Text to HTML converter
Version 1.0, August 20th, 1997


This is a text to HTML converter. It uses an existing plain text file and produces an HTML version, suitable for publishing on the World Wide Web. The advantage of using Txt2html is to preserve the layout of your plain text files when viewed with a web browser.

This converter is freely available on the Internet, and is provided free of charge. It may be freely distributed with all files intact, but Stellar-X would like to be informed if it is distributed on any packages. Users must NOT be charged for this converter.

It is available for Linux at Sunsite (It is compiled using Red Hat release 3.0.3 (Picasso)).

There are also versions for OS/2 Warp 3.0, DOS, and Windows 3.1. Download the latest version from your favourite FTP site, or check at my home page. Macintosh, AIX and Solaris versions are pending. HTML to text, and HTML-IPF converters are also available for download.

Installation and use

For Linux, ask your System Administrator to put the executable txt2html into the /usr/bin directory.

For OS/2, DOS, and Windows, place the executable TXT2HTML.EXE (or THWIN.EXE) in any directory, but preferably in your path.

For OS/2, you may like to create a program object for the executable. Then drop any text file onto this object, and it will convert it for you.

For Windows 3.1/95/NT, you may create a shortcut/icon pointing to the executable. You may need to use its arguments to set the file to convert. Using the Explorer/File Manager, drop the text file icon onto the executable's icon.

Usage modes

Usage is simple. Type

txt2html Text file

Where the argument, Text file, is the file to convert. A new file, result.html, (or result.htm) contains the resultant text file. It is ready for use, or further editing. It also contains the date the file was generated, and its source file and directory, for future reference.

Please keep in mind that all text formatting is preserved. All ", <, >, & characters are substituted with the appropriate HTML tag. No other special characters are substituted, since each platform uses a different ASCII set. This may be resolved in future releases of Txt2html.


Everybody may freely use and distribute Txt2html, as long as all files are intact. Stellar-X will provide technical support, but it is not responsible for any damage this software may cause. PLEASE register by informing Stellar-X by email or post. A nice postcard would be cool. If you have any commendations, requests, or suggestions for improvement, we will be pleased to hear from you.

Mr Antonino Iannella
Stellar-X Pty Ltd
6 Bolingbroke Avenue

Email antonino@usa.net.

Download latest versions from http://members.tripod.com/~antonino.

Version history

Version 1   - Released.