═══ 1. General Help ═══ About InstallStar Prior to InstallStar, the install program used to install FileStar/2 and UniMaint was GTINST by GammaTech, Inc. Although GTINST may still be used to install the programs, you should use InstallStar for installation of either of these programs. The compatibility of GTINST will disappear with the next major version release. The InstallStar executable file is name 'SHSINST.EXE'. It is a derivitive of GTINST. When compared to GTINST, InstallStar has a new user interface as well as new capabilities to deregister the AcsAgent class and close open windows that may interfere with a normal installation. If you encounter problems using InstallStar, you should try GTINST as a backup installer. If GTINST works and InstallStar does not, please report the details to SHS. Note: The old GTINST install program will not install a CSD that changes the minor version number, i.e. v5.0 to v5.1. You must use SHSINST to install such a CSD. InstallStar Help Please note that on some dialogs you will see (F1) included in the group box title of the dialog. This signifies that there is more information available by pressing the F1 key. Most dialogs do have help available by pressing F1 and the absence of the (F1) does not necessarily indicate that there is no help available for that dialog. Starting InstallStar InstallStar may be started from its object in the program WPS folder or the command line. When installing a CSD, it does not require a command line parameter like its predecessor GTINST, but still supports passing the source path to the installable *.csd file during startup. The following command line would start SHSINST with the source directory and file as a passed parameter; SHSINST X:\MyApps\UniMaint\U5xxxxxx.CSD If a command line parameter is not passed on startup, as would be the case when starting from the WPS folder object, a 'Source Directory' dialog will be displayed. Pressing the dialog 'Browse' button will display a File Dialog to use to browse for and select the appropriate '.001' or '.CSD' file. You may also manually enter the appropriate path\filename if its exact name and location is known. The install program then determines which files to install based on the system configuration and the content of the compressed *.001 or *.csd file. It creates the installation files from the compressed files on the distribution diskette or CD. Install Controls Located along the bottom of the main window are 8 pushbuttons used to control the installation. These buttons are: License Readme Install Uninstall Folder Help About Exit To enable the installation, the License must be read first. Press the 'License' button at the bottom left of the InstallStar window to display the license. Press it again (or press any other button) to hide the license. The README.TXT (or README.1ST if this is a base installation) file may be read before installation by pressing the 'Readme' button at the bottom of the InstallStar window. To hide the readme file, press the 'Readme' button again or press any other button. The README.TXT file will be available for your review in the target installation directory after installation. You may review this file after installation with a text editor or print the file from an OS/2 command prompt by typing: TYPE README.TXT >LPT1. This file generally contains information which was not available when the program documentation was prepared or describes the changes made in a CSD. Modifying the CONFIG.SYS File Install can appropriately modify the CONFIG.SYS file (it will query during install if it should update the file) or you may make any changes required to CONFIG.SYS manually. If changes are made, you must reboot the computer to activate those changes. Changes to the libpath, path and help statements are made in a UniMaint installation. A FileStar/2 installation does not require any changes. ═══ 2. Panel buttons ═══ This is the description of the main window buttons. ═══ 2.1. License ═══ The License pushbutton is used to toggle viewing of the software license. This button must be pushed at least once to enable the Install and Folder pushbuttons, which is required to start program installation. ═══ 2.2. Read Me ═══ The Read Me pushbutton toggles the viewing of the README.1ST file for installation of a '001' file (base install) or the README.TXT file when applying of a CSD. ═══ 2.3. Install ═══ Pushing this button begins the installation process of the base product or CSD. During installation you will be prompted for: The target drive and path to be used for this installation. The updating of the CONFIG.SYS file. The creation/update of the a desktop folder. The installation consists of building various directories and files on your hard disk, updating the CONFIG.SYS file, and updating the OS/2 desktop. ═══ 2.4. Uninstall ═══ The Uninstall pushbutton is currently not available for its intended use. ═══ 2.5. Folder ═══ Pushing this button recreates the product desktop folder. This is useful if your folder or program objects for the product have become damaged or "lost". You will be prompted for: The drive and path where the product is installed. Permission to update the desktop folder. ═══ 2.6. Help ═══ About InstallStar Although GTINST will install the programs UniMaint and FileStar/2, you should use the InstallStar install program for installation of either of these programs. The compatibility of GTINST will disappear with the next major version release. The InstallStar executable file is name 'SHSINST.EXE'. Starting InstallStar InstallStar may be started from the its desktop object in the UniTools WPS folder or the command line. When installing a CSD, it does not require a command line parameter like it's predecessor GTINST, but still does support passing the source path to the installable *.csd file during startup. If this path is not passed, as would be the case when starting from the WPS folder object, a 'Source Directory' dialog will appear on startup and may be used to either 'browse' for the installation file. The path/filename to the file may also be manually entered in the dialog field. The following command line would start SHSINST with the source directory and file as a passed parameter; SHSINST X:\MyApps\UniMaint\U5xxxxxx.CSD You can also start with only the program name; SHSINST This will start the install program and display a dialog to use to 'browse' for the either the '.001' or '.CSD' files. The install program then determines which files to install based on the system configuration and the content of the compressed *.001 or *.csd file. It creates the installation files from the compressed files on the distribution diskette or CD. To enable the installation, the License must be read. Press the 'License' button at the bottom left of the NewStar window to display the license. Press it again (or press any other button) to hide the license. The README.TXT (or README.1ST) file may be read before installation by pressing the 'Readme' button at the bottom of the InstallStar window. To hide the readme file, press the 'Readme' button again or press any other button. The README.TXT file will be available for your review in the target installation directory after installation. You may review this file after installation with a text editor or print the file from an OS/2 command prompt by typing: TYPE README.TXT >LPT1. This file generally contain information which was not available when the program documentation was prepared or describes the changes made in a CSD. Modifying the CONFIG.SYS File Install can altered the CONFIG.SYS file (it will query during install if it should update the file) or you may make any changes required to CONFIG.SYS manually. If changes are made, you must reboot the computer to activate those changes. Changes to the libpath, path and help statements are made in a UniMaint installation. A FileStar/2 installation does not require any changes. ═══ 2.7. About ═══ The About pushbutton displays the installation program About box. The About box shows the program version number and where/how to contact the company for support. ═══ 2.8. Exit ═══ The Exit pushbutton terminates the install program. You may also terminate the install program by pressing the Alt-F4 keys or the titlebar close button. ═══ 3. Source File Selection ═══ The Source File Selection Dialog window may be used to 'browse and select' or enter manually the path and filename of the installation source file. These files have an extension of '001' for original installation or 'CSD' for program updates. Pressing the Browse button actives the OS/2 File Dialog. Use it to locate the desired file. Then double click the file or press Ok to enter the path/filename in the entry field. ═══ 3.1. Source Entry Field ═══ Enter the full path and filename to the source compressed file. If this is a base install, the file has an extension of '001'. If is a CSD, the extension will be 'CSD'. ═══ 3.2. Browse ═══ The dialog Browse pushbutton is used to open the File Dialog which may then used to select the source file. ═══ 4. Target Directory Selection ═══ The Target Directory Selection dialog window must be used to enter the path of the installation target directory. Pressing the Browse button actives a Select Target Directory Dialog. Use it to select the desired target directory. Either double click a directory or press Ok to enter the path in the entry field. ═══ 4.1. Target Entry Field ═══ Enter the target directory in the entry field. The target directory is the directory that you want to install the program in. ═══ 5. Base Level Invalid ═══ The Base Level Invalid dialog window will appear whenever you are attempting to install a CSD with a a major version that is different than the current major version. The major version number is the first digit in the version number. CSDs are not compatible between major versions. ═══ 6. Version Advisory ═══ The Version Advisory dialog will appear whenever you are installing a version that is the same or older than the current version. You may elect to continue or cancel the installation by pushing the appropriate button. ═══ 7. Config.Sys Update Query ═══ The Config.Sys Update dialog window is a query to determine whether the user or the installation program will update the config.sys configuration file. In some situations UniMaint may require that its directory be included in the LIBPATH, PATH and/or HELP statements. If you elect to let the install program make the changes, the UniMaint directory path is added to the LIBPATH, PATH and HELP statements in a UniMaint installation. You may elect to do this manually at a later time. A FileStar/2 installation does not require any changes. ═══ 8. Desktop Update Query ═══ If you elect to update the Desktop folder, the application folder (UniTools or FileStar/2, as applicable) will be re-created to that of a base level installation. ═══ 9. Security Password ═══ The Security Password dialog window appears whenever the installation program has been configued to require a password. You have no control other than to enter a valid password in the entry field. ═══ 9.1. Password Entry Field ═══ Enter a valid password in the entry field to continue. ═══ 10. Installation Failure ═══ The Installation Failure dialog window appears whenever an fatal error occurs that will cause the installation to abort. There are three message fields in the dialog. With some failures all three fields may contain messages relating to the failure. The installation aborts whenever Cancel is pressed. If installing UniMaint and you get the error; Error opening Output file X:\PATH\UNIMTAPI.DLL - OPEN FAILED the file indicated (UNIMTAPI.DLL) is open and cannot be replaced while open. Once UniMaint is installed, this file is opened at boot time by the WPS. The solution is; - Close any UniMaint related windows (like UniWatch or function dialogs) that are open. - From the UniMaint directory, run ASCDEREG from the command line or double click the file to run it. This will de-register the ACSAGENT WPS class and close the file. - As an alternative to running the ACSDEREG command, you may run ACSTEST /Z, also from a command line. This program does considerable testing on UniMaint and at the end of its tests, it de-registers the ASCAGENT class. - Close the Error dialog and continue the installation by pressing 'Install' again. Failure to open other files in the compressed installation file may be caused by a corrupted file. ═══ 11. Product Information ═══ The InstallStar installation program will install SHS products. Currently those products are UniMaint and FileStar/2. The about box has the InstallStar version number shown and lists how to contact the company for technical support. Press the SHS icon to close the About dialog window.