OS/2 Upload Information Template for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu Archive Name: treesize.zip Program Description: Directory Lister with "space/percentage" print-out Operating System: OS/2 2.x Tested with OS/2 2.1 Program Source: guertler@infosys.tuwien.ac.at This program lists the directory structure with all other subdirs and tells you, how much place these directories need absolute (on your hard disk) / absolute % (how much percentage from your hard disk) / relative % (how much percentage relative to the upper directory). Compiler : BORLAND C++ for OS/2 Source available from author Avail. files : TREE_OS2 .. TreeSize/32 for OS/2 2.x TREE_DOS .. TreeSize for DOS Known bugs: Having troubles getting overall size of CD-ROM's . Name: Wolfgang Guertler eMail address: guertler@infosys.tuwien.ac.at Proposed directory for placement: diskutils, fileutils