Welcome to txt2html test

You can create HTML text from ordinary text file!

new paragraph separated by empty string

Special character & " < > are automatically converted. If 850 code page is used special characters like รค converting to HTML notation.

(first string is considered as the header and the title of document)

two empty lines is header H2

definition list consists from lines, starting from sign '-', '[' or numbers. or like this (as separate paragraphs):

1. line first

2. line second
However, a single string, starting with - inside paragraph - doesn't considered as a list!
   paragraph with huge spaces or tabulation are considered as 
   preformatted text.
                 column1          column2
                 column1          column2
                 column1          column2

However, paragraph started with tabulation, is considered as ordinary text.

Paragraph with preformatted test with columns is converted to table.
cell11 cell12 cell13 cell14 cell15
cell21 cell22 cell23 cell24 cell25
cell31 cell32 cell33 cell34 cell35
cell41 cell42 cell43 cell44 cell45
a1 a2 & b2 a3
a4 mail@me.please!a5
Note, that a table must have a lot of spaces, or tabs and two tables must be separated by at least two lines.

Take care: preformatted text with some pseudo column also is considered as table:
more example
please, look atthis!

short line in center

look at horizontal rules:



And now - URLs

You can simply type URL in your text: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu, www.leo.org, ftp.leo.org, president@whitehouse.gov, myfile.html etc.

Extra point will be excluded from URL: www.w3.org

Words which are looking as 'broken' URL (such as ftp. , xhttp: , @ ) are not considered as hyperlinks.

Also you can include images into HTML by typing image file name: /icons/img.jpg (this file is not exist) or txt2html.gif (this file is exist). Note that extra attributes for IMG tag (HEIGHT, WIDTH) will added for latter file.

New version of the program you may find at http://wgc.chem.pu.ru/personal/valera/mypub/

Any comments, bugs, suggestions send to Valera Veryazov : valera@wgc.chem.pu.ru