═══ 1. Preface ═══ Select: o Package contents o Instalation o Changes o Next release ═══ Package contents ═══ This package contains the following files: File Usage CBTOOLS.INF This documentation. TIME20.EXE The Date / time monitor. SWAP20.EXE The Swap dataset size monitor. FREE20.EXE The Disk freespace monitor. COLOR20.DLL Common Color selection dialog. SIZE20.DLL Common window size selection dialog. FINDSWAP.DLL Initialization code for the Swap dataset size monitor (locates SWAPPER.DAT). This package does not contain the following files: File Usage INSTALL.EXE The Carlsberg Tools (CB Tools) Install program. ═══ Instalation ═══ Since no install program is supplied in this package, you need to go through the following steps to install the CB Tools programs: 1. Create a directory for the CB Tools files. 2. Copy all the CB Tools files to a seperate directory. 3. Create a folder on your workplace. 4. Apply the CB Tools icon to the folder. 5. Create program entries for the three .EXE files. 6. Create a program entry for this .INF file (Program name = VIEW.EXE, parameters = CBTOOLS.INF). 7. Create copies of the desired program entries in the autostart folder. 8. Change LIBPATH= in CONFIG.SYS to include the directory holding the DLLs - or move the DLLs to a directory referenced by the LIBPATH= statement. Note: If the LIBPATH= statement references '.', all programs will run. ═══ Changes ═══ Release 1.1 o Programs converted from 16 to 32 bit. Release 1.2 o All programs uses COLOR20.DLL for the 'colors' dialog. o All programs uses SIZE20.DLL through the 'window size' option for customization of horizontal window size. o Part of the Swap dataset size monitor initialization code moved to FINDSWAP.DLL o Error corrections: - TIME20 didn't refresh window when text size changed at 2400 hours. - FREE20 was expanding downwards if bottom left corner was below the screen border. ═══ Next release ═══ Comming programs may be: File Usage INSTALL.EXE The Carlsberg Tools (CB Tools) Install program. WRLD20.EXE The Worldwide local time monitor ═══ 2. Date / time monitor ═══ Select: o Description o Mouse buttons o Pop-up menu ═══ Description ═══ The Date / time monitor is a low CPU and low memory consuming program which displays the computer date and time in a small window on your workplace. The window contains day of week, month, day and current time. The current time includes or excludes the seconds at your choise. The Date / time monitor also contains a stop watch. Please refer to the Mouse buttons and Pop-up menu information windows for a detailed description. Once a second the Date / time monitor window is forced on top of all other windows - the computer date and time is always visible. ═══ Mouse buttons ═══ ═══ Mouse button 1 ═══ Mouse button 1 is used for one of two features depending on your current Mouse button 1 Option setting: o If Move window is selected, you can move the Date / time monitor window to any spot on the workplace by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Date / time monitor window. 2. Press and hold down Mouse button 1. 3. Move the window by moving the mouse. 4. Release mouse button 1 at the prefered spot on the workplace. o If Stop watch is selected, the Stop watch control Options descripes how the stopwatch is operated: - If Down / up is selected, you operate the stop watch by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Date / time monitor window. 2. Press and hold down Mouse button 1 - the stop watch starts. 3. Release mouse button 1 - the stop watch stops. - If Click is selected, you operate the stop watch by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Date / time monitor window. 2. Click Mouse button 1 - the stop watch starts. 3. Click Mouse button 1 again - the stop watch stops. ═══ Mouse button 2 ═══ Mouse button 2 is used to present a pop-up menu. Simply position the mouse pointer over the Date / time monitor window and click Mouse button 2. Note: The pop-up menu will not appear if the stop watch is running! ═══ Popup menu ═══ Select: Select: o Options o Colors o Window size o Product information o Move o Exit ═══ Options ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to bring up a window with the available options. ═══ Options window ═══ Date / time display Use this option to include or exclude the seconds when displaying the current time. Mouse button 1 Use this option to select the action when using mouse button 1. o If Move window is selected, you can move the Date / time monitor window by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Date / time monitor window. 2. Press and hold down Mouse button 1. 3. Move the window by moving the mouse. 4. Release mouse button 1 at the prefered spot on the workplace. o If Stop watch is selected, you can start and stop the stop watch. Please refer to the Stop watch control and Stop watch removal options for a detailed description. Stop watch control This option is only active if you have selected Stop watch as the Mouse button 1 option. o If Down / up is selected, you operate the stop watch by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Date / time monitor window. 2. Press and hold down Mouse button 1 - the stop watch starts. 3. Release mouse button 1 - the stop watch stops. This option is usefull for measureing small time durations. o If Click is selected, you operate the stop watch by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Date / time monitor window. 2. Click Mouse button 1 - the stop watch starts. 3. Click Mouse button 1 again - the stop watch stops. This option is usefull for measureing large time durations. Stop watch removal This option tells the Date / time monitor how many seconds to show the time duration messured after the stop watch has been stopped. When the selected number of seconds has passed, the Date / time monitor will resume displaying the computer date and time. Push buttons Button Usage OK Click this button to remove the Options window and apply the changed options to the Date / time monitor. Cancel Click this button to remove the Options window without applying any changed options to the Date / time monitor. ═══ Product information ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to bring up a window with the product information. ═══ Product information window ═══ Click the OK button to return to the main window. ═══ Move ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to move the Date / timee monitor window. The window is moved by the arrow buttons on your keyboard, and the monitor window is repositioned when you hit the return button. ═══ Exit ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to end the Date / time monitor. All the current Options and Colors are saved and resused when the monitor is restarted. ═══ 3. Swap dataset size monitor ═══ Select: o Description o Mouse buttons o Pop-up menu o Command line parameters ═══ Description ═══ The Swap dataset size monitor is a low CPU and low memory consuming program which displays the size of the swap dataset (SWAPPER.DAT) in a small window on your workplace. Once a second the Swap Dataset size monitor window is forced on top of all other windows - the current size is always visible. ═══ Mouse buttons ═══ ═══ Mouse button 1 ═══ Mouse button 1 is used for one of two features depending on your current Mouse button 1 Option setting: o If Move window is selected, you can move the Swap dataset size monitor window to any spot on the workplace by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Swap dataset size monitor window. 2. Press and hold down Mouse button 1. 3. Move the window by moving the mouse. 4. Release mouse button 1 at the prefered spot on the workplace. o If Force update is selected, the Swap dataset size monitor window can be updatet with the current swap dataset size by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Swap dataset size monitor window. 2. Click Mouse button 1 - the monitor window is updated. ═══ Mouse button 2 ═══ Mouse button 2 is used to present a pop-up menu. Simply position the mouse pointer over the Swap dataset size monitor window and click Mouse button 2. ═══ Popup menu ═══ Select: o Options o Colors o Window size o Product information o Move o Exit ═══ Options ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to bring up a window with the available options. ═══ Options window ═══ Mouse button 1 Use this option to select the action when using mouse button 1. o If Move window is selected, you can move the Swap dataset size monitor window by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Swap dataset size monitor window. 2. Press and hold down Mouse button 1. 3. Move the window by moving the mouse. 4. Release mouse button 1 at the prefered spot on the workplace. o If Force update is selected, you can force the Swap dataset size monitor window to be updated. Alarm o If Expand and shrink is selected, an audial alarm will sound whenever the swap dataset size is changed by the system. o If Expand is selected, an audial alarm will sound whenever the swap dataset is expanded by the system. Note: The alarm will also sound when the Swap dataset size monitor is started if the current size is different from the initial size specified on the SWAPPATH command in CONFIG.SYS! o If Off is selected, you will not be notifyed when the system changes the Swap dataset size. The system expands the Swap dataset when your storage is over-committed and the Swap dataset is too small to hold the programs the system chooses to (temporarily) move to disk. The system shrinks the Swap dataset when your storage no longer is over-committed. The size never shrinks below the initial size. Check interval This option tells the Swap dataset size monitor how many seconds to wait between each check on the Swap dataset is performed. Push buttons Button Usage OK Click this button to remove the Options window and apply the changed options to the Swap dataset size monitor. Cancel Click this button to remove the Options window without applying any changed options to the Swap dataset size monitor. ═══ Product information ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to bring up a window with the product information. ═══ Product information window ═══ Click the OK button to return to the main window. ═══ Move ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to move the Swap dataset size monitor window. The window is moved by the arrow buttons on your keyboard, and the monitor window is repositioned when you hit the return button. ═══ Exit ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to end the Swap dataset size monitor. All the current Options and Colors are saved and resused when the monitor is restarted. ═══ Command line parameters ═══ The Swap dataset size monitor need to know where the swap dataset (SWAPPER.DAT) is located on your computer. When the Swap dataset size monitor is started, it expects to receive a parameter telling which drive your computer was booted from. If no parameter is received, the monitor asumes the computer was booted from drive C. Using this information, the monitor scans CONFIG.SYS, which is located in the root of the boot drive. CONFIG.SYS contains the command SWAPPATH, which points to the directory where the swap dataset is located. So, type the boot drive letter as the first and only parameter when adding this program to the CB Tools folder. ═══ 4. Disk freespace monitor ═══ Select: o Description o Mouse buttons o Pop-up menu o CONFIG.SYS requirements o Monitor window size ═══ Description ═══ The Disk freespace monitor is a low CPU and low memory consuming program which displays the size of the unused disk space for selected drives in a small window on your workplace. Once a second the Disk freespace monitor window is forced on top of all other windows - the current freespace is always visible. ═══ Mouse buttons ═══ ═══ Mouse button 1 ═══ Mouse button 1 is used for one of two features depending on your current Mouse button 1 Option setting: o If Move window is selected, you can move the Disk freespace monitor window to any spot on the workplace by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Disk freespace monitor window. 2. Press and hold down Mouse button 1. 3. Move the window by moving the mouse. 4. Release mouse button 1 at the prefered spot on the workplace. o If Force update is selected, the Disk freespace monitor window can be updatet with the current freespace(s) by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Disk freespace monitor window. 2. Click Mouse button 1 - the monitor window is updated. ═══ Mouse button 2 ═══ Mouse button 2 is used to present a pop-up menu. Simply position the mouse pointer over the Disk freespace monitor window and click mouse button 2. ═══ Popup menu ═══ Select: o Options o Colors o Window size o Product information o Move o Exit ═══ Options ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to bring up a window with the available options. ═══ Options window ═══ Mouse button 1 Use this option to select the action when using mouse button 1. o If Move window is selected, you can move the Disk freespace monitor window by: 1. Position the mouse cursor over the Disk freespace monitor window. 2. Press and hold down Mouse button 1. 3. Move the window by moving the mouse. 4. Release mouse button 1 at the prefered spot on the workplace. o If Force update is selected, you can force the Disk freespace monitor window to be updated. Drives Select which drives you would like to monitor by spinning the spinbuttons. All spinbuttons contains: o All local defined drives. o All network defined drives, if you are connected and logged on to a network. Note: Monitoring network drives while not logged on to the network reports Drive doesn't exist. o All diskette drives. Note: If you only have one diskette drive, which normaly can be addressed A: or B: at your choise, only the A: drive is included in the spinbuttons. Monitoring diskette drives while no diskette is inserted in the drive reports Drive not ready if the AUTOFAIL=YES is included in your CONFIG.SYS. o A blank, indikating no drive to monitor. Check interval This option tells the Disk freespace monitor how many seconds to wait between each check on the drives is performed. Push buttons Button Usage OK Click this button to remove the Options window and apply the changed options to the Disk freespace monitor. Cancel Click this button to remove the Options window without applying any changed options to the Disk freespace monitor. ═══ Product information ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to bring up a window with the product information. ═══ Product information window ═══ Click the OK button to return to the main window. ═══ Move ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to move the Disk freespace monitor window. The window is moved by the arrow buttons on your keyboard, and the monitor window is repositioned when you hit the return button. ═══ Exit ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to end the Disk freespace monitor. All the current Options and Colors are saved and resused when the monitor is restarted. ═══ CONFIG.SYS requirements ═══ If you plan to monitor the A: or B: drive, it is recomended to insert the AUTOFAIL=YES command in your CONFIG.SYS. If you are monitoring the A: and/or B: drive while no diskette is inserted in the drive, this will happen: o If the AUTOFAIL=YES command isn't included, the system will prompt you whenever the Disk freespace monitor refreshes the window. The prompt will include options to retry, abort or ignore the error. o If the AUTOFAIL=YES command is included, the Disk freespace monitor will report Drive not ready!. However, including the AUTOFAIL=YES command will have effect on your entire system. All other programs have to be able to detect when a drive isn't ready. Most program do have the ability to detect the Not ready responce from the diskette drives! ═══ Monitor window size ═══ When the number of drives to monitor changes (through the Drives option), the monitor window size changes too. Depending on where you have put the monitor window, the window will increase or decrease its size from the top or bottom. If the lower left corner of the monitor window is placed somewhere on the bottom half of the workplace, the bottom edge of the window will be fixed and the monitor window will stretch upwards as drives are added and collapse downwards as drives are removed. If the lower left corner of the monitor window is placed somewhere on the top half of the workplace, the top edge of the window will be fixed and the monitor window will stretch downwards as drives are added and collapse upwards as drives are removed. This enables you to put the Disk freespace monitor window along the top or bottom of your workplace at your choise. ═══ 5. Postscript ═══ Select: o Copyrights o Disclaimer o The author ═══ Copyrights ═══ The CB Tools are copyrighted material. However, the CB Tools monitors and program are shareware. Feel free to use, copy and distribute CB Tools for noncommercial use if: o No fee is charged for use, copying or distribution. o It is not modified in any way. ═══ Disclaimer ═══ The usual stuff: The author, Carlsberg A/S or any other contributing to these tools and programs disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, functionality or data integrity or protection. So, what you see is what you get. There is no support and you may use these monitors and programs at your own risk! ═══ The author ═══ Please write me if you find these tools usefull. Also error reporting and suggestions for new functions (and tools) are appreciated. Write to: Bent Panduro, C/360 Carlsberg A/S Vesterfaelledvej 100 DK - 1799 Copenhagen V ═══ Colors ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to bring up a window with the available foreground and background colors. ═══ Colors window ═══ Foreground color Select the prefered foreground color. The current selected foreground color is highlighted. Background color Select the prefered background color. The current selected background color is highlighted. Push buttons Button Usage OK Click this button to remove the Colors window and apply the changed colors to the main window. Cancel Click this button to remove the Colors window without applying any changed colors to the main window. ═══ Window size ═══ Select this pop-up menu item to bring up a window to customize the window size. ═══ Window size window ═══ Horizontal size (pels) Select the prefered window size. The buttons means:  Selects the minimum size.  Selects the default size.  Selects the maximum size.  Decreases the current size by 8 pels.  Increases the current size by 8 pels. Push buttons Button Usage OK Click this button to remove the Window size window and apply the changed size to the main window. Cancel Click this button to remove the Window size window without applying the changed window size to the main window.