19 Jun 1995 - Preliminary Information

SpHyDir Project Objectives

SpHyDir II supports all the tags and attributes of the current HTML 3.0 draft standard. SpHyDir should be able to process any Web document that uses these features correctly and in context. However, HTML is a formatting language and SpHyDir is a document structure tool. Incorrect syntax, or the use of a tag out of context to achieve a particular effect, can confuse the analysis. In particular, the use of <H6> to get "fine print" where no heading is actually intended will certainly produce bad results.

SpHyDir II is Object Oriented. It examines an input HTML document and produces a tree of Objects that corresponds to the apparent document structure. The simplest Object is a paragraph that contains text. Other objects include the Image (for inserted graphics), order and unordered Lists, Tables, Forms, Horizontal Rules, etc.

Each object has properties. There is a fairly close tie between the Properties of an Object (in SpHyDir) and the Attributes of a Tag (in HTML). When an object is selected in the tree, its properties are displayed in the Properties Table. This behavior is intentionally modelled on tools like Visual Basic and Delphi. However, since most HTML attributes have default values that can be ignored, the SpHyDir properties table only shows the items that have been assigned an explict value.

The casual user can concentrate on text, graphics, and basic document structure (sections, lists of points, hypertext links). If more advanced features become needed, SpHyDir can display all the legal properties that any object is permitted. For example, any Paragraph can have an ID (jump-to label), ALIGN (LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT|JUSTIFY), CLEAR (LEFT|RIGHT|ALL), and NOWRAP. SpHyDir will list the common standard values but allows the user to type in other values (such as entering "100 pixels" as the value of the CLEAR property).

With this approach, SpHyDir doesn't require the user to be familiar with HTML, but it also doesn't prevent the HTML expert from using the more obscure language options. The author can "ease into" advanced features.

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Copyright 1995 PCLT -- SpHyDir Web Document Manager -- H. Gilbert
May be distributed with SpHyDir program

This document generated by SpHyDir, another fine product of PC Lube and Tune.