═══ 1. Introduction ═══ WSformat 0.95 Documentation subchapters: WSformat abstract Word Processing with Write&Set Who should use Write&Set? next chapter: Installation and first steps ═══ 1.1. WSformat abstract ═══ WSformat is a formatting and printing program for Wordstar (DOS) files. WSedit and WSformat together are the full-featured word processing suite Write&Set, running under current operating systems. Word processing with Write&Set divides the job of producing a document in two parts: editing and - later - formatting and printing. These two parts of the job are done by separate programs: WSedit and WSformat. Nevertheless, running the two programs simultaneously offers you the look-and-feel of a single program. The concept of separate editing and setting simplifies word processing and enables you compiling a single document with hundreds of pages without any problems. Write&Set is based on the Wordstar DOS philosophy ('what you see is what you want' and not 'what you see is what you get'). Nevertheless, WSformat does have a provision for document preview. WSformat is Shareware and WSedit is Freeware. WSformat supports hyphenation, the creation of end notes and footnotes, generation of tables of contents and indexes, line drawing, embedding graphics in text and allows conditional statements. In contrast to the older DOS Wordstar versions, document preview and printing use functions provided by the Windows (or OS/2) operating systems. This means you have access to the printers and type fonts which are installed on the operating system. Wordstar Compatiblity: WSformat accepts all Wordstar (DOS) files, but does not support all Wordstar DOS functions, i.e., those which were added after Wordstar Version 4. Instead, some extended functions (such as generating tables of contents or handling footnotes) are implemented in a WSformat-specific way. Basic Wordstar 5-7 'symmetrical sequences' are recognized (indentions, for example). The Write&Set command syntax is very similar to that of Hypermake. From a WS file, Hypermake will generate an equivalent file in RTF, Winhelp, HTML, IBM Help or Microsoft HTML-Help format. The Windows and IBM Help files of WSformat and WSedit were compiled from WS (Write&Set unformatted) files. WSformat requires Windows 98, Windows NT 4, OS/2 Warp 3 or later. ═══ 1.2. Word Processing with Write&Set ═══ Word processing with Write&Set is very different from those Windows word processing programs such as Winword or StarOffice, and also differs in some respects from Wordstar for DOS. Word processing operations are closer to Latex than to Winword. With Write&Set, the task of 'text content editing' and that of 'typesetting' are sequention operations, rather than simultaneously. For the moment, forget all you have learned about computer word processing and think about the time before the personal computer was invented, when your 'word processor' was pen, scissors, cement, etc. The way to get a complex document involved some or all of the following steps: Step 1: Writing a draft in longhand, often including notes that would not appear in the final publication; Step 2: Typing the draft with a typewriter; Step 3: Correcting the text by hand on the typewriter copy; Step 4: Sending the typewritten manuscript to the typesetter. In the first step there was no need to consider the layout - page size, margins, type faces. The author concentrated only on the contents... The four steps were performed step by step. Today when you prepare a document using Winword, the steps are all intermingled, effectively taking place simultaneously. Because of this mode of operation, Winword and its counterpart word processors are difficult to use. This design philosophy produces word processing programs that are big, slow, drain system resources, crash often, and in some cases are unable to produce the document the user requires. By way of contrast, when documents are prepared with Write&Set, the four steps take place sequentially rather than concurrently. Step 1: Editing: Text is prepared as an (unformatted) 'raw' text file (a *.WS file) using WSedit (or Wordstar DOS). Such a text file will not include fixed margins. If you use WSedit, the margin of the displayed text depends only on the settings of the editing window and the screen font. When preparing documents on your computer, WSformat will only rarely be called upon to process the text. This is the reason why I have decided not to create a single program incorporating both functions. Step 2: Starting WSformat, formatting the unformatted raw-text WS file to produce a formatted FMT file: The WSformat 'format' function reads the raw-text WS file and writes an FMT file. It does not modify the WS file in any way. In the FMT file, which can be also viewed using WSedit or Wordstar (DOS), the right margin is now fixed, the page breaks are apparent, and words at the end of the line which require hyphenation are displayed accordingly. Step 3: Minor changes by hand on the formatted FMT file If you are not satisfied with some formatting details, you can make small changes to the FMT file. These include such things as incorrect hyphenations, and more importantly, page breaks which can be improved. However, avoid making bigger changes to the FMT file; if these are considered necessary, it is more expedient to make the changes to the WS file and run WSformat again. Because WSformat formatting is extremely fast (about 100 pages per second, depending on your processor and the nature of the text), this does not represent a significant delay in production. The WSformat preview feature helps in locating sections of the text where the printout can be improved. The printout in the Preview window mirrors exactly page printout. Step 4: Printing the final version of the document After making the final changes to the FMT file, select the physical or virtual printer installed on your computer and print your document. This is done the same way as it would be for other current word processors. Besides physical printers (laser or inkjet printers), it is possible to use 'virtual' printers (FAX and PDF creation programs). These also work on files produced with WSformat. ═══ 1.3. Who should use Write&Set? ═══ The Write&Set word processing suite is useful for the following users:  Users of Wordstar (DOS): Of course, all computer users who resist Winword and similar programs will find a new home with Write&Set. (I intend to support Write&Set in the long term, because I myself for various reasons find Winword and similar programs unproductive.)  Academics and other authors who have to prepare large and complex (scientific) documentation: Authors, students and others often fear using winword-like programs when generating large, complex documents. Many people have found themselves typing and re-typing such documents, due to the inherent instability (and the resulting crashes) when handling such documents. Because of the serial processing of WSformat, there is virtually no limit on file size. There are no problems in processing a document with hundreds of pages, thousands of footnotes, and dozens of bitmap graphics. After creating a formatted text file (FMT file), line breaks and page breaks are fixed even if you print the document to another printer. Note to Students: WSformat is available for a special, very low student fee (30$).  All people who do not like winword-like software: users who do not like winword-like word processing software are invited to switch to Write&Set. Write&Set is also a fast, easy-to-use and adequate software for writing even simple correspondence.  Companies who want to reduce software expenses: WSedit is free and WSformat is much cheaper than word processors such as Winword. Helping a Write&Set user by telephone or by E-Mail is simpler, because dot commands are transmitted within the document, instead of being forced to describe mouse controlled actions. ('On the top left, you see an icon with a wide border...') By using the 'embed file .fi' command, it is possible to observe standards throughout documents regardless of the author. For example, the company letterhead to be used in all WSformat files can be maintained centrally, and when it is necessary to change 'boilerplate' text, those changes will appear in all subsequent publications. Limitations Write&Set does not support muli-column text editing and formatting. (Nevertheless, I plan multi-column printouts.) It is not intended for desktop-publishing of such things as newsletters, magazines, etc. It is not possible to include output from other applications, such as the way Winword does with Excel, Access and so on. Instead you have to generate a bitmap file from your spreadsheet, database or graphics program which can then be embedded into a text document produced by WSformat. When making changes to your spreadsheet, you have to update the bitmap file manually, something Winword will do automatically. For technical writers (physicists and mathematicians, for example) Latex will also be found useful because Write&Set has no specific provisions for handling mathematical formulas. With Write&Set, you have to generate a bitmap file of your formula. ═══ 2. Installation and first steps ═══ subchapters: Installation of Write&Set Format and print this documentation next chapter: User interface ═══ 2.1. Installation of Write&Set ═══ Download the Write&Set archive file and unpack it to a new directory, e.g: C:\Programs\WriteSet. The two programs WSedit and WSformat are now located in subdirectories: C:\Programs\WriteSet\WSedit C:\Programs\WriteSet\WSformat Now simply run the INSTALL program in the WriteSet directory. INSTALL creates file associations and program icons on the desktop (and in the Windows Start Menu). INSTALL does not copy files. When starting WSformat the first time, some initialization procedures run automatically:  A binary file WSformat.dta which retains user settings will be generated; it contains the data found in the settings notebook (settings - settings notebook)  A simple text file fonts.ini will be generated. It stores the information about the fonts which are available on your system. It is recommended that you modify this file to fit your needs. (settings - font definition)  The fonts.ini text file is converted to a binary file printername.dta which holds detailed font information before formatting or printing. When changes are made to fonts.ini, e.g. 'HP Deskjet 600.dta' file is updated automatically and a small window 'registering fonts' appears. It is also necessary to modify some entries in the settings notebook (settings - settings notebook):  To start WSedit or your preferred Wordstar editor from WSformat, select the Program page of the settings notebook and check the correct full filename of the editor. If the file exists, the edit field turns green; otherwise it remains red. (The same procedure is necessary in WSedit to find WSformat.)  Select the printer to which formatting refers to. This should be your favourite printer for printouts. By default, hyphenation is turned off. If you want to turn hyphenation on, do the following:  Select the Hyphenation page in the settings notebook. For all languages other than German, click on 'external tex file' and select your language. Please note that some conventions of British and American English are different, so there are own settings. The browser, which uses the Google search engine, is started and you are directed to download the file to the directory where WSformat.exe resides. Tex hyphenation files are small.  For German users, I recommend the internal german hyphenation which is better than the tex algorithm. ═══ 2.2. Format and print this documentation ═══ The archive file contains the same documentation in WS format (unformatted text) and in Help file format. You have got access to the Help file from the WSformat main window, Help menu item, or by pressing the yellow questionmark buttons. If you prefer a printed documentation, you are encouraged to print your docu. Select the WS file Start WSformat. First select the file which you want to format and print, in this case WSFDOCU.WS in the Write&Set directory, subdirectory DOCUSRC. Click on the File menu item, and then choose select. You may also simply drop the WSFDOCU.WS file icon into the dropdown field on the WSformat main window. Format the WS file Simply press the format button. A new file, WSFDOCU.FMT, will be generated. Edit the FMT file If you really want to create a paper print, take a look at the WSFDOCU.FMT file. By default, after formatting the editor starts and selects the FMT file. Take a look at the page breaks which are represented in WSedit by a floating yellow background. If you want to improve some page breaks, do it and then save the FMT file. Preview You are also encouraged to preview the file; simply press the preview button. When saving the FMT file in the editor, the preview window is updated automatically. In the preview window, use the Pg dn and Pg up keys on your keyboard, or use the left and right mouse button. For example, to go to page 20, hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the right. Change the height and width of the Window. The preview scale depends on the window width. Print the file Select a printer by using the dropdown box in the WSformat main window. Press the Print button, or select File - Print pages from the menu. In this case, you can select single pages. ═══ 3. User interface ═══ Because WSformat is a text compiler, there are only a few windows which forms the user interface. subchapters: Main Window Settings Notebook Insert Dot Commands Window Preview Window Print pages dialog Info and Error Messages Command line Arguments next chapter: Conversion from WS to RTF and HTML ═══ 3.1. Main Window ═══ The WSformat main window is the central command window for editing, formatting, and printing text; it is where you start jobs and open other windows. While merely editing text, you can operate on your WS files directly with your WSedit or Wordstar editor. While formatting and printing, start WSformat and leave the main window open. From there, you can also execute the editor on unformatted text. Selecting a WS file There are several ways of selecting a WS file.  Click on the File menu item, and then choose select. You will get a file dialog which is similar to those used in many other programs.  Drop the WS file on the WSformat icon on your desktop  Drop the WS file icon onto the dropdown field of the WSformat main window  Enter the WS file name after WSformat on the command line. After successfully selecting a WS file, some of the five WSedit function buttons are enabled, depending on the existence of the corresponding FMT (formatted) file. Converting an RTF file to WS The RTF file format is a worldwide standard for transferring text data with formatting information from one wordprocessing software to another. E.g. you can import a text from Winword to Write&Set by using the RTF file format. This allows you to import not only simple text: also headings and footnotes are converted. You can convert an RTF file to WS the same way like selecting a WS file: Use the "File - Select" dialog or drop an RTF file onto the the dropdown field of the WSformat main window. Formatting a WS file Press the Format button or select the menu item Make - formatted file. Either choice is acceptable. Editing files To edit files from WSformat, the file name of your favourite editor has to be entered in Settings - settings notebook, page Program. Selecting the button unformatted - edit starts the editor with the designated file (with the file extension WS); selecting formatted - edit starts a file with the extension FMT. The menu items file - edit - unformatted and file - edit - formatted have the same effect as the corresponding buttons. If the FMT file does not exist, the buttons are disabled, while the menu items remain enabled. The menu item File - close editors closes all Editor windows (for programmers: by sending WM_CLOSE messages) of the selected project file. This has the same effect as clicking to the 'Window Close' button of each editor window. Do not use this function with a DOS (Wordstar) editor. In this case, you are asked whether to interrupt the DOS application or not. If you press yes, all data in the DOS window will be lost. Previewing formatted files To open the preview window, press the Preview button or select File - Preview. Printing formatted files To select a printer, press the dropdown button and make your selection. To print the whole document, press the print button. To print only a section of the document, select the menu item File - Print pages. Note that you get the best result if the selected printer is also the printer where formatting refers to. You can reselect the 'reference printer' in the settings notebook, page Program. While the print job is running, the print button turns into a stop printing button. Note that if you interrupt printing, a lot of data likely will have been sent to the printer queue. You can delete this data by opening your printer object. Dropdown field and compile information In the middle of the WSformat main window, there's the dropdown field where you are able to drag and drop WS files. This will select the dropped WS file. In the dropdown field, there are three lines, each with an LED. These display the current processing states of the three WSformat jobs:  When formatting a text, the progress of the operation is displayed on the first line. While formatting, the red LED glows.  While preview is activated and the preview window is shown, the yellow LED glows and the page number of the page currently displayed in the preview window is shown. The page number also appears in the title bar of the Preview window.  While a print job is running, the blue LED glows. The WSformat print job is faster than the printer can print the results. The operating system buffers the data and sends it to the printer as requested, depending on the speed of the printer. WSformat is a multi-threaded program. This means that even while WSformat is executing one job, it is able to do another job concurrently. Besides the main thread - editing the settings notebook, for example - there are three threads which are represented by the red, yellow and blue LED: When the LED glows, the thread is running. This means that you can format a file while another file is still being printed, but you cannot print a file while another file is printed. While printing a file, you can select another file and format or preview this new document. The extended compile jobs Make - Text and Footnote, Make - Content and Make - Index are also executed in the format thread. You are not allowed to exit WSformat until all threads are finished. If WSformat does not end a thread - we don't hope that such a bug occurs - close the main window and answer "Yes". In this case, WSformat tries to kill the threads and to close. Sometimes this trial fails and you have to kill the WSformat application (in Windows, press Ctrl-Alt-Del simultaneously and select WSformat to end the process). In any case, contact the author if the bug can be reproduced. ═══ 3.2. Settings Notebook ═══ The data of the settings notebook is stored in the file WSformat.dta. subchapters: Program page Format page Hyphenation page Layout page Notes page Index page next chapter: Insert Dot Commands Window ═══ 3.2.1. Program page ═══ In the entry field Full filename of the embedded editor, you can select the editor program to be executed when pressing the buttons edit unformatted and edit formatted on the WSformat main window. If you don't remember the file name, use the search button. The checkbox auto save sends a message to WSedit to save the file currently loaded. Running "format" automatically saves the WS file, running "preview" or "print" automatically saves the formatted file. If the checkbox open editor after make is checked, WSformat automatically executes the editor with the generated file after finishing the task of formatting the text, generating the table of contents, or performing any similar operations. You can restrict where WSformat is to search for files by supplying it with a list of directories. The directories are separated from one another by a semicolon ';'. Instead of typing the directory names directly, you can also use the search button. The directory where WSformat.exe resides is always searched, but only if the search in these directories has failed. The list of directories refers to the following files:  Formatted and unformatted files, by using the .FI command  Heading template files (.HF command)  Bitmap files, by using the .BM and .BT commands. Printer to which formatting refers is relevant only if you have installed more than one printer on your system. In such a case, selecting the active printer affects how WSformat will perform its calculations while formatting. If you select another printer for printing, the spaces between words can differ because of slight differences of printer font metrics. But neither line breaks nor page breaks are affected. Auto correct file extension affects the main window of WSformat. If this setting is on, you can also drop FMT files into the dropdown window and the unformatted file will be given the extension WS. Deselect the checkbox if you:  Want to re-format a FMT file  Want to use extensions other than WS for the unformatted Wordstar file  want to preview or print files other than FMT or TAF files, for example, a TOC (table of contents) file. Allow printing unformatted WS files can be useful if you have a text file with a table or graphics and no running text, and thus the text file will not need to be reflowed. Running text will not look as good as it would be with the formatted file. Normally, this setting should be turned off. The program language is only English at this time. The German setting affects only some error and information messages. To translate WSformat to other languages, I need help from native speakers. Please contact me if you are interested in such an effort - you will receive a donation for your work. Concern printing group box Lower the Print job priority if user input slows down while running a print job. Concerning Preview groupbox When using preview you can also choose between positioning of each character and positioning only each word. Positioning only each word is faster, but it affects the word spacing, because WSformat can only select integer values of font sizes and then the spaces between words can differ. The default value is enabled. ═══ 3.2.2. Format page ═══ On the format page, you can change settings concerning formatting rather than directly previewing or printing or setting margins. These settings are located on the Layout page. Change hard spaces to soft spaces at the beginning of a line is useful if WordStar conventions using soft spaces have not been observed for text indention. Note that enabling this function will result in a wrong format if normal spaces have been used to indent the first line of a paragraph. The default value is disabled. Reduce factor of spaces in wrapped lines ('gum factor') affects the width of the spaces between the words of a wrapped line. A gum factor of '1' means that on average the sum of the width of all spaces in a line is reduced about the width of one Courier 12 character (1/10 inch). A negative gum factor enlarges the average width of spaces. You can change this setting in your document by entering '.GU', followed by the value. Stretch factor of tabs (soft spaces) applies only to proportional fonts. In a proportional font, there's no single width for every character; instead every character is assigned its own width. If text printed in a proportional font table is indented using soft spaces, there is the question to which scale the indention refers to. This scale is now defined by the 'tab stretch' (.TS) value. A value of 60 means the width of one soft space is equal to 60% of the widest character in the font, usually the capital 'W' in a Roman alphabet. If you want to be sure to keep two columns of a table from overlapping, try a value of 100. This applies even if the column contains only 'W's. Since this is highly unlikely, adequate values are from 50 to 60. When creating tables with a proportional font, it is strongly recommended to check carefully with Preview. All .LH Line Height values refer to default normal font let WSformat change the .LH values in the formatted file, dependent on the current font selected with .SF. This omits overprinting lines when using large fonts. See Line Height. Default fonts Using fonts is described in an own chapter of this document. Fonts are represented by single letters (case-sensitive). In the file fonts.ini, font letters are assigned to the fonts available on your operating system. Single characters represent fonts with no attribute, adding ' means italic, " means bold, and & bold-italic. Note however that all these conventions can be redefined. You can select default values for both the normal and alternate fonts. The selected font written with the selected font is displayed in the white field on the right. ═══ 3.2.3. Hyphenation page ═══ Hyphenation is an important feature of a word processing program that must formatting text with a fixed right margin. The more hypenation points are correctly found, the better the final appearance of the document. The default value of hyphenation is no hyphenation. External Tex file For all languages other than German, the external tex file setting is recommended. Use the Google search engine on the Internet to locate the tex hyphenation file (there is one available for almost every language). Once located, download it to your computer and then save it in or move it to your WSformat directory so that it will be available. These files are available for nearly every language. For additional information see the chapter on installation. Tex hyphenation files are data-based text files which can be viewed with an ASCII editor that accepts the IBM-OEM codepage. If a word is not currently in the database, that word will not be hyphenated in your document. This will especially affect the hyphenation points of such complex substantives as 'news-paper. The database stores the syllables with interspersed digits which represent the possible hyphenation points. An odd digit means 'hyphenation allowed,' while an even digit indicates 'hyphenation not allowed.' These may be considered indicators of 'fracture' points. Digits of larger values indicate a low probability of a hyphenation point; low value digits indicate 'weak' and thus an increased likelihood. The factor Minimal rating refers to these digits. A minimal rating of 1 can result in a larger number of hyphenations; values of 3 and 5 reduce the frequency of hyphenations, and produce only very good hyphenations. A lower frequency of hyphenations can increase the average width of spaces between words. A rating of 2 is not different from a value of 1. Internal german hyphenation algorithm In the German language, hyphenation is very important because of complex substantives. The internal german hyphenation function is based on a phonetic assessment of a word, rather than on a reference to a stored data base. It can thus hyphenate words which occur in text only very seldom; proper names fall into this category. It locates more possible hyphenations (nearly all in fact) than the German TeX database. In the case of a few hyphenations, the results of the algorithm are ambiguous. In these cases, there is a query option (RБckfrage) where the user is called upon to make a judgment. Many of these queries are humorous funny, because the wrong hyphenation alters the meaning. It is possible that WSformat takes note of these corrected hyphenations, and stores them in the files DEULERN.DTA and GRIELERN.DTA which resides in the current directory (normally the directory where WSformat.exe is located in). The additional 'Ancient Greek' algorithm is useful for scientific documents where many words are derived from the Greek roots. This particularly applies to syllables beginning with ps, pt, rh, sc and some others. In most German (commercial, correspondence...) these syllables occur very seldom, and the default setting is set to disabled. The minimum of not separated chars settings refer to all hyphenation algorithms. It's a matter of document ('house') style whether a hyphenation will leave only two characters of the word on a line. Higher values will reduce the number of hyphenations; useful values are 2, 3 or 4. You can change this default value with the .HN (Hyphenation Number of not separated characters) dot command. Do not hyphenate areas with capital letters depends on your own style requirements. Sometimes there are abbreviations with capital letters which must not be hyphenated. If your text contains sections in capital letters, you should disable this function. The default setting is enabled. A manual hyphenation setting is also available. When a word must be hyphenated, a simple YES-NO-CANCEL dialog box is presented to the user for his decision. You can change the hyphenation default setting by using the .HY command, see chapter Select Hyphenation. To indicate that no attempt should be made to hyphenate it, type a leading ^PG character in front of the word. ═══ 3.2.4. Layout page ═══ On the settings notebook page Layout, you can set the default values of many dot commands which refer to the default page layout. The scale of all vertical values is the default typewriter line height (.LH8) ('lines') and of the horizontal values the width of a Courier 12 font character ('columns'). The dot commands also accept inch values (.PL 8.5") or cm values (.PL 23.0). To distinguish the line/column scale from cm scale, the latter always requires a decimal point or comma. On the settings notebook, only the column/inches values can be set, but if you move the mouse over the entry fields, you will activate a bubble help which shows you the value in inches or cm, depending on the scale for bubble help radiobuttons. Page Template let you restore and save other dot command settings referring the page layout. To define a new value, select one of the "Template" items, edit the combobox and change the dot command values. The last template you have chosen is the template WSformat refers to. Write default dot commands to FMT file is useful if you want to send a formatted file to another WSformat user. All your dot command default settings are automatically written at the beginning of the formatted file. The ASCII codepage holds single line and double line images, e.g. single ─ (Alt-196) and double ═ (Alt-205). WSformat does not send the ASCII code of these 'characters' to the printer; instead it generates graphics. The Line drawing settings refers to the width of lines in 1/300 inch pixels. Useful values are from 2 to 10. Instead of a double line, WSformat creates a wide line. It is permissible to use these characters in situations other than in .LI line drawing tables. The length of these lines in relation to text set in proportional fonts depends on the '.TS' tab stretch value: The length of one line character corresponds to one soft space. Codepage has two settings. There are two code pages which are very similar, both known as the 'IBM codepage' or the 'OEM codepage.' The difference is in the line drawing characters, which are made up of both small and wide lines. Code page 850 lacks these combined line drawing characters, but instead contains additional accented characters for various languages. An important consideration in Europe is the addition of Euro-character ╒ which is available only on the 850 Code page. If you have selected code page 437, it will be a line-drawing character instead of the Euro symbol. ═══ 3.2.5. Notes page ═══ WSformat handles endnotes, footnotes and margin notes. Settings referring to Format function Width of left margin for margin notes is the default value of the '.MN{}n' dot command, where 'n' represents the maximal length of margin notes in characters. When bringing text and notes on a page together (Make - text and footnotes), it is necessary that each footnote link in the text area be indicated with a marker. This marker is the internal character for assigning footnotes and is simply a character which is not used anywhere else in your document. The default value is ^PQ (ASCII value of 17 decimal). To enter Wordstar Printer chars ^PA...^PZ, type a ^ (circumflex) character and then a capital letter. There are different ways of showing footnote links. Footnote link text in text area defines how the footnote link is to appear. Acceptable conventions for footnote links are (1), [1], and ^T1^T (superscript). Remember that you can define a superscript font, see chapter fonts. Footnote link text in footnote area is the counterpart at the beginning of a footnote. Note the use of leading spaces to represent indention. If you want to insert a Return inside your footnote text, you need a character for RETURN in footnote text which will later be converted to a Return. Normal Returns in footnote text are filtered. Settings referring to 'Making Text and Footnotes' Number of empty lines between text area and footnotes defines the distance between the text block and the footnote block of a single page. The last setting hold number of lines in a paragraph together refers to the Make - Text and footnote task. When creating a text and footnote file (TAF file), WSformat has to generate the Page breaks on its own. If you select a value of 2, WSformat holds the first two and the last two lines of a paragraph together; using a value of 1 deactivates this function. Enabling this function (values 2 or 3) is strongly recommended. ═══ 3.2.6. Index page ═══ The index page stores those settings which refer to the Make - contents and the Make - index function of WSformat. Concerning content creation When creating a table of contents (TOC) files, you can select whether or not to write page numbers. With Highlight main headings enabled, main headings get bold toggles. Anyway, WSformat writes an empty line above a main heading. Concerning index creation Highlight weighted page numbers generates bold face page numbers for weighted index entries. Sortiere... refers to a German 'umlaut' problem. ═══ 3.3. Insert Dot Commands Window ═══ If you don't know Wordstar and Write&Set dot commands by heart, you can use the Insert Dot Commands Window to insert dot commands to your unformatted WS file. You can reach this window via WSformat main menu, item Command. All dot commands are part of the outline tree. They are sorted to logical subjects. If you know the name command, but don't remember the usage or syntax, type the two letters of the dot command behind go to command. This let you jump to the corresponding line in the outline tree. Before pressing the Help button, select a line in the outline tree. Help activates the page of the Online Help where the subject or dot command is explained. Insert inserts the current dot command to the editor. This only works if a WS file was selected in WSformat and the unformatted editor window is open. ═══ 3.4. Preview Window ═══ To have access to the preview feature, first format your text. Then press the preview button or select File - Preview. The preview window opens and the yellow LED in the WSformat main window glows. The title bar of the preview window now displays the current page number and the filename. When saving the FMT file in the editor, the preview window is updated automatically. Changing settings in the settings notebook will also automatically force a preview update. In the preview window, use the Pg dn and Pg up keys of your keyboard or the left and right mouse button. The left mouse button shows the next page, the right mouse button the previous page. To go to page 20, for example, hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the right. Until the end of the file is reached, WSformat does not know the page length. On reaching the end, the number of pages is shown in the titlebar: '7 of 17' (pages). Change the window with and height. The preview scale depends on the window width. If you make the window width large, a vertical scrollbar appears. If you have a slow computer and a large document, previewing backwards requires some considerable time because WSformat must read the document again from the beginning. (Perhaps that will improve in a later version.) ═══ 3.5. Print pages dialog ═══ To print a document from the first to the last page, select a printer in the main window dropdown box and press the Print button. To print selected pages of a document, click on File - print pages. This brings up a small dialog window. If you press OK without entering values for the first and last pages, the whole document will be printed. You are allowed to enter several page numbers in the entry field, separating them by commas or spaces. To print several pages, enter the first and the last page numbers, separating them with a hyphen. If you want to print from a specific page to the end of the document, select a number for the last page which exceeds the size of the document, e.g. 18-999. Enabling the Exclude pages checkbox means all pages will be printed, but now the pages shown in the entry field are instead omitted. You can select the Number of copies which you want printed. The document is printed once from the first to the last page, and then the document is printed a second time from the beginning. That means the page order is in collated sequence, such as 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, etc., and not as 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3. Press OK to start printing and Cancel if you decide to terminate the job. ═══ 3.6. Info and Error Messages ═══ The "Info and Error Messages" Window appears, if specific info or error messsages do appear while compiling a job. Formatting simple text without errors won't activate this window. The Preview and the Print function does not use the "Info and Error Messages" Window, but formatting, converting RTF to WS, creating index and "make text and footnotes" does. An error message appears if e.g. a dot command has been used in a wrong way. In the message, you can see the Paragraph number ("Par") where the bug occurs. The paragraph number counts the Hard Returns, a dot command is also a "Paragraph". WSedit shows the paragraph number in its titlebar. If you use WSedit, you can doubleclick to the error message and this will run WSedit with the cursor at the paragraph where the error or info messages refers to. ═══ 3.7. Command line Arguments ═══ The current WSformat program allows only one file name to be entered as an argument on the command line. Any additional arguments are ignored. If the filename contains spaces, type 'file name' or "file name". Do not omit the file extension. I am planning to include support for full format and print control using command line arguments in a later version. ═══ 4. Conversion from WS to RTF and HTML ═══ The RTF file format is a worldwide standard for transferring text data with formatting information from one wordprocessing software to another. E.g. you can import an (unformatted) text from Write&Set to Winword by using the RTF file format. This allows you to import not only simple text: also headings and footnotes are converted. In the WSformat menu structure, you will find the command Make - RTF text. But WSformat does not has the ability itself for this conversion. This does Hypermake - also a Shareware program written by Martin Vieregg. The Hypermake commandline version is part of the Write&Set package since version 0.95 and gets executed from the WSformat Make - RTF text command. It runs separated from WSformat in a text window (usually white letters on black background). The HTML file format is the file format of the World Wide Web. These files are viewed with a Web browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla or Opera. Make - HTML also executes Hypermake. Hypermake does not create only one single HTML file. Instead, a folder will be created containing a lot of HTML files, one for each chapter. To view the HTML file with your browser, click to the HTML file which has the same name as your WS file. E.g. if the name of your WS file is MYDOC.WS, the HTML start file is MYDOC.HTML and all the HTML files are located in the folder MYDOC. If you want to create HTML files from the WS file format, you must use headings, otherwise you will get an error message. Every text has to be part of a chapter, so begin your text with ".1". Sometimes you will have different commands or text, dependent on compiling HTML files or formatting and printing a text. Use conditional statements in this case. When formatting a text with WSformat, the condition "WSformat" is always set. Behind the command ".TI" on top of your WS file, you can enter a document title which will appear in the browser titlebar. The user settings of Hypermake are hold in the file HMAKE\wsformat.ini which can be viewed with WSedit. Here, the font letters are defined independent from the Fonts.ini file and a lot of other settings are located here. If you are interested in Hypermake, please download Hypermake from http://www.hypermake.com . Hypermake compiles WS files, but the internal editor of Hypermake reads and writes WS files only if you have got Hypermake 4.1 or later. If you want to convert WS files which are bigger than 20 kB, you need a Hypermake registration key. If you have registered WSformat, you are encouraged use this key for Hypermake, too: Simply insert this key to the line "Registration code = " of the file HMAKE\wsformat.ini. Now you can compile WS files to RTF or HTML format without size limit. But if you want to generate large Winhelp, IBM Help or MS HTML-Help files, you have to buy the specific Hypermake registration key. Nevertheless, you are allowed to compile the help source files located in the DOCUSRC directory. ═══ 5. Fonts ═══ Using fonts with WSformat is very different from Wordstar, but similar to Hypermake. Fonts are selected by using specific dot commands. In WSformat and Hypermake, fonts are represented by a font letter which is a shortcut for a specific font description. Font letters are case-sensitive, so you can use A to Z and a to z for a total of 52 letters. subchapters: Storing font data WSformat default fonts Basic font selection in document Extended Fonts.ini functionality Extended font selection in document next chapter: Basic text commands ═══ 5.1. Storing font data ═══ The information about fonts is stored in two files: Fonts.ini and Printername.dta. Both files are located in the directory where WSformat.exe resides. Fonts.ini is a text file which can be edited with any reliable ASCII editor, with WSedit, or by selecting Settings - Font definition in the WSformat main window. Printername.dta is a binary file which stores the same information which is held in the Fonts.ini file. It stores additional information about the selected fonts, especially the pixel width of all characters. Because the font metrics slightly differ from printer to printer, every printer installed on your system gets such a file, e.g. 'HP Deskjet 600.dta'. After changing Fonts.ini, the Printername.dta file is updated automatically before processing the next format, preview or print job. When formatting or printing, WSFormat gets the information from this file and not from the operating system. This makes formatting and printing faster. If formatting problems occur, regulary these binary font data files are involved. In this case, deleting the Printername.dta file forces recalculating all font data and the elimination of the problems. ═══ 5.2. WSformat default fonts ═══ Starting WSformat the first time causes a new Fonts.ini file to be generated. WSformat asks the operating system for the names of registered Times Roman, Helvetica and Courier fonts. Depending on this computer-specific query, WSformat generates a new Fonts.ini file. Please take a look at your Fonts.ini. On many systems, the following fonts are listed: Font A = Times New Roman 8 Font B = Times New Roman 10 Font C = Times New Roman 12 Font D = Times New Roman 14 Font E = Helvetica 8 Font F = Helvetica 10 Font G = Helvetica 12 Font H = Helvetica 14 Font I = Helvetica 16 Font J = Helvetica 18 Font K = Courier New 8 Font L = Courier New 10 Font M = Courier New 12 The font letters from A to M are allocated in every WSformat installation. Use these fonts if you want to write a document to be sent to another WSformat user. This font selection covers all normal word processing purposes. If you miss some fonts, enter your own definitions, using the font letters N to Z and a to z. ═══ 5.3. Basic font selection in document ═══ For selecting a font in your document, simply use the dot command .SF (select font), followed by the font letter. E.g. .SFC This selects the font 'Times New Roman 12,' because it is defined in the Fonts.ini file as: Font C = Times New Roman 12 Typing .SF without a parameter selects the default font which is set in the settings notebook, page format. Alternate Font You can also define an alternate font .AF (alternate font) which is printed when a ^PA character appears at the beginning of a paragraph. The syntax is similar to the .SF font: .AFC (selects alternate font C) .AF (selects default alternate font). Behind the ^PA printer character, the alternate font rests activated until the paragraphs ends with a Hard Return. Subscript/Superscript font It is useful to select a smaller font for subscript (^PV in pairs) and superscript (^PT in pairs) text: .SSB select subscript/superscript font selects e.g. font B (Times Roman 10). The default setting is the default font in the settings notebook, page format. ═══ 5.4. Extended Fonts.ini functionality ═══ If you are more ambitious in your treatment of fonts, you can define manually bold, italic and bold-italic fonts. The default behaviour of WSformat is that you simply define a font by using .SF. When you then use the ^PB (bold) and ^PY (italic) toggles, you will get the same font in bold or italic styles respectively. You have the option to redefine the bold, italic and bold-italic fonts manually. When interpreting a 'Font' line in the Fonts.ini file, not only is a single font defined, but the italic, bold and bold-italic fonts along with it: Font C = Times New Roman 12 Font C" = Times New Roman 12 bold Font C' = Times New Roman 12 italic Font C& = Times New Roman 12 bold italic This default behavior can be turned off selectively by entering: AutoItalicBold = no and can be turned on AutoItalicBold = yes You can now define the bold, italic and bold-italic fonts by hand, or you can override these settings. Because the Fonts.ini file is interpreted sequentially, it is possible to repeat a font definition without turning off the 'AutoItalicBold' setting. Font C = Times New Roman 12 Font C" = Times New Roman 13 bold That means italic and bold-italic of the C type face are defined conventionally, but the bold font is a slightly larger font (13 instead of 12). ═══ 5.5. Extended font selection in document ═══ The .SF command changes the previously selected fonts for normal, bold, italic and italic-bold styles simultaneously. If you want to change a font attribute selectively, there are specific dot commands which can be used, such as the .SF command: .SN (select normal) .SB (select bold) .SY (select italic) .SX (select bold-italic) ═══ 6. Basic text commands ═══ 'Basic text commands' refers to the formatting and printing commands - dot commands, printer (^P) characters - which are similar to Wordstar DOS. The next chapter 'Extended text commands' refers to advanced features such as graphics, footnotes or contents which are implemented in a WSformat specific way. The majority of WSformat text commands are identical to those in Wordstar DOS, but a few are new or different from Wordstar DOS. They are marked with the following sign: Wordstar DOS user, please note! Most word processing programs save formatting and printing information in a binary format. Wordstar DOS and WSformat store this information as readable text characters. There are two kinds of these commands:  dot commands: A text line beginning with a dot (period), followed by two characters. Dot commands are not case-sensitive.  printer chars: Characters with an ASCII value lower than decimal 32. In Wordstar DOS and WSedit such characters are entered by type Ctrl-P, followed by a letter. subchapters: Syntax of dot commands Printer command characters Text formatting commands Page formatting commands Paragraph enumeration Embedding files next chapter: Extended text commands ═══ 6.1. Syntax of dot commands ═══ A dot command must be typed on a separate line and begin with a dot in the leftmost margin. If the dot is not located at the first column, it will not treated as a dot command and will instead be be printed as text. In most cases, the dot is followed by two characters which are not case-sensitive. Many dot commands require a following argument. For example: .RM70 sets the right margin to the value 70. You are allowed to enter spaces between 'RM' and the number. In this documentation, I need to print dot commands without having them interpreted. The first character in a line is the bold toggle and the second the dot, thus isolating the latter from the right margin. A line so constructed will thus show the dot in the left margin, as the first character when it is printed, and it won't be interpreted. In Wordstar, the default horizontal page measurement is characters and the default vertical measurement is lines. Both directions refer to old typewriter conventions. A character is considered to be as wide as a 'Courier 12' character - the only font with which most typewriters were provided - and the line measurement is the default (narrow-spaced) line. WSformat assumes 1/48' to be the unit of vertical pitch, so .LH8 indicates a line spacing of 8/48' or 6 lines per inch). All dot commands which allow character or line counts to indicate distances will also accept inches and cm values: .RM 7.0" .RM 17.8 Note that the use of dot (decimal point) or " makes the difference: If the number contains a dot or a comma, it is treated as a measurement in centimeters or inches. The inch value is marked by the " character. Comments A very useful dot command is 'dot dot' ..This won't be printed This allows you easily to enter text which won't be printed in the finished document. In WSedit, these lines are shown on the editing screen in magenta. ═══ 6.2. Printer command characters ═══ In WSformat and Wordstar DOS, characters with an ASCII value lower than decimal 32 have got a specific meaning. These characters are not printed, but instead control the formatting and printing of the job. In both Wordstar DOS and WSedit, you can enter a command to be sent to the printer by typing Ctrl-P (P for 'printer'), followed by a letter from A to Z. In the documentation, these commands are written ^PA... ^PZ. printer chars not used in pairs ^P@ (Wordstar DOS) Text followed by this character is right-justified when printing ^PZ (WSedit) Text followed by this character is right-justified when printing ^PK Text followed by this character is centered when printing ^PA Turn on the alternate font until the next Hard Return ^PG The following word is not hyphenated ^PO binding space: a line will not be divided a binding space printer chars used in pairs (toggles) ^PB select the bold font ^PS select underlined text ^PY select the italic font ^PT Superscript, e.g. square meter m2 ^PV Subscript, e.g. CO2 will be polluted WSedit shows the ^PT 2 ^PT sequence simply as 2 which is part of the IBM Codepage, and ^PT 3 ^PT as 3. You can set the height and depth of the printout with the .SR command (default is .SR3) and the superscript/subscript font with the .SS command (select sub/superscript font), followed by a font letter. ═══ 6.3. Text formatting commands ═══ subchapters: Indentions Hard and Soft Returns Turning formatting off and on Change the hyphenation algorithm Line Height, superscript roll Text Width Paragraph orientation Auto indention next chapter: Page formatting commands ═══ 6.3.1. Indentions ═══ Hard and Soft Spaces, indentions Wordstar DOS, WSedit and WSformat know two different kinds of Spaces: Soft spaces (in WSedit shown as 'snow characters') and normal 'hard' spaces. Soft spaces represent indentions and tabulations. While formatting, these soft spaces can vanish and then appear on another place. This is a sample showing soft spaces. To indent a line in WSedit, simply use the Tabulation (Tab) key, or press Ctrl-OG.  It is also possible first to enter text and then to indent by typing the Tab key, followed by the running text. To reformat a paragraph in WSedit after changing the '.TB' tab stop position, type Ctrl-B. WSformat interprets the resulting soft spaces, not the '.TB' command. To select the indention tabulator stops, enter the WSedit and Wordstar command .TB 4,14,24 which e.g. sets tab stops to the rows 4, 14 and 24. In WSedit, use the tab key several times to go to tabstop row 24. (WSedit does not support other scales than rows in the .TB command.) The width of soft spaces (snow characters) can be defined with the .TS tab stretch command. .TS60 (also .DE60 or .DE6) sets the width of a soft space to 60% of the capital W of the current proportional font. When using a fixed font, this setting has no effect. ═══ 6.3.2. Hard and Soft Returns ═══ There are also two different kinds of Returns: lines can end with either a Soft or a Hard Return. In WSedit, this is shown by color patches in the rightmost column. Soft Returns vanish and appear on another place while formatting. Hard Returns remain fixed at the same place. Soft Returns are generated by the computer; Hard Returns by typing the Enter key on the keyboard. ═══ 6.3.3. Turning formatting off and on ═══ When typing tables, there is always the concern about destroying table formatting, because WSformat might treat the table as running text and reormat it. WSformat attempts to recognize the difference between tables or columns automatically, if more than 4 normal spaces occur, but sometimes this rule fails. In such instances, it is safer to turn off formatting explicitly: .BD Formatting disabled (also .BA, .AW OFF) .BE Formatting enabled (also .AW ON) Typing ^B in the WSedit editor will not have an effect after typing .BD or .BA. If you type .BD TOTAL at the beginning of a Wordstar document, neither WSformat will do any formatting whatever. ═══ 6.3.4. Change the hyphenation algorithm ═══ You have access to the hyphenation algorithm choice within your document like you have on the hyphenation page of your settings notebook. This is useful when editing multilingual documents. .HY OFF or .HY NO hyphenation off turns hyphenation of words off. .HY ON turns hyphenation on again and activates the algorithm which was valid before turning off hyphenation. .HY GERMAN turns the internal german hyphenation on, using the checkbox values of the settings notebook. .HY TEX turns the external tex hyphenation on, with the tex hyphenation file which was last selected. .HY Languagename.TEX turns the external tex hyphenation on and makes the tex file Languagename.tex current .HY MANUAL or .HY HAND queries all possible hyphenations. A simple YES-NO-CANCEL dialog box is presented to the user for his decision. .HN3 (Hyphenation number of chars) let you change the minimum number of not separated characters when hyphenation is active. It can be useful to enlarge this number in headings. You are encouraged to enter a higher value in the HEADINGS.WS headings template file for every heading. Useful values are from 2 up to 5. The higher the value, the less hyphenation will be active. .HN switches the minimum number of not separated characters back to the default value, which is set in the settings notebook, page hyphenation. ═══ 6.3.5. Line Height, superscript roll ═══ .LH8 line height sets the line height to 8/48 inches. This is the default linespacing of a conventional typewriter. .LH12 means 150% of the default typewriter linespacing. .LH10. is a good choice for Times Roman 12 or Helvetica 12. In the settings notebook on the format page, you will find the checkbox all .LH Line Height values refer to default normal font This has got two effects:  all .LH commands gets changed in the FMT file, if you don't use the size of the default font, e.g. '12' for 'Times Roman 12'.  after selecting a new font with .SF, the line height is recalculated and in the FMT file, WSformat generates a new .LH entry behind the .SF command. This setting omits that lines with large fonts are overprinted, but old Wordstar DOS user could get confused. The default setting is enabled. .SR3 superscript/subscript roll defines the height of superscript text (using ^PT in pairs) or the depth of subscript text (^PV in pairs). The default value is 3. ═══ 6.3.6. Text Width ═══ .RM40 (or .BS40) sets the width of the text block (right margin) to 40 (the measurement is in Courier 12 characters). The WSformat default value is 60 and can be modified in Settings - Settings notebook, page Page. The value does not correspond to the width of the right paper margin; you enter instead the width of your text (text width). .PO8 page offset defines the left paper margin. This command affects only previewing and printing, but not formatting. The measurement is in Courier 12 characters, the default value is 8. To enter separate left margins for left pages (with even page numbers) and right pages (with odd page numbers), extend the ".PO Page Offset" command in the following way: .POL 13 (Page offset left) .POR 7 (Page offset right) The width of a default sheet of paper is 83 characters. If your .PO page offset is 8 and the text block width (.RM 'right margin') is 60, then 83 - 8 - 60 = 15 characters are left for the right paper margin. ═══ 6.3.7. Paragraph orientation ═══ Output centered To center text, instead of typing ^PK in front of each line you can also use the appropriate dot commands: .OC ON .OC OFF The default value is OFF. Micro justification You can also select whether text is to be set ragged right or justified: .BL ON Block on turns justification on (fixed right margin) using 'micro justification' .BL OFF Block off turns justification off (ragged right margin). ('Micro justification' is off.) If the text is to be right justified (right margin is fixed - .BL ON), WSformat distributes the empty space remaining at the end of the line equally between all words. If the Printername.dta file which holds the character width of all characters and fonts which are used by the document is corrupted, micro justification will fail and the printed result will be unusable. In this case, delete the Printername.dta file; it will be re-created automatically. By default, paragraphs are printed with fixed left and right margins (FMT formatted files), or with a fixed left and a ragged right margin (WS unformatted files). The Wordstar commands .UJ and .OJ are also interpreted. However, you won't see justification in the editor. .FL (German 'flatter' = bouncing) and simply .BL (block) without parameters is also interpreted. Do not format double- and triple-spaced text (Wordstar .OJ ON). Only paragraphs of single-spaced text can be formatted. ═══ 6.3.8. Auto indention ═══ .LM and .PM refer to the formatting process of WSformat. If you want to indent your text in a uniform way without reformatting in the editor by using '.TB' and Ctrl-B, you can use these two dot commands: .LM6 left margin causes the text to begin in column 6; columns 1 through 5 will be occupied by soft spaces. .PM8 paragraph margin is like the .LM command, but affects only the first line of each paragraph. In this case, the first line will be further indented. To turn off automatic indention, set the default values .LM0 and .PM0. ═══ 6.4. Page formatting commands ═══ subchapters: New Page Page margins Header and Footer Lines, Page Numbering Odd and even pages Paper orientation next chapter: Paragraph enumeration ═══ 6.4.1. New Page ═══ .PA forces the following text to the beginning a new page. .CP10 conditional page keeps the following 10 lines together. If there is insufficient space on the page, a page break will be inserted at the location of the .CP command. ═══ 6.4.2. Page margins ═══ The following page margin commands are available. A table showing these dot commands with their default values is available on WSformat Settings - Settings notebook, page page. .PL page length .MT margin top .MB margin bottom .PO page offset (=left paper margin) .RM right margin (=text width) and, to define the separations between header/footer lines and text: .FM footer margin .HM header margin. The european A4 page size is 8.25" x 11.666" and the US Letter standard is 8.5" x 11". So .PL66 is the length of a US Letter page, while .PL70 is the length of an european A4 page. See page templates on settings notebook, page Layout. ═══ 6.4.3. Header and Footer Lines, Page Numbering ═══ To get a header line which repeats on each subsequent page, enter (for example) : .HE My document, 1st Edition You can place similar text at the bottom of the page (footer line): .FO My document, 1st Edition You may then designate a font by combining the .HE Header and .SF Select Font commands: .sfE .HE My document, 1st Edition or .HEsfE My document, 1st Edition which has no effect on the font selection of lines which follow. To center a header or footer line, use the printer command character ^PK. To justify text right, use the WSedit ^PZ command (equivalent to Wordstar ^P@). It is possible to define up to five Header or Footer lines: top of page .H1 .H2 .H3 .H4 .H5 = .HE (text area) .F1 = .FO .F2 .F3 .F4 .F5 end of page Note that these lines can appear only if the .MT and .MB values (margin top and margin bottom) have been assigned values which are high enough to allocate the necessary space. Use Preview to test whether or not the header and footer lines appear. You can set the vertical pitch (line spacing) of the header and footer lines, comparable to the .LH dot command. .HH Header line Height .FH Footer line Height The default value of these commands is 8 (= default Typewriter linespacing of 6 lines per inch). Page numbering By default the page number in the footer line is centered: .FO ^PK # # will be replaced by the current page number when the document is printed. You can change this default setting by entering your own footer and header commands. .OP To turn off printing of page numbers, use omit pages. This command let the footer line get void. .PG (or .PN) turns printing page numbers on again. .PC30 page column prints the page number at column 30 and is retained for Wordstar compatibility, but will often produce unpredictable results when proportional fonts are used. .PN15 page number immediately advances the page counter to the value of 15. This is no good practice, because it may result in the same page number occuring twice in the same document. ═══ 6.4.4. Odd and even pages ═══ By default, the page number value has no effect to WSformat printing. If you want to write a book, the left page is always even (2, 4, 6), and the right page is odd (1, 3, 5). (If you don't believe it, take any book from your bookcase and make a spot check!) .LR Left-right causes WSformat to print all header/footer lines of left (even numbered) pages left-justified and all header/footer lines of right (odd numbered) pages right-justified. You can treat right and left headers or footers separately: .HER My Header text on the right side .HEL My Header text on the left side This can be also combined with the footers and with several header/footer lines: .H4R My header text on the right side, line 1 .H5R My header text on the right side, line 2 .F1R My footer text on the right side, line 1 .F2RsfE My footer text on the right side, line 2, Font E and so on. To enter separate left margins for the odd and even pages, extend the ".PO Page Offset" command in the following way: .POL 13 (Page offset left) .POR 7 (Page offset right) ═══ 6.4.5. Paper orientation ═══ .LA (also '.PR or=l') turns the printer orientation to landscape; the paper width is set larger than the paper height. The default setting is portrait. The dot commands referring to the page format do not change automatically. You have to select the suitable page template on the Layout page of the settings notebook before formatting. The .LA command only refers to printing. ═══ 6.5. Paragraph enumeration ═══ To locate a text in an unformatted or formatted, both WSedit and WSformat do enumerate paragraphs. Lines with dot commands and empty lines are not part of the enumeration, only "real" paragraphs. In WSedit, the paragraph number is shown in the titlebar ("Par" or german "Abs"). Error messages of WSformat also refer to the "Par" enumeration. If WSformat is running, doubleclicking to a paragraph of WSedit (unformatted) let you go into WSedit (formatted) and the cursor goes to the same paragraph. Because the line and page breaks are not apparent in the unformatted file, page and line enumeration does not exist here. The paragraph enumeration is the only way to locate specific text both in unformatted and formatted files. But if you copy text into the formatted files, the formatted file contains more paragraphs than the unformatted file: In this case, the paragraph enumeration below the inserted text is no more identical to the paragraph enumeration of the unformatted file. To avoid this, you have to enclose the inserted text with two enumerate paragraph dot commands: .EP OFF (here I've copied text into the formatted file which shall not be enumerated) .EP ON Normally, paragraph enumeration is turned on. It can be also useful to use the .EP command together with conditional defines (.if). In this case, text which is only part of the unformatted file has to be marked. If you generate a table of contents (Make - contents), WSformat does insert .EP commands automatically. ═══ 6.6. Embedding files ═══ Embedding files .FI Filename File is a very powerful command. The contents of the file Filename are inserted at the position where the .FI command is located. This command is interpreted while formatting but not while printing. The file extension makes a great difference. .FI Filename.ws .FI Filename.fmt If the file extension is WS, WSformat interprets the file as an unformatted file and while formatting, full dot command interpretation and formatting are used. If the file extension is not WS, the contents of the file are simply copied to the formatted file. Save and Remember current formatting values When using the .FI embed file command, it can be useful to save and remember current values of dot command settings. .S:FONTS .R:FONTS saves and remembers all current font data (normal, alternate, bold, italic, bold-italic). .S:LINEHEIGHT .R:LINEHEIGHT saves and remembers the current state of the .LH command. ═══ 7. Extended text commands ═══ The extended text commands provide extended word processing facilities; these are implemented in a WSformat specific way. For Wordstar DOS users, the information in this chapter will be completely new. subchapters: Embedding graphics Line drawing Chapters, headings, table of contents Footnotes, End Notes, Margin Notes Index Conditional statements next chapter: FAQ ═══ 7.1. Embedding graphics ═══ A provision for embedding graphics was lacking in Wordstar DOS. In a graphical environment, it is no longer difficult to handle graphics; their support in WSformat is fully compatible with Hypermake syntax. The graphics commands only support Windows Bitmap (BMP) files. GIF and JPEG support is planned for a future version. WSformat offers two simple ways of embedding graphics. To embed a graphic in your document, simply enter .BM Filename.bmp The files are searched in all directories which are listed on the Program page of Settings - Settings notebook. The .BM command is interpreted both while formatting and while printing. While formatting, WSformat calculates the width and height of your graphic. The default behavior of WSformat is that the graphics file is stretched horizontally and vertically until the width matches the text width (depending on the .RM command). The height of the graphic is calculated and WSformat enters empty lines into the FMT file: ─────────────────────────────── (running text above the graphic) .CP7 .BM Filename.bmp (running text below the graphic) ─────────────────────────────── When previewing or printing, the graphics file is shown. If you want the width of the graphics width to be different from the text width, you can modify the size of the graphic by entering .BW 80 bitmap width before typing the .BM command. A value of 80 means that the width is 80% of the text width. The graphic will be printed centered, with a margin of 10% on the left and 10% on the right side. The default value of .BW is 100. This command also influences formatting. The smaller this value, the fewer empty lines WSformat will insert. Bitmap text The .BM command is not appropriate if you want to embed a graphic in running text. Instead, use: .BTX Filename.bmp X represents a bitmap character, an arbitrary character which will not otherwise appear in the text. This character will be replaced in your text by the bitmap 'filename.' Note that bitmaps can be higher than characters, so you should select one that will not cause overprinting of characters on the line above. Block chars like █ (Alt-219), ▄ (Alt-220), ▀ (Alt-223) are useful bitmap chars (DOS/IBM codepage). Text Bitmaps are already interpretated while formatting. WSformat treats such bitmaps as characters and calculates the width of the bitmap to let the right margin justified. The scale of the .BT graphics is 300 bits per inch, which means that a graphics file with a 300 pixel width gets a 1 inch (2,54 cm) width on your printout. You can change this value by entering: .GS graphics scale. Place this command above your .BT command. You are allowed to define up to 20 bitmap chars simultaneously. To deactivate a character-bitmap definition, enter: .BTX without specifying a filename. The actual character will then be printed, rather than the bitmap. ═══ 7.2. Line drawing ═══ The IBM codepage contains some characters which represent lines instead of letters. You can use combinations of these characters to draw boxes. WSformat does not send line characters to the printer directly. Instead, it sends bitmap images of the characters to be printed. The main reason for doing this are that line drawing characters must be printed only at the default line height .LH8. To draw an unbroken vertical line, line drawing characters are converted to commands like 'draw a line from coordinate X to coordinate Y.' You are encouraged to use these line drawing characters in running text ─ e.g. as a dash (Alt-196, narrow lines)  or for lists (Alt-205, wide lines). Characters which represent double lines are shown as wide lines in preview and on printout. You can set the width of the narrow and wide lines in the settings notebook, page Layout. Block characters █ (Alt-219), ▄ (Alt-220), ▀ (Alt-223) and - only 437 codepage - Alt-221 and Alt-222 are also sent as bitmap graphics. Here as an example is a large exclamation mark █ ▄ which is made by using such block characters (not visible on Winhelp which uses ANSI Codepage). Creating Boxes As creating boxes is usually a tedious job, a dot command has been defined to facilitate line drawing. The following example illustrates its use. .LIXY X X Operating systems Y Y X X Novell IBM Hardware Y Y X X DOS Netware OS/2 X X .LI The result will be: (view FMT file or make preview) ┌───────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Operating systems │ │ │ ├─────────────────┬─────────┤ ┌────────────┐ │ Novell │ IBM │ │ Hardware │ ├───────┬─────────┼─────────┤ └────────────┘ │ DOS │ Netware │ OS/2 │ └───────┴─────────┴─────────┘ In the dot command .LIXYZ, X represents an arbitrary character marking the corners of the box, Y a partition of the box. Z, placed in front of X or Y, generates double lines (wide lines). A combination of single and double lines requires the Codepage 437 selection (Page Layout in the settings notebook). The Z char in the .LIXYZ command for producing double lines has to be a ^P-character like ^PE or ^PR. When using the ^OD toggle in Wordstar DOS, you can make the ^P-characters invisible to check the correct orientation of the box. (In WSedit 0.9, this functionality is missing yet, so after entering a ^P character, the X chars are no more in the same column.) WSformat supports proportional fonts in line drawings. The .TS tab stretch command is very important in this case. You can specify the width of your boxes with the .TS command. If this produces overlapping columns, enlarge the .TS command value (default is 60). ═══ 7.3. Chapters, headings, table of contents ═══ WSedit, WSformat and Hypermake provide easy-to-use support for headings and tables of contents. subchapters: Heading commands in your source text Headings and WSedit Formatting a text with headings Non-decimal classification Writing out a table of contents file from your formatted file next chapter: Footnotes, End Notes, Margin Notes ═══ 7.3.1. Heading commands in your source text ═══ You can arrange your text with heading levels, as you would in a technical document: first heading first sub-heading second sub-heading first sub-sub-heading second sub-sub-heading third sub-heading second heading In the WSedit/WSformat/Hypermake format, the headings are designated in the following manner: .1 first heading .2 first sub-heading .2 second sub-heading .3 first sub sub-heading .3 second sub sub-heading .2 third sub-heading .1 second heading On the line immediately following the dot command for the heading level, you enter the heading text. Heading text can be longer than one line, but must not extend beyond a single paragraph: a Hard Return marks the end of the heading. In your printout, your document is structured like this: 1. first heading 1.1 first sub heading 1.2 second sub heading 1.2.1 first sub sub heading 1.2.2 second sub sub heading 1.3 third sub heading 2. second heading WSformat handles up to 9 heading levels, but Hypermake is limited to only 6 heading levels. WSformat also supports other conventions for enumerations (letters, roman numerals, as well as others). ═══ 7.3.2. Headings and WSedit ═══ WSedit provides support for headings and tables of contents, expressed in WSformat / Hypermake syntax. First, headings are highlighted in green, if the heading checkbox is checked on the Highlt page of the WSedit settings notebook (press ^OO). Second, to help navigating in your unformatted text, WSedit has a contents window. ^OC opens the contents window. ^OI also opens the contents window and then jumps to the chapter where the text cursor is currently located. ═══ 7.3.3. Formatting a text with headings ═══ When formatting a source text which contains heading commands, these commands are converted to commands for font selection, line spacing and page breaks. Previewing and printing the file will display headings in their final correct form. The way these dot commands are to be converted to other commands is defined in the headings template file. This file can be viewed by selecting settings - headings template in the WSformat main window. This shows the file HEADINGS.WS which is located in the directory where WSformat.exe resides. The file is self-explanatory. Instead of the word 'heading,' WSformat subsitutes the heading text you have specified. You are at liberty to modify this file. If you want to use other heading files, first make a copy of HEADINGS.WS and then modify the copy. Simply place your HEADINGS.WS file in the directory where your document files are located, or substitute another filename, e.g. MYHEADING.WS, and then include the dot command .HF MyHeading.ws heading file before entering the first .1 command. .CN 3.2.5 sets the current content numbering. You have to enter decimal notation here. Use e.g. .CN5 at the beginning if you have got a separate document containing chapter 5 and 6. The equivalent Wordstar command .P# is also interpreted. ═══ 7.3.4. Non-decimal classification ═══ Some people prefer other ways of enumerating headings. Today, although decimal classification is a standard, WSformat also supports other forms of enumerations: 1.1 Decimal classification without last dot 1.1. Decimal classification with last dot I. Roman nnumerals (up to 38 = XXXVIII) A. Capital letters 1. Customary (arabic) numerals a. lowercase letters aa. double lowercase letters [alpha character]. Ancient greek characters (bu only those in codepage 437, Alpha = Alt-224, etc.) Instead of typing a dot behind the character, a right parenthesis ')'--is also possible, thus: 1) In the headings template file, you can define any or all of these styles of enumeration. ═══ 7.3.5. Writing out a table of contents file from your formatted file ═══ After finishing your FMT formatted file and fixing all page breaks, WSformat helps you prepare a properly numbered table of contents. In the unformatted file enter, for example, something like: .PA Contents of this document .ci7 .. (later, place the table of contents file here) .PA .PA There are two aspects to consider: .CI contents indention sets the tab stop while formatting the table of contents file, comparable to the Wordstar/WSedit .TB command. The value has to be the maximum number of characters of your deepest heading enumeration plus 2. E. g. if you have selected decimal classification and use headings up to level 3, the width of the heading enumeration does not exceed 5: 123456789 1.1.1 TextTextText In this case, a .CI value of 7 or more fits your purpose. The other aspect to consider is how many pages the table of contents will occupy. Because the table is printed before the running text begins, the length of the table influences the page numbering of your document. You will therefore have to estimate the length of the table (in pages) and then enter several .PA page break commands, so the first page of your running text will get the final page number after inserting the contents. If your first trial fails, edit the FMT file and enlarge or reduce the number of .PA commands. Please remember that you have to enter at least one empty line between two .PA commands. After inserting the .CI command and .PA page breaks as described above, do the following to embed a table of contents file in your formatted file:  Select Make - Content in the WSformat main window. The extension of the contents file is TOC.  Now open the formatted file which has remained unchanged while executing Make - Content.  Remember the page number of the first page of your running text.  Delete the .PA commands you have inserted previously.  Copy the contents of the TOC file to the location you previously allocated.  Locate the first page of your running text again and see what page number WSformat has assigned to it. If the number has changed, leave the formatted file without saving any changes, re-open it, delete or insert a .PA command, and repeat the procedure. From a technical point of view, the Make - Content function operates independently of the headings function, explained above. It does only interpret formatted files which no longer contain any heading commands. So you can also use Make - Content if you have entered your headings manually. WSformat takes a careful look to the beginning of each paragraph of your formatted file and decides whether or not to copy this file into the table of contents file. If there is any uncertainty, the line is nevertheless copied to the table of contents file. It is always advisable to take a close look at the table of contents file and delete any lines which are not headings. The criteria are: after reading spaces and printer characters at the beginning of a paragraph, the first acceptable characters have to be  one or two normal (arabic) digits or latin numberals up to XXXVIII, followed by a dot or a close-parenthesis ')'  one or two upper- or lower-case letters, followed by a close-parenthesis ')'  a single captial letter, followed by a dot. Unrecognized Recognized 123. 12. 345) 34) 7 7. IL. XXXVIII. IV IV) B B. ab. ab) aac) ac) Because a TAF file (text and footnotes) will usually contain many paragraphs beginning with a number followed by ')' - the footnote paragraphs - all lines in TAF files with a number and ')' are not copied to the Table of Contents file. In the settings notebook, page index, you can specify whether to write page numbers or not, and whether or not to highlight main headings in boldface. In any case, an empty line is inserted before writing a main heading. The first heading type which occurs in the formatted file will be considered the 'main heading.' This can differ from the .1 command in the unformatted file. ═══ 7.4. Footnotes, End Notes, Margin Notes ═══ WSformat supports footnotes in an easy and uncomplicated way. If you prepare a file using Wordstar DOS 5-7, load such a file with footnotes or end notes into WSedit, and then save the file, these notes are converted to WSformat and Hypermake format. Because WSedit and WSformat does not support multi-column text, there is a special implementation for creating margin notes. Margin notes are very short text (e.g. 3 or 5 characters long) which appear in the left margin area. subchapters: Writing footnotes or end notes in your unformatted file Handling end notes Getting real footnotes Margin Notes next chapter: Index ═══ 7.4.1. Writing footnotes or end notes in your unformatted file ═══ Generating Footnotes or end notes with Hypermake is very simple. For example, footnote text can be quoted in brackets like [This will be the content of the footnote] after entering the dot command footnote usage: .FU[] Other useful footnote bracket pairs are { }, < > or ▄ (Alt-220) ▀ (Alt-223). In WSedit, you can highlight these specific characters (^OO settings notebook, hightlt page, entryfield spec. chars). You can add a font selection to the footnote dot command: .FU[]sfB This will select font B for your footnotes or end notes. To select a line height for your footnotes or end notes, add LH followed by your preferred value: .FU[]sfXlh7 The order of SF and LH makes no difference. While formatting, WSformat creates an FMT file where the notes text has disappeared and instead a footnote link appears an FUN file (.FU Notes file) which contains the text for all notes. You can modify the appearance of your footnote links in the settings notebook, page notes. ═══ 7.4.2. Handling end notes ═══ To embed the .FU notes file at the end of your document, you can manually copy the FUN file to the end of the FMT file, or you leave this job to WSformat: .FI *.FUN Place this command exactly as it appears above (type the '*' sign, not the filename) at the end of your unformatted file. This will cause the contents of the FUN file to appear in the FMT file. You cannot enter additional notes text in your running text after typing this .FI command. ═══ 7.4.3. Getting real footnotes ═══ Up to yet, you have only a separate file containing the text of your footnotes. Make - Text and Footnote merges an FMT (formatted text) with an FUN file (notes text) file. The result is a TAF file which combines Text and Footnotes. When merging text and footnotes together, WSformat has to make page breaks by itself. There is no way anymore to optimize the page break by hand in the formatted file. In the notes page of the settings notebook, you can define that e.g. the 2 first and the 2 last lines of a paragraph are always hold together. This omits a result where the first or the last line of a paragraphs rests alone on a page. However, this function is not adequate to produce proper page breaks. You frequently have to use the .PA page break and especially .CP conditional page break. All tables, enumerations and so on have to be prefixed by .CP commands to omit page breaks. The more .CP commands you use in your unformatted file, the fewer formatting runs you need to produce a satisfactory final TAF file. WSformat inserts the page breaks in the TAF file one line ahead of where they are necessary. You are therefore both permitted and encouraged to make minor changes in your TAF file by moving the last line on a page of your running text (Wordstar DOS and WSedit ^Y and ^U) to the beginning of the next page, or to do the converse. ═══ 7.4.4. Margin Notes ═══ Margin notes are short notes which occur in the indented left margin of the formatted file. When insertion of margin notes is activated, all formatted text will be indented. The usage is similar to the footnote / end note command of WSformat. Instead of .FU, you enter .MN margin notes (or .BV German "Blattverweise"). .MN<>3 Here is an example of a margin note, as it would occur in the indented left margin of your text. To insert such a note, you would mark<007> this line. To see what the result would be, take a look at the FMT file! This is a sample for a margin note. Margin notes occur in the left indention area of your text. Now I mark<007> this line. The characters < and > bracket the text of a margin note. '5' sets the maximum length of margin notes (in number of characters) to 3. That means that the space allocated for the margin is sufficient to accommodate when printing margin notes with a length of 3 characters: the first character of the paragraph appears in column 5, and the number of soft spaces which are inserted is 4. In the settings notebook, page Notes you can set a default value for the length of margin notes. A numeric value in the .MN command overrides this default value. When using margin notes, the text width is increased, while the right margin gets less. If you want to specify a font attribute (bold, italic) for your margin notes, you can extend the .MN command by entering ^P, followed by the appropriate Printer command character: .MN<>3^Y^Y sets the margin notes' font attribute to italic. .MN without parameters turns off the margin notes function. Margin notes and error messages It is not possible to print two margin notes on one line. Another limitation is that the length of the margin notes may not exceed the numeric value entered in the .MN command, because the space in the margin would be insufficient to accommodate it. ═══ 7.5. Index ═══ subchapters: Introduction Index char, Marking a single word Marking a phrase of several words Marking outside the running text Emphasized Index entries Several Indexes Managing Project Volumes next chapter: Conditional statements ═══ 7.5.1. Introduction ═══ Both WSformat and Hypermake can prepare indexes; the commands in the source text are nearly identical. However, the results differ. WSformat creates a file INDEX_1.WS where the format of the index is the following: Computer Networks 27 Workgroup -, administration 53 -, computing 57 The INDEX_1.WS shows the index entries in alphabetic order. To generate an index, mark the index entries in the unformatted WS file by using dot commands and special characters. Then format the text. After the page breaks of the FMT file are adjusted, the last task is to select the menu item Make - Index. WSformat reads the FMT file, writes all index entries into the temporary Wordstar file Projectname.IX1, merges the information of all *.IX1 files (even of different WS projects, see Volumes) together and writes a file INDEX_1.WS, which contains the generated index. You can then copy this file by hand into your FMT file. (You may then delete the *.IX1 files; they are not deleted by WSformat.) There are some special features beyond those available in Hypermake: emphasised index entries, where the page numbers appear in bold face several indexes INDEX_2.WS, INDEX_3.WS, for example, one only for locations, another only for persons. one index for several WS project files which represent different volumes. The index commands in your source text are identical to the Hypermake syntax. The .IN and .IT commands in this document refer to this function, but it is also possible to mark words or expressions in running text (not used in this document). Hypermake knows only one index and does not support emphasized entries. Instead, it creates links from all other occurrences of the expression to the marked occurrence. ═══ 7.5.2. Index char, Marking a single word ═══ Enabling index function; selecting the Index Character In the WS file, the dot command .IC# (.ST#) index character let you specify an index character. # represents an arbitrary character which is not otherwise used in your text. This setting is valid up to the end of your document. Marking a single word You can mark a single word for indexing with the index char. A #workgroup is a group of people... The index char is visible both in the WS and the FMT file, but is neither printed nor shown in the Preview window. ═══ 7.5.3. Marking a phrase of several words ═══ When using the index char, only one word will be marked. A word ends with the first character which is not a letter or '-'. To mark a phrase, you have to use colons ':' as brackets: Today, the #:security of computers: is... ... Nevertheless, the #:security of mainframes: can be... ... But the #:usability of computers; has to... In the index, it will appear as: computers, usability of 37 security -, of computers 37 -, of mainframes 37 Note the difference between the first and second examples and the third: A `#:XXXX:' with a colon at the end will use the first word of the phrase as the leading word; a `#:XXXX;' with a semicolon after the last word. The leading word is the word which determines the alphabetic order in the index. You can use the `colon brackets' to crop endings: The importance of #:computer:s is growing... In the index `computer' will appear without the `s'. ═══ 7.5.4. Marking outside the running text ═══ With the dot command INdex .in security of computers you can place a word or a phrase in the index. Because it is a dot command, `phrase' will not be printed. You can use this command when the phrase you want to place in the index does not appear explicitly in the running text. For Wordstar compatibility, .IX with all specific Wordstar syntax is also supported. Normally, the first word of the phrase will be the leading word. If you want instead to make the last word the leading word, such as using the brackets colon-semicolon in running text, you can use the dot command index turned. .it usability of computers has the same effect as .in computers usability of Because Hypermake treats these two lines different, it is useful to use the .in index turned notation in WSformat, and it is more legible in the WS file. ═══ 7.5.5. Emphasized Index entries ═══ `Emphasized index entries' receive a bold-case page number in the index. To emphasize an index entry, type the index char twice A ##workgroup is a group of people... Today, the ##:security of computers: is... or use the dot commands .IN or .IT in upper-case letters: .IT usability of computers instead of .it usability of computers ═══ 7.5.6. Several Indexes ═══ WSformat supports more than one index; Hypermake does not. To produce several indexes, you must use the .IC command several times, e. g.: .IC# (default index) .IC& (location index) .IC% (person index) (But Hypermake allows only one index. In Hypermake, you can change the index character when using .IC a second time.) You can now use three index characters in the running text. It is possible to mark an expression for several indexes: A #&%workgroup is a group of people... You also have access to the additional indexes by using the dot commands: .IN& New York .IN#&% Workgroup .IN with no index character refers to the first index. When using Make - Index, the indexes are written to the files INDEX_1.WS, INDEX_2.WS, INDEX_3.WS. ═══ 7.5.7. Managing Project Volumes ═══ While running Make - Index, the current FMT file is read and information about index entries is stored in the Wordstar file Projectname.IX1. You can produce one or more such volumes. The only thing required is to write a number between the name of the file and the file extension ".WS": MyProject1.WS MyProject2.WS MyProject3.WS and then to run Make - Index on all these projects. Because the temporary file MyProject1.IX1 remains available when running Make - Index on MyProject2, you get several *.IX1 files. The merging function always refers to all *.IX1 files and merges all Projects (Volumes) together. To distinguish Page 30 of MyProject1 from Page 30 of MyProject2, the page numbers are also shown as roman numerals for the different volumes: security -, of computers I-30 -, of mainframes II-30 WSformat can generate roman numerals up to 38. ═══ 7.6. Conditional statements ═══ With conditional statements, you can create slightly different variations of the FMT files, derived from the same source text. If you insert these commands in the FMT file manually, these commands will not be interpreted during previewing and printing, because only the format function recognizes these commands. There are three dot commands: .IF CONDITION .ELSE .END The condition statements are not case-sensitive. Note that The ELSE command need not be included. This means text between these commands is interpreted only if the condition is set (is true). They are set in the WSformat main window, if entry field. You may enter more than one condition, which must be separated by spaces. The condition WSFORMAT is always set. Use this condition to distinguish text designated for Hypermake or for WSformat. The OS/2 version of WSformat also sets the condition OS2. WSformat also supports the following expressions: .IF NOT COND .IF COND1 AND COND2 .IF COND1 OR COND2 I regret that more sophisticated if-conditions grouped with parentheses are not supported. The Wordstar command .EI end if can be used instead of the .END command. ═══ 8. FAQ ═══ I will place questions I get from you here. ═══ 9. About ═══ subchapters: Registration Disclaimer Author Versions and future plans History Bug report Download Location Trademarks Other progs ═══ 9.1. Registration ═══ WSformat is Shareware, but this refers only to the formatting function. If you format documents often, you are asked to register. You are allowed to send WSformat to friends or to a publishing house for printing your formatted document. The registration key rests on your computer. WSedit is Freeware. The normal registration fee is 120 Dollar or 100 EUR. The student registration fee is only 30$ or 25 EUR. The key is valid for all 1.X versions and for all supported operating systems. When ordering more than one licenses, you will get a 40% discount for every additional license (non-student licenses). You can register this software via BMT Micro. If you want to get the student price, please send a copy of your Student ID to BMT Micro. Please visit http://www.writeandset.com/english/register.html to get a BMT Micro order form. If you contact BMT Micro, I will get informed by E-Mail. Then I send you the registration key. This process takes 1-2 days. If you have got a bank account in an Euro country, you can transfer the money to my bank account in Germany Dresdner Bank Ottobrunn, german bank code 700 800 00, account Nr. 075 64 62 400. In this case send me your Student ID via postal mail or fia FAX to Germany (I'll send you my FAX number via E-Mail.) ═══ 9.2. Disclaimer ═══ WSformat is provided as is and comes with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the author be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software. ═══ 9.3. Author ═══ Dr. Martin Vieregg, 37. I've studied economics. My main job is working in my own consulting company. Our special subject is public transport, especially railways and airports. The title of my doctoral (PhD) thesis was 'increasing efficiency of railway long-distance passenger traffic'. E-Mail address: Martin@hypermake.de Homepage of my Freeware- and Shareware programs: http://www.hypermake.com Postal Address: Dr. Martin Vieregg Emdenstr. 11 D-81735 Munich (Germany) ═══ 9.4. Versions and future plans ═══ WSformat 0.81 The first published version of WSformat. 0.8X are alpha versions. If you have bug reports and ideas for new functionality, please E-Mail me! WSformat 0.82 is only a bugfix of 0.81. WSformat 0.83 contains the index functionality. The index is also described in the docu (chapter extended text formatting). A handful minor bugfixes. WSformat 0.84 has got a "format info and error message window" where error and info messages appear concerning formatting: E.g. an error message occurs here if a dot command is used in a wrong way. Then 0.84 fixes some redraw problems of the preview window. WSformat 0.85 points the focus to communication between WSformat and WSedit. The archive file also contains a new WSedit program. The new functions concerning both programs are:  Doubleclick to a message in the error message window opens WSedit with the cursor in the paragraph refering to the error message  Running "format" automatically saves the WS file, running "preview" or "print" automatically saves the formatted file (see settings notebook, page Program, checkbox auto save). The .FM formatting on/off command has been replaced by .BD .BE (enable/disable formatting) because .FM is already allocated by "foot margin". WSformat 0.92, 0.93 the first beta version, a lot of bugs fixed. Bubble help file dothelpe.txt explains the WSformat commands in the WSedit editor window. WSformat 0.94 A really important bugfix, dozens of smaller bugs now fixed. New Name "Write&Set" for WSedit+WSformat. A "insert dot command" window (click to the "command" menu item in WSformat main menu) is programmed new and let you insert dot commands per mouse click. Future versions There are a lot of things to to in the next month. Jobs I plan for the next time:  translating WSformat to german (WSedit is already translated)  faster preview on big documents when browsing a document back  more graphics file formats (GIF and JPG)  multi-colum support for preview and printing  jump from Preview back to FMT or WS file and search the same location Perhaps I will publish a smaller Freeware EXE version with print functionality only (WSview). After publishing Write&Set 1.0, I want to publish a Linux version and to translate Write&Set into German. To translate Write&Set to other languages, I need help from native speakers. Please contact me if you are interested in such an effort - you will receive a donation for your work. Last but not least, I'm thinking about a substitute format for the WS file format. Hypermake already interpretes ANSI text with dot commands, and for WSedit and WSformat I plan this, too. But the concrete format definition has to be considered very well. Perhaps I only implement this option for unformatted files, and not for formatted files. ═══ 9.5. History ═══ In the late 80's, I published a Worstar DOS extension program 'StarExtender' in german language which had hyphenation, footnote, Line drawing, index and proportional printing support. WSformat is based on this program which is very-well tested for a lot of years. This is the reason that the basic format functionality works very well even WSformat is beta state software. Because the formatting and printing kernel is optimized for old computers from the 80's, today WSformat is extremely fast. ═══ 9.6. Bug report ═══ Fixed Bugs 0.81.01: (Win95-98-ME) Registering printer fonts fails, program hangs 0.81.02: (all) WSformat.dta user settings were not written 0.82.01: malfunction using .PM and .LM 0.82.02: malfunction when creating Fonts.ini if a large number of fonts is installed 0.83 fixes also a handful other minor bugs, not worth to mention. 0.84.01: redraw problems of the preview window 0.85.01: Preview in Landscape format was not programmed yet 0.85.02: running WSedit from WSformat with long filenames containing spaces did not work 0.85.03: Underlining several words in running text was not continous 0.92, 0.93: smaller bugfixes 0.94.01: several Preview window redraw problems fixed 0.94.02: Fonts names with " characters, e.g. .SFA" did not work 0.94.03: wrong page break when using comment lines 0.94.04: WSformat crashes while closing when the "registering fonts" window was active 0.94 and 0.95 fixes also a lot of smaller bugs, not worth all to mention. In 0.94, communication between WSformat, WSedit and reverse was buggy, especially in the Windows version. So features which were already programmed have not worked. Known Bugs, not fixed yet none yet ═══ 9.7. Download Location ═══ http://www.WriteAndSet.com Filenames: OS/2-eCS version: wset-os2.zip Win95/98/ME/NT/Win2000/XP version: wset-win.zip Archive file names with version number (e.g. wset100.zip) are usually the Windows version. ═══ 9.8. Trademarks ═══ IBM and OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. WordStar is a trademark of The Learning Company. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft. ═══ 9.9. Other progs ═══ Other programs I have written, both Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and OS/2 (Linux versions for some programs are planned) Hypermake: A Hypertext compiler which creates HTML files, Winhelp MS HTML-Help and OS/2 Help from WSformat source files. The WSformat help file is created from this docu by Hypermake. Automatic linking, window arrangement, helptables, footnotes, tables and other features. Shareware if source file > 20 kB. WSedit: Wordstar (DOS)-compatible editor: Reading and writing Wordstar (DOS) files, ASCII IBM and ISO codepage. Supports Wordstar Ctrl key commands and CUA commands. Syntax-highlightning, Translation, spell checking, function key macro recorder and a lot of other features. WSedit handles very large ASCII files. Freeware. pmCalc: a "pocket" calculator automatic clipboard functionality, programmers and scientific functions, Regression. There's a separate input and output field, the formula you type rests in the input field. (Shareware) TinyAlarm: A simple countdown with a slider from 1 to 60, an alarm by entering alarm time and a chime. System shutdown. Freeware. cd-shortcut: instead of whole directory names you enter only substrings. Searching through several drives and opening OS/2 WPS folders. Freeware. Simple Zipshell: Packing and unpacking ZIP files by using the graphical desktop. Freeware. Clear: (only OS/2) Uses also Info-Zip and let you backup your data e.g. on floppies. You can enter filenames like *.BAK which are not copied, directories which are skipped. Then you can enter filenames with a specific age which are deleted. Freeware. For more information, screenshots and downloads, visit my Homepage http://www.hypermake.com end of document