Web2C-7.2 for OS/2

I compiled for Web2C-7.2 for building Japanese TeX "ASCII-pTeX".
But you can use Web2C-7.2 under OS/2 Warp 4.

Supported platform: OS/2 Warp 4( I don't test Warp3, 2.11, 2.1)
Required Harddisk space: 70MB(HPFS-formatted.)
Required software: emx0.9d+fix2 runtime:
GNU shell utilities, GNU file utilities, GNU text utlities,
GNU sed, GNU awk, PDKSH, GNU grep

How to install.
  1. Download and set up "emx 0.9d runtime",  "GNU shell utilities, GNU file utilities, GNU text utilities, GNU sed, GNU awk, PDKSH
  2. Download archives, 'web2c72.zip', 'dvips578.zip', 'txmflb75.zip', 'base9906.zip', 'mendx24c.zip'
  3. From now on, I simulate to install Web2C-7.2 for OS/2 under d:\usr\local
  4. unzip downloaded all archive files with "-d d:\usr\local" option. like this, "unzip web2c72.zip -d d:\usr\local", "unzip dvips578.zip -d d:\usr\local", etc...
  5. set up environmental valiables:
  6.     add these lines to your CONFIG.SYS,
  7.     set TEXMF=d:/usr/local/share/texmf
  8.     set TEXMF=d:/usr/local/share/texmf/web2c
  9.     add to PATH d:\usr\local\bin
  10.     set TMPDIR=d:/tmp
  11. Then shutdown and reboot.
  12. Now you can use Web2C for OS/2

If you have any question or any trouble, please E-mail to Yoshihiro Daikoku.
Link: If you looking for Web2C-7.2 based pdftex and etc... , follow this link. Jun Sawataishi's Web2C page.
Created: Fri Nov 05 0:12:23 1999

This page was created by
Yoshihiro Daikoku( E-mail: ez9y-dikk@asahi-net.or.jp )