══ 1. Help for DiskStat ═══ DiskStat is a simple utility to help you keep track of your free harddisk space and to monitor the changes in the size of your SWAPPER file. DiskStat is provided free for personal use by Oberon Software. If you wish to use DiskStat for your business, corporation, or institution, please contact Oberon Software for license information. When you start DiskStat, you may provide up to three parameters to adjust the behavior: o A drive letter (e.g., "C:") o A numeric value to determine how often DiskStat examines the disk for changes o Initial screen placement. The drive letter must be a single letter followed by a colon. The numeric value is in milliseconds (1000 equals 1 second). The initial placement must be an '@' character followed by a number from one to nine indicating screen position as follows: 1. Top left corner 2. Centered at top 3. Top right corner 4. Centered at left 5. Centered on screen 6. Centered at right 7. Lower left corner 8. Centered at bottom 9. Lower right corner If the drive letter is omitted, the current drive is used. If the numeric parameter is omitted it defaults to 1000. If the placement is omitted it defaults to 5. Example: DISKSTAT E: 2000 @1 In the example, DiskStat is directed to examine drive E:, to refresh its display every 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds), and to place the window initially at the top left corner of the PM screen. While DiskStat is running, it displays: o The drive letter and label of the disk it is monitoring o The file system installed on the target disk (FAT or HPFS) o The total amount of disk space on the drive o The current amount of free disk space o The total disk usage presented as a percentage If the target disk contains the system swapper file, the current size of the swap file is also presented. The last two or three values (depending on whether the swapper file is being monitored) are redetermined periodically. The period is determined by the numeric command line parameter used when DiskStat was started. There is an item labeled "Overall..." on DiskStat's system menu. Select this item to display a dialog which contains some statistics gathered during the current DiskStat session: o The time DiskStat was started o The current time o The length of time DiskStat has been active (in hours, minutes, seconds) o The smallest amount of free space reported during that duration o The largest amount of free space reported during that duration When DiskStat is minimized, the percent of disk space in use will be shown in its icon. This value is updated in the icon just as it is in the main window display. If you like DiskStat or if you have any suggestions or problem reports, please contact Oberon Software. Oberon Software also provides several other useful OS/2 tools and programs such as: TE/2 for OS/2 Telecommunications and FSHL, an Alternative Command Line Executive for OS/2. Oberon Software also offers OS/2 related services in the areas of consulting and custom programming. Warrantee This software is provided "as is" with no warrantee. By using this software you do so at your own risk. Oberon Software will not be liable for any loss or damage to data, property, business, or time which arises as a direct or indirect result of the use, misuse, or inability to use this software. Your use of this software implies your acceptance of these terms. This software and electronic documentation are Copyright (c) 1991 by Oberon Software. All rights reserved. ═══ ═══ OberonSoftware 518 Blue Earth Street Mankato, MN 56001 USA Phone: 507-388-7001 FAX: 507-388-3099 BBS: 507-388-1154 CompuServe: 72510,3500 GEnie: B.FLOWERS MCI Mail: oberon/413-5847