19 Jun 1995 - Preliminary Information

Forms Support

Modern HTML and Web Browser programs allow the user to enter data and make selections with standard GUI Boxes, Buttons, and Lists. Collectively, these features are know as "forms" support. There are two steps. First, the author must design the data entry form using HTML language elements. Secondly, a program must be written in some supported language to process the data that the user enters.

HTML forms provide a subset of the standard GUI dialog features that will be familiar to users of Visual Basic or other visual programming languages. The user is presented with a set of single line and multiline text entry fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, selection lists, and push buttons. The user makes selections and enters data. Then a push button (or the Enter key) transmits data to the server.

Forms Handling Programs

The data entered in a form has to be passed to locally written code that runs on the Web server machine. For a Unix machine, this program receives data through the "CGI" protocol. CGI specifies a particular way to pass information about the request, the remote machine, and the local server environment. Most CGI programs are written in either C or Perl.

However, SpHyDir runs in OS/2 and is written in Rexx. IBM has a very nice Web server package for this environment called GOSERVE. Each arriving request is passed to a locally customized Rexx filter program running as a subthread of the server. Whatever efficiency is lost using an interpreted language like Rexx is gained back by using threads instead of creating a new process for each request. Although GOSERVE provides all the necessary forms support, it doesn't use precisely the same conventions as the CGI interface. SpHyDir will talk more generically about a "forms processing program" while other sources would probably call the same thing a "CGI program" without assuming that there could be any other kind of server.

Each GUI object in the HTML form is associated with a variable name. The data and selections are transmitted as a sequence of "name = value" pairs, where name is the variable name associated with a field or button and value is the data typed or the alternative selected. This sequence of name and value pair must be processed by program that processes the request.

After the request is processed, the results are sent back to the remote user. Normally, the format of this result is another HTML file. Frequently, the response will also have Forms objects. The contents of the response file will include some insertions based on the results of the previous request.

Thus a comprehensive tool to simplify Form processing has to solve three problems:

  1. It must provide the user with an easy way to specify the GUI objects (entry fields, buttons, check boxes, and selection lists). SpHyDir does this by providing Toolbar of GUI objects just as Visual Basic and VX-Rexx solve the same problem with similar toolbars.

  2. It must provide a simple way to decode the incoming "variable=value" pairs. The Rexx language (along with some helper functions provided by GOSERVE) makes this a trivial task, but it is not a very difficult problem in any language. SpHyDir provides a Rexx "helper" routine named SpHyDir_Decode in the SPHYHLPR.VRS file that provides this service.

  3. It must provide a way to insert data into the reply sent back to the user.

    Some existing programs generate the entire response with program statements:
    printf("<TITLE>Response to Your Request</TITLE>\n");
    This is tedious, difficult to read, and impossible to validate.

    A second approach scans an HTML file and inserts data:
    %insert TITLETEXT

    This is slow because it requires a syntax scan during every reply.

    SpHyDir provides (IMHO) a better solution. The programmer uses SpHyDir to create a ordinary HTML file with text and forms objects. As SpHyDir generates the HTML, it separately tabulates the location of strings or insertion points that correspond to the various forms variable names. If the file is fetched as a *.HTM file, then everything goes out as it was designed. However, if a forms processing program wants to send the file back as a reply to a previous query, then it can call a helper routine (SpHyDir_Reply in the supplied Rexx-GOSERVE example) that extracts from the program the current value of all variables whose names correspond to the variable names assigned to the forms objects in the HTML file. These current values from the program are inserted into the file as it is sent back to the user and populate the fields, boxes, buttons, and lists that are available for the next reply.

Rexx is a particularly attractive language in which to do this kind of programming because access to its variable names and symbol table is simple and flexible. The combination of SpHyDir, Web Explorer, GOSERVE, and Rexx-based Forms processing programs provides a simple but powerful Web development environment. However, local requirements will soon make it necessary to extend this development environment to real CGI programs running on Windows NT or Unix servers.

Forms are poorly Form-matted

The ambiguities of HTML that cause problems for SpHyDir in normal text are made worse when Forms are processed. Consider a simple example:

The top line is a simple entry area for typed characters. The second line presents three alternatives using the "radio button" metaphor (only one can be selected, and choosing one deselects the others). The last line is a check box that can be set or cleared by clicking it.

In visual programming languages, such as Visual Basic, each radio button or check box has a "caption" defining the text that follows the box or button and describes the option. In this example, the captions are "HTTP", "Gopher", "FTP", and "BINARY". Occasionally, but less frequently, a Text Entry object would also have a caption (in this case "Identify a Server Machine:"). In any case, the Caption is an attribute of the object and is part of the object definition.

However, in HTML a box or button object is just the box or button itself. Any caption text is just ordinary "paragraph" text. There is no limit on its size, contents, or structure. Just as SpHyDir had to invent a chapter and section structure by looking at Heading tags, it must also construct GUI programming objects by assuming that the captions are reasonable and obvious.

All GUI objects (entry areas, buttons, boxes, and selection lists) must be inside a FORM area. However, the form can also contain ordinary text, images, ordered and unordered lists, sections, and everything else that is valid in a document. Unlike a paper form, where the instructions are usually separate so that the input can be easily processed, an HTML form can have the input widely scattered through the text. When the form is submitted, only the values of the entry fields and the selections made by the user are transmitted, not the captions and text.

A user will become confused, however, if each Radio Button option is accompanied with three screens full of explanation. The relationship between the buttons would be lost. Therefore, it is probably best if each field or button has a short clean caption. Furthermore, based on a universal GUI practice, the caption of a data entry area would ususally come in front of the entry field (as the example "Identify a Server Machine:"), while the label of a check box or radio button comes right after it.

In normal text, most of the SpHyDir objects start a new line. This is not true of Form Objects. If a browser can fit the next button on the same line, it will do so. The only way to be sure that there is a line break is to create a paragraph (<P>) tag.

In normal text, every SpHyDir object is "paragraph sized" or larger. SpHyDir knows to create a line break when paragraphs, ordered lists, and headers are encountered. But several forms objects may have to go on the same line. One idea would be to create a higher "grouping" object to which they might all belong, but SpHyDir is based on the principle that format should follow from document structure, and it seems wrong to create artificial structure to duplicate a format feature.

It has always been possible to create an empty paragraph. Simply drag the Paragraph tool to the document to create a new paragraph, then type nothing in it. When the HTML is generated, this creates a line of the form:
<P> </P>
in the output. The problem is that SpHyDir ignores empty paragraphs when reading in normal text, so this structural element is lost when the document is re-edited. SpHyDir relaxes this rule, and will preserve empty paragraphs when they are encountered inside a Form structure. A form designer should drop an empty paragraph object between any two buttons, fields, or boxes that are supposed to appear on different lines.

Form Tools

The Toolbar contains template objects for all the GUI elements that HTML supports. If this document is viewed using a Web Browser, examples of the Forms objects will appear in the document. They are not connected to any processing program at this time. Attempting to submit anything from these form objects will return an error message. Just go back to the document and continue. Forms examples will not appear in the INF version of this material, because forms are not supported in IPF.

The Forms Tool

Form Object Icon Interactive form elements are valid only within a section of a document maked as a Form. The Form Tool creates such a section. Drag the Form Tool over and drop it anywhere in a document except within another Form. This creates a new level in the document tree. All other form objects, and all ordinary document objects, are valid within a Form section.

Each form must be associated with the name of a program that the server will run to process the data from the form. When the form object is created or selected, an entry area becomes visible into which a program identifier can be typed. The exact format for program identifiers depends on the type of server being used. On a Unix server, this is usually the name of a program in the "cgi-bin" subdirectory, as in "/cgi-bin/program". On other systems, this may be any program name.

The Single Line Text Entry Field

Text Entry Field Icon The Entry Field Tool creates a "single line" text entry area. This is the type of field that would be used to read simple data like a name, phone number, E-Mail address, or book title.

An Entry Field:

The caption for the Entry Field Object is treated like paragraph text. When the field is created, or when the object is double-clicked, the standard Text Edit window opens. Although the user can type an arbitrary amount of text into the window, the caption should generally be short. When the object is closed, it is the caption and not the default field contents that appears next to the Entry Field Object in the SpHyDir Workarea.

Attributes of Entry Field

An Entry Field object has attributes. When the object is created or is selected by clicking with the first mouse button, a set of fields becomes visible in the upper right section of the Workarea. Yes, these are also "entry fields", but they are part of the VX-Rexx application and not the HTML Forms. Many of these attributes are common or similar across all the Forms objects. For each type of object, the appropriate set of fields becomes visible.

The first (top) attribute is a variable name. When the form is submitted, the text entered into the field will be transmitted as the value of a "name=value" sequence. For example, entering "Yale University" into a field with this definition would transmit the sequence:
sampentry=Yale University
to the Web Server. This value, along with any other values from other fields in the form, will be passed to the program designated by the FORM object to handle the data.

In many cases, the Text Entry field will be initially empty and the user will be expected to type a value in. HTML allows an initial value to be transmitted from the server. This string will appear in the Text Entry field and will be transmitted back as its value if the user doesn't change it. A static default value can be entered in the second (long middle) field.

A default value can also be generated dynamically from a previous Web Server program that requested transmission of the current page. To allow this, SpHyDir creates a "symbol table" external but connected to the HTML source for the page. This table is attached as an Extended Attribute of the file in the OS/2 or NT file system, and is stored less elegantly as a separate file in Unix. For this field, the table would contain a line of the form:
Where "ENTRY" is the type of forms object, "SAMPENTRY" is the name of the variable associated with the field, "nnnn" will be replaced with the byte offset in the field of the default value (in this example, the offset of the "S" in "Sample Entry Field"), and 18 is the length of the static default value.

An Entry field generates HTML text of the form:
If no static default text is provided, a VALUE="" is generated to simplify the insertion of a dynamic default text from the symbol table. SpHyDir helper routines simplify the insertion of dynamic default text from forms processing programs.

The last attributes of an Entry Field include a checkbox to declare that this is a Password field (so the data typed in should be masked out) and two length fields. The first length specifies the size of the box, the second field is the maximum amount of data that can be typed into the box. If the maximum amount is larger than the size of the box, or is omitted all together, then when the user gets to the end of the box the previous characters shift left to make room.

The Multiline Entry Field

MLE Icon A Multiline Entry (MLE) Object generates an area with scroll bars into which the user can type an arbitrary amount of text. This is ususally used for freeform feedback (to send comments, suggestions, or complaints to the author). It can also be used to annotate information.

An MLE is a large object, so it has no formal caption. If you want to describe it, do so in the paragraph that preceeds or follows it. The contents of the MLE object, which can be edited by double clicking the object and opening the Text Edit window, is the static data that will appear as a default within the MLE window when it is displayed on the remote screen.

An MLE field in a Web Browser will not support font changes or hypertext links. SpHyDir may eventually get around to disabling these options in the Text Edit window. Meanwhile, when editing default text for an MLE, don't use italics, bold, or any of the other format tags.

Example of MLE Attributes

An MLE is associated with a variable name. When the form is submitted, the new content of the MLE will be assigned as a value to that variable name. SpHyDir creates a entry in the Variables Extended Attribute with the type of "MLE", the name of the variable, the location of the start of the default text, and the length of the static default text. This can be used by the helper routine to insert an alternate string dynamically into the form as it is being transmitted. The content of such a string would be whatever HTML declares to be valid between the <TEXTAREA> and </TEXTAREA> tags.

An MLE also has a size specified as rows and columns. They appear in the two lower numeric boxes and can be changed to fit the application needs.

The Checkbox Tool

Checkbox Icon The Checkbox Tool creates a standard GUI Checkbox object. A caption follows the Checkbox to describe the option. The caption is regarded as the "contents" of the object and may be edited by double-clicking the checkbox object to open the Text Edit window. Unlike the MLE, the checkbox caption is ordinary text and may contain emphasis (bold, italics) or hypertext links.

Hold the Mayo

The Checkbox is associated with a variable name. When the checkbox is seleted, a "name=ON" pair is returned. A static default value can be set by clicking the "Checked" option when the checkbox object is currently selected.

Example Checkbox Attributes

A Checkbox has a variable name. It can also be statically assigned an initial value by checking the "Checked" checkbox for the Checkbox object. [This is about the fourth pass through this document, and it just gets worse as it gets more precise.]

There are different ways to express the value of a Checkbox variable. As a number it would be 0 or 1. In other contexts it might be "YES" and "NO" or "TRUE" and "FALSE". In HTML, the checkbox is turned on by adding the keyword "CHECKED" to the tag that defines it:
However, when the user submits the form and the box is checked, the variable name is returned with the value "ON" as in:
Clearly this is a muddy area and may be subject to further refinement.

When SpHyDir generates the Variables EA for this field, the entry will have the form:
Where the type is CHECKBOX, the variable name is NOMAYO, nnnn is the byte offset in the file of the blank following the variable name, and the length is either 0 or 7 since the word "CHECKED" has seven letters and is either present or omitted.

The Radio Button Tool

Radio Button Icon The RadioButton Tool is used to specifiy one of a set of mutually exclusive alternatives. Only one can be selected, and selecting that option automatically turns off the other alternatives.

The Web server is:

Unix OS/2 Warp Windows NT

The caption of the RadioButton, which can be edited by doubleclicking the object to open the Text Edit Window, is ordinary text and may have emphasis and hyperlinks. However, if the captions are large enough so that the alternatives cannot all fit on the same line, the user must provide additional HTML markup (such as the <HR> tag) to group related buttons together.

Example Radio Button Attributes

When a RadioButton Object is created or selected, three fields become visible at the top of the Workarea. The first field provides the variable name for this button (and implicitly all other buttons that are part of the same grouping). The second field contains a string that will be assigned to the variable when this particular button is selected. Under these fields, a Checkbox allows this particular button to be selected as the default for the group. To be meaningful, only one button in each group can be checked as the default.

In Visual Basic and VX-Rexx, radio buttons have to be collected in a Group Box to be related to each other. In HTML forms, radio buttons are related by having the same variable name. The value assigned to that variable name distinguishes one button from another.

Radio Buttons pose a problem for the symbol table in the Extended Attribute. Up to this point, every HTML object produced one entry with its own variable name, and there was one insertion point for the value of that variable. However, each Radio Button has a tag location, and to override a static default with dynamic information from a program, the "CHECKED" attribute in all of the tags has to be manipulated. So for every radio button, the Variables EA gets a separate entry:

The "nnnn" in each line is the offset in the file of the blank that follows the name and either preceeds ">" (if the length is 0) or "CHECKED>" (if the length is 7). An acceptable strategy is to process these entries in order, checking the current value of the program's "SERVER" variable against the possible matching strings "UNIX", "OS2", and "NT". If a match is made, then "CHECKED" is inserted into the HTML file, if not and the length is 7 then the old "CHECKED" string is removed.

The Spin and Listbox Objects

Spin Field Icon A Spin field displays a sequence of alternatives within a single window. CUA rules suggest that the Spin choice is appropriate when the alternatives are ordered, but the Spin object also allows a small number of alternatives to be meaningfully displayed in a small space. In HTML terms, a Spin object corresponds to a SELECT tag with no SIZE parameter.

Get a dozen eggs:

An interesting feature here is that Web Explorer seems to mess up the order and selection rules. It defaults to the last alternative chosen, when the standard clearly says that the first is the default, and it seems to get "bigger" and "smaller" reversed.

Listbox Icon A Listbox provides another way to display alternatives. It is probably more suitable if the number of options is large. This Object is also a SELECT list, but with the SIZE parameter specified.

Example Listbox Attributes

Get some more eggs:

For both selection objects, a static list of alternatives can be entered through the Text Edit window by doubleclicking the object. Each alternative is typed on a separate line. Press Enter between alternatives. Do not use character emphasis or try to assign links to the alternatives.

List alternatives can be assigned dynamically by creating an array of character strings. For example, in Rexx a set of alternatives might be specified by the sequence:
account.3="Money Market"
If the user chose the second option, this would then feed back as the string "account=Savings" which the Rexx helper routines would use to assign the string "Savings" to the variable ACCOUNT in the next program. [A note to those who are not Rexx wizards, the scalar variable ACCOUNT is completely independent of the "stem" ACCOUNT. (with the trailing period). This strategy uses the stem to hold the list of alternatives, and uses the scalar to designate which alternative was selected.]


Pushbutton Icon After filling in the required fields, the user triggers an action on the server by pressing a Pushbutton. If no Pushbutton object appears in the form, pressing the Enter key may also transmit data.

A default Pushbutton with no options is labelled "SUBMIT". It will trigger transmission of the data, but will add nothing to the datastream itself. Multiple "SUBMIT" buttons would be indistinguishable from each other.

Each Pushbutton has attributes:

Example Push Button Attributes

The left entry box is the name of a variable. The right box is both the value assigned to the variable when the button is pushed and also the label placed on the face of the button.

When an explicit variable name is assigned to a Pushbutton object, an entry is also made in the Variable Extended Attribute. It identifies a type of "PUSHBUT", the variable name, the offset of the static value string, and its length. If the helper functions are used, they will check for a variable of the same name in the calling program and will substitute its current value in the Pushbutton definition. This means that the caption of the Pushbutton can be dynamically changed by the calling program.

A special version of the Pushbutton control is established if the Hidden attribute is checked when the button object is selected. A Hidden field doesn't appear on the user's screen, but it is passed back as part of the data stream to the next program. This can be used to pass a handle, transaction ID, or other state information from one screen to the next.

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Copyright 1995 PCLT -- SpHyDir Web Document Manager -- H. Gilbert
May be distributed with SpHyDir program

This document generated by SpHyDir, another fine product of PC Lube and Tune.