═══ 1. Introduction ═══ File Commander/2 V2.12 File Commander/2 is a 32 bit OS/2 text mode file manager and shell that allows you to locate, copy, move, delete, view, edit and execute your files in a quick, convenient and customizable manner. It's main display provides dual directory view panels that may serve as source and destination of a copy or move operation or just two different views of your files. A panel may also be used to view a directory tree, drive statistics or may be turned off altogether, making visible the output of previously executed commands. A command line is also provided and operates in conjuction with the directory panels to make it much more powerful than a regular CLI including pasting file names from the panel, a command history recall window and command completion from history. Please remember that File Commander/2 is Shareware. If you like and use it, please support the shareware concept by Registering. ═══ 2. Features ═══ The following are some of the major features of File Commander/2:  Built in archive support including archives inside archives to any depth. ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LZH and ACE types currently supported.  Mouse support.  Full long file name support.  User definable menu, featuring powerful operators such as - Run a command once for every tagged file. - Automatically create a file containing a list of tagged files. - Get input value from the user. - List all tagged files in the parameter list.  Online help.  Many configuration options.  Colourization of file names by user definable rules.  Built in file viewer with hex view mode.  Built in editor with undo/redo and cut/copy/paste ability using the OS/2 clipboard.  File Find facility combining wildcard file name filters with file contents scanning.  Calculation of the total disk usage of a directory tree.  Tree views for quick and easy directory changes.  Ability to start OS/2 text mode, PM, DOS and Windows applications.  Easy creation of Workplace Shell objects.  Enhanced wildcard handling including boolean operators (and, or, not, brackets) for combining multiple file name masks.  Flexible file name filtering.  Support for 4DOS/4OS2/4NT descriptions  132 column mode support.  Full support for volumes larger than 4GB (up to 2^63 bytes). ═══ 3. Shareware ═══ File Commander/2 is copyrighted software. However, you are encouraged to copy and share the software with others according to the following requirements: File Commander/2 may be freely copied and shared with others, so long as no charge is made for the software, and it is unmodified and copied in its entirety, including program documentation. It may be distributed by electronic means (modem, ftp etc), provided that all files are transmitted (archived) together. Notice that shareware is copyrighted software. It is not "Public Domain" software, nor is it "free" software. If you continue to use this program beyond a reasonable "trial period", not to exceed 30 days, you must pay for it by registering. See Registering for how to register.  Your registration fee makes it possible for me to continue to improve the program and increases the likelihood that I will provide useful, cheap software in the future.  IF YOU USE THE PROGRAM FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, YOU MUST REGISTER.  Your registration fee buys you the right to use the program beyond the trial period of 30 days. Your registration covers ALL VERSIONS of File Commander/2, past, present AND future. ie You'll only ever have to register File Commander/2 once. You may NOT charge anyone for a copy of this software other than a small copying fee. You may NOT include this software with any commercial software without the consent of the author. This software is supplied WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the author be liable to you for any consequential, special incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the performance or use of the software, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. By using the software, you agree to these terms. ═══ 4. Registering ═══ The registration fee for File Commander/2 is $29 Australian or $25 US. Once you have registered, you will be sent a serial number that, with your name, will allow you to 'register' the copy of the program you have. Once you have done this your name will appear in the 'Info' panel and you will not see any shareware reminders. This serial number will be good for all future versions of FC/2 so you'll only ever have to pay once. Note that File Commander comes in two flavours, OS/2 and Win32. For registration purposes there is no distinction between the two so if you're registered for one you're registered for both. You don't need to register again if you move from one to the other or use both (ie dual booting). To register, choose whichever of the following methods is most suitable. 1. BMT Micro Registration Service (USA). 2. Scandinavian Shareware Registration Service. 3. BT Software Registration Service (Europe). 4. Compuserve SWREG. 5. Directly with the author (Australia). ═══ 4.1. BMT Micro Registration Service ═══ BMT Micro is a US company that specializes in shareware registration to the world. See http://www.bmtmicro.com/ for full details. Choose your prefered Payment method and Order method, then send in a completed Registration form. Thanks to the efforts of BMT Micro, FC/2 can also be registered at a number of other outlets around the world. See http://www.bmtmicro.com/info/wherebuy.html for a full list. ═══ 4.1.1. BMT Micro Payment Methods ═══ You can register File Commander/2 using any of the following payment methods. For up to date information on payment methods, see http://www.bmtmicro.com/info/payment.html. 1. Credit Card For your convenience, we accept most major credit cards. In order for your order to ship without delay, you must give the billing address and ZIP code that your credit card statement is mailed to. We will not normally ship to a different address than this address unless we have a faxed signature and can verify the "Ship to" address by phone. We reserve the right to refuse to ship to a different address than the credit card statement mailing address. We accept the following credit cards:  American Express  Carte Blanche  Diner's Club  Discover  Eurocard  Mastercard  Novus (all variations)  Optima  Visa 2. Money Orders/Cashiers Check Money orders, cashiers checks, and bank drafts are welcome, and all Shareware registered using these methods will ship as soon as payment is received. Please remember that all payments must be in U.S. dollars unless arrangements are made in advance. 3. Personal Checks (US or Canadian Funds) Personal checks are welcome, but please allow up to two weeks for your check to clear the bank. Canadian Funds must equal the registration amount in US dollars. Make all checks payable to "BMT MICRO" and write "FOR DEPOSIT ONLY" on the reverse side of the check where it will be endorsed for your protection. In the lower-left edge of your check, please write in the name of the program you are registering. 4. Cash / Non-USA Funds We do not encourage that you send cash or currency in the mail but if you choose this method we will only be responsible for delivery if the mail containing your registration and cash require a signature upon receipt of delivery by a BMT Micro employee. We gladly accept German and British currency in any amount. Eurochecks are welcome but must be made in Deutsche Marks. To get the current exchange rate send a message to dm_to_us@bmtmicro.com. 5. Special Information for our German Customers File Commander/2 can also be purchased by depositing the registration fee into our account with Deutshe Bank. Empfanger: Thomas Bradford / BMT Micro Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 When purchasing a product via transfer into our Deutsche Bank account it is urgent that you submit an order form for the product you are purchasing. Fill out the order form(s) and in the credit card field simply type DEUTSCHE BANK. We will enter the order into our system and as soon as your transfer arrives in our account we will fill the order. Remember, without an order form on file we have no way of knowing who you are or what you purchased. We will confirm all orders placed using this method within 24 hours to your email address. If you do not get a confirmation, please resend the order form until you receive a confirmation from us. This is the only way you can be 100% sure we will know how to complete your order when we receive notice of your transfer. 6. Other Payment Methods We're always adding additional payment methods. If you prefer or know of a payment method that would be more convenient for you please let us know. We'll make it a priority to make the arrangements. ═══ 4.1.2. Order methods ═══ Any of the following methods may be used to contact BMT Micro. 1. Voice Phone Numbers 8:00am - 6:00pm EST (-5 GMT)  (+1) 800-414-4268 -- Orders only (United States and Canada)  (+1) 910-791-7052 -- Orders and questions 2. FAX  (+1) 910-350-2937 -- 24-hour FAX  (+1) 800-346-1672 -- 24-hour FAX (toll free in USA and Canada) This is the perfect way to order after regular business hours or to send in questions, comments, or suggestions for a program. 3. Mail Address all mail to: BMT Micro P.O. Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 USA 4. Over the Internet BMT Micro Web Page http://www.bmtmicro.com BMT Micro Secure Orders https://wwws.wilmington.net/bmtmicro Orders Only orders@bmtmicro.com Lost Registration Information keys@bmtmicro.com Customer Service bmt@bmtmicro.com PGP Key for orders ftp://ftp.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro/pgpkey We have also established an FTP site where the latest versions of our programs can be obtained 24 hours a day via anonymous login. FTP to ftp.bmtmicro.com as "anonymous", using your e-mail address as the password. All programs are contained in the /bmtmicro directory. You may wish to check /bmtmicro/incoming as well. 5. CompuServe You may contact customer support by leaving us mail on CompuServe. Our CIS ID is 74031,307. Many of our products are also available on CompuServe in the OS2BVEN forum. 6. AOL (America Online) You may contact customer support on AOL also. Our AOL ID is bmtmicro. Check the OS/2 area on AOL for many of the products we distribute. ═══ 4.1.3. Registration form (BMT Micro) ═══ File Commander/2 Order Form =========================== Name: Company: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Product Price Quantity Total -------------------------------------------------------------------- File Commander single licence $ 25.00 x = $ . File Commander 5 user licence $ 90.00 x = $ . File Commander 10 user licence $ 150.00 x = $ . File Commander 25 user licence $ 375.00 x = $ . File Commander 50 user licence $ 600.00 x = $ . File Commander 100 user licence $ 900.00 x = $ . File Commander unlimited licence $1500.00 x = $ . Latest File Commander on disk $ 3.00 x = (includes postage) Subtotal: $ . North Carolina USA, residents, please add 6% sales tax: +$ . Shipping (check one): [ ] Email (subject to credit card verification) Free [ ] Fax (USA / Canada) $ 1.00 [ ] Fax (Non-North America) $ 2.00 [ ] Worldwide 1st Class Mail .................. Free Total: US$ . For credit card payment only: Check one: VISA [ ] Master [ ] Discover [ ] AMEX [ ] Diners Club [ ] Credit card number: Expiration date: ═══ 4.2. Scandinavian Shareware Registration Service ═══ Scandinavian residents can register via the Scandinavian Shareware Registration Service, run by Knud Berggreen in Denmark. Methods of payment accepted include:  EuroCheques (DKK, SEK, NOK, FIM)  Giroaccount (DKK, SEK, NOK, FIM) For current pricing and details on ordering see http://www.berggreen.dk/ or contact Knud Berggreen at Berggreen Service v/Knud Berggreen LodsgЖrden A 111 DK-2791 DragЫr DENMARK TEL/FAX: +45 3253 7654 info@berggreen.dk ═══ 4.3. BT Software Registration Service ═══ BT Software provide local registration for shareware users in Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK. Other countries will most likely be added in the future. Payment is made by local bank transfer. See http://www.btsoftware.com for ordering details and current pricing. ═══ 4.4. Compuserve SWREG ═══ Users of Compuserve can register using the Compuserve SWREG service. Orders made through Compuserve are processed by BMT Micro. 1. Go SWREG 2. Select "Register Shareware" 3. Search by Registration ID# 17225 4. Register! ═══ 4.5. Directly with the author ═══ If you wish to register with me directly you can pay using one of the following methods.  Australian residents: a regular cheque or postal order.  An international draft made out for $29 Australian (Beware, some banks charge huge fees for these, check first).  A cheque made out in your local currency for the equivalent of $35 Australian (It costs me to cash foreign currency cheques at this end). Please don't try making out "Eurocheques" in Australian dollars. They are only valid if made out in a European currency.  If you trust the postal service you can send cash in your local currency to the value of $29 Australian (example US$20 note). Registered mail recommended. Please include a Registration form with your payment and send it to the address given in Contacting the Author. Please make cheques payable to 'Brian Havard' (and please spell it correctly when writing the cheque to keep my bank manager happy). Note: I cannot take credit cards myself. If you wish to pay by credit card please contact one of the registration services listed above. ═══ 4.5.1. Registration form (Australia) ═══ File Commander/2 Order Form =========================== Name: Company: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Product Price Quantity Total -------------------------------------------------------------------- File Commander single licence $ 29.00 x = $ . File Commander 5 user licence $ 120.00 x = $ . File Commander 10 user licence $ 200.00 x = $ . File Commander 25 user licence $ 500.00 x = $ . File Commander 50 user licence $ 800.00 x = $ . File Commander 100 user licence $1200.00 x = $ . File Commander unlimited licence $2000.00 x = $ . Latest File Commander on disk $ 3.50 x = (includes postage) Subtotal: $ . Delivery (check one): [ ] Email Free [ ] Fax (Australia) Free [ ] Fax (Non-Australia) $ 2.00 [ ] Regular Mail Free Total: A$ . ═══ 5. Where to find FC/2 ═══ To find the latest version of File Commander/2, try the following places:  FTP sites ┌─────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │BMT Micro │ftp://ftp.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro/ │ │ │ │ │Queensland Uni │ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/os2/os2/util/shell/│ │(Australia) │ │ │ │ │ │LEO (Germany) │ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/systools/ │ │ │ │ │File Commander home │ftp://silk.apana.org.au/pub/fc2/ │ └─────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  World Wide Web ┌────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Hobbes │http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/util/shell/ │ │ │ │ │OS/2 Supersite │http://www.os2ss.com/archives/hobbes/os2/util/shell/ │ │ │ │ │File Commander/2 │http://silk.apana.org.au/fc.html │ │home │ │ └────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 6. Online Help ═══ FC/2 has an online help facility that may be called up using the F1 key. For it to work, you must have the file fc.hlp in the same directory as fc.exe. The text called up will depend on what state FC/2 is in when F1 is pressed. There are separate help texts for the following:  The main FC/2 screen  Each of the 5 Menus  The Configuration window  The Confirmations window  The internal viewer  The internal editor  File Find  Attribute Change  The history window  Directory Compare  Edit User Menu  Edit Associations  The help window When there is more text than will fit in the window, you can use the Up / Down arrow, Page Up, Page Down, Home and End keys to move around or you can click the mouse in the top or bottom thirds of the window to scroll it (like in the Internal Viewer). ═══ 7. The File Panels ═══ The file panels are central to most operations in FC/2. They allow you to browse through the files on your drives, copy, move, rename and delete files you select from them as well as view, edit or execute any file. Normally, one panel will be active and the other will be inactive. The active panel is indicated by having its title highlighted. To change the active panel, press the TAB key or click the mouse on the panel you wish to become active. At any time, either or both panels can be hidden, allowing you to view the screen behind which will contain the output of any programs you've run. Press Ctrl-O to hide / re-display all visible panels or Ctrl-F1/F2 to switch the Left/Right panel on or off. If you feel that the information in a panel is no longer up to date, you can press Ctrl-R to re-read the information displayed in the panel. Note that this may take some time for Tree view panels if you have a large number of directories on your drive. ═══ 7.1. Panel View Modes ═══ The panels can display a list of files in several different ways. To change the style of view, select it via the Menu (Left or Right, depending on which panel you wish to change). You have the choice of: Brief Displays three columns of file names with no details. The status line at the bottom of the panel displays the details as in Full view for the current file. Full Displays file names with their size and the date and time of last modification. The status line is devoted entirely to displaying as much of the file name as possible allowing you to see more of a long file name than in the main section of the panel. Wide Displays file names with their size, providing much more space for the file name. This mode is most useful when viewing HPFS directories with many long file names. Tree Views the overall directory structure of the current drive of the opposite panel. Unlike in the above modes, when a panel is in tree mode, it is linked to the opposite panel in that selecting a directory on the tree and pressing ENTER causes the opposite panel to view that directory. Info The Info panel displays drive summary information for the current drive of the opposite panel. Details listed include total space, free space, label, file system and serial number. In addition, if the drive is mapped to network server or a peer share then the mapping of the drive is shown. If the opposite panel is viewing the contents of an archive, the panel shows total uncompressed size, total compressed size and compression ratio instead. You can quickly activate an Info panel using Ctrl-L. While the Info panel is active the label can be edited by pressing Alt-L. Changing between Brief / Full / Wide views can also be achieved using the quick keys Alt-Shift-F1 Brief Alt-Shift-F2 Full Alt-Shift-F3 Wide ═══ 7.2. Directory colourization ═══ The file listing type panels (Brief/Full/Wide) can be configured to display user defined classes of file using special colours. To define a class of file you need to add a line to your fc.ini in the [Colours] section (this can be done most easily by selecting Edit Associations from the Commands menu) that looks like expression : [colour] [ON colour] where expression is any valid Boolean expression and colour is one of  black  blue  green  cyan  red  magenta  yellow  white and can have an optional "bright" in front of it. If you don't specify the background colour the default will be used. The same applies to the foreground colour. Only the first three characters of a colour name is significant so you can write green as just gre. E.G. to make executable file names appear in bright white on the standard background *.{exe,com,cmd,bat} : bright white To make read-only files appear in dull white %attrib=r : white To make archives appear on a black background, without affecting the foreground colour *.{zip,arj,rar,lzh,ace} : on black ═══ 7.3. Moving Around the Current Directory ═══ When you have a list of files showing (which is most of the time) you can move around the list using the following keys: Up Arrow Move up one file name. Down Arrow Move down one file name. Page Up Move up one screenful of file names. Page Down Move down one screenful of files names. Home Move to the first file name End Move to the last file name. Alt-[printable char] Move to the first file starting with [printable char]. If you continue to type printable characters, FC/2 will look for a file starting with the string you've typed. Your typing is displayed in the status line of the current panel. Alt-Up/Down These keys serve two functions. If the cursor has just been moved using the above function, they move to the previous/next file name matching the partial name displayed in the status line. Otherwise they move to the first tagged file above/below the current position. When the current panel is in Brief mode, The left and right arrow keys move across one column. ═══ 7.4. Navigating around your drives ═══ When moving to a particular directory, the first step is get the correct drive showing. Press Alt-F1 for the left panel or Alt-F2 for the right panel to display a simple dialog box showing the currently available drives. Select the drive you want by pressing the appropriate letter, using the left / right arrows to move the highligt and press ENTER or clicking on the letter with the mouse. You can also change drives by entering a command in the form "d:" on the command line. Once you have the right drive, you can move around your directories by moving the cursor to a directory you want to change into and pressing ENTER. Selecting ".." moves to the parent of the current directory. Moving the cursor around the list of files in the current directory is achieved using the Up / Down arrows, Page Up, Page Down, Home and End. Double clicking the mouse on a directory name has will also change into that directory. The full path of the current directory is always shown on the top line of the panel. Other useful keys for navigating around your drive are: Ctrl-\ Move to the root directory of the current drive. Ctrl-Shift-\ Change to the same directory as the opposite panel. Ctrl '-' Move back to the previously viewed directory. Note that this is only for the '-' on the main keyboard, not the numeric keypad (which has its own function). Ctrl-Page Up Move to the parent of the current directory (same as selecting ".."). Ctrl-Page Down Move into the currently highlighted directory (same as pressing ENTER except that the contents of the command line is ignored). A number of other methods can be used to find the directory you want, including:  Change directory tree  Directory History  File Find  Recall stored path  Tree view panel  Command Line CD ═══ 7.4.1. Change Directory Tree ═══ The Change Directory Tree can be used to quickly locate and display the directory you're looking for. To activate it, press Alt-F10 or select it from the Commands Menu. You can then either browse through the tree structure using the same keys as used to browse through a file panel, or you can start typing the name of the directory you are looking for. As you type, the view will jump to the first directory name matching what you have typed so far. You can either keep typing until the directory you're looking for is located or you can use Ctrl-Enter to find the next match of what you've typed. When you've found the directory you want, press ENTER to make it the current directory of the current panel. You can exit the Change Directory Tree at any time by pressing ESC. If you have not previously viewed the tree of the current drive it must be read and this may take some time on a large drive. Once it has been read, the tree structure for the drive is saved to a file for future reference. Normally this file (fc2tree.dat) is written to the root directory of the drive the file describes. If you don't like this or if it's not possible (eg CD-ROM drives) you can make FC/2 store all tree data files in one directory of your choice. To do this, change the Tree Data Directory setting in Options/Configuration to specify the directory where you want the data files. If at any time you believe the tree being shown is not correct, you can re-read the tree structure by pressing Ctrl-R. ═══ 7.4.2. Directory History ═══ The Directory History pop-up allows you to change the current panel to a directory that has been viewed recently. To activate it press Alt-\, Shift-Alt-F8 or select 'Directory History' from the Commands menu. You will then be presented with a list of recently visited directories in oldest to newest order. Pressing ENTER or double clicking an entry will cause the current panel to change to the selected directory. Up to 100 directories visited by both panels are listed with duplicate entries removed, leaving just the most recent occurrence of a particular path. The entries are not persistent so are lost when you exit FC/2. ═══ 7.4.3. File Find ═══ The File Find function can be used to search for a particular file. To activate it, press Alt-F7 or select it from the Commands Menu. There are six controls on the File Find dialog that you can use to narrow the search. These are: File(s) to Find The name of the file you're looking for. The name can contain any of the wildcard characters and boolean operators described in File Mask Boolean Expressions. Containing A text string that a file must contain in order to be considered a match. Case Sensitive Normally files are searched for the Containing text without matching case. Check this option to make the search case sensitive. Whole Word Makes the Containing test match Whole Words only. Start at Root If this option is checked (default) the file search will begin at the root of the current drive. If not, it will begin in the current directory of the panel that was active when File Find was activated. Scan Subdirectories When checked, the search will recurse into all subdirectories of the starting directory, otherwise only the starting directory is searched. The File(s) to Find and Containing fields have a history recall facility to save retyping commonly used values. Use TAB / Shift-TAB and Cursor Up/Down to move between these fields entering your search data, then press ENTER or click Find to begin the search. As matches are found, they are listed with their full path in the top section of the File Find window. You can stop the search at any time by pressing ESC. You can do this to save time if the file you're looking for has been located but much of the drive has yet to be searched. Once there are some matches showing you can navigate the list using the Up / Down arrows, Page Up/Down, Home/End or clicking with the mouse. Pressing ENTER or double clicking the mouse on a file name will return to the file panel with its current directory changed to that of the selected file and with the selected file highlighted. You can also view or edit a file from the list using F3 or F4 respectively. If you used the Containing field and you use FC/2's internal viewer or editor, the starting position will be that of the first match. If the search hasn't yet finished it will continue in the background while you are viewing or editing. A file in the list can be deleted using F8. Note that this doesn't just remove it from the list but deletes the actual file. This can be handy if you are using File Find to locate junk files that you want to remove. Once the search has finished the status line under the results list will display Search Complete with a summary of the files found. Alternatively if you stopped the search with ESC it will display Search Stopped. The list can be resorted by pressing Ctrl-F3..F6 to sort by name, extension, time or size. If you do not want to see any of the files found you can press ESC to exit File Find (or click Cancel). To start a new search, change the appropriate fields then press ENTER. Whichever way you exit the File Find dialog, you can recall the list of files found by the last search by pressing Shift-Alt-F7. This can be very handy if you wish to examine each matched file in turn. ═══ 7.4.4. Storing and retrieving Paths ═══ To speed up access to your most frequently used directories you can store the current directory path in one of ten 'slots'. At a later point in time you may recall the directory which causes the current panel to instantly move to the stored directory.  To store the current directory, hold down Ctrl and Shift then press one of keys 0-9 on the numeric keypad.  To retrieve a directory, hold down Ctrl then press one of keys 0-9 on the numeric keypad. If you forget which directories you've assigned to which keys, you can view the contents of the slots using Alt-F5. This lists all ten stored paths from which you can select one to change to using the Up / Down arrow keys and ENTER, clicking on one with the mouse or pressing a number from 0-9. You can also set one of the entries to the current directory using Insert or clear an entry using Delete. If you do a Save Setup before exiting FC/2, the directories you've stored will be remembered the next time you start it up. ═══ 7.5. Copying, Moving and Deleting Files ═══ These three operations are all performed in a similar way. All can be performed on either a single file or a group of files. To operate on a single file, simply move the highlight bar to the file you want to copy/move/delete using the keys described in Moving Around the Current Directory and press F5 to copy, F6 to move and F8 to delete. These keys (along with the rest of the function keys) are listed at the bottom of the screen so you don't have to memorize them. If you want to operate on a number of files at once, you should tag the files you wish to be affected (See Tagging). It's also possible to use Shift-F8 to to delete a single arbitrary file. If you select copy or move, you will next be presented with a dialog box that allows you to specify the destination directory and file name. The default destination is the directory showing in the opposite panel. If this is what you want, just press ENTER to proceed, otherwise use the arrow keys, Delete, Backspace etc., to alter the path to what you want. You can also change the file name if you wish. You can also use Shift-F5/F6 if you want to copy a file to the same directory with a minor name change or if you want to rename a file in place without turning off the opposite panel. The only difference with the Shifted variation of F5/F6 is that the default target doesn't include the path of the opposite panel. If you realize that you wanted this function but have already pressed F5 or F6 you can get the same result by pressing the same function key again while the Copy / Move dialog is showing. You can rename several files at once using wild card characters '*' and '?'. For example, to change the extension of several files to .bak you would specify the destination file as '*.bak'. The wildcard characters represent characters taken from the source file name. If you select delete, you will be prompted with a confirmation dialog. If you're sure you want to go ahead with the delete, press Enter, 'y' or click 'OK'. To back out, press ESC, 'n' or click 'Cancel'. If there are files tagged you will be warned and asked a second time to confirm the delete. This is to make sure you haven't forgotten that some files are tagged which can happen if the tagged files have been scrolled off the panel. Either or both of these confirmations can be disabled if you wish (See Confirmations). If the drive you're deleting from has deletion protection enabled (using the DELDIR environment variable) you will see an extra check box in the confirmation dialog labeled No Undelete. If you set this option, FC/2 will bypass the deletion protection so that the undelete command will not be able to recover the file(s). The main advantage of enabling this option is speed. Deleting a large quantity of small files will be much faster if they don't go through the undelete mechanism. It can also be used if you don't want the deletion of a large file to clear all the previously deleted files from the undelete area or if you want to free the drive space immediately. All of the above operations can be stopped mid-process by pressing ESC. ═══ 7.5.1. Deleting a single arbitrary file. ═══ You can delete any single file, regardless of the state of the current panel, using Shift-F8. This displays a dialog that allows you to enter the full or relative path of any single file or directory that you want deleted. The default name is that of the file the panel cursor is currently on, allowing easy deletion of a single file in the current panel when in the middle of tagging a number of files for some other operation. ═══ 7.6. Tagging Files ═══ There are several commands available to tag files. These are: Insert Pressing the Insert key toggles the tag for the currently highlighted file and moves the highlight down to the next file allowing you to repeatedly press Insert to tag multiple files. Grey + Pressing the '+' key on the numeric key pad pops up a dialog into which you can enter a file name mask to specify which files should be tagged, as described in File Mask Boolean Expressions. Grey - This is just like Grey + except that it untags files that match the file mask. Grey * Invert tagging. All untagged files become tagged and all tagged files become untagged. Ctrl-Grey + Tag all files. Ctrl-Grey - Untag all files. Compare directories Selecting Compare Directories from the Commands Menu or pressing Ctrl-K tags files based on differences between the two panels. Restore Selection Selecting Restore Sel'n from the Files menu or pressing Alt-Grey-+ returns the current panel to the state of tagging as it was before the last F5-Copy command. This allows you to re-copy or perform some other operation on the same set of files as was just copied. Mouse Clicking the right mouse button on a file name toggles the tagging for that file. Holding the right button down and moving the mouse will tag / untag all files touched. If the Tag Directories option is not set, only Insert and Mouse allow you to tag directories. The other tagging methods ignore directories. When the Tag Directories option is set, all the above commands except Compare directories affect directory tagging. The effect of the Tag Directories option can be overridden by combining Shift with any of the mass tagging commands above. It can also be toggled inside the Grey + dialog using Alt-D but will only affect that one tagging operation, allowing you to chose if you want directories included while entering the file name mask. When any files are tagged, a summary of the tagged files is shown on the status line of the panel. This shows the number of files tagged and their total size. ═══ 7.6.1. File Mask Boolean Expressions ═══ File Commander/2 provides a boolean expression parser that allows you to select files using powerful expressions. A file name mask is made up of regular characters and any of the following wildcards. * Substitutes for zero or more characters of any value. ? Substitutes for one character of any value. [a-d] Substitutes for one character of value a, b, c or d. [^a-d] Substitutes for one character of any value except a, b, c or d. [a-d^c] Substitutes for a, b or d. {fred,joe,foo}Substitutes for any one of the comma separated strings. Multiple file name masks can be combined using the following operators. | The OR operator, give a match if either of the expressions given match. IE "*.cpp | *.h" will match all .CPP and all .H files, and is equivalent to "*.{cpp,h}". & The AND operator, give a match if both expressions match. IE "*x* & *y*" will match any file that contains both an X and a Y. The AND operator has higher priority than the OR operator, so "a* & *b | c* & *d" is equivalent to "(a* & *b) | (c* & *d)". ! The NOT operator, reverses the match / no match result of any expression. "!*x*" will match any file that doesn't contain an X. ( ) Brackets can be used to force order of operations override, as in mathematical expressions. Also available are a number of operators that can be used to select files by criteria other than their names. These are used by writing an expression that consists of the file operator (listed below), a logical comparitor ( one of <, >, =, !=, >= or <= ) and a value. The value can have a single letter suffix to specify the units it's in. %age Represents the amount of time between the file's last modification and the present. Value is in seconds by default or can be followed by a suffix to specify minutes, hours or days. %attrib Represents the file's attributes. Use of the = operator actually means has the attribute. The != operator can also be used to mean doesn't have the attribute. The value can be any combination of the letters R,H,S,A,D. %date Represents the file last modification date. The comparison value is a date in your local date format. The year may be given as either 2 or 4 digits. A year of less than 70 will be interpreted as 21st century. %size Represents the file size. The comparison value is in bytes unless followed by a suffix kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. Examples *.bak & %age > 30d Match backup files that are older than 30 days. *.{exe,cmd,bat,com} Match only executable files. *.doc & %date >= 1/5/98 & %date <= 31/5/98 Match documents last modified in May 1998 (in date format used in Australia). %attrib = RH Match files that are both read-only and hidden. ═══ 7.6.2. Compare Directories ═══ The Compare Directories function provides a way to detect and, if desired, eliminate differences between two similar directories. The uses of this function are many but the most common use is syncronizing two copies of a set of files. When selected, FC/2 identifies differences in the file lists of the left and right panels, tagging files according to the options selected. Most of the options are used to decide which files are tagged if a file name appears in both file lists. Date/Time Determines if the older, newer, both or neither copies of the file are tagged if the dates on them are different. Size Determines if the larger, smaller, both or neither copies of the file are tagged if the size of them are different. Tag Unmatched If a file name appears in one panel but not the other, this option causes it to be tagged. Compare Contents This is the brute force method. The two copies are compared byte for byte to check if there is any difference. If there is, both will be tagged. ═══ 7.7. Creating a Directory ═══ To create a subdirectory in the current directory, press F7 and enter the name of the subdirectory you want to create into the dialog. If the current panel is in tree view mode, the directory will be created in the directory the highlight is currently on. ═══ 7.8. Directory Size Calculation ═══ If you want to get an idea of what's taking up your precious disk space it's often useful to calculate how much space is used by a particular directory and all its sub-directories. File Commander/2 allows you to do this for one or more of the directories showing in a file panel. To calculate the size of a directory, move the highlght on to the directory you wish to know the size of and press Ctrl-Q. This may take some time if there are a large number of files or sub-directories in the directory being calculated. When the directory has been scanned its total size is displayed in the same field as where a file's size is displayed instead of the word SUBDIR. If you want several of the directories in the panel to be calculated, tag them before pressing Ctrl-Q and all will be calculated. Calculating all of the directories provides a useful breakdown of where your disk space is being used. If you decide that the calculation is taking too long you can cancel it at any time by pressing ESC. Normally, the result of the size calculation is discarded when you change to another directory. If you want to browse through the directories that were calculated while retaining the calculated size display, set the Retain Dir Count option on the Options Menu. ═══ 7.9. Creating Workplace Shell Objects ═══ File Commander/2 provides a quick and easy way to create Workplace Shell Objects that is much easier than opening up your templates folder, dragging an object out and filling in all the details for it. All you have to do is locate the file you want an object for and press Alt-F6. There is a simple confirmation dialog to make sure you mean what you've pressed. If the file is an executable (.exe .com .bat .cmd) or an Information Presentation Facility file (.inf) a Program object is created and you get the chance to edit the title of the object being created. If the program is not a Presentation Manager or Windows program you also get to choose a windowed or full screen session. Windows program objects are created with the session type defined in your Win-OS/2 Setup. For all other file types (including directories) a shadow object is created the same as if you had created a shadow of the file from the Drives object. Note that if you have tagged any files, objects will be created for all tagged files with the default value for their titles. The Fullscreen session check box is available but will only be applied to appropriate types of program objects. All objects are created on the desktop ready for you to drop them into whichever folder you want them in. ═══ 7.10. Creating an Archive ═══ To create a new archive from a selection of files, press Shift-F7. You will be prompted for the path and name of the archive to be created as well as the type of the archive. The default path is that of the opposite panel. The default name is that of the file that the cursor is currently on without its extension. When you select OK, FC/2 will call the selected archiver program to create the archive. ═══ 8. Running Other Programs ═══ There are several ways to start a program using FC/2. 1. Move the highlight bar to an executable file (.exe .com .cmd .bat) and press ENTER. 2. Move the highlight bar to a file which matches a defined Association and press ENTER. 3. Select a program from the User Menu. 4. Enter the program name on the Command Line. With all these methods, except the User Menu, you can start the program in a separate session by pressing Alt-Enter instead of just Enter. The way FC/2 goes about starting the program depends on what type of executable it is. The following types are recognized: OS/2 text Started within the FC/2 session unless Alt-Enter was used. OS/2 PM PM apps are automatically started detached so there is no need to use Alt-Enter to make sure you can still use FC/2 while the PM program is running. DOS As with PM apps, DOS apps are automatically started detached. As an added bonus, it is possible to specify DOS session settings by creating a text file with the same name (and in the same directory) as the EXE but with the extension .DS, for Dos Settings. If no such file exists, FC/2 will use the file FC.DS in FC/2's directory. This text file should contain 1 or more settings using the names as seen in the Dos Settings notebook. E.G. DOS_BACKGROUND_EXECUTION=no IDLE_SENSITIVITY=100 For settings where multiple values are possible, like DOS_DEVICE, each value is separated by a '|' symbol. E.G. DOS_DEVICE=e:\os2\mdos\ansi.sys | e:\os2\mdos\lptdd.sys If, for whatever reason, you want FC/2 to wait for the program to finish before it continues, place a line that reads: WAIT=yes in its .DS settings file. If you want to change the default to always wait for DOS programs, edit your fc.ini to contain the line: waitdos=on The DOS session will be started as fullscreen or windowed depending on the type of FC/2's session. This can be overridden by placing a line in the .DS settings file that looks like: fullscreen=yes Windows To start a Windows app, FC/2 creates a temporary WPS Program object for the EXE and opens it. The session settings for the program will be as defined by the Win-OS/2 Setup object in your System Setup folder. Note that the working directory of the started program is not certain when using common seamless sessions so any file specified as a parameter should be given its full path (using Ctrl-F or !f as appropriate). This means you can create associations like: *.doc: G:\Windows\WORD\WINWORD.EXE !f and have FC/2 start Word to edit your .DOC FC/2 will invoke a command interpreter (as specified by COMSPEC) to run the program if any of the following are true. 1. The program is an OS/2 script (.CMD). 2. The program cannot be found on your PATH. 3. The program name is preceded by a '#' 4. The command line contains a | (pipe) operator . ═══ 8.1. Associations ═══ An association is used to link data files to the program that uses them. To create an association, add a line of the following form: mask : program to your fc.ini file using the Commands/Edit Associations menu option. The mask can be any valid Boolean expression. You can also use the following when specifying the command to be run: ! Name of current file. !x Name of current file without its extension. !p Path of current panel. !P Path of opposite panel. !f Name of current file with full path. !s Path of current panel with trailing '\' !S Path of opposite panel with trailing '\' !n Nothing, but prevents automatic appending of current file name !! A literal, single ! If none of the above are used, the name of the current file is appended. EG *.dsk: loaddskf ! a: *.zip: pkunzip ! !P *.inf: view *.ico: iconedit *.zoo: zoo x *.cpp: make !x.exe *.{gif,jpg,bmp}|os2logo: pmview ═══ 9. Command Line ═══ The command line provided by FC/2 operates in much the same way as your normal command prompt with a few extra features. The following keys are used to operate the FC/2 command line: Pasting file names Ctrl-J or Ctrl-Enter Pastes the file name of the currently highlighted file into the command line. Note that if the character to the left of the cursor is alphanumeric, a recall from History will be performed instead. Ctrl-F Pastes the file name of the currently highlighted file with its full path into the command line. Ctrl-[ & Ctrl-] Pastes the left or right panel's path with trailing \. Clipboard Ctrl-Insert Copies the whole command line to the clipboard. Shift-Insert Pastes the clipboard to the command line at the cursor's current position. Ctrl-Shift-J Copies the name of the current file to the clipboard. Ctrl-Shift-F Copies the full path of the current file to the clipboard. Moving the cursor Left/Right Arrows Move the cursor around the command line. Note that these keys do not operate the command line if the current panel is in brief view. Use Alt-Left/Right Arrows instead. Alt-Left/Right Arrows Move the cursor around the command line regardless of which mode the current panel is in. Ctrl-Left/Right Arrows Move the cursor one word left or right. Ctrl-Home Move the cursor to the start of the line. Ctrl-End Move the cursor to the end of the line. Deleting characters Backspace Delete the character to the left of the cursor. Delete Delete the character under the cursor. Ctrl-Delete Delete the word to the right of the cursor. Ctrl-Backspace Delete the word to the left of the cursor. Esc Clear the entire command line. Changing Drive/Directory Commands of the form d: and cd somedir are interpreted by FC/2 instead of being executed by the command interpreter. This provides the following differences to normal command line behaviour: 1. A CD command that specifies a drive letter will change both the current drive and directory in one command. 2. If the directory specified in a CD command does not exist in the current directory then any tree data that has been collected will be searched for the directory name specified. If found, it will be changed into. Using ! substitutions All the ! substitutions allowed in user menus can also be used on the command line. If you need an actual ! character you must double it. ═══ 9.1. History ═══ Command history is used to save you re-typing a command that is the same or similar to a command you've entered before. It is preserved between sessions in the file fc.hst so that closing and restarting FC/2 won't lose the command history. If you use the same command more than once, only the last occurrence will appear in the history. There are several ways to locate the command you wish to repeat: Ctrl-E or Ctrl-Up Recall previously entered command. Repeated use steps through command history from newest entry to oldest entry. Ctrl-X or Ctrl-Down Steps forwards through command history. Useful if you overshoot using Ctrl-E Ctrl-J or Ctrl-Enter Recall previously entered command that matches the text to the left of the cursor. Can be used repeatedly to find successive matches. Note that this function only operates when the character to the left of the cursor is alphanumeric, otherwise a file name paste occurs as described in Command Line. Alt-F8 Displays a window containing a list of previously entered commands from which you can choose. You can navigate the list using the cursor keys, Page Up/Down, Home, End or the mouse. You can also search for a string using: F7 Search for a string in the command list. Note that the search starts at the bottom of the current page and searches upwards to give a newest to oldest search. Shift-F7 Search again. Alt-F7 Search again backwards. Once you've highlighted the command you want you can press: Enter Re-execute command now. Alt-Enter Re-execute command now in a separate session. Ctrl-Enter Place command on the command line for editing. ═══ 10. Menu ═══ FC/2 includes a menu system to provide easy access to a range of functions. Most of the functions on the menu can be activated by short-cut keys which are listed on the menus. The menu system can be operated by keyboard, mouse or a combination of both if you like. Keyboard 1. Activate the menu bar by pressing F9 or Ctrl-N. Also, Shift-F10 activates the menu with the cursor positioned on the last used function. 2. Select which menu you want by pressing the first letter of its title or by using the Left / Right arrows and pressing Enter. 3. Use the Up / Down arrows to select the menu item you want and press Enter to activate it. Alternatively, you can press the key that is highlighted in the menu item's name. 4. You can press Esc to back out. Mouse 1. Activate the menu bar by clicking the right mouse button on the top line. 2. Click on the title of the menu you want to use. 3. Click on the menu item you want ot activate. 4. To dismiss the menu, click anywhere away from the menus. These should be taken as examples only. The menus operate in much the same way as OS/2 PM menus. ═══ 10.1. Left / Right Menu ═══ The Left and Right menus contain exactly the same functions but apply them to the appropriate panel. Brief Set panel to view files in Brief mode. Full Set panel to view files in Full mode. Wide Set panel to view files in Wide mode. Info Set panel to show drive summary information. Tree Set panel to view directories as a Tree. On/Off Toggle the visibility of the panel. Turning a panel off allows you to see the output of previously executed commands. Name Sort panel by file name Extension Sort panel by file name extension. The extension of a file name is from the last '.' onwards. Files with the same extension are ordered by name. Time Sort panel by file modification time and date. Files are listed from newest to oldest. Size Sort panel by file size. Files are listed from largest to smallest. Files of the same size are ordered by name. Unsorted Files are listed in the order provided by the file system. Reverse Reverses the order in which files are listed. Re-Read Refresh the contents of the panel. Useful if another process has modified the contents of the panel's directory or if removable media has been changed. Filter Display a dialog that allows you to modify the file name Filter Drive Change the drive being viewed. A small dialog is displayed showing the currently available drives from which you can choose. ═══ 10.1.1. Filters ═══ The file name filter can be used to define which files you want to see and which files you don't. It is specified by a boolean expression. If you want all files to show the filter should be set to just a single * (which is the default value). This field has a history recall facility. EG *.{exe,com,cmd,bat} Show only executable files !*.obj Show all files except object files. !*.obj | foo* Show all files except object files unless they start with foo. If the value for the filter is anything other than * the panel's heading will show the current directory's path with a trailing \? to remind you that a filter is in effect. ═══ 10.2. Files Menu ═══ Manual View User Manual. User Menu Display the User Menu. View View the current file. Edit Edit the current file. Copy Copy Files. Rename or Move Move Files. Make Directory Create a Directory. Delete Delete Files. File Attributes Display a dialog to alter File Attributes. File Case Modify a file or group of tagged files' names to be upper, lower or mixed case. This is only useful on case preserving file systems like HPFS. File Date/Time Modify a file or group of tagged files' date stamp (last modified date). Select Group Tag a group of files by file name mask. Unselect Group Untag a group of files by file name mask. Invert Selection Toggle the Tagging status of all files in the current panel. Restore Selection Restore tagging status to the way it was before the last copy operation. Quit Exit File Commander/2. ═══ 10.2.1. File Attributes ═══ The File Attributes dialog allows you to modify the Read Only, Archive, Hidden and System attributes of a file or a group of files. To activate it select it from the Files Menu or press Ctrl-A. If no files are tagged, you'll be presented with a dialog displaying the attributes of the currently highlighted file. You can use the Up / Down arrow to move the cursor and Space to toggle the attribute the cursor is on or you can click on the check boxes with the mouse. If you have any files tagged, you'll be presented with a slightly different dialog. For each attribute, you can set, clear or leave alone that attribute for all the tagged files. The dialog looks similar to the one used for a single file but the check boxes are 3 state instead of 2. The three states are: [·] Don't change attribute (default) [ ] Reset attribute [X] Set attribute When you've set all the check boxes the way you want them, press Enter (or click OK) to proceed or ESC (or click Cancel) to exit without changing anything. ═══ 10.3. Commands Menu ═══ Tree Pop up the Change Directory Tree. File Find Locate a file using File Find dialog. History View the Command Line History. EGA Lines Toggle 50 line mode. Directory History Activate Directory History dialog. Swap Panels Swaps the positions of the left and right panels. Panels On/Off Removes or replaces the panels allowing you to view the output of previously executed programs. Compare Directories Tags files according to the differences between the two panels. See Compare Directories for details. Calculate Dir Size Totals the size of all the files the currently highlighted diretory or currently tagged directories and displays the result(s) on the file panel in the field that normally says 'SUBDIR' Open WPS Window Causes the Workplace Shell to open the window corresponding to the directory that FC/2 is currently displaying. Register Turns a shareware copy of File Commander/2 into a registered version. Once you have entered your name and serial number, you will not see any reminder messages and your name will appear on the Info panel. Edit Associations Starts the internal editor on your fc.ini file. Any changes you make to associations will become active immediately. Edit User Menu Starts the internal editor on your main fc.mnu file. ═══ 10.4. Options Menu ═══ Configuration Display the Configuration dialog allowing you to alter a number of options. Colours Edit the Colour Scheme used by FC/2. Confirmations Display a dialog that allows you to disable some of the Confirmations. Hidden Files Toggles whether files with their hidden attribute set will be shown on the file panels or not. When hidden files are displayed, they are denoted by a '░' character. Path Prompt Toggles the display of the current path on FC/2's command line prompt. Full Screen Toggles whether the panels occupy the full screen length or just half the screen. Clock Toggles whether a clock will be shown in the top right hand corner or not. Tag Directories Enables the mass tagging commands to tag directories also. See Tagging Files for more details. Thousand Separator Toggles the use of a thousand separator in the file size column of Full and Wide modes. This reduces the number of significant digits that can be displayed but can increase readability. Retain Dir Count When set, the results of a Ctrl-Q Directory Size Count are retained when changing directory. This makes it easier to track down directories that are hogging a lot of disk space. Note that the directory sizes displayed are only as up to date as the last count. Save Setup Saves all current settings to the file fc.ini so that all FC/2 options will be set the same the next time you start it up. This can be performed automatically on exit if you wish by setting the autosave option (See Configuration). ═══ 10.4.1. Configuration ═══ To view the configuration options, select 'Configuration' from the Options Menu. Any options you change take effect as soon as you click OK (or press Enter when OK is the default button). If you use Cancel, all changes you've made are forgotten. To select an option to change either click on it with the mouse or use the TAB, Shift-TAB, Up & Down arrow keys to move to it. The current option is indicated buy a flashing cursor. If you want the changes to still be in effect the next time you start FC/2 you need to select 'Save Setup' from the Options Menu otherwise the changes will be lost when you exit. Alternatively, you can switch on 'Autosave Setup' seen below. The options are: Viewer The file name (with full path if not in a directory on your PATH) of the file viewer to be used when you press F3. All the '!' substitutions described in Associations can be used when specifying a viewer or an editor. If this field is left blank, the Internal Viewer will be used. Alternate Viewer As for Viewer but specifies the viewer used when Alt-F3 is pressed. Editor Similar to Viewer but specifies the editor used when F4 is pressed. If left empty, the Internal Editor will be used. Alternate Editor As for Editor but specifies the editor used when Alt-F4 is pressed. Left Startup Directory The directory the left panel will display on start up. If left blank, the current directory for the session will be shown. This can be overridden by a /l dirname command line parameter. Right Startup Directory The directory the right panel will display on start up. If left blank, the current directory for the session will be shown. This can be overridden by a /r dirname command line parameter. Separate Session Prefix String added at the start of a command that causes it to be executed in a separate session. Default value is start /f. See the OS/2 command reference for more options for the start command. Tree Data Directory The directory where tree data is stored. If left blank, tree data will be written to the root directory of each drive as "fc2tree.dat". The data stored is a representation of the directory structure of a drive and is used to avoid re-scanning the drive. Case Filter File Systems A list of file system names (as displayed on the Info panel) that are not case preserving and so need file names to be converted to lower case for easier reading. If not listed here, file names will be displayed as provided by the file system. Manual Name of an Information Presentation Facility file (*.inf) that is to be viewed when 'Manual' is chosen from the Files Menu. The default is fc.inf (this file). Path Extension A list of directories, separated by semicolons, that are to be searched for executables in addition to those specified in the PATH environment variable. Auto Save Switching Autosave on causes FC/2 to automatically perform a 'Save Setup' just before exiting the program. Num Lock Specifies if numlock should be fixed on or not. Affects both FC/2 and any program started by FC/2 unless it is in a separate session. Use 132 Columns When on, FC/2 will use 132 column display whenever possible. 132 column mode is only supported on some video cards in full screen sessions.Versions of OS/2 before 3.0 do not support more than 80 columns in a window. Pressing Shift-Alt-F9 will toggle this setting from the main panel view. Use PM Clipboard When on, FC/2's internal editor will use OS/2s PM' clipboard when performing Copy/Cut/Paste operations allowing it to share clipboard data with other programs. When this option is turned off, FC/2 reverts to using its private clipboard which operates somewhat faster. Ctrl-R Drv Change Enables the drive selector dialog when pressing Ctrl-R. ESC Panel Switch Enables the use of ESC as a quick key for switching panels off/on when the command line is empty. Size Count Pause If enabled, FC/2 will pause at the end of a directory size count activated by Ctrl-Q, allowing you to view the total file and directory counts. Pressing any key dismisses the dialog. Lines Sets the number of lines on screen or in window. Can be any number supported by your video card for full screen sessions or any value of at least 25 for a windowed session. Using a number that is not supported by your card in a full screen session will result in the number of lines being set to the next possible value up. Screen Saver The number of minutes of idle time before FC/2 activates its screen saver. If set to 0, the screen saver will not activate. Note that the screen saver only operates when in a full screen session. Mouse Speed When FC/2 is running in a full screen session, this option specifies the sensitivity of the mouse. The default value is 8 with smaller values giving a faster mouse and larger values slowing it down. Scroll Delay The time (in milliseconds) that FC/2 waits between scrolling each line when the mouse has been used to scroll a panel or window. Use of this option stops the text flying past before you've had a chance to see what it is. Time Mode The type of time display used on the clock and when file time stamps are viewed in the files panel (Full mode). ═══ 10.4.2. Colours ═══ The Colours dialog allows you to alter the colour scheme used by FC/2. To activate it, select 'Colours' from the Options Menu You will be presented with a list of items in the colour scheme. Use the up & down arrow keys to move to the item you wish to change and then use F to cycle through forground colours and to cycle through background colours. Holding SHIFT at the same time will cycle backwards. There are a total of 16 colours to choose from for both foreground & background. When you're done, choose OK to use the changes you've made or ESC to forget them. Note that the changes will only be remembered for next time if you use 'Save Setup' or have Autosave enabled. ═══ 10.4.3. Confirmations ═══ Before doing anything significantly destructive, FC/2 will ask for confirmation from the user to prevent accidental loss of data. If you are confident in your use of FC/2 and don't want to be asked for confirmation all the time, you can disable some of the more common confirmation prompts by selecting 'Confirmations' from the Options Menu. A dialog displaying a list of confirmation types is then displayed with a check box next to each one. An 'X' in a check box indicates that the confirmation is enabled. To disable a confirmation, click its check box with the mouse and click OK. The keyboard can also be used (Up / Down arrows and Space, Enter when done). The confirmations you can alter are: Delete File/Empty Directory The first prompt you see after pressing F8. Delete Tagged Files The second prompt you see after pressing F8 when there are files tagged. Delete Non-empty Directory The prompt that asks you to type "YES" before doing a tree delete. Quit FC/2 The prompt shown when you press F10. With this disabled, F10 causes immediate exit. "YES" prompt for Non-Empty Directory Similar to Delete Non-empty Directory but instead of disabling the "YES" prompt altogether, it is replaced by an OK / Cancel / All choice, the default being Cancel so anyone blindly pressing ENTER won't get caught. ═══ 11. Viewing / Editing Files ═══ FC/2 allows you to view the current file with a choice of two standard viewers or to edit the current file with a choice of two standard editors. You can also configure any number of specialized viewers and editors via associations. To view a file, use F3 or Alt-F3. To edit a file, use F4 or Alt-F4. When you press F3 or F4, FC/2 will look for an association that matches the current file and if it finds one it will use the program given. If there's no matching association the standard program will be used. The standard programs are specified in the Configuration dialog. If these are left empty, the built in Viewer and the built in Editor are used for F3 and F4 respectively. View and Edit associations are specified in the same way as execute associations but are added in fc.ini under section headings [Viewer Associations] and [Editor Associations]. These headings will be created automatically when you first use Save Setup. If you wish to specify the file to view or edit by typing its file name, use Shift-F3 for view or Shift-F4 for edit. If you specify a file to edit that does not exist, you will be given the option to create it. The viewer or editor can be invoked directly when starting FC/2 using the command line switches /v or /e followed by the name of the file to be viewed or edited. This allows other programs to call FC/2 to view or edit files for them. ═══ 11.1. The Internal Viewer ═══ The file viewer built into FC/2 is a basic text viewer that is perfect for taking a quick look at your text files. You can use the mouse or keyboard to scroll the text up and down (Keys: Cursor-Up/Down, Page Up/Down, Home, End). To scroll the text using the mouse, click the mouse in the top or bottom thirds of the screen. Using the right mouse button pages up or down. When the mouse is being used to scroll the text, the speed of scrolling is determined by the Scroll Delay Configuration directive. If a line is longer than 80 columns it will be chopped off at that length and the remainder placed one the next line unless you use F2 to select Unwrap mode. With the text unwrapped, you can use the Left / Right arrows to scroll the text horizontally. Ctrl-Left/Right scrolls in a much larger step (40 columns). Also, the mouse can be used to scroll horizontally by clicking the mouse in the centre third of the screen on the left or right side. ie  You can search for a string using F7 (or Shift-F7 to find next). The search can be either case sensitive or insensitive and either forwards or backwards in the file from the current view point. A Whole Word option is also available. Using Alt-F7 will search in the reverse direction to that currently selected.  Will correctly interpret UNIX, PC or MAC line terminators (LF, CR/LF, CR) or even a mix of all three.  F4 will toggle between ASCII and Hex view. While viewing in hex mode the viewing position can be moved one byte backwards or forewards using the Arrow-Left / Right keys.  Alt-C Sets one or more file code pages to translate from. More than one value can be specified, separated by commas, and Alt-T will switch between them.  Alt-L can be used to position to a particular line number.  Alt-O can be used to position to a particular hex offset. Obviously most useful when using hex view mode but still works in ASCII view.  Alt-T Switches the file code page between the values specified via Alt-C and the standard code page.  Alt-[1-8] changes the TAB size.  If, while viewing a file, you find you want to edit at the position you're currently at, you can jump into edit mode using Alt-F4.  I think I've got all the bugs out of it but if you ever think it has become confused, pressing Ctrl-L will repaint the screen. ═══ 11.2. The Internal Editor ═══ The built in editor is a simple text editor that allows you to make quick changes to any plain text file.  Like the viewer, the editor will read a file using any type of line terminator. The file will normally be written back using the same type of line terminator unless overridden by the Alt-U command listed below.  Although there is no limit on the size of file you can edit, keep in mind that the whole file is loaded into memory so opening a multi-megabyte file may blow out your swap file. If you do this accidentally you can abort loading a file by pressing ESC.  The editor uses the OS/2 clipboard allowing you to exchange text with other programs. This feature may be turned off using the Use PM clipboard setting in the Configuration Note: FC/2 allows the copying of blocks of text into the PM clipboard that are greater than 64K in size. Attempting to paste such blocks of text into a 16 bit OS/2 program will usually cause it to fail.  If you edit the same file again, FC/2 will return you to the same edit position as when you last exited the editor.  Will not expand TABs to spaces so it is safe to edit makefiles that require TAB characters. EG GNU Make The following keys operate in the editor: Left/Right/Up/Down As you'd expect. Backspace Delete character left of the cursor. Ctrl-Backspace Delete word left of the cursor. Alt-Backspace Undo. Alt-Shift-Backspace Redo. Delete Delete character under the cursor or, if any text is selected, deletes selected text. Ctrl-Delete Delete the word to the right of the cursor or, if some text is selected, deletes selected text. Home Go to the start of the line. End Go to the end of the line. Page Up/Down Up/Down one page. Ctrl-Home Top of screen. Ctrl-End Bottom of screen. Ctrl-Page Up/Down Start/End of file. Alt-[ / Alt-M Jump to matching bracket. Recognizes round, curly, square and angle brackets. Ctrl-Y Erase line. Ctrl-Insert / Ctrl-C Copy selected text to clipboard. Shift-Insert / Ctrl-V Paste from clipboard. Shift-Delete / Ctrl-X Cut selected text and place on the clipboard. Alt-Left/Right (Un)indent block. ESC or F10 Exit editor (prompts to save if changes made). Shift-F10 Save and exit. F2 Save now without exiting. F3 Save now with prompt to change file name. F7 Search for a word in the text. Case sensitivity is optional as is the direction of the search. A Whole Word option is also available. The text field has a history recall facility to save retyping recently used values. Shift-F7 Search for the same word again. Alt-F7 Search for the same word again in the opposite direction to that selected when F7 was used. F8 Search and Replace. Similar to the search function (F7) but allows a replacement string to be specified. When a match is found you are given the choice of replacing, skipping, cancelling or replacing all matches. Ctrl-Q Quote next character. This enables you to enter control character into the file that would normally be rejected. For example, pressing Ctrl-Q ESC would insert the ESC character into the text. Insert Toggle Insert/Overstrike mode. When in overstrike mode the cursor becomes a block instead of an underline. Alt-[1-8] Change TAB size to that of the number pressed. Alt-C Sets one or more file code pages to translate from. More than one value can be specified, separated by commas, and Alt-T will switch between them. Alt-I Toggle Auto Indent mode. When this mode is on (indicated by an 'I' on the status line) Pressing ENTER will start a new line with the same indentation as the line above. This is most useful when editing program source files. Alt-L Used to jump to a given line number. Alt-T Alt-T Switches the file code page between the values specified via Alt-C and the standard code page. Alt-U Toggle UNIX type line terminators. When this mode is on (indicated by a 'U' on the status line), saving the file will cause it to be written using a LF as the line termiator instead of the usual CR/LF pair. This can be used to convert a text file between PC and UNIX text formats. When the editor is started, this mode will automatically turn on if the file being opened only contains LF terminated lines. To select text, hold down Shift and use the above cursor movement keys to move over the text you want to select. You can also drag the mouse over the text. The mouse can also be used to perform a page up or down by clicking the right mouse button in the top or bottom third of the screen. The states of the Insert/Overwrite, Auto Indent, Tab Size and Code Page settings are retained between edits and will be saved in fc.ini if Save Setup is used. ═══ 11.3. Code Page Translation ═══ Both the internal viewer and editor have a function to translate the code page of the file being viewed / edited. This is most useful when the file is in a code page that contains mostly the same glyphs as the current display code page. If a character in the file's code page doesn't exist in the display code page it will either be inaccurately translated or not translated at all. The most common case is when you have a file written in an ANSI code page (EG 1252) and your display code page is 850 or 437. After pressing Alt-C and entering 1252, the file will become readable. This function makes use of the Unicode API that was added to OS/2 for Open32. This means that it can only be used on Warp 4 or Warp 3 if FixPack 26 or later is installed. ═══ 12. The User Menu ═══ The user menu is a list of functions defined by you to help you carry out common tasks. It is activated by pressing F2 and then using the Up/Down arrows and Home/End to choose an item and Enter to select or ESC to cancel. The mouse may also be used to select a user menu choice. To create a user menu you need to create a plain text file (using an editor like FC/2's internal editor or the OS/2 System editor e.exe) named fc.mnu containing your list of menu functions in the same directory as fc.exe. This can be done most easily by selecting Edit User Menu from the Commands menu. Here is an example user menu file: S: Scan for viruses os2scan c: d: D: Dos Window start /dos F12: Pulse pulse Z:Zip tagged files zip -r !i"Name of Zip?" -@ < !@ U: Unzip to opposite panel cd !P unzip !f cd !p A line that starts in the first column is a description line. The key used to activate the function is first and may be any single letter or number or one of the function keys F1-F12. After a separating colon comes the description that will appear in the menu when it is displayed. Any line that starts with a space or tab is a command and will be executed when the preceding description is chosen from the menu. It may contain the same '!' substitutions as Associations with the addition of the following: !t Substitutes for the name of a file and causes the command to be executed once for each tagged file. If no files are tagged, !t is just like !. !l Substitutes for a list of all tagged files, space separated. The command line length will not be allowed to grow beyond 1000 characters so if many files are tagged, some might not make it. If this happens, the files that were not included remain tagged after the command is executed. !L Same as above but for the opposite panel. !@ Substitutes for the name of a temporary file that contains a list of tagged files, one per line. !i"Question" Substitutes for a value input from the user. This causes a small dialog to appear displaying the supplied question and an input field. If ESC is pressed during input the user menu command is terminated. If a !i appears on the same line as a !t, the question is asked only once even though the command may be executed multiple times. Local User Menus In addition to the main user menu, you may create additional special purpose user menus by creating an fc.mnu file in directories other than the one containing fc.exe. When you press F2 to activate the user menu, FC/2 first looks in the current directory for a local user menu and displays it if found. If no fc.mnu is found in the current directory, all parent directories will be checked for a local menu until one is found or the root is reached. If no local menu file is found the main user menu is displayed. You can force the main user menu to show by pressing Shift-F2 instead of F2. ═══ 13. Archives ═══ File Commander/2 provides support for archive files (ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR and ACE types are currently supported) that makes these files behave in a similar way to normal subdirectories. To view the contents of an archive you simply press ENTER when the cursor is located on the archive file. It's possible to navigate any subdirectories inside the archive just as you would a normal directory tree. When a panel is showing the contents of an archive its top line, showing the current path, changes colour so you won't forget that you're not looking at a real subdirectory. While the majority of functions are available inside an archive, some restrictions do apply.  Copying files into an archive may only be done when the destination is the root directory of the archive.  It's not possible to change the name of a file while copying it from an archive.  Making a directory (F7) is not supported.  Changing Date/Time, Attributes or File Case is not supported.  Making an object isn't supported (wouldn't make any sense anyway)  File Find isn't able to search into archives (this may change in later versions).  Directories don't show up on the tree.  Open WPS window obviously can't work. After reading all that you may be wondering what does work. The answer (as far as I'm aware) is everything else. This includes, but is not limited to:  copy/move files out of archive (extracting) even from subdirs in archive.  copy/move files into archive (compress) but only into archive's root.  View file in archive.  Edit file in archive.  Delete files from inside archive.  Enter another archive (that is an archive inside an archive).  Ctrl-Q on directory inside archive.  If you use a ! on the command line or in a user menu function, FC/2 automatically extracts the current file into a temporary directory and substitutes the full path of the temporary file for the '!'.  If you press ENTER on a file that is an executable or is associated with a program, it will be extracted temporarily to allow it to be used. Only the one file is extracted though so if other files in the archive are required (EG DLLs) then it won't work as you intend.  Self-extracting archives can be entered by using Ctrl-PageDown. As the file is an executable, FC/2's normal reaction is to run it if you press ENTER. You can configure the way FC/2 calls archiver programs in fc.ini under the section headings [Archiver:xxx] where xxx is the archive type. The following settings are provided: Compress Command used to add files to an archiver or create a new archive. CompressListfileSwitch If the archiver given in Compress supports a list file as input, this is the prefix used to specify that the following name is a list file. Extract Command used to extract files/directories when using F5 or F6. ExtractWithoutPath Command used to extract a single file without any subdirectories. Used by F3-View and when pressing ENTER to execute. ExtractListfileSwitch Same as CompressListfileSwitch but for Extract command. Delete Command used to delete files/directories with F8-Delete CompressDirSpec Configures the way directories are given to the compressing archive program so that the archiver will include a whole directory tree. A ! character represents the directory name. Most archivers require a suffix of \*. ExtractDirSpec As above but for extracting from an archive. ═══ 14. Using the Mouse ═══ You can use the mouse to perform the following operations:  Select a file by clicking button 1 on a file name.  Tag/Untag a file by clicking button 2 on it.  Execute a file or change into a directory by double clicking button 1 on it.  Scroll the files up or down by clicking button 1 on the line directly above or below the files.  Tag several files by holding down button 2 and moving the mouse. If, while button 2 is pressed, the mouse is moved onto the line above or below the file list, the panel will scroll, tagging all files that pass by.  Select a function to perform by clicking on the function bar at the bottom of the screen. Using button 2 Selects the Alt function. This is particularly handy for changing drives (Alt-F1/F2). If a Ctrl, Alt or Shift key is pressed when button 1 is clicked on the function bar, the function called is modified appropriately.  Activate the menu by clicking button 2 on the top line of the screen. The easiest way to make a selection is to hold button 2 down after activating the menu, "pull down" the menu you want and release button 2 when you have the correct item highlighted. Clicking outside the menu area will dismiss the menu.  Whenever a dialog popup appears that contains push buttons that look like "[ OK ]", you may click on these with mouse button 1 to select the indicated choice. Clicking button 2 will select the highlighted button.  Whenever a dialog popup appears that requests a string input (eg Make Directory), button 1 may be used to position the cursor on the line and button 2 is equivalent to pressing ENTER. Clicking button 1 outside the dialog box or on a Cancel button, cancels the operation.  When the results of a 'File Find' operation are showing, double clicking button 1 on a file name will cause FC/2 to jump to the directory the file is in (like pressing ENTER). The window can be scrolled by clicking on the top or bottom lines of the window.  When using the internal file viewer, clicking button 1 in the top or bottom third of the screen scrolls the screen up/down. Using button 2 pages up or down.  When using the internal editor, the mouse may be used to position the cursor on the currently displayed page or dragged over a section of text to mark it for Cut/Copy/Paste operations. ═══ 15. Notes, Hints and Tips ═══  To associate Netscape or Lynx with HTML files, the command syntax looks like *.{htm,html}: netscape file:///!  FC/2 can be run when booted from OS/2 utility disks as created by the "Create Utility Disks" in the System Setup folder. Copy fc.exe and your fc.ini to the second disk. You will also need to copy nls.dll from \os2\dll onto this disk.  If you use 4os2 as your command interpreter, try to keep the contents of your 4start.cmd to a minimum as it is run every time you execute an external command in FC/2.  The fastest way to select a new drive for a panel using the mouse is to click the right mouse button on F1/F2 in the help bar at the bottom of the screen.  If you attach 4DOS/4OS2 descriptions to your files, they will be preserved if you copy or move them using FC/2.  If you want your viewer or editor to run in a separate session, add the start keyword before the name of your viewer / editor.  If you don't get the blue FC/2 icon when you install FC/2 onto your desktop, you've probably lost the EAs attached to fc.exe. Use InfoZip's unzip or PKZIP/2 v2.5 when unzipping the FC/2 distribution. ═══ 16. Obscure Options ═══ The following miscellaneous options can only be changed by directly editing your fc.ini file. Note that it's possible to use multiple INI files by specifying the name of an alternate INI file as a parameter to fc.exe. If the specified file doesn't yet exist, the default INI file will be loaded but the specified file will be written when settings are saved. Running fc /? displays all command line parameters. BriefWordRight [ON|Off] The behaviour of all 'word right' movement is altered by this option. If this option is on (which is the default) the cursor will move to the end of the current word or, if it is already at the end of a word, to the end of the next word. When off, the cursor will always move to the beginning of the next word. CmdChar This is the character that is interpreted as FC/2's command character for the substitutions listed in Associations and User Menu. As these substitutions are also applied to commands entered on the command line, changing this options may be useful if you have a lot of files with a ! in their name. Default is ! CodePage Sets the codepage that FC/2 will use. A value of 0 (the default) means use the current codepage. DisableInvert [On|OFF] Disables the Invert Selection function of the Grey * key, allowing it to resume its normal function of typing a *. This is provided for people who's keyboards make it a chore to get the other * (Shift-8 on a normal US keyboard). The Invert Selection function can still be used by selecting it from the Files menu. IndentWidth Sets indent size of the editor's block indent function. Default is 1. Shadows [ON|Off] Enables window shadows. Default is ON. StickyAlt [ON|Off] Affects the behavior of file name seeking using Alt-[letter] combinations. If this option is off you need to keep the ALT key held down for the whole seek string. This has the advantage of allowing you to start typing a command as soon as ALT is released. WaitDOS [On|OFF] Normally when FC/2 starts a DOS program it will start it in a separate session and then continue without waiting for the DOS session to finish. While this behaviour can be changed on a per program basis (see Running Other Programs) this option sets the global default. ═══ 17. Contacting the Author ═══ If you have any comments, questions, suggestions or bug reports, please feel free to contact me by any of the following means: Email brianh@kheldar.apana.org.au Web http://silk.apana.org.au/fc.html Snail Mail Brian Havard PO Box 152 Southland Centre 3192 Victoria AUSTRALIA Users of PGP public key encryption may wish to use my PGP Public key ═══ 18. Release History ═══  13/04/93 v0.1 Initial Release  28/04/93 v0.11  24/05/93 v0.12  07/06/93 v0.13  21/07/93 v0.14  12/08/93 v0.15  13/10/93 v0.16  17/01/94 v0.17  14/03/94 v1.00  25/03/94 v1.01  28/03/94 v1.02  19/04/94 v1.03  25/05/94 v1.1  03/06/94 v1.11  21/10/94 v1.2  28/11/94 v1.21  06/05/95 v1.3  25/05/95 v1.31  16/11/95 v1.4  15/07/96 v1.41  07/08/96 v1.42  25/03/97 v1.5  12/08/97 v1.51  16/08/98 v2.00  08/11/98 v2.01  02/05/99 v2.10  26/07/99 v2.11  6/1/2000 v2.12 ═══ 18.1. Version 1.3 ═══ New Features  Editor now remembers the edit position between edits.  CD command used on FC/2's command line will intelligently find the named directory using tree data.  Open WPS window of current directory (with Ctrl-W or menu).  Shadows on all popups (can be turned off if you really don't like it).  Trees are now kept sorted by name.  Modify case (upper/lower/mixed) of selected files.  Configuration option to specify which file systems are case filtered. Was fixed as FAT and NETWARE.  Read only attributes are no longer copied from CDROM drives.  Results of a File Find can be recalled using Shift-Alt-F7  Exiting FC/2 can now leave the calling shell in FC/2's last current directory with the help of fc2.cmd  Shift-Insert (Paste) is now supported on the command line and in entry fields.  Whole contents of the command line or an entry field can be placed on the clipboard using Ctrl-Insert.  In a user menu entry, a !l can be used to insert the list if tagged files into a command. Minor Enhancements  Directory size calculation shows path of the directory it's counting.  Stopped flicker of status box during multi-file copy/move.  Can now run without PM running or PM DLLs available (eg booting from floppy, Warp's recovery command line).  If using a code page other than 437, incorrect characters would be displayed.  Ctrl-Up/Down does history recall, same as Ctrl-E/X  File panels can read an unlimited number of files. Was previously limited to 4096 but a few people hit this.  People with no Grey +/- can now use Ctrl-T/Y to tag and untag.  Ctrl-A added as a shortcut key for File Attributes.  Command line usage with 'fc /?'  All case conversion is now code page aware.  Ctrl-Del (delete word after cursor) now works on the command line. Bug Fixes  On unsorted panels, files/directories would wrongly become tagged.  Associations could not contain an '=' symbol.  EAs on directories were not being copied.  An empty directory would not show its size as 0 after being counted.  A directory's size was being calculated before being relocated on the same drive which is not necessary as no copying is needed.  'Calculate Dir Size' and 'Edit Associations' had the same quick key on the Command menu.  If an error occurred during a tree copy operation, the error was being reported once for every level deep the error occurred at.  If an error occured during a file copy the partially copied destination file was not being deleted.  A "Directory collision" error was being incorrectly reported in a number of situations.  Editor: Using F3 SaveAs didn't store current line changes first.  Editor: Shift-ENTER would mark text.  Editor: Delete after delete would fail.  When copying a directory tree from a non case preserving file system (eg FAT) to a case preserving file system (eg HPFS) the files would end up ALL CAPS (yuk!).  Copying a directory into itself caused a mess. Now disallowed. ═══ 18.2. Version 1.31 ═══ New Features  File Find now supports searching files for text and the option to search either the current directory tree or the whole drive.  View & edit now works directly on file find list. Bug Fixes  File name was not getting passed to external viewer/editor.  Using Ctrl-NumPad-[0-9] when no panels were showing would appear to work but didn't actually change the current directory for executed commands.  Ctrl-\ didn't work if panels off.  If the current directory was changed while the panels were off, the old directory's contents would show when the panels were turned back on.  F1-12 would not work on user menu. ═══ 18.3. Version 1.4 ═══ New Features  File Date / Time modifier.  New improved dialog user interface.  When counting the size of directories, a running count of directories, files & total size is displayed.  Entry fields now have proper support for cut/past/copy.  File Find: Dialog has been reworked, combining the query & results dialogs. Recursion into subdirectories is now optional and the 'Containing' text search can be case sensitive. The three switchable options are savable with Save Settings.  Backwards & case sensitive search in viewer & editor.  Ctrl-Shift-F copies full path of current file onto the clipboard. Minor Enhancements  When creating a program object with Alt-F6, the title of the object can be edited first. Full screen session can also be specified.  Autoindent & Overstrike modes of editor are now savable with Save Settings.  Ctrl-C added as quick key for File Case  Shift-F4 edit now starts with name of current file.  Using ESC to abort file find is now more responsive.  In User Menu & Associations, !x substitutes for the current file name without its extension.  If a directory read is taking a while, a window will pop up and indicate progress.  Option to make Ctrl-R prompt for a drive to read.  4DOS/ "descript.ion" file is excluded from mass tagging to prevent problems caused by attempting to copy this file. FC/2 copies descriptions on a per file basis.  Option to enable quick switching panels off/on by pressing ESC when command line is empty.  Menu section separators added. Bug Fixes  Netware bug workaround, prevented directory move working properly.  An executed command was not displayed properly if the panels were off and the command was longer than 1 line.  Year in date of file find details was incorrect.  Can now handle window sizes other than 80 & 132 columns if set before starting FC/2  If using fc2.cmd to enable exiting to the current panel's directory, exiting to a path that contained spaces would not work.  Edit Associations wouldn't work if there was no fc.ini saved yet.  Deleting trees on NFS drives didn't work.  Ctrl-W on tree panel would open the wrong window.  Count directory size would fail on NFS drives.  Line overflow caused by using Ctrl-J/Enter would cause a TRAP.  Changing 'lines' setting in the configuration dialog would't work if original was not 0  PageDn in Brief view would empty right two columns.  Leading blanks would be entered into the command history.  User Menu: Ctrl-Z on end of file would cause failure, commands would't run.  User Menu: Drive changing with just a 'd:' would mess up the panel's path. ═══ 18.4. Version 1.41 ═══ New Features  More intelligent execution of external programs including DOS session settings and starting of seamless Win-OS/2 programs.  Netware & LAN requester (inc. Peer) drive mapping added to INFO panel.  Editor can detect & save text in UNIX (LF terminated)  User Menu: !i"Question" substitutes for a value input from the user with specified prompt.  User Menu: !@ substitutes for the name of a temp file containing list of tagged files  All ! operators allowed in User Menus are now available on the command line. Minor Enhancements  File names starting with '_' appear at the top of the directory list.  Bright backgrounds are now allowed.  Retry option on deleting 'in use' directory. Bug Fixes  Pressing Ctrl-PageUp at a root directory would incorrectly zero the tagged file count.  View & Edit: F7 woudn't work as search again.  Info: drive capacity / free space can now display > 4GB  PageUp/Down wouldn't work in the File Find list box.  Shift-Del on numeric keypad with NumLock off now works as Cut in editor.  Creating a directory at the root of a drive from tree view would fail.  Creating a directory at the root of a drive kills tree data.  Drive change with 'd:' in user menu would fail.  {Shift,Alt}-{F3,F4} would die if the panel was completely empty.  Renaming a file that has a description would bomb.  Reverse search in viewer would start at the top of the current page, should start at the bottom.  UNC paths can now be given as the destination directory of a copy/move command.  Renaming a file that had a 4DOS/4 description would bomb FC/2 ═══ 18.5. Version 1.42 ═══ New Features  Added {} wildcard operator allowing matching from a selection of strings.  Added AND/OR/NOT operators + brackets in file masks ( |=OR, &=AND, !=NOT )  Added option to pause after Ctrl-Q, allowing viewing of file and directory count totals.  Added restore selection function Minor Enhancements  Alt-Up/Down now goes to previous/next tagged file if not filename seeking.  Quick key for Compare directories now Ctrl-K.  Quick key for Hidden Files toggle now Ctrl-H.  The files 'EA DATA. SF' or 'WP ROOT. SF' can now only be tagged explicitly (by mouse click or INSERT) Bug Fixes  Viewing a file with a full path > 140 would bomb.  Using Shift-F3/F4 with an external viewer would open the file under the cursor instead of the name specified.  Some programs (especially those compiled with the patched Borland Pascal) run from the FC/2 command line would lose the first character of supplied parameters.  If Netware requester patches OS2C4.EXE or OS2C5.EXE were installed, FC/2 would die when activating the Info panel. ═══ 18.6. Version 1.5 ═══ New Features  Archive support: - Types supported: ZIP, RAR, LZH, ARJ. - browsing file list of archive as if disk directory (to any subdir depth). - copy/move files out of archive (extracting) even from subdirs in archive. - copy/move files into archive (compress) but only into archive's root. - View file in archive. - Delete files from inside archive. - Ctrl-Q on directory inside archive.  Shift-F8 - Delete file under cursor bar regardless of tagging, with editing of file name to be deleted.  'Retain directory count' option allows browsing of directories with their sizes after a Ctrl-Q.  Mount point of NFS (and possibly other remote FS types) displayed on Info panel.  Delete file from File Find list using F8.  Goto line number in viewer & editor (Alt-L).  Path Extension option added. Allows extra directories to be searched for executables by FC/2's command line interpreter.  Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] put the left or right panel's path with trailing \ to command line.  Goto offset function in internal viewer using Alt-O. Minor Enhancements  File Find directory scan speed improved.  Alt-Grey-+ quick-key for Restore tagging.  Optional non 'Brief' Ctrl-Right behaviour.  Switch to edit from view, maintaining position in file.  Alt-Up/Down on tree view moves to previous/next sibling.  Viewer wrap state remembered & saved.  File names containing '&' are now quoted when being pasted to the command line with Ctrl-J/F.  FC/2's own CLI can now handle standard in/out redirection, including DOS programs (no pipe yet)  If not programmed with a stored path and NumLock is off, Ctrl-NumPad-[0-9] should work as Ctrl-PageUp etc.  Added 'The directories appear to be identical' message to Directory Compare that shows when the result is no files tagged.  Handling of copying from bad disks improved.  Uses own mouse drawing code for full screen sessions as FP22 (& possibly earlier FPs) breaks system mouse pointer.  Mouse clicks on function bar takes note of Alt/Shift/Ctrl status. Bug Fixes  "cd \" on FAT drive would fail with "Invalid directory" error.  FC/2 would run OS/2 executables flaged as 'Full Screen' in its own window.  Under certain conditions ( insufficient access rights) a non-root directory could be displayed without a ".." entry  Some quick keys were case sensitive, stopping them working if CapsLock was on  Some types of errors would put directory delete into an infinite loop.  Read failures on floppy disks would start back at the beginning of the file if retry was selected.  Cancelling copy of read-only file failed to remove partial copy.  When external viewer or editor was called from File Find the screen wasn't restored properly.  Ctrl-Grey-{+,-} cause screen junk if panels are off.  Copying files to drives shared from Windows 95 machines now works (Win95 bug workaround)  F7 wouldn't work if no panels were on.  When sort by size set, tagging could get lost when doing a reread after Ctrl-Q.  When increasing the number of lines in a full screen session, junk characters would appear.  'File name too long' error would show source file name but should show destination.  Editor: Ctrl-Del deletes incorrectly if the cursor is on the last letter of a word.  "File cannot write over itself" should have a "cancel" option.  Pressing Ctrl-Num-[0-9] to change to an invalid drive shouldn't change panel. ═══ 18.7. Version 1.51 ═══ New Features  Search & Replace in editor added.  Added Skip and All options to Directory exists,merge with source? warning.  Added function to create new archive (Shift-F5).  Enhanced directory compare with date/size/contents options.  Option added to delete confirm dialog to force delete files like "DEL /F" does.  Ctrl-Shift-J copies current file name to the clipboard.  Full support for volumes larger than 4GB (up to 2^63 bytes). Minor Enhancements  Speed up reading ZIPs.  After Shift-F4, move cursor to file just edited.  Add ! function list to online help of editor when editing user menus.  If both panels are viewing archives, don't give error immediately after pressing F5. Instead give a path to the current panel (directory of archive) as the suggested destination.  Number of files & bytes in the Info panel are now in highlight colour.  Hex value of character under cursor added to edit status line.  New colour config dialog. Now easier to add more colour options.  Cursor now follows a renamed file/dir.  Redirection that looks like 2> (redirect only stderr) is now understood by FC/2's CLI.  Cleaned up error message in info line on drive read failure. Full text of error is now visible in the Info panel.  Right mouse button click in editor now performs a page up/down.  Removed 80 character limit on search text.  Added Ctrl-X/C/V as Cut/Copy/Paste in editor & dialogs. Bug Fixes  In Date/Time editor, 0's were being suppressed.  When using only 1 panel, pressing Ctrl-L twice would give you two.  Could get two info panels by selecting 'Info' from the Left & Right menu.  Files in an archive that start with a character > 127 wouldn't show up.  When extracting a directory from a subdirectory in an archive and target directory already exists, error "Directory already exists, cannot overwrite" occurs.  When starting edit, the character code in status line wasn't the character the cursor is on, but the first character of the line.  In older (pre v2) RAR archives, directories would show up as 0 length files.  If archive being viewed in one panel is deleted in the other, first panel would still show archive contents.  When attempting to F5-Copy to a non-existant directory, the error message should give the invalid destination path not the source file/directory name.  Should be able to delete the contents of a directory even if some process has it as current. Just can't delete the directory itself.  Attempting to enter certain files as a self extractor would crash.  Some types of ZIP self extractors weren't recognized.  Ctrl-Left/Right in viewer didn't work with NumPad arrows.  If mouse hasn't been moved, F9 would always select Left menu even if right panel is current.  Copying files with spaces in their names from a RAR failed.  Mouse scrolling in history window didn't work.  Scrolling in history window was broken.  File names starting with a '-' need to be quoted when passed to an archiver.  Netware drives with volume names longer than 11 characters were unreadable.  Extracting tagged directories from a RAR didn't extract directory's contents.  Fixed RAR reading code where subdir in a subdir was showing as a file as well.  !i prompt doesn't resize if text is larger than default box size.  Text search in viewer hex mode would highlight wrong position.  Alt-O in viewer displays partial line at top causing up arrow to give duplicate text.  Viewing a file in an archive would leave the text cursor on (full screen only).  Recalling stored path to the root of an empty drive gave an 'Invalid directory' error.  Trying to enter a ZIP who's name starts with a space failed.  Adding a tagged file with spaces in its name to a ZIP failed.  Deleting a tagged file with spaces in its name from a ZIP failed.  Directory names in an archive were being analysed case-insensitively.  When holding down SHIFT, the key bar didn't show F8's function.  When overwriting files with 'Overwrite all' option, case of target file remained instead of being replaced by source file.  Pressing END on a help page that was shorter than one page would crash.  If Shift-F4 calls an external editor and either panel is off, the dialog failed to clear properly.  Info panel didn't handle archives with 0 total uncompressed size.  If 'Size Count Pause' enabled, sometimes the final update to the stats display wasn't being done. ═══ 18.8. Version 2.0 ═══ New Features  Editor: Undo function  Editor: Bracket Match  Editor: Indent/Unindent block function using Alt-Left/Right arrows.  Associations for view and edit, allows automatic selection of specialized viewer/editor programs.  For the supported archive types, the Archiver programs and command line options to them are now configurable in the INI file.  Code page translation function in Viewer and Editor. Translates from a given code page to the current display code page.  Panel filter supports boolean expressions instead of old, rather obscure syntax.  Boolean expressions extended to support %size, %date, %age, %attrib operators.  Viewer and Editor can have their TAB width set to any value from 1 to 8.  Label edit using Alt-L on Info panel.  Persistent command history.  Physical free memory on Info panel.  File Find made multithreaded, allowing view/edit/browse during search.  Shift-F5/6. Like F5/F6 but default new name never includes the path of the opposite panel.  Added Ctrl-Shift-\ to set current directory to that of other panel.  Once File Find has completed a search, results may be sorted by pressing Ctrl-[F3..F6]  Duplicate elimination in command history, only most recent copy is retained.  Text search in command history window, like F7 in view/edit.  Drop down history list added to key text entry fields, activated by Alt-DownArrow or mouse clickable arrow.  The mass tagging keys (Grey +,-,* etc) will act with the Tag directories option reversed if Shift is also pressed.  Whole word option added to string searches in internal viewer, editor and File Find contents search.  Support for ACE archiver. Minor Enhancements  Update tree size data with size of total files in current directory so that when 'Retained Dir Count' is on the sizes stay more up to date.  In Alt-F5 stored paths dialog, Insert sets an entry to the current panel's path.  In Alt-F5 stored paths dialog, Delete can now clear an entry.  Panel heading indicates when a panel filter is active.  When calling view/edit from file find, propagate Case Sensitive setting.  Drive label display in change drive dialog.  Changes session title to reflect program being executed.  When editing a file with read-only attribute set, now offers option to override RO on save.  Workarounds added for problems copying to NFS drives.  User menu is now scrollable.  File Find now indicates search is complete by replacing the "Searching" flashing indicator with "Search Complete" or "Search Stopped" if search was interrupted, followed by the count and total size of files found.  Ctrl-Minus now restores cursor position as well as directory.  Local user menus are now active in all subdirectories of the menu's directory.  Viewer can now handle viewing files that are growing.  In viewer hex mode, left/right arrow moves back/forward one byte.  Ctrl-J now quotes names starting with a '-'.  Optimized text search code used in View and File Find's "Containting" search to be at least twice as fast (more like 6-10 times, depending on search string, if file is fully cached).  When a files name is changed during a copy/move  RAR SFX files can now be entered.  Quick keys for Brief/Full/Wide view change, Alt-Shift-F1/2/3 Bug Fixes  When running a program via an association and one panel is off, the key bar would get scrolled up screen.  Editor: Using Alt-L and entering 0 as line number crashed FC.  Command lines longer than 200 characters would crash history list.  If both panels view archives containing the same file name, viewing both would clash names in %TMP  It wasn't possible to change a file's time to 0:00  If "Full screen" option was changed while panels were off, panels were corrupt when turned back on.  Tree wasn't sorted until fc2tree.dat first written.  Fix for problem deleting read-only files from Netware drives.  Ctrl-Right in editor doesn't behave as expected at the end of a line.  Pressing enter on a CMD file that has spaces in its name fails.  Trying to use Attribute modify on a tree view panel failed.  Weird behaviour in user menus if .mnu ends in Ctrl-Z fixed.  Entering a string in the 'Containing' field of 'File Find' longer than 100 characters caused trap.  Editor: A 'shift tap' followed by a backspace or delete didn't work.  Volumes with labels longer than 20 characters would crash FC.  If subdirectories were more than 32 deep, tree view would crash. ═══ 18.9. Version 2.01 ═══ Bug Fixes  Renaming a file would update its date stamp.  Fixed problem where WPS Menu's adding of the folder's directory to the command line would cause "Access denied" errors and "hst" files all over the place.  External command output wasn't always in the colour specified in FC's configuration.  The 4DOS descript.ion file could get multiple entries for the one file when overwriting files with the 'All' option.  When copying / moving whole directories, 4DOS descriptions were being lost.  Editor: Undoing the removal of marked text from the very last line of the file would give an incorrect result.  Editor: Undoing removal of translated characters would mangle text.  The 'smart CD' function was broken in that it searched the tree case sensitively.  Fixed memory leak in paste function. ═══ 18.10. Version 2.10 ═══ New Features  Colourization of file names by boolean expression.  Redo in editor to go with undo.  Command line switches to override starting directory for left or right panel.  Directory history for changing back to recently viewed directories.  Support for archives inside archives.  Editing of files inside archives. Minor Enhancements  Shift-Alt-F9 toggles 132 column mode.  Clipserv helper program is no longer needed.  Automatically resize VIO window after changing number of lines / columns.  Date format display is now controlled by the user configurable PM settings instead of the fixed settings associated with the system country code. Bug Fixes  Certain corrupt RAR files could cause FC to get stuck in an infinite loop.  In viewer, search match highlight was wrong if not using 8 size tabs and there are tabs on the line before match and the line is wrapped.  Editor doesn't report failure to save to a write protected disk.  Changing to a drive on which the last directory accessed no longer exists would cause a read error, making FC unable to change to that drive.  If CaseFilter option is active for a drive, directories should be forced to upper case.  Fixed ARJ support to work with files created by ARJ v2.62. ═══ 18.11. Version 2.11 ═══ Bug Fixes  If an INI file was specified on the command line without a path, INI files would get saved to whatever directory FC was showing.  Editor: Undo wasn't setting the changed flag.  Fix race condition that would sometimes cause failure to enter archives on some drive types (esp network).  After toggling the hidden files option with the left panel active and both panels visible, accessing files on the left panel would fail until TAB was used or an external command executed.  If a file's time stamp was in the future the %age function would treat the file as very old.  When using the "Start minimized" option in FC/2's program object, the icon's "window" would be stretched to the size of a full window. ═══ 18.12. Version 2.12 ═══ Minor Enhancements  Support for ZIPs made by unix-heads who insist on putting a totally redundant ./ at the front of paths.  Editor: Undo/Redo is now persistent between edits of the same file, just like the cursor position is.  It's now possible to jump directly into an archive using stored path recall, directory history etc. Bug Fixes  Archive reading would crash on archives with more than 32768 entries.  Found files list box wasn't being updated properly after deleting files from it with F8.  Using Alt-F9 while panels are turned off with Ctrl-O results in incorrect display when they are turned back on.  Win9x only: Fix calculation of total and free disk space on Info panel, was wrapping around at 4GB.  Directory Compare's 'Tag Older' option was tagging older or same date. ═══ ═══ Some entry fields in FC/2 keep a history of values used. Such fields have a down arrow to the immediate right of the field. A history drop-down that allows you to choose a previously used value can be activated by pressing Alt-Down or by clicking the mouse on the down arrow symbol. It will remeber up to 20 of your most recently used entries, even after quitting and restarting FC/2. ═══ ═══ The Whole Word option is provided for when a substring search would give too many false hits. EG searching for "it" would normally match any word that contained those letters together like "fit" or "pitch". Turning on the Whole Word option allows you to find just the occurrences of the word "it". It works by checking that any match has a non-word character both before and after it. Word characters are defined as: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ and characters 128 through to 254. ═══ ═══ To add this PGP public key to your keyring, use the "Copy to file" option on the "Services" menu. You must then edit the resulting text.tmp file to remove the leading spaces before running 'pgp text.tmp'. Alternatively, you can use the command finger brianh@silk.apana.org.au to retrieve the key from my server. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6 mQBNAy5yw5sAAAECAL2gXzytfphF4113fQeLjxiL8TyYPGRbTIJOLJObcy8JRg64 nZ7k470/GN5Qriw4Okttzn0h16QZqb+QYoLWjRUABRG0KkJyaWFuIEhhdmFyZCA8 YnJpYW5oQGtoZWxkYXIuYXBhbmEub3JnLmF1Pg== =JGS/ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----